2007 Chemical Analysis of Morgellons Fibers Showed Polyethylene Nanotechnology. Pfizer C19 Bioweapon Polyethylene Glycol LNP's Create Filaments And Micro Chips. Are They Related And Part Of WBAN?

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 14, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image source: Dr. David Nixon Substack Pfizer C19 Darkfield Microscopy

Dr Nixon posted some of the most compelling images that he ever took of proof that we are dealing with self assembly nanotechnology for the Internet of Nano Bio Things - meaning the total surveillance of human beings via the nanotechnology that is inside their bodies. This is not science fiction, but many computer engineers explain exactly how they have implemented this in the name of medicine and healthcare. One of the leading scientists in this field in the world, Professor Ian Akyldiz, has told the world that "COVID MRNAS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN SMALL SCALE BIO-NANO MACHINES" - Lecture by Professor Ian Akyildiz From Georgia Institute Of Technology

Scientific articles have been explaining that Corona is a WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network) hack able disease:

Scientific Study- Corona Is Technology And Frequency Induced! Effect of Coronavirus Worldwide through Misusing of Wireless Sensor Networks

The fact that this knowledge is readily available and biosensor applications are FDA approved, often without knowledge of the patients, people continue to ignore the greatest threat to humanity. For example the drug Abilify has a nanosensor in it that allows remote monitoring. All telemetry applications can be bidirectional, meaning your ingested nano sensors can be hacked and remote control illness can be created.

FDA approves pill with sensor that digitally tracks if patients have ingested their medication

While the literature clearly states that optical nanosensors are used for Insulin monitoring via Graphene and Polyethylene Glycol:

Optical Nanosensors for Real-Time Feedback on Insulin Secretion by β-Cells

Herein, fluorescent single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) are used for the recognition and real-time quantification of insulin. Two approaches for rendering the SWCNT sensors for insulin are compared, using surface functionalization with either a natural insulin aptamer with known affinity to insulin, or a synthetic lipid-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) (C 16 -PEG(2000Da)-Ceramide), both of which show a modulation of the emitted fluorescence in response to insulin.

Is it any wonder that I found biosensors in Insulin?

Darkfield Microscopy of Lantus Insulin Shows Self Assembly Hydrogel And Same Nanorobotic Features As In C19 Bioweapon

The Internet of Nano Bio things uses nano-technological sensors exactly as I have been showing.

A Review on Wireless Nanosensor Networks Based on Electromagnetic Communication

A. Nano nodes:

Nano nodes are tiny devices with limited energy, computational, and storage capabilities. They are diffused into a target area for sensing and collecting the information from the environment. Size of the WNSN is mainly defined by these Nano nodes because there are more in numbers to capture all relative information from the target area. The performance of WNSN is influenced by the number of Nano nodes that are used in networks [8].

B. Nano router:

Size of the Nano router is larger than the Nano nodes and having more resources than previous one. They aggregate and process the information coming from Nano nodes and direct this information to Nano-micro interface through Nano-link. Nano router also control the behavior by means of sending short controlling messages.

C. Nano-micro interface:

These devices aggregate the information coming from Nanorouter and convey these information to the micro scale and vice versa. Nano-micro interfaces are the most complex hybrid devices able both to communicate in the Nano scale using Terahertz Band and to use classical communication paradigm to communicate conventional communication networks.

D. Gateways:

Gateways are micro scale devices that enable the remote control of entire system over the internet. These are the devices that collect the information from the Nano networks and provide these information to the remotely placed monitor through internet. Nano nodes, Nano router and Nano-micro interface are may be static or dynamic according to the application. For example, in the industrial scenario we can assume that the topology of WNSN is static while in the health-care scenario the topology is dynamic. For all the scenarios, the network configuration, the number of Nano machines, communication and interaction between them and also with the internet still need to be investigated

I have shown many such biosensors in C19 unvaccinated blood of different sizes:

Optical Biosensors For Bidirectional Telemetry - Live Blood Analysis Of C19 Unvaccinated Blood

This simplified drawing is supposed to be a person. Intra-body means it is in your body. Connected to the wireless network and the cloud.

Internet of Nano-Things (IoNT): A Comprehensive Review from Architecture to Security and Privacy Challenges

Here is a microscopy picture of nano-micro bidirectional telemetry sensors in C19 unvaccinated blood:

This was an in depth toxicologic chemical analysis done of the synthetic Morgellons fibers, coming from several people’s body:

PROJECT FMM Fiber, Meteorite & Morgellons PHASE IA Initial Examination of Several Dozen Samples by Hildegard Staninger, PhD from 2007 in Morgellons Victims showed glowing blood.

Where have we heard this before? The Pfizer whistleblower Melissa McAtee just spoke about her experience of seeing glowing Pfizer vials in this recent interview with Todd Callender: Stop COVID Vaccines Nuremberg Hearing Follow Up- Rubbery Clots And Mitigation Strategies - Interview With Todd Callender On Truth Be Told

Several batches of unknown suspect fibers were sent to the laboratory over a period of several weeks. We were asked to examine them, study them microscopically, determine some physical properties, and run elemental analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and chemical groups by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Also some samples would be analyzed by Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy (FT-Raman).

Laboratory personnel would also compare the fibers with some other nanofibers reported to be carbon-silicon fibers with photoluminescent and other properties.

Remember photo luminescence shown by Karl in his microscopy of what is currently in human blood? And the visual appearance of polyester ( polyethylene) filaments seen in C19 unvaccinated blood?

More on birefringence and joining the dots with blood anomalies. Reference to birefringent technologies that show the same light dispersion details and arrangement using polarized light microscopy.

Image courtesy: Karls Substack

NOTE: All Samples were compared to the "Goldenhead" as found by Dr. Rahim Karjoo and Dr. Hildegarde Staninger (October 28, 2006) and a fiber that was identified as High Density Polyethylene Fiber (HDPE).


1) Visually a few of the fibers resembled the carbon-silicon fibers previously studied by Integrative Health International, LLC.

2) Close-up photos and photomicrographs (1,000 x) show the pink fiber to the left of picture of Sample No. 12938-A.

3) A FTIR spectrum of one spot on the fiber indicated the presence of high density polyethylene fiber plus a trace of another material (brown gel). Fiber size 0.8 um and a melting point of 115 degrees C.

4) SEMS/EDS results show various concentrations as stated below


The fibers identified, gel material, and gel shaped materials had no cellular integrity with no eukaryotic cells. The materials identified in the fibers were of a manufactured nano technology to form a specific structure with an undetermined function. The chemical composition of fibers that had EDS and Raman did not match the chemical composition of the human body nor were they any part of the human body (nails, hair, skin, nerves, etc.).

Special features as identified by Los Angeles County Fire Department, Los Angeles, CA personnel are the following 1) skin melts or burns at above 165 degrees F; 2)

Raman Tests performed by Lambda Solutions, Inc. determined that the fiber from Sample No. 12938-1 was composed of silicon ("head") with little or no crystal silica present. The fiber ("body") was composed of a polyester material. This material may be a co-polymer. No fluorescence was stated for this sample. MITs Raman analysis utilizing a different laser determined Sample No. 12938-7 was dominated by fluorescence and was composed of aliphatic and aromatic compounds. It also determined that a vibrational rate for Si-C was present, which stands for silica carbide or silica-carbon. The fluorescence is from the fiber and not from another source. The fluorescence would be made of substances that fluorescence, which is very similar to the way something glows in the dark.

The molecular nano composition of the elements used to make this structure has a distinct smart technology or "memory" for that structure. The principal being expressed with these specimen samples are the same as the NASA designed memory foam. The foam maintains its original shape and form. Therefore, the original designer of this nanotechnology designed the technology to maintain specific structural characteristics.

What this means is that these smart materials do not have any cellular structures, are not related to bacteria or living organisms. They are self assembly nano technology. The Goldenhead is biosensor and a classical form of Morgellons fiber that can exist in many variations. Polyethylene is a polymer that in the form of Polyethylene Glycol is now in the C19 shots.

Here are a few comparison images:


If it looks like smart nanotechnology, acts like nanotechnology, is described in the literature as biosensor nanotechnology - maybe it is nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology acts like a gas to skin, it gets readily absorbed, hence can shed from person to person. According to Pfizer documents, inhaling the air around a C19 vaccinated person can transmit the vaccine to the unvaccinated. Note, that the MAC address phenomenon is described in WBAN literature as well.

Towards achieving efficient MAC protocols for WBAN-enabled IoT technology: a review

Internet of things (IoT) is a concept that is currently gaining a lot of popularity as a result of its potential to be incorporated into many heterogeneous systems. Because of its diversity, integrating IoT is conceivable in almost all fields, including the healthcare sector. For instance, a promising technology in the healthcare sector known as wireless body area network (WBAN) could be integrated with the IoT to enhance its productivity. However, in order to guarantee the optimization of the operation of the healthcare applications facilitated by the WBAN-enabled IoT technology, there must be enough support from all the different protocol stack layers so as to satisfy the critical quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of the WBAN systems. Consequently, the medium access control (MAC) protocol has recently been gaining lots of attention in the area of WBANs due to its ability to manage and coordinate when a shared communication channel can be accessed.

Here is our discussion over a year ago on the MAC address phenomenon:

MAC Address Phenomenon and Ribbons from C19 Vials - Dr. David Nixon, Shimon Yanowitz, Matt Taylor and Dr. Ana Mihalcea

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Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 14, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

I have also seen that people were getting genuine relief from Morgellons using EMP pulses and powerful magnets, of the kind used to wipe a hard drive. Theory is that this destroys the coding in these buggers, disabling their functionality, including replication.
Seems a combo of anti-parasite meds, chelation, (and other detox) along with strong magnetics or EMP pulses (to wipe the coding) could be an answer. Obviously, proper nutritional supplements as well. Seriously need to be throwing everything we can at this.
I am so grateful to you Ana for all of your work, and your intensity on finding solutions.

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Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 14, 2023

Agent’s Substack

Huge news, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 first time the MSM news is broadcasting COVID INJURIES

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