Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 20, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Unvaccinated Blood shows light particle filled sphere and hydrogel filament growing out of it
My last interview with Maria Zeee was in my mind revolutionary. I captured the self assembly process going on in embalmed blood and took video of the speres containing the light emitting conscious artificial intelligent technology that builds the hydrogel filaments in the blood. This video footage is imperative to see for everyone so you understand self assembly and genesis of these filaments we see in the blood.
I first was alerted by Dr. David Nixon and Engineer Shimon Yanowitz that there was more to the “ bubbles” we saw in the blood. I just dismissed them as air trapped under the slide cover. But they were right, and in looking at the embalmed blood I saw this clearly.
I had an unvaccinated couple come to my office. The lady experienced extreme fatigue, not resolved by visits to many functional doctors. I looked at her blood and I was astounded by what I saw. In the first video, you can see a huge blue hydrogel nanotechnology filament grow out of a sphere. This is a 100x magnification. When its blue like this, its self assembled nanotech. Nothing else.
There were many other filaments with spheres seen - in one drop of blood:
In this video, in the same blood drop, you can see the same light emitting small spheres are responsible for interacting and building the filaments. It is as if the spheres are mathematically fractal. Smaller light spheres accumulate to create larger ones but the individual small ones can give information for filament growth. These look exactly like what I saw in the embalmed blood. Now that I had seen in in a person’s blood who has been dead for 8 months, I no longer dismissed these classic “blinking lights” as some sort of food or bacteria… they are technology and they change from blue to red to yellow light. This is in an alive unvaccinated person:
I kept the slide for a few days and wanted to see what happened to the filament and the sphere. You can see the red blood cells are damaged from leaving them, the hydrogel filament is still clearly visible. The sphere has gotten larger and irregular. This filament is thousands of times larger than a red blood cell, and could certainly cause problems.
In the area where a lot of red blood cells had died, you clearly still see the light spheres:
Here is a sphere left with the same content. Remember this is exactly what I saw in the embalmed blood.
This is what the blood of the partner looked like. Identical blue filaments with many smaller spheres attached. It made me think of mutual shedding because you do not see these specific blue filaments that often and this large. The fact that both partners had them made me think they are reinfecting each other with it. 100 x magnification
He had many blue filaments which is unusual - if I find blue ones its usually just one.
Remember this is what I found in the embalmed blood - blinking lights in a sphere and the spheres kept growing and self assembling. Also if you see my video with Maria Zeee above, I show how the hydrogel in dexamethasone assembles huge hydrogel filaments.
This is what I found in another unvaccinated person’s blood. Look familiar?
This is yet another individual who felt like he was dying when he came to see me. You can clearly see the spheres with substrate and the filaments:
I am convinced now that Dr. Nixon was right and that these spheres are what create the hydrogel filaments and provide the substrate to self assemble them.
You look at the images and contemplate it yourself. Now looking back, I realize that for months I had been dismissing these as air bubbles caught by the cover slip, but they are nano technology substrates for self assembly - in essence poisoning the host.
Imagine if this is what I find in one drop of blood, how much is there in six liters? This technology grows and grows and does not stop!
These filaments can cause heart attacks, strokes and many other problems.
It would be important to get a live blood analysis by someone who knows what they are looking at. I say that because I have seen live blood practitioners falsely claim people have clean blood - while they are filled with these filaments. Another claim is these are holograms. I assure you, they are not. Please find someone who knows about the nanotech and understands what they are seeing.
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kerrylyn - Jun 20, 2023 - Edited
So whether vaccinated or not, our blood is equally contaminated? We know excess deaths are among the vaccinated. You need to tell us more about the patients whose blood you're analysing: where they're from (heavily chem-trailed area?); no. of swabs stuck up their nose; whether they're habitual mask-wearers ... You're basically saying the jabs are not responsible for the state of one's blood and we're all in the same boat. Don't buy it. It's also a great way to exculpate cv-19 vax manufacturers and gov'ts who forced their citizens to be injected with this crap. Also the people coming to see you are obviously unwell. And just how many patients do you see? With all the studying, conferences, interviews you do, what time do you have left over? Seriously, much bigger samples are needed in order to draw firm conclusions.
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Susan sullivan - Jun 20, 2023
Susan’s Substack
At this point in time we all need to be on the long-haul Covid protocol to keep and get a micro biome balanced because that is the heartbeat of our immune system. Dr. Sabine Hazan has a protocol you may contact her. I believe, wholeheartedly, that is our Hope in this as well as using EDTA Cream and taking the supplements that Dr Hazan and Dr. Anna have advised. This is the link that Dr. ana shared with us to buy the EDTA cream etc.’ll have to look up an interview on the Maria Zee Rumble channel For the information. God bless you all. And thank you Dr. Ana for your diligence you are amazing and God is using you mightily during this time
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