Are Programmable Nanotechnology Biosensing Mesogen "Computer Chip" Devices Being Self Assembled In C19 Uninjected Blood ? How Dangerous Is Self Spreading Nanotechnology?

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 13, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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In this post, I am continuing the discussion on self assembly mesogens, which are plasmonic liquid crystal nanomachines that can be used for soft robotics. Please see this first article discussing the technical analysis of a self assembled mesogen in C19 unvaccinated blood.

Darkfield Live Blood Microscopy Of A Discoid Mesogen Self Assembly Nanotechnology Device In C19 Unvaccinated Blood

Why am I continuing this discussion? Because people need to understand how multifaceted and advanced the technologies are that are now in everyones blood. I also want to emphazise the danger of shedding, a topic that people are avoiding to broach because it is socially too inconvenient. The C19 biological and technological weapons of mass destruction shed, they spead from the C19 injected to the uninjected. The C19 injected exhale these nanoparticles, they are emitted from their body. Nanoparticles are so small they are like a gas that can enter your skin. As I have discussed many times, Pfizer in their study documents stated: if an unvaccinated man inhales the air around a vaccinated woman, that man can transfer the C19 shot to another unvaccinated woman. If you do not know about shedding, please see here my presentation on the FDA and Pfizer data on it:

The Reality Of Shedding - Truth, Science And Spirit, Episode 4 On Clouthub 3PM PST

These weapons are self spreading and they are also deployed in our food, water, via geoengineering operations. People do not want to face the social implications that the C19 injected are self assembly nanorobotic factories that are highly dangerous to the C19 unvaccinated. If you understand that uncontrolled self replication of nanotechnology in itself is a disease, then you can understand why staying physically away from the injected is imperative if you want to survive. We know of many C19 unvaccinated people that have vaccine injury symptoms from shedding and the symptoms called long Covid with brain fog, heart palpitations, chronic fatigue and even turbo cancers - these are symptoms of self replicating nanotechnology infecting humanity - as I have shown in many posts. This is the area I specialize on, and have seen and treated over 1000 C19 unvaccinated patients - hence I am uniquely qualified to discuss the topic of nanotechnology shedding.

Most people do not want to face this reality of the most evil warfare ever waged on humanity - and certainly that is their choice. Other scientists like Dr Doris Cahill stated in 2021 that the C19 injected will die within the next 3-5 years. We see these predictions unfolding in addition to the reports of pulsed radar microwaves that are programming people through interaction with these antennas. What antennas you might say? Other scientists have documented with electron microscopy nano antennas in C19 vaccinated blood:

BOMBSHELL NEWS: Do We Still Need Proof? Next Dose 3: Documentary. Must Watch! Electron Microscope Of Nanotechnology Antennas In C19 Vaccinated blood

But there are other forms of nano and micro chip antennas and electronic devices like this one I am showing you in C19 unvaccinated blood exposed to shedding. It is a mesogen, a liquid crystal polymer self assembled nano technological device. Lets analyze its components.

First, if you look at the history of Morgellons, many victims had mesogens come from their bodies. When analyzed, these had inscriptions in them like NASA.

Please remember that General Dynamics conducted a study in 2004 for NASA and developed the first self replicating nanomachines. They were called “kinematic cellular automata, built from reconfigulable molecular modules capable of reproducing themselves” - they used a broadcast wireless feature which allowed external control. ( Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity is Near). The main investigator includes transhumanist technocrat Dr. Robert Freitas, expert in nanotechnology, Cryonics and radical life extension through nanotechnology fusion of humans with self assembly nanotechnology robotics:

Study finds self-replicating nanomachines feasible

NASA's Institute for Advanced Concepts by General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems concludes that a useful s elf-replicating machine could be less complex than a Pentium IV chip, and uncovered no road blocks to extending macroscale systems to microscale and then to nanoscale self-replicating systems.

Mesogens and brain chips recovered from different targeted individuals were analyzed by Dr Hildy Staninger, the world foremost expert on advanced nanomaterials. I highly recommend you download and study the book she wrote about her analysis of mesogens and nano machines in 2012 - these are DNA biosensors which are used for DNA sensing, but also mind control and genetic modification purposes. My research work builds on her monumental achievement of advancing the investigation of these weaponized self assembly nanotechnologies. However, the next step of this technology is integrated virtual reality, with plans to override your own human thoughts and directly infuse external virtual reality into your own integrated neural network circuitry. I wrote about this here: Nanowire Brain Networks For Brain Computer Interface - Hydrogels To Create Tissue Engineered Electronic Nerve Interface For Artificial Memory & Nanotechnological Neuromodulation

You can find more about this in Ray Kurzweil’s book as well.

Here is Dr Staningers research:

GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control

Below in the red circle you can see a numerical inscription:

It appears to be I S or 5 and 7.

You can also see a J- 2- i - 7 below

Here you can see a triangular polygon.

Polygons are part of electronic circuitry in self assembly nanotechnology - they are used also in nano super-capacitors and use metals to enhance their functionality:

NEXT Nanopolygons of Monolayer MS2: Best Morphology and Size for HER Catalysis

With first-principles calculations, we find a new strategy for developing high-performance catalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) via controlling the morphology and size of nanopolygons of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides (npm-MS 2 , with M = Mo, W, or V).

In the below image you can see a pinwheel antenna. These are called nano kirigami - they use optical chirality which are used for nanophotonic and mechanical devices.

Then we have elaborate integrated circuitry. You can see them in the blue circle and oval red shape.

Here is the explanations of integrated circuits from self assembly polymers, using metals. These are elastic circuitry boards.

Integrated circuits based on conjugated polymer monolayer

Universal assembly of liquid metal particles in polymers enables elastic printed circuit board

Liquid metals can be used to form the conductive pathways in a flexible matrix, but this approach requires patterning of the soft material and sintering of the liquid metal using lasers or mechanical force. Lee et al . used acoustic fields to assemble a network of liquid metal particles inside a polymer matrix for the fabrication of elastic printed circuit boards (see the Perspective by Qiao and Tang). Their devices showed high conductivity, high stretchability, strong adhesiveness, and negligibly small changes in electrical resistance during stretching. Because the acoustic field strategy is universal, the authors synthesized hydrogels, a self-healing elastomer, and photoresists by combining various polymers with liquid metals.

We know a lot about the stretchable polymers from the rubbery clots people are creating. In the below schematic you can see how metals are being used to self assemble the electronic circuitry:

Stretchable electronics with high stretchability and high toughness are essential for soft robotics ( 1 , 2 ), skin electronics ( 3 , 4 ), and implantable electronics ( 5 , 6 ). Substantial progress has been made in intrinsically stretchable conductors. High metallic conductivity with rubber-like stretchability has been successfully achieved in conductive polymers ( 7 ) and nanocomposites

Here you can see images of the nanofibers that I have previously shown in the other mesogen and are visible in the integrated circuits as well.

A highly stretchable, transparent, and conductive polyme

If you look at the blue circle you can see the functional liquid crystalline electronic and photonic network:

Functional liquid-crystalline polymers and supramolecular liquid crystals

Here is their functionality explained:

The design and functions of liquid-crystalline (LC) polymers with classifying them into conventional-, supramolecular-, dendritic- and network-type LC polymers are described. LC polymers show new functions as new devices in the field of energy and environment by incorporating mesogenic moieties exhibiting photonic, electronic and ionic functions . Supramolecular LC polymers show dynamic and unique properties because the mesogenic moieties are built with non-covalent interactions. Dendritic-type LC polymers exhibit liquid crystallinity by nanosegregation of aromatic and aliphatic moieties. Dendritic fork-like mesogens have also been prepared. A variety of nonmesogeic functional building blocks including fullerene, π-conjugated moieties, catenane, rotaxane and others can be incorporated into LC phases by attaching these dendritic moieties. LC networks are constructed in situ polymerization of polymerizable nematic or nanostructured liquid crystals. The specific characteristics of the LC networks have generated new research trends to develop well-defined polymers that exhibit optical, transport and separation properties. In these materials, through suitable design of LC monomers, the preservation of smectic, columnar and bicontinuous cubic phases has been successfully used for the development of membranes with one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional nanostructures.

We can also see antenna, fibers and waveguides that are used for quantum computing purposes - these combine nanowires with quantum dots:

You can read about this here:

Coupling Quantum Antennas to Fibers and Waveguides

We present a brief overview of the transport of quantum light across a one-dimensional waveguide which is integrated with a periodic string of quantum-scale dipoles. We demonstrate a scheme to implement transparency by suitably tuning the atomic frequencies without applying a coupling field and bring out the pronounced non-reciprocity of this optical device. The fiber-mediated interaction between integrated dipoles allows one to achieve both dispersive and dissipative couplings, level repulsion and attraction, and enhanced sensing capabilities. All these ideas can be translated to a wide variety of experimental setups of topical interest such as resonators on a transmission line, cold atoms near a fiber and quantum dots coupled to plasmonic excitations in a nanowire or photonic crystal waveguides

The fan like outline of the object is also part of the mesogen electronic device.


Self assembly nanotechnology devices are now found in C19 unvaccinated blood from shedding and environmental exposure. These antennas can be used for the creation of digital twins, bidirectional telemetry, soft robotics and ultimately the transformation of humanity to Cyborg 2.0 version. If we are to consider the survival of the natural human species, the C19 unvaccinated individuals have some decisions to make about their lifestyle. While this is an unpopular view, the reality of this warfare should inspire in people the desire for self preservation. How do we save the natural human from extinction if we are not discussing this?

Why did Professor Luc Montagnier say: “The unvaccinated will save humanity”? I say the unvaccinated have to save themselves first - for their social and lifestyle choices endanger their health and future if shedding is not taken into account.

This is not a lack of love for all of humanity, or a lack of caring and appreciation for every individual, regardless of their choices. I continue to focus that we will have divine intervention, a huge powerful enough solar flare EMP - like we have seen in the recent days but bigger - that will knock their evil machines completely out for everyone. Make sure you are prepared and out of the cities.

I simply want to draw attention to the reality of the unfathomable evil that wants to exterminate billions of people and that the initial disinformation that the unvaccinated are safe is not so. Until we can rid this world of these evil monsters, we should do what we can to protect the continuity of life. The insanity of self replicating nanotechnological machines created to digitize all biological life and have robots be the only future of our species - is not the future I consent to or choose. It is my hope that my research efforts can awaken people enough to the present dangers so that the extermination of humanity will be prevented.

Thank you to all who read my substack for their courage of learning about this threat and doing what you can to make choices that will preserve your and your families life, while keeping your soul intact and the connection to your divine spiritual self strong. Thank you for sharing this information, while it is so controversial and inconvenient in the social consciousness of the controlled sleeping masses - your willingness to help others see for themselves the evidence in human blood might save not just a life but their eternal soul and spirit - that the evil monsters are hacking with technology. Bless you for your efforts, for your actions are the embodiment of love.

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Charlene Jones - May 13

Separating myself (uninjected) from my husband of 36 years (injected 3x) and from my elderly mother (3x injected) is just not plausible. I understand your reasoning, but this technology is everywhere and I could never, in good conscious, abandon them. If I left, where could I go to get away from it? I must stay. I am having heart palpitations, chronic fatigue, brain fog, and some weird numbness and itching in my right thigh, so I believe what you are saying. But again, my commitment is with my husband and mother. I am not afraid. Evil incarnate caused this and Divine intervention will wipe it from the face of the earth, along with those demonic persons who are carrying this out.

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Gas Axe - May 13 - Edited

Gas’s Substack

Dr. Ana:
To be very blunt and honest, this reads like one of the sci-fi books I so enjoyed as a young adult.
I do appreciate all your hard work and energy put into everything you are doing but most might think your are bat shit crazy.
Somehow I found you in the big wide world web, it seems like a lifetime ago.
I have been reading your daily updates mostly on my email, but today felt the need to comment.
If I was to share this information with even the most educated person I know they wouldn't believe you and would think I am losing my mind.
I have tried and the rebuttal is sad.
I'm a pretty simple man, but came across the strange Bluetooth mac addresses in 2021.
I do have a background in computing and know the fundamentals of how they operate.
I still to this day track them just as a hobby.
I showed my childhood friend who was visiting last week what my phone picks up and he looked at me in disbelief as we slammed some beers in a public place.
As for shedding I recognized thos at the very start when my wife and other woman in her circle stared having strange menstrual issues. Old ladies that had gone through menopause started menstruation again all at the same time. WTF gives with that?
Open air events only from then on in.
Its impossible to avoid contact unless you live a strange sheltered life.
My culture is a very huggy, kissy type and that will never stop. Even if it kills me I wouldn't stop.
You mentioned the solar CME or EMP.
Could you elaborate on this at some point in your writing?
I have my own theory's but best not voice it here on your thread. I have done my reading on this deactivatation but have yet to decide if this would work. I don't have a way of checking if my theory actually is successful. The thing I have really lights me up and not a pleasant experience even on the lowest setting.
As for purging this from our bodies and being contaminated again. That just doesn't sound healthy. You have stated it is everywhere.
The fact of the matter is there are some very bad actors doing very bad things and we don't actually know who they are. I know my local bad actors that benefited from this. They know I have them pegged.
Lil farmer billy is just a figure head. Justin Castro was indoctrinated and probably promised something special. ECT...
I am now trying to figure out how to keep my family and myself healthy as this sci-fi tec unrolls.
High Vitamin C, Tumeric / black pepper. Nicotin. IVM now and then. The odd electrical shock by accident. Lots physical exercise with serious sweating seem to help. Beer to top off the day.
I have a tooth that needs to come out..I probably would have just gone to the clinic and had the butcher as I call her extract it. Unfortunately I saw the photos of the stuff floating around in the injection so going to pull it the old fashioned way.
Thanks you again for the information you take the time to give us
Thank you for trying to fight for us in courts of law that are totally fkn corrupted.
Thank you for giving us some health direction.
There are few like you in this fight with the sci-fi creep show we are witnessing.

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