Amyloid and Hydrogel Formation of a Peptide Sequence from a Coronavirus Spike Protein

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 27, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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In this article posted by the very thing I spoke of in my previous article is published:

Amyloid and Hydrogel Formation of a Peptide Sequence from a Coronavirus Spike Protein

I explained in my commentary about the documentary “Died Suddenly” that this is not Amyloid but AI weaponized Hydrogel.

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Thoughts and Comments about "Died Suddenly" Documentary
Please click on this link to see this brilliant documentary: Died suddenly full documentary I hope people have watched Stew Peters new excellent documentary. It is shocking and yet undeniable. I would like to pose to you some questions, that people who still hold on to the spike protein theory and speak about “amyloid like substance” causing the clots - …
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So lets analyze this article:

We demonstrate that a conserved coronavirus spike protein peptide forms amyloid structures, differing from the native helical conformation and not predicted by amyloid aggregation algorithms.

That means it looks like Amyloid but it is not. It differs in structure from the usually found Amyloid in a human.

We investigate the conformation and aggregation of peptide RSAIEDLLFDKV, which is a sequence common to many animal and human coronavirus spike proteins. This sequence is part of a native α-helical S2 glycoprotein domain, close to and partly spanning the fusion sequence. This peptide aggregates into β-sheet amyloid nanotape structures close to the calculated pI = 4.2, but forms disordered monomers at high and low pH. The β-sheet conformation revealed by FTIR and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy leads to peptide nanotape structures, imaged using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and probed by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The nanotapes comprise arginine-coated bilayers. A Congo red dye UV–vis assay is used to probe the aggregation of the peptide into amyloid structures, which enabled the determination of a critical aggregation concentration (CAC). This peptide also forms hydrogels under precisely defined conditions of pH and concentration, the rheological properties of which were probed. The observation of amyloid formation by a coronavirus spike has relevance to the stability of the spike protein conformation (or its destabilization via pH change), and the peptide may have potential utility as a functional material. Hydrogels formed by coronavirus peptides may also be of future interest in the development of slow-release systems, among other applications.

They continue to say:

This is unexpected since closely related sequences lie in coil regions of the spike S2 domain surface ( Figure 1 ), and, in addition, as discussed below, amyloid aggregation tendency algorithms incorrectly predict that this sequence will not form amyloid structures. We also show that this peptide exhibits pH-dependent self-assembly and hydrogelation behavior.

Its a self assembly Hydrogel.

In contrast, the TEM images for 1 wt % peptide at pH 4 ( Figure 4 b) clearly show the presence of extended amyloid structures, in particular nanotapes. TEM images for a sample at pH 5 show that the peptide self-assembles into wide nanotapes, up to 100 nm thick, which in some areas unbundle into ∼20 nm thick nanotapes ( Figure 4 c). TEM images at pH 6 ( Figure 4 d) show a coexistence of nanotapes, with a morphology very similar to that observed at pH 5, with globular aggregates 30–40 nm in size. At a higher pH (pH 7 and 12), the TEM images ( Figure 4 e,f) show mesh-like structures, under conditions where CD indicates that the peptide molecules have a disordered conformation. The absence of extended amyloid structures is clear.

The human body has a pH around 7. At that level the spike protein peptide does NOT create Amyloid but HYDROGEL MESH.

Figure 4.

Peptide RSAIEDLLFDK is able to form a hydrogel under precisely defined conditions. All the samples discussed above are liquid at 1 wt % peptide; however, we found that a 1 wt % peptide sample at pH 4.4 forms a gel. Figure 6 a shows that a 1 wt % peptide gel at pH 4.4 does not flow under tube inversion but rather forms a cloudy gel. The apple-green birefringence of the peptide gel stained with Congo red ( Figure 6 b) together with TEM images ( Figure 6 c) reveal that the hydrogel comprises a tight network of 20–50 nm wide peptide nanotapes. The viscoelastic response of the gel was studied by rheology. The linear regime was first identified by strain sweep experiments ( Figure S5 ). A frequency sweep of shear moduli is shown in Figure 6 d. The elastic modulus G ′ > G ′′ (the shear loss modulus) and G ′ is weakly dependent on frequency and reaches a value >105 Pa at a high frequency (ω = 100 rad s–1). These are all characteristic rheological signatures of gels, and the high frequency value of G ′ is higher than that observed for many peptide hydrogels.

So what again is a Hydrogel?

Its a polymer that is programmable that can be used as a Biosensor, for Tissue Engineering, Encapsulation of Quantum Dots ( read Karen Kingston’s Substack), thermodynamic electricity generation, drug ( or toxin) delivery. It is programmable matter for Artificial Intelligence, it is self assembling, self learning. It cannot be dissolved with pharmaceutical blood thinners. And it creates a rubbery, almost indestructible scaffolding. Like the clots the embalmers pull out of people.

Gain of function was used to program an Artificial Intelligence organic/ inorganic sequence that creates Hydrogel in the human body. We have multiple C19 injection ingredients like Polyethylene Glycol, SM102 and now this peptide sequence all designed to create Hydrogel in the body. The neural mesh scaffolding that self replicating hydrogel nanoparticles are programmed to make is Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology. Hydrogel is in the C19 vaccine, the PCR swabs, the masks, GMO foods.

All of it is part of the Transhumanist infrastructure.

From Geoengineered Transhumanism - Elana Freeland:

Graphene Based Hydrogel is basically an AI-controlled neuroelectronic swarm intelligence system. Before entering the body it is a non-metallic chemical agent, but with the body heat and contact with hydrogen, it becomes extremely biomagenetic and capable of absorbing energy from electromagnetic waves in the 5G band, thus oxidizing rapidly and acting as a free radical that can quicken THROMBOSIS ( blood clotting), myocarditis, and pericarditis in 5G environments. Graphene is programmable - for example , how it seeks out vital organs ( brain and heart) according to their frequency, electromagnetic fields, temperature, etc. Graphene produces a magnetic filed mental fog that prevention the inoculated from thinking clearly or comprehending what they are reading or seeing.

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Owl/GatorGuy - Nov 27, 2022

Owl/GatorGuy’s Substack

Magnificent biomaterial/medical science. And tragedy. Who would have reimagined the biomedical/pharmaceutical world in such grotesque and macabre, gruesomely diabolical dimensions and configurations but those mad enough to dare such exploration and pathological adventure?
Anyway, thank you, Dr Mihalcea. Your service to humankind is palpably good and kind.

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Grasshopper Kaplan - Nov 27, 2022 - Edited

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…


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