COVID19 Bioweapons and Geoengineering Link Is…

Jul 21, 2024

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Vaccinated Corpses Are Emitting Radio Frequencies That Trace Back to Bill Gates


Skupe - Jul 21


Gates is a psychopath and into eugenics with that stupid grin of his.


NJ Election Advisor - Jul 21

NJ Election Advisor

Look up his dad, grandad on Yandex
CSH Labs, PPoA, eugenics
Rotten fruit on rotten family tree


kaal - Jul 21


the ex high wizard at bilderberg did not want to drink achr[not gonna say it] and he 'froze" gates- this ex high wizard who began w magic as kid had a miraculous conversion experience. after-


rachel - Jul 22


Adrenochrome is a satanists and globalists, fine elixir. Disgusting stuff.
You should also be aware of the many dangers of processsed food, soda,
etcetera. Aborted embryonic cells, have been created, by a sick company, into
"flavor enhancers" that were put into several corporate companies processed
foods and drinks without labelling or of course, approval. When some humans discovered this they put the word out, the companies found out, and hid the information. I am not sure if the truthers sued the companies, or they sued the truthers. It would not be good for sales to reveal this information. So this truth is hard to find in detail. The name of it is senomyx. Watch the videos to understand.


John Vargo - Jul 23

John Vargo

Just throwing in my truth frequency,


rachel - Aug 18


Yes thank you, have seen it a year ago. I had so many e-mails that I did
not reply to your answer before...
Many elite and entertainment moguls, etcetera have used A for years.
They use it as a fountain of youth. Its'; a drug. Al Gore was travelling and
was found to have an attache case full of little blood vials. How disgusting.


John Vargo - Aug 21

John Vargo

It's a big club and you and I are not in the big club-)


kaal - Jul 21


a chro....


Reply (1) - Jul 22


Comment removed.


kaal - Jul 22


these single female names w the catchy mystery "link" - what are they- really selling food? doubt it-


kaal - Jul 21


he is a satanist- i could give u the video of an ex high wizard but i got to go and STOP!!!


Skupe - Jul 21


Thanks but I have known enough about the Globalists for over 40 years. If you haven't read this, make sure to: Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins.


Dave - Jul 22

John Vargo

When do we have enough to Just GO AFTER THESE UN-HUMANS.. Tired of "So what'cha gonna do about it..❗


TimeIsNear - Jul 23

John Vargo

When? The game changes when they take the economy down. I'm surprised they have managed to prop it up this long. It's not going to go their way. It will literally be the end of them but it's going to be dark times until it's over.


Dave - Jul 25

John Vargo

The PUREBLOODS will inherit Earth❗ what ever's left of Her..πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ••


John Vargo - Jul 26

John Vargo

Unfortunately there are no purebloods,look up nano domestic quell.Rudolph steiner wrote or lectured about demons in the blood quite a whileago.Readabout it in the new dawn magazine.All UN countries have been Geoengineered.Pretty much the entire planet and all planetary life.More and more I feel a strong connection to our earth which is about 4 billion yrs old.Can you imagine how much data is in those giant crystals,Next thing you know we'll see Yuval camping out there


Skupe - Jul 22


I totally agree.


John Vargo - Jul 26

John Vargo

Ever heard of mexico's giant crystal cave?


John Vargo - Jul 26

John Vargo

When? It's coming.The creator gods are here,from what Lisa says the Solar Richi are most powerful with light so bright it will or could annihilate the dark forces and that includes the reptilians who consider themselves the most intelligent species in the universe and our owners.They are the true creators of our universe and the founders of humanity.The aliens hacked our earth and our species and so their creation. If I'm not alive then I will be with them,


John Vargo - Jul 26

John Vargo

And so it is,the Earth is not just a pile of rock,it's a conscious entity.I think it was Tesla who said crystals are living entities.We've been taught the core is molten rock,no,now it's molten iron and nickel.Crystal core below,crystal caverns above!!


rachel - Jul 22


Also, read books and watch videos by David Icke, the British truther who has been
revealing truths for decades. He is revealing.


John Vargo - Jul 23

John Vargo

David had an ayahuasca experience when he was young.I didn't believe his reptilian shape shifting theory but about 6 yrs ago I watched a video of the chemtrail nanobots morphing and shapeshifting.I then knew it was hyperdimensional and alien and that we were being exterminated.I thought his allegation impossible but it was a false belief,I was seeing it with my own eyes.


kaal - Jul 21




Reply (1) - Jul 21

Thaddeus Robinson

Comment removed.


Thaddeus Robinson - Jul 21

Thaddeus Robinson



Grazyna Samborska - Jul 21

Grazyna’s Newsletter



rachel - Jul 22


He is a deliberate face to hate, just as dufus elected presidents are someone to hate, yet
who is really in charge, and, what is really going on is hidden by the deep state globalists.
Drinking childrens blood is satanic and many banksters, entertainers, politicians, and satanists
have done so.


John Vargo - Jul 23

John Vargo

He is a deliberate face to hate is right,


JimG - Jul 23

John Vargo

This all reads like a sci-fi movie script and scares people. It is surreal. All I really want to do is garden and write, but this issue hits me, my family and friends. What we need is an investigation based on medical statistics, simple lawsuits, and Congressional backing perhaps from Ron Johnson Wisconsin. I don't know how the aliens are playing this one, but I think that is the reason for all the weird sex confusion and emphasis on race, here extraterrestrial races. And I don't know if it is financial catastrophe or 12,000 year cycle catastrophe, but the elites are sure afraid of losing control.


John Vargo - Jul 23

John Vargo

The so called elites are human/alien hybrids and answer to the Draco Reptilians called the Orion group. Type in anything you want to know about,


Kenneth J Hinnenkamp - Jul 21 - Edited

KenKrypto’s Substack

There are no viruses. The viruses are the vaccines.


Jeanine Deal - Jul 22

Jeanine’s Substack

Yup, no viruses. Vaccines are the bioweapon and have been in use for over 200 years.


John Vargo - Jul 23 - Edited

John Vargo

The so called vaccine was not created for the virus,the virus was created for the bio weapons.Right from the word go the Draco Reptilians created big pharma to make money and poison humanity.About 5500 yrs ago humanity lost the war in space giving the reptilians total control over the earth. quite surprised to learn Abraham Lincoln and King Arthur were guardians and the original organic constitution is connected to the law of one.There's not much that surprises me anymore but I consider the bill of rights and the organic constitution the real holy documents.We gave you a Republic madam,if you can keep it.The Negative Alien agenda,it is what we are experiencing as they also created money.Only prison planets use money.


Magus Incognito - Jul 28 - Edited

John Vargo

I wish more would read that site - it really pieces together the motive and the means, tying it all back to Satanism which is merely a storefront for contacting these alien / demonic beings.
La Quinta Columna and other doctors working on those claiming to be ET abductees and members of the SSP (Secret Space Program) as well as some Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor whistleblowers have all confirmed the existence of physical and etheric implants which consist of the exact same technology contained within the bioweapon (masked as a vaccine) and the Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI) aka Geoengineering aka chemtrails.
It's a tremendous body of work which enhances understanding of what our physical scientists like Mihalcea, Dr Robert Young and many others are finding.


John Vargo - Jul 29 - Edited

John Vargo

Looks like Dr.Young has caved in, unhackable animal found nano in masterpiece but I so agree with you.Just read aliens and humans have been working together in the underground bases since the nineteen thirties.Also just found out the website which I consider the truth frequency goes back to around 2005.Been reading it for the last 6 months.The deeper I go the more amazed I become.Humanity hails from the Lyra constellation and has long been at war with the Draco's.Destroying our 2 strand DNA seems to be the ultimate goal here.(transhumanism)We have to have that DNA to ascend to the higher realms.


Magus Incognito - Jul 29 - Edited

John Vargo

Yes same here. During 2021 I somehow intuited the entire plan of transhumanism and the assimilation of humanity into AI only to then find the glossary, which explained a number of other spiritual attacks I was receiving and how to better defend ourselves, only to then much later find the scientific confirmation via physical evidence such as Mihalcea's work.
I came across one of those reptoids in the flesh in 2019, they aim to derail genetic equals / twin flames, since they are able to channel genuine love frequencies to this planet which actually threaten and dismantle the enslavement architecture.
Dr. Robert Young cracked? What happened? Is he working against disclosure now?


John Vargo - Jul 30 - Edited

John Vargo

The glossary answered a lot of questions for me.laura Eisenhower's new book,awakening the truth frequency she says the same thing and quotes she has made contact with the guardians.I think I have met a couple of those twin flames in astral projections,


Magus Incognito - Jul 30 - Edited

Laura is pretty decent too, but some of the things she's said have been a bit questionable (mostly some of the guests she's had on her show - which even others like Dani Henderson have called out), but in her case I believe her heart is at least in the right place and not being willfully deceptive, it's just that the deception is so ubiquitous at this point, especially with AI (which also exists in the astral).
Hence why developing our spiritual discernment is a number one priority - healing our often broken heart complexes so that we can palpably FEEL the energy qualities directly instead of solely discerning by outer forms alone, since, even astrally, the forms can be used deceptively, as Lisa also states in that particular article and in the main article on the False Ascension Matrix. Furthermore, just like how the astral is being controlled, I've come across a number of alleged spiritualists whom are either knowingly or unknowingly being controlled by dark forces in order to obfuscate things. It is full scale multidimensional warfare at this moment as the antichrist forces cling to the systems of human consciousness enslavement.
Best of luck brother, stay vigilant, discerning, in your heart center / now moment!


John B. Phillips - Jul 21

APOCRA Enterprises

Thank you Dr. Ana! Your are honest and objective about some critical facts here.
I appreciate your courage in pointing out Battelle Memorial, who "manages" nine of our National Laboratories.
Battelle also develops wireless, injectable, decorated graphene brain/computer interface technology for DARPA, and is implicated by the Comptroller General of the United States and by author Anthony Bragglia and others in the back-engineering of alien technology.


Thaddeus Robinson - Jul 21

Thaddeus Robinson

First hand presentation of little known ( to me, anyway!) facts about Germany, Balfour Declaration, and the Khazars.


Rhonda Bartz - Jul 22

Thaddeus Robinson

This is amazing. I saw a video which has a lot of this 'alternate' information in it also. This is a great testimony based on facts to support the true analysis of historical events. Humanity has been hugely duped.


Thaddeus Robinson - Jul 22

Thaddeus Robinson

We can't believe much of what we have "Learned" from approved sources. That info which is offered to us has one purpose: to deceive.


Patrick Perry - Jul 21 - Edited

Chime In with Amanda

Maria, no one gets to a position of power without being 'in the club'. Trump is just another psychopathic chew toy that will do their bidding and be disposed of when his usefulness has been exhausted.


Amanda Watson Johnson - Jul 21 - Edited

Chime In with Amanda

Why is this so hard for people to see!!!!! It’s so defeating. All people in that seat are controlled by the deep state. The end.


Thaddeus Robinson - Jul 21 - Edited

Thaddeus Robinson

And every politician on the planet is controlled by these guys:


Magus Incognito - Jul 28 - Edited

Thaddeus Robinson

And THEY are controlled by THESE guys:
"These horrifying demonic entities running rampant underground in Washington DC were being powered up through the satanic ritual practices and child sacrifice of the so-called Washington elites and Synagogue of Satan, which held various signatures of the antichrist stench that pervaded the Luciferian bloodline of power elites that have embedded themselves in the mind control Propaganda machinery of the Hollywood production meets the One World Order political agenda. Within the sequences of demolition, it was made clear that the majority of the public faces of political Manchurian candidate puppet strings are taking orders from those with dual citizenship as mind-controlled military intelligence assets and their ongoing prostitution and pedophilia blackmail operations as designed by their NAA overlords, the invading entities stationed in the underground tunnels of the Knesset in Israel.
These NAA Annunaki hybrid factions are being cornered as their hostile geopolitical agendas to genocide the natives is being made clear to the world, in efforts to expand their underground network from Israel into the Ukraine areas and for the purpose of gaining complete control over all underground bases, Human Trafficking, genetic labs and Adrenochrome farms in the region. As well as to steal the local resources with the predictable money laundering schemes for bribery and blackmail operations for inciting culture wars, which has become the hotbed of severely contested public opinions based wholly upon deceptions and military intelligence directed divide and conquer psychological operations. The majority of the population are not aware that a war over territory with hostile nonhumans and the Black Sun military intelligence groomed Fourth Reich nazis that take orders from their NAA overlords in the 9D Stargate of Antarctica, are directing them to demolish the western power centers in order to usher in the techno-totalitarianism of the Great Reset, in which the primary values upholding individual freedoms that first organized the USA have been put in the crosshairs for annihilation.
The Knesset NAA group have had a heavy influence on controlled opposition in Washington DC and running disinformation narratives through the AI uploading of the Q Agenda Psyops which further had leads to off planet Secret Space Programs. Many of the negative deceptions and narratives being played throughout the artificial Q structures online were found to be cloned out and manipulated by the Thothian Zephilium administrators of the Zeta looking glass technologies for building AI timelines. Once again, there appears to be the organic formation of the Q psyops agenda and Earth Alliances working to uphold humanitarian interests, versus many cloned varieties of negative ego tricks and consciousness traps set up by those with anti-human agendas. However, the majority of the intelligence operations had been infiltrated with Zeta alien Looking Glass technology in the phantom areas and seems to be why several previous operations to stop the global bio-weapon roll outs have failed over the past three years. Thus, it is optimistic to be humbly aware that the Cosmic Father’s current priorities are directing the spiritual power to back up the true heart based Spiritual Warriors that stand for human freedom, family values and genuinely love the planet. Interestingly, it is the Amethyst Dragon Kings and Ruby Order collaborating with Guardian Abraham Lincoln who are tirelessly working to implode the shadow government infrastructure, by extracting their black magician armies used to run satanic forces and direct fallen demonic entities that gives the collective Loosh power behind the satanic churches and SRA Black Houses utilized for protecting the dark cabal families involved in carrying out the destruction of the United States.
Ongoing Guardian presence in the Washington DC grids are carrying out assorted evictions, retrievals and identification of sources of organized human trafficking networks as connected to installed Luciferian bloodline families that have been protected by Baphomet Black Magic Sorcery, and complex NAA AI machinery that has been placed under the White House and surrounding areas for supporting and hiding ongoing SRA activities."


Thaddeus Robinson - Jul 28 - Edited

Thaddeus Robinson

That's a reply! You've gone far beyond my on-the-surface knowledge, and lost me after Annunaki. How have you managed to acquire such depth?


Magus Incognito - Jul 29 - Edited

Thaddeus Robinson

Through battling the Satanic forces in the flesh and beyond for a few years, I met a Satanist in 2019
These forces convince humanity they don't exist so that they can influence covert manipulation and harvest various energies (Loosh) while also enslaving human consciousness via various complex gaslighting and placating methods (see false ascension matrix)
But once you discover them and draw your line in the sand, they are unbelievably malicious.
This latest technology is merely the indrustializing of spiritual possessions and psychic attacks via AI and silent sound technology for long range programming and Satanic Ritual Abuse via frequency following responses in dream states even.
So I started via experiencing this all first, otherwise I wouldn't have believed what was on that website, but after firsthand experience, that site was among the only ones I could find which adequately explain the on going events, in my own life and the broader global circumstances - as well as providing spiritual self defence techniques and better understanding our multidimensional reality.
And that is inspite of the fact that I'd been studying occult sciences for over a decade prior.
That website is a true goldmine


Thaddeus Robinson - Jul 29

Thaddeus Robinson

I've been overtly-targeted since 2006, V2K and DEWS. At times I've wondered it the attacks are technology or tech plus some ancient evil. I have opened that website, will take a look. How has your life been affected? What motivated you to investigate? My life has been turned upside down. My life's work, creating trading systems was stolen, and I've been prevented from using what I've learned. My response: developing my concentration and creating a silent mind-stopping my thoughts.
Do you have any detenses of methods? Thanks for your replies,


John Vargo - Dec 12

John Vargo

Absolutely Magus,website is a gift from the Gods,I have learned somuch.It's not just the reptilians as Dr.Ana says although the human race has been fighting them for a long time,maybe a million yrs.Yes, there truly are other humanoid species in the universe.The milky way and andromeda are merging so there's a connection with the closest galaxy to the milky way.The aurora platform was created to assist avoiding the soultrap.Yougo straight to the andromeda galaxy.I will be looking for it.Lisa calls them black hole entities,I think they are used by the NAA as part of the attack on us,


kaal - Jul 21


he gets assissinated- fall of an IDOL. masters voice prophecy blog-


kaal - Jul 21


then civil war- when we r weak- then attacked-


Edmond Paré - Jul 21 - Edited

Edmond Paré

If Bill Gates is spraying mRNA from aircraft, then Bill Gates is spraying a bioweapon on U.S. citizens and he should be stopped, one way or another.


Nostradamus X - Jul 22 - Edited

Nostradamus X

And who is going to stop it?
Bill Gates has tested GMO mosquitoes in Washington State, California, Texas and Florida with the DOD for at least 3 years and the EPA has approved the release of billions of these mosquitoes in Florida and Texas. I haven't seen any mention of this in the MSM or the Alternative media. So, who's going to stop Kill Gates? He's killing Americans unopposed!


Edmond Paré - Jul 22 - Edited

Edmond Paré

I am hoping you will. (-: --
Your guess is as good as mine. At the rate his face is wrinkling, he appears to be aging faster than normal for a 68 year old. Lets hope he "dies suddenly"; or, perhaps, some parent whose child was killed by his mRNA shots will decide to put him out of our misery. No one in our government is going to stop him, given that genocidal depopulation of the U.S.A. is the order of the day, every day.


Nostradamus X - Jul 22 - Edited

Nostradamus X

When the president of the US travels from D.C to the Chicago airport to meet with Clown Schwab on his way to Mexico, you understand that the US has become a banana republic without bananas. Imagine a living dead like Bidensky travelling to Chicago just to meet his boss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Find below the G3P chart that lays out clearly that a plutocracy is running the planet:


Edmond Paré - Jul 22 - Edited

Edmond Paré

Why do the Rockefellers rate their own circle as "policy makers"; whereas the Rothschilds apparently do not? -- I'm not criticizing the chart; I'm attempting to learn.


Nostradamus X - Jul 22 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Because the Rothschilds own them all. They are the EYE that owns the BIS and the Federal Reserve. The Rockefellers are usually called Rothschilds Khazarian Mafia (RKM) because they are their front men.
οƒ˜ The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families own the USA #BIS, IMF, World Bank
o They are the Goldman Sachs,
o Rockefellers,
o Lehmans
o and Kuhn Loebs of New York;
o the Rothschilds of Paris and London;
o the Warburgs of Hamburg;
o the Lazards of Paris;
o and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."
- Nathan Rothschild - 1815


curious butterfly - Aug 3

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

In an effort to learn what kind of soulless, unethical, demonic people are researching and developing nano weapons, where they are, who they are and how, I read summaries of papers in scientific journals (the full papers locked behind a paywall) and I looked up the researchers' bios. The head researcher of "Dynamic Reconfigurable DNA Nanostructures, Networks and Materials" is a Mr. Itamar Willner, an Israeli, whose chief donor is the Rothschilds!!! It was right there at the bottom of the page, I was stunned.


Edmond Paré - Jul 22

Edmond Paré

Thank you.
Have you read Herland's book, "The Billionaire World"? - Would you recommend it?


John Vargo - Jul 23

John Vargo


GreaterIsrahell - Jul 22

You Just Can't Make This Stuff …

Please go read my reply to Edmond Paré's comment.


GreaterIsrahell - Jul 22

You Just Can't Make This Stuff …

Yeah, because US citizens are the only ones that matter, right? FUCK YOU!


Edmond Paré - Jul 22

Edmond Paré

Asshole. I didn't say U.S. citizens are the only ones that matter. Your small mind decided that must be the case, perhaps because I didn't mention any other countries? Obviously, genocidal depopulation is being carried out systematically globally. Where do you live, dick face?


nobody's - Jul 22


One thing I haven't heard talk about much especially since the first part of the pandemic is filtering the air that we breathe. Will this help to keep our blood less contaminated? I got a hepa filter going in my bedroom and UV light going in most of the other rooms that I don't spend much time in.


John Vargo - Jul 23

John Vargo

Ozone generators are a good idea


curious butterfly - Aug 3

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

I'm wondering the same thing. I'm running my hepa filter at night with the windows shut. I've heard hepa filters are made with graphene, but what if they filter out some kinds of the smart dust sensors and/or the aluminum and barium particles that are being sprayed?


dyr - Jul 21

I have pointed out on this 'stack's comments that Trump is as much a creature of the anglosupremacist "blob" as any other protege, so no surprise that he is instructed to pick who he picks. Installed (in a liekly stolen election, esp re 4 states) so there'd be a backlash to let in the other more easily amenable side for certain purposes, which purposes may have run their course for now, so no big prob ushering the likes of Shtrumpf back in.
Now see an awful but also somewhat revealing article in the disgusting mainstream, NYer mag's June 24 issue, its "Brave New World Dept" hapless piece by a Dhruv Khullar, "How Will Nanotechnology Change Our Lives?" Eg the spinning 'bots light-stimulated to move and cut stuff up, well, graphene hydroxide anyone...? The piece is dripping with , well, you'll see.


Todd Lutz US Army 1SG (RET) - Jul 22

Look Up & Get Ready!

All these labs and any evil gain of function funny business must be shut down world wide now


Marty - Jul 22

Nano Ordo Mundi

Concerned about their silence ? You won't hear any presidential candidates mention a word about this ongoing global democide, even if their survival is at stake.


Crosby Guy - Jul 22

Actually RFK has a small bit to say about it. In a censored clip Trump was still talking about giving injectables to kids with RFK ON THE PHONE! He's not going to ban the jab likely because he's controlled by the nano tech. Trojan Horse. It's obvious the secret service has failed to protect him in every way. It's up to us to channel this information to his key people to influence him. That means everyone, sons, attorney's, wife. Friends. etc. We need this guy to pull back the reigns and say WHOA!


Cos - Jul 22

Key’s Substack

'So will nanotechnology 4th industrial revolution be implemented regardless of who is in office?'
From what I have observed over many years, I would say yes! The people could all stand up, but there has been no meaningful indication of that recently even when they are directly injected with poison.
Any so called white hats and nesara gesara narrative has been nothing less than a tool to keep the masses docile, passive and controlled.
Has trump addressed the elephant in the room yet? Why he and JD endorsed and supported the shots? No. They are all hoping enough time will pass and all will be forgotten. He 'trump' has stated he can stop the wars with a phone call, I think wars are the least of our worries.


Craig - Jul 22

Key’s Substack

Trump and JD will deceive Americans and never do anything of value. Jesus is our only savior.


Key of David - Jul 22

Key’s Substack

It is better to put your trust in the Lord than your confidence in man. It's better to put your trust in the Lord then your confidence in princes. Psalms 118 8 and 9


Nostradamus X - Jul 21

Nostradamus X

"We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.
"The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.
"The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.
"They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.
"When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison. ...."


Joe - Jul 21

Joe’s Substack

Thank you DR Ana, but while taking MEDfive and 4000iu of vitamin C woul this be enought to avoid dying from polymers or MRNA or are we screwed? I feel like each side are going with the same plan and they will stop at nothing


kaal - Jul 21


todd callender said there r no signed notarized oaths of offices? did he say its been that way 4 yrs? there r no more "elections" anyway----


Cos - Jul 22

Unbelievable isn't it. They must maintain the narrative.


Alan, aka DudeInMinnetonka - Jul 21

Alan, aka DudeInMinnetonka

The People's choice channel on Rumble is speculative clickbait garbage


Cos - Jul 22

And maintaining the viral narrative.


Lenmor1776 - Jul 21


He better have hung at GITMO already, if not, I’m pretty sure it won’t be long now.


Chris - Jul 21

Yup πŸ‘ nice -
Nowhere to hide .



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