Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 21, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Vaccinated Corpses Are Emitting Radio Frequencies That Trace Back to Bill Gates
Recently the People’s voice channel has done some amazing reporting on everything I have been speaking of and uncovering over the past 3 years. These videos are worth watching. There is so much revelation going on, a lot of political turmoil with the recent Trump Assassination attempt, Biden’s dropping out of the presidential race. I will continue to report on what people should not forget about - that self assembly nanotechnology has now been deployed in the blood of all people, via the COVID19 bioweapons, geoengineering, food, water etc. Making people aware so they can do something about their contamination status, remains and important effort to ensure the survival of our species. Mortality rates everywhere are on the rise and I know that part of what is causing this is the self assembly nanotechnology in people’s blood.
This is the correlation of self assembly nanotechnology in the COVID19 bioweapons, the RF frequency transmission of the deceased COVID19 injected. This week on my show I am interviewing Dr Pedro Chavez, whom we have seen in the documentary Bluetruth comusav , where he showed his experimentation and study of vaccinated people emitting MAC addresses, as well as grave sites of the COVID injected. Dr Chavez has had excellent results with Chlorine Dioxide and I am so happy that he now is incorporating my treatment protocols with EDTA, Vitamin C and Methylene Blue as well, including other supplements I have been using at my clinic to disable and detoxify this diabolical technology. Don’t miss this weeks show! We have some stunning new revelations for you!
I would like to remind people that I have shown evidence of self assembly nanotechnology from embalmed blood of a COVID19 injected individual who had died 8 months prior with the rubbery clots - I had received this sample from embalmer Richard Hirschman and first reported on this in June 2023 on Maria Zeee’s show:
I also have shown that the same technology can be found in unvaccinated blood which is what I am very concerned about. Dr Chavez has confirmed - and you will see this Thursday - that 1/3 of unvaccinated people who received the PCR swab also are emitting a MAC address, indicating fully functional installed AI programmable software. I have documented this extensively in COVID19 unvaccinated live blood:
I have also documented the microchip assembly in COVID 19 unvaccinated individuals and have shown that these mesogen DNA biosensors are what Dr. Hildegard Staninger documented in 2012 in Targeted Individuals.
I and Clifford Carnicom have long been documenting that the same self assembly nanotechnology that has been sprayed via chemtrails is in the COVID 19 bioweapons and that there is chemical overlap of environmental polymer filaments and the COVID lipid nanoparticle technology.
Similar chemical components were found in the brain chips of targeted individuals:
This is what whistleblowers are now saying:
Pilot Testifies Bill Gates Spraying 'Air Vax' mRNA on Humanity via Chemtrails
Remember that the Sars Cov “virus” is a synthetic biological bioweapon of mass destruction and all components of the microchip and electronics development have been synthesized by the sequence. This is in addition to the metals and polymer hydrogels that were in the COVID19 shots. Also remember that Flu shots and all childhood vaccines I looked at had the same self assembly nanotechnology - as did other medications like Insulin, Dexamethasone, Enbrel, dental anestetics etc.
Note this russian study found amyloid like ( which can also be hydrogel polymers) nanoparticles and fibers:
This scientific article described that the spike sequence encodes for hydrogel at pH7, not amyloid - either way its self assembly nanotechnology.
Remember all of the articles that have documented the technology in the shots and I have previously written about with extensive findings of metals used for semiconductor nanotechnology.
This UK forensic report of the COVID 19 bioweapon analysis used motion sensors to prove that self assembly is going on in the vials. They found Graphene species.
We know Graphene and metals are sprayed on us via Geoengineering operations
I have discussed the Argentinian findings of Graphene and 54 undisclosed metals like Lanthanides used for fluorescent biosensor technology:
I also have analyzed spider silk sprayed in California and we know that spidroins gene sequences to make dragline silk, the strongest form of military grade spider silk, have been found in the COVID DNA contamination.
I have also discussed that the spider silk, which is a polyamide protein is exactly the chemical composition Clifford and I found in human blood and how this is used in the biotechnology sector to create self assembly nanotechnology biosensors. Additionally the rubbery clots, that could not be dissolved had polyamide chemical signatures. So they can be both, a weapon that kills humans via rubbery clot formation and a biosensor AI brain computer interface.
Polyamides, polyethylene and polyvinyl alcohol was found via near infrared spectroscopy in human blood.
Rubbery clots, once formed, could not be dissolved by the most caustic agents:
There is a lot of reveal going on everywhere. It is important to remember all of the evidence of the cause for the ongoing excess mortality and the transformation of humanity into Cyborg AI controlled automatons that is going on under people’s nose, ignored by many.
I am concerned about this election time and the complete silence of presidential candidates regarding the ongoing human COVID19 genocide.
The current VP pick has deep ties with Silicon Valley the seat of the new AI technocratic transhumanist “religion”. He has invested in biotech companies.
Battelle, investors including J.D. Vance, launch gene therapy startup, AmplifyBio
Google’s Peter Thiel has supported Vance.
How Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley funded the sudden rise of JD Vance
Vance is expected to deregulate AI - which is the opposite of what we need - given that the AI control over people’s nanotechnology in the blood could lead to human extermination.
J.D. Vance’s A.I. Agenda: Reduce Regulation
Silicon Valley is where the real Masterminds of the transhumanist technocratic agenda reside, including Google engineer Ray Kurzweil. Kurzweils newest book “ The Singularity is nearer - when humans fuse with AI” is quite explicit about the creation of Zombies, and he discusses how the zombie would not be recognizable to other humans, but their consciousness is fully AI controlled. The fusion of humans with AI via implantable nanorobots that swim in our blood stream and the military agenda to augment humans well beyond supersoldiers is also extensively discussed with plenty of mentions of the 4th Industrial Revolution sustainable development goals and full endorsement by Gates, WEF spokesperson Yuval Harrarri and even Tony Robbinson. Unaugmented humans will be less than pets to these omnipotent technocrats. I will discuss Kurzweil’ s new book in a separate article soon. The former President Trump himself met with Victor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, for "peace mission 5.0" . Society 5.0 is a vision of the Japanese adopted internationally as the fourth industrial revolution, meaning a "superior" society based on nanotechnology, AI . ( Peace 5.0 links Courtesy Dr Geanina Hagima).
So will nanotechnology 4th industrial revolution be implemented regardless of who is in office? I am nervous about these powerful political ties to Silicon Valley and the continued silence about self assembly nanotechnology in COVID19 bioweapons and other sources, now deployed against humanity everywhere.
This is why it is so important to keep alerting people about the subject.
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Skupe - Jul 21
Gates is a psychopath and into eugenics with that stupid grin of his.
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Kenneth J Hinnenkamp - Jul 21
KenKrypto’s Substack
There are no viruses. The viruses are the vaccines.
REPLY | 14 replies
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