Russian Study Finds Self Assembly Nanoparticles and Nanofibers: "Self-assembling amyloid-like nanostructures from SARS-CoV-2 S1, S2, RBD and N recombinant proteins"

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 15, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Here is the link to the article:


Please note the Amyloid Protein polymerizaton is the same as self assembly protein polymers used in nanotechnology. They are using a medical term for what I have been saying all along. Prion like protein, polyamide protein polymer, self assembly protein hydrogels all are describing the same thing- the rubbery clot material we have been analyzing and seeing in the live blood analysis.

The Thailand Medical News Reported on this study:

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Bee Gee - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited

Bee Gee

Good for the Russians, although most of the world will probably never see it.
I now think sars-cov2 was like the firmware that was required to install the fake vaxx software and everyone got it, because they were and are actively spreading it. Anyone who did not get sars-cov2 couldnt get the shedding, but all the tests were intentionally fake and things like fake masking just helped spread it.
In kirkland Wa in Nov and Dec of 2019 I started noticing chinese people in the grocery store would walk right up to whatever you were looking at, literally less than 12 inches from you, then pick it up and spin it around like a game show host and then put it back down and not actually buy anything. And I worked in tech in Seattle for decades, I dont think all asians look the same but when I took pics or video of it they would immediately pretend to leave the store.
Then as masking and social distancing started, it kept happening over and over. One day I was talking shit about it in the checkout line at the Safeway on 85th, how these chinese were all inside my personal space and picking up what I was looking at and not buying it.
And what do you know, another guy and his wife in line said 'hey, that just happened to me too' and then some in the next line over said it happened to them too.
Ive seen this happen in multiple states, and it happened just the other day in fact. Im in a red state, no masks anywhere but we pull up in the store parking lot and see an asian chick with a mask on walking all the way across the huge parking lot, like she parked at the store next door off camera.
My wife was going in, so I told her watch, I bet you that chick makes a beeline to the meat department and starts picking up all kinds of meat but not buying any.
She didnt want to believe me, she never does but I had told about it in Kirkkland of course and she knows Im pretty observant so she went in and damn if that wasnt exactly what the Only masked person in the entire store was doing.
No cart, no basket, just picking packages up, spinning them around and handling but not reading anything on it, just pick it up and repeat. Over and over and over.
So I think without sars-cov2 there is no shedding.
Also if you look at kevin mckernan/anonymous japanese dudes RNA map of the ring, there is a big portion in the top right corner no one can identify.
Its not in Any of the RNA mapping databases, which pretty much means it is unknown on earth because they have mapped pretty much everything known now.
I think that is what causes the magnetism that isnt magnetism and that can shed from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.
An unknown unmapped chunk of RNA spreading to unvaxxed people and some kind of previously unknown effect afflicting them are not a coincidence, imho.

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Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Dec 15, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

This is exactly what I have been learning for two decades now. Nomenclature allows scientists to hide things under multiple names so they're harder for people to find. When I look up a term plus nomenclature I find it is listed under many things, sometimes a dozen or more names, although sometimes there is not even a connection. It requires more research to uncover.
For example genetics continues to rename genes and make alternative names, not listing all of them in the same description allowing confusion over function and purpose.
This is what I've been suspicious of with things like infectious clones they may be re-naming forms of gain of function to hide it from people.
Then people on substack say things like viruses don't have lipid envelopes confusing everyone more by lying about what viruses do how they are formed and what they are capable of

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