Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 11, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: C19 Unvaccinated blood and quantum dot like spheres
This weekend I spent many hours discussing our research and the meaning of our collaborative findings with Clifford Carnicom, which resulted in the three papers about the clots that I posted. Clifford emphasized the transformation process of the blood in which the Cross Domain Bacteria grow a filament network that as the end product shows the protein polymer clots. We have documented this here:
I also spent time speaking with Richard Hirschman, and we talked about him wondering if possibly some of the massive clots are forming post mortem. I told him that I do not think so because I see the polymerization now live under the microscope, and that the blood clearly has self assembly visible within the first minutes of it being on the microscope slide. However, it is clear that the transformation process does not stop at time of death, as I have shown with the embalmed blood. The self assembly process has killed the host, but continues to progress, which is also visible with live blood.
I did a live blood analysis today and filmed the self assembly and transformation of the blood over many hours of observation - so far I had not yet seen this active process in all of its manifestation aspects in this detail, only its respective phases. I kept looking at the slide and over a period of 7 hours and documented how the blood is transformed by the CDB into a dense polymer network that uses the human cells as a substrate. I have shown images previously in my microscope work of the clots received from several C19 vaccinated people, which you can find in this article.
You can see below that within the amorphous polymer structure cellular tissue is seen of this clot from a C19 vaccinated individual on the right. In the most advanced stages, the cells are completely dissolved and only the polymer hydrogel is seen on the left.
Clifford confirmed this with his analysis finding that in the most advanced stages of the deceased clot, there are almost no red blood cells visible, as they have been all used up to create the polymer.
The blood shown here is C19 unvaccinated individual who occasionally has been around C19 vaccinated individuals.
This is what I saw immediately after putting the blood on the slide - you can see the large sphere and the bright metallic appearing quantum dot like structures that have self assembled in the blood - while in the center of the sphere a hydrogel filament is being produced:
In a higher magnification approximately 2000x one can see how the blood is being bound by the spheres that I call quantum dots, as I have filmed them change colors from blue to red to green to yellow. Initially there was extreme activity - you can clearly see that these are light emitting spheres, not bacteria. They have rapid movement and interact with the red blood cells to bind them together in a mesh like fashion and transform the cells into substrate for the polymer clots.
Then you can see how the spheres also produce polymer hydrogel islands within the larger sphere that is empty of cells. The spheres shine blue.
A long filament was produced and the cells have been transformed into a network barely looking like cells anymore. The only round areas are not red blood cells but self assembly spheres that I have observed to build the filaments.
Below I filmed the CDB emerging from the red blood cells. The CDB/ Morgellons are the origin of genesis of the filaments and the protein polymer. CDB stands for Cross Domain Bacteria, a term coined by Clifford Carnicom for Morgellons. He named them this way because these artificially engineered life forms have features of all three domains of life eucaryotes, bacteria and archaea - and the produce hydrogel like substance - polyvinyl alcohols, polyamines, and polyenes which I described in my latest post on the clots solubility studies. He found them to be intracellular parasites in red blood cells. They are clearly artificial because nature does not mix the domains of life, only genocidal evil scientists do, who then spray this via geoengineering on the entire biosphere and then come up with the idea to inject it into humanity to fuse nano technology and synthetic biology with the human organism.
This is the final product we see in form of clots in this accelerated CDB/ Morgellons menace that was unleashed on humanity for depopulation purposes.
In this video you can see how the CDB grow and create the polymer network between the cells, which die in this process. Many live blood analysts call these protoplasts or other forms of Enderlein’s theory. I do not care what you call it, watch what it does in creating the polymer filament network using cells as a substrate.
Clifford has described and shown the CDB growth progression in this article
You can see here how gradually the cells are completely dissolved and their substrate used to create the Islands of polymer hydrogel:
You can see the classical growth spheres we see in the live blood continue to be present in the polymerization:
The spheres self assemble to grow spheres within spheres that grow the nanotechnological self assembly polymer network that eventually leads to the rubbery clots but also fuses with and replaces human tissue, just like I showed with the blood that is dissolved to create the polymer network. All of this was found in the blood of the same C19 unvaccinated individual, and we have shown that the end result is polymer clots.
I will end here as the post is getting too long. Now and in the afterglow of history, I consider Clifford Carnicom a brilliant unrecognized Genius of our time. His work to understand this artificially created weapon people call Morgellons is monumental. People criticize us a lot, but we are in a world of our own. For two scientists who just want to help the world survive, with no funding, going up against a trillion dollar industry and a dismissive scientific community… we have been remarkably consistent in our findings.
I am wondering how long it is going to take - and how many people have to die - for the world to figure out that we have been right all along. Regardless what your opinions are, this is growing in your blood too. We need to humble ourselves and remember those unfortunate victims of Morgellons that have been labelled to have delusional parasitosis. I don’t think that, I believe they have been the victim of government experimentation of this weapon that now in its advanced stages is to depopulate the earth. The filaments that grow out of their skin are easy access for study, and I and Clifford urge scientists around the world to start looking how to dissolve this. People still hold on to the spike protein story, and mRNA that was not found in the vials. The spike protein is on the quantum dot crystal and has been described by the NIH to produce an antibody response as if there was a virus. But there is not and never was. And it is not the spike that kills people alone, but the synthetic biology and self assembly nanotechnology that grows like a cancer in peoples body.
And I mean in EVERYONE.
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420MedicineMan - Jul 11, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
This is the most evil catastrophe to be imposed on humanity. Ever.
REPLY | 2 replies by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and others
Rosalind McGill - Jul 11, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks for your great work. Carnicom’s research helped me when my morgellons was at its worst. I spent 5 days in the loony bin over it but refused all medication except my thyroid medicine. I went inpatient because I also had scabies and the doctors kept saying it was just a psoriasis flare up, I was so itchy I was afraid I’d hit someone while driving being in so much distress and not able to concentrate.
When I got home, I slowly weaned off of 8 prescriptions for various autoimmune issues. A few years later a heavy metal detox with an integrative medicine doctor really helped me.
Many people have committed suicide because nobody would help or validate the problem. I’m actually thankful I went to the loony bin, I observed so much there& it got me to search for alternatives. And it increased my faith in God. I had been doing reiki and other new age nonsense, looking for relief.
REPLY | 24 replies by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and others
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