Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 08, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Near Infrared Spectrum Analysis of the lower layer of CDB isolate from C19 unvaccinated blood.
Executive Summary:
In this paper we present the Near Infrared Chemical Analysis Fingerprint of the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) lower layer isolate from unvaccinated blood from which the filament structures grow. We have shown in previous studies that this CDB is the origin of the filaments seen in C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood.
Three separate disciplines used to study this synthetic biology microorganism - Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR), Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP MS) and Electrochemical Analysis are entirely consistent.
Chemical functional groups that can compose hydrogel polymer plastics were found (Vinyl, Polyamides, Aromatic Amines, Polymeric Alcohols). Aromatic functional groups have been found. Graphene is Aromatic and further studies are needed to determine if this is part of the CDB chemical composition. Halogens were detected via NIR as well as electrochemical analysis performed previously.
The CDB foreign protein analysis in historical toxicology studies shows extreme toxicity to life forms.
Abnormal filament structures have been found in live blood of C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood around the world. Clifford Carnicom and I have performed extensive research to identify the commonalities of Cross Domain Bacteria (aka Morgellons) - a synthetic biological lifeform engineered from all domains of life archea, eucaryotes and bacteria - and the post C19 injection era nanotechnological and synthetic filaments in blood. They have been presumed by some to consist of hydrogel, metals and graphene.
Image: Live Blood analysis showing CDB filament with rouleaux formation in unvaccinated blood
In this progressive report, we describe Near Infrared Spectrum Analysis (NIR) on the lower layer of the C19 unvaccinated blood transformed and isolated by Chronopotentiometry - applying low level electrical current to the blood.
This method and results was described in this previous article:
As discussed previously, the filaments seen in C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood were shown to decrease electrical conductivity of the blood by up to 47%, while causing increased iron oxidation and decreased oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.
Additionally the filaments were shown to grow under exposure of low level electrical current. These filaments have been found in live blood, meat products, rain water sprayed from geoengineering projects, medical supplies, C19 vials. I have shown in previous posts chemical similarities between environmental CDB filaments called Morgellons and the C19 Pfizer lipid nanoparticles.
Image: NIR Chemical Signature Fingerprint of CDB lower layer
The NIR analysis of the CDB layer which has been shown to be the origin of genesis of the filaments in the blood was analyzed. The Reference Literature used was: “Practical Guide and Spectral Atlas for Interpretive Near Infrared Spectroscopy by Jerry Workman Jr and Lois Weyer. 2nd Edition, CRC Press 2012.”
From a chemical standpoint these are the functional groups that are tentatively identified within the CDB extracted layer. They can be seen as a fingerprint of the synthetic biology organism. The data was taken in addition to the context of historical work by Clifford Carnicom, described in the 3 part paper Morgellons A Working Hypothesis .
The functional groups found in the category of Polyamides: Polyamides are macromolecular compounds having amide groups in the polymer backbone which form strong interchain hydrogen bonds that are responsible for the high strength and thermal stability of polyamides. Natural polyamides are proteins, such as wool and silk, while artificial are nylons, aramids and sodium poly-aspartate.
The functional groups found in the category of Vinyls: Vinyl is an alkenyl functional group found in allyls, acrylates and styrenics. It contains the hydrocarbon vinyl group (CH2=CH-) and can be made to polymerize to form polyvinyl compounds such as polyvinyl chloride (These are plastics and hydrogels components).
The functional groups found in the category Aromatic Amides: Aromatic amines are byproducts of manufacturing plastics , industrial chemicals and other products such as iron, steel, dyes, pharmaceuticals, oil refining, personal household services, textile manufacturing, leather manufacturing and rubber. They can also be found in tobacco smoke well-cooked meat hair dyes and diesel exhaust.
The functional groups found in the category Polymeric Alcohols: Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a synthetic biodegradable thermoplastic polymer ( aka hydrogel or plastic ) which is nontoxic and completely biodegradable. PVA shows excellent mechanical and thermal properties due to better interfacial adhesion with reinforcing material such as fibers, particles or flakes, making it ideal for applications such as resins, medical, building industry and packaging materials.
All of the above can be used to create Hydrogels.
The functional groups found in the category Aromatic: Graphene has been shown to be aromatic as described in this paper: Is graphene aromatic? Given the many questions if Graphene is involved in the filament structure seen in the live blood and C19 vials it would be imperative to do further chemical analysis.
The functional groups found in the category Hydrocarbon Methyl and Methyl groups : Methyl groups are extremely important to the body and vital for normal cell replication. They “turn on” or “turn off” genes. Stage II liver detoxification, protein methylation, homocysteine metabolism (increasing methyl groups reduces inflammation), neurotransmitter synthesis, and nucleic acid synthesis all need methyl groups. This poses the question if the CDB microbe is stealing methyl groups from the body, hence causing accelerated aging, DNA damage and disease.
The functional groups found in the category Halogens ( Methyl Iodine, Methyl Bromine, Methyl Chlorine): Exposure to halogens, such as chlorine or bromine, results in environmental and occupational hazard to the lung and other organs.
Last year, in the analysis of lower layer blood done exactly as repeated for this paper, the same Halogens as well as Nitrogen and Sulfur components were found via electrochemical analysis: Blood Alterations IV : Foreign Protein Analysis
Blood Subjected to Electrical Current:
Settled Layer Candidate Chemical Constituents:
1. Halogens (Cl, Br)
2. Peroxide (H 2 0 2 ,oxidizer)
3. Phosphate compound (H3PO4)
4. Metals in ionic form (Ca, Fe, Mg, Al)
5. Hydrazoic Acid (HN 3 )
6. Iron – cyanide complex [Fe(CN6)]
5. Metals in ionic form (Fe, Al, Mn)
6. Nitrogen & Sulfur compounds
It is important to note that we are always correlating findings of the blood CDB filaments with the environmental filaments that are being sprayed on humanity via geoengineering/ bioenegineering. The inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP MS) of the environmental filaments showed similar minerals and metals as found in the lower layer of blood CDB isolate. Environmental Filament Project : Metals Testing Laboratory Report
We are reporting high level consistency of findings between our current NIR study and the electrochemical analysis done last year on C19 unvaccinated blood sample and the Mass Spectroscopy analysis of the environmental filament.
All three analysis modalities confirm chemical components of
Halogens (Chlorine, Bromide, Iodine)
Electrolytes and Ions ( Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Manganese)
Nitrogen and Sulfur compounds
Specifically you can see overlap of Calcium, Iron and Magnesium levels in the environmental filaments and electrochemical analysis of CDB isolated from blood.
Please also note toxic heavy metals removed from C19 unvaccinated via EDTA Chelation. The metals compose clearly an important element of this synthetic biology and it is sprayed upon humanity via geoengineering, and administered via “vaccines” - all of which have been found to contain toxic undisclosed metals. New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination
Image: 6 hour Urine metals testing after 1500 mg EDTA Chelation -
CDB is foreign to the blood - these functional groups should be analyzed further for toxicity.
Clifford has done extensive historical toxicology work to show the poisonous nature of the protein manufactured by the CDB synthetic microorganism. In the links below is shown video footage of the CDB protein applied to life forms like Paramecium that is killed, beans and mustard seeds that are terminated in their growth. What detrimental effect does it cause to humans - does is help explain the extreme accelerated aging we are seeing in humanity?
We are seeing remarkable consistency in our findings. We continue to sound the alarm, as we are bringing more and more evidence of this synthetic biology that has infected all of humanity and is the platform for the artificial intelligence synthetic biology transhumanist agenda. We encourage researchers to repeat our findings and further quantify the toxic metabolic products of this synthetic organism.
If you would like to support our research Project “ What happened to Humanities Blood? “, please donate to Carnicom Institute . We are a team of scientists dedicated to saving the human species and our planet. Thank you.
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FJGI - May 8, 2023
I first carried out a study in 2021, analyzing under the microscope water from different origins (bottled, tap, rainwater). Later I was surprised by their resemblance to structures found in vaccines by different authors, so I made a comparative analysis. At first, the water structures seemed to me to be contamination by microplastics. But now I don't know anymore.
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Lucy - May 8, 2023
I remember Clifford Carnicom from years ago. He was warning people about Morgellons. Now we know how this all relates to what is happening today. The only way to stop them is to get rid of the cell phone towers and the GWEN towers and the HAARP facilities. How are we going to do that? This reminds me of the movie They Live. Once he destroyed the television tower people could see the evil ones and take them out. More predictive programming. Also The Body Snatchers and Hunger Games are relevant movies. They always tell us what they are going to do. May God help us all by destroying this evil please. It’s probably already too late.
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