UK Forensic Report Finds Graphene: Qualitative Evaluation of Inclusions In Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines – by UNIT: Self-Assembly Graphene Nanoparticles confirmed

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 15, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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The Expose reported on a Forensic Analysis of C19 injection vials.

Here is the full document:

This report is of utmost significance as it has a meticulous chain of custody documentation, which is important to be able to submit it for any court case. This forensic laboratory report has been presented for a police criminal case calling for immediate halt of the injections due to both corporate manslaughter and gross criminal manslaughter. The document names as defendants AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, National Health Service (NHS), Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) and Her Majesty’s Government.

UNIT was commissioned by EbMC squared CiC under project UNITC-112980 to investigate the contents of four injection vials (Moderna 01, Moderna 02, AstraZeneca, Pfizer) for any undeclared ingredients that may cause bodily harm.

This is what the analysis found in all four vials:

This is what toxic Graphene can do in the body:

The identified inclusions were:

1. Graphene nano ribbons coated with Polyethylene Glycol

2. Graphene Composite Form 1

3. Graphene Composite Form 2

4. Microcrystalline Calcite with Carbonaceous inclusions

5. Graphene Nano Forms with and without fluorescence

a. Graphene nano objects

b. Graphene nano scrolls

These particles were observed in ubiquity across the sample preparations and each of these structures began with the formation of a small seed like particle to which the surrounding particles aggregated, based on hydrophobic interactions. What seems to be obvious through observation is that hydrophobic interactions appear to be the dominant driving force of the LNP growth and electrostatic interactions guide the seed formation and stability of the final assembly.

The scientists used a motion detector to evaluate the self-assembly of the nanostructures.

Astra Zeneca showed nanoparticles and their self-assembly was observed.

These nanoscopic particles were quite noticeable as white specs in the beginning, as moving in a swarm like motion in the same general direction. With time, these evolved into bigger droplets with more random vectors following the principles of self-assembly.


We have had evidence from all over the world that the C19 injections all contain toxic self assembly nanoparticles.

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Based on this forensic evidence a criminal police case has been filed. All over the world these evaluations must take place with the same meticulous rigor as done here. Then everyone responsible needs to be investigated and criminally charged. From the CDC, NIH, FDA, Medical Boards, FSMB, Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca, the government officials and military that developed this and deployed it upon the population. The doctors who ordered the shots and did not stop regardless of evidence for adverse effects. “I would have lost my job if I spoke up” will not fare well as a defense when you are charged criminally for manslaughter.

This report and the many others need to be looked at and discussed by EVERYONE. This is the injection of toxic POISON into 68% of the world’s population. The motion detection proving self assembly speaks for itself. The sinister intention behind this needs to be realized. I discussed it here:

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This is what genocide by injection looks like. The shots need to be stopped immediately. We need justice. I fully support the notion of Nuremberg 2.0 for war criminals or domestic terrorists who have released this bioweapon on humanity. I fully support prosecution to the fullest extent of the law and death penalty for those found guilty of genocide.

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Lindy Flynn - Sep 15, 2022

Lindy’s Substack

Thank you so much for reporting this. It feels totally weird to Love it. I Love that you are spreading a truth about this crazy time we live in.

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Stef - Sep 15, 2022

Musings on Meditation

It’s absolutely criminal what’s being done.

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