Chemical Analysis Comparison of Hydrogel Filaments from C19 Shots and Environmental Geoengineering Sources - Project What Happened to Humanities Blood?

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 07, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: Moderna C19 shot filament growth Project CUNIT-2-112Y6580


I have been discussing that the filaments seen in live blood, C19 shot contents and the environmental poisoning via geoengineering can come from different sources - however there are some remarkable similarities present that are worthy of further study. In my view, this assault of hydrogel based synthetic biology is the platform of the transhumanist agenda to modify and transform all life on earth.

My own and Clifford’s ongoing working hypothesis is that the platform of all these filaments have one commonality: self assembly polymers aka hydrogel. We know that he found chemical signatures in the CDB filaments ( aka Morgellons) that strongly suggested the presence of poly vinyl alcohol, a hydrogel polymer. It is well known that the lipid nanoparticle mRNA shot delivery system is a hydrogel based polymer known as polyethylene glycol. In this article, I am investigating chemical similarities of known compositions of C19 vial contents and analysis of environmental filaments known as Morgellons or CDB - Cross Domain Bacteria, a term coined by Clifford Carnicom.

The fundamental structures of environmental filaments sprayed for decades on humanity via geoengineering have been shown to be hydrogel based. I will review here the chemical analytics reports.

C19 shot investigation:

In the Project CUNIT-2-112Y6580 Qualitative Evaluation of Inclusions In Moderna, AstraZeneca and Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines Report the microscopic growth of filaments was seen. These are visually identical with what we have been seeing in live blood analysis as well as the CDB filaments seen by Clifford Carnicom for the past 30 years.

Here is the UK analysis report with its microscopy suggesting carbon species like Graphene. Further identifying chemical analysis of these filaments has not been done by this group, so we cannot rule out that other chemical compounds also have been involved in this filament growth. Please note the same filament growth that has been documented by many other C19 vial contents researchers and overlaps with live blood analysis findings.

Here is the full report:

Environmental filament analysis

This is from the 2012 analytic filament report:

Image: Environmental filament sprayed via geoengineering projects prior to analysis from France

From the summary:

Several samples of « air borne filaments » collected in November and December 2012 throughout the french territory were sent to our laboratory (originating from Thénioux, Saint Clément des Levées, Saint Martin de Crau, and Malabat (collection points located on the map of France, page 118). For each of these samples, two Curie-Point thermal desorption experiments were conducted at 445°C, directly as well as after in-situ methylation (a process allowing detection of polar compounds potentially present). The organic compounds generated in this series of eight experiments were -each time- separated by gas chromatography and identified by mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The data obtained were interpreted and the detailed results are presented in this analytical report. It appears that these « air borne filaments » are complex organic polymers, containing many synthetic chemicals, as evidenced by GC/MS screening of their thermal decomposition products.

Many organic molecules commonly encountered in the composition of jet fuels and jet reactors lubricants were evidenced in this investigation. The four samples studied contain several toxic synthetic compounds (phthalates) and three of them contain DEHP, a member of this family of particular concern due to its properties of endocrine disruptors. All organic molecules, particularly the heterocyclic compounds, present in the « air borne filaments » samples represent a strong concern, for public health as well as environmental protection.

I have been speaking about the fact that the hydrogel filaments seen in the blood are similar to plastics, and not parasites or worms. Please note the definition of Phthalates:

Phthalates are synthetic chemicals used to make plastics flexible and to make products smell good . Pronounced “THAL-ates”, phthalates make plastic soft and flexible and are often found in car interiors, shower curtains, deodorant, cosmetics and medical devices as well as children’s products such as toys, rattles, teethers rubber ducks bath books baby shampoo soap and lotion.

Complex organic polymers are Hydrogels:

Hydrogel -forming natural polymers include proteins such as collagen and gelatine and polysaccharides such as starch, alginate, and agarose. Synthetic polymers that form hydrogels are traditionally prepared using chemical polymerization methods.

Hydrogel: Preparation, characterization, and applications: A review

Classification according to polymeric composition

The method of preparation leads to formations of some important classes of hydrogels. These can be exemplified by the following:

Other synthetic chemicals seen in the French environmental filament analysis:

Lets look at the chemical composition of the Pfizer Lipid nanoparticles as found in this document obtained by Freedom of information act in Australia. Nonclinical Evaluation Report BNT162b2 [mRNA] COVID-19 vaccine (COMIRNATYTM) Submission No: PM-2020-05461-1-2 Sponsor: Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd January 2021.

I find it curious that the chemical structure between the environmental fibers and the C19 Lipid nanoparticles have expected overlap.

Note Butanal is a chemical compound of environmental filaments. In comparison, C19 Pfizer shots Lipid Nanoparticles contain (6Z,9Z,28Z,31Z)- heptatriaconta-6,9,28,31- tetraen-19-yl-4- (dimethylamino) butanoate.

Butyraldehyde, also known as butanal , is an organic compound with the formula CH 3 (CH 2) 2 CHO. This compound is the aldehyde derivative of butane . It is a colorless flammable liquid with an unpleasant smell. It is miscible with most organic solvents.

Aldol condensation in the presence of a base forms 2-ethyl-2-hexenal, which is then hydrogenated to form 2-ethylhexanol , a precursor to the plasticizer bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate . [4]

Butanoate is a sodium salt of butyric acid , an oily, colorless liquid with an unpleasant odor. Butyraldehyde ( Butanol) can be produced by the catalytic dehydrogenation of n -butanol . Butyric acid is manufactured by catalyzed air oxidation of butanal (butyraldehyde).

Hence the chemical compounds are similar and both can be building blocks of hydrogel polymers. This is another piece in the puzzle that I and Clifford Carnicom have been sounding the alarm about. We also have found aromatic Carbon Hydrogen signatures in vaccinated and unvaccinated blood that can indicate the presence of hydrogel.

Project “What Happened to Humanities Blood?” is making progress. Next I will show some never before seen images of the synthetic biology growing from unvaccinated and vaccinated blood samples.


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BlazeCloude3 - Apr 7, 2023 - Edited


Doing a fantastic job with both the research and keeping us up to date. Appreciate it greatly.

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Iain Harris - Apr 7, 2023

Iain’s Newsletter

I recall DrRyan Cole concluding and indeed all but dismissing these strands as contaminants from the manufacturing process.
Seems they are rather more sinister than suggested.
Nothing now surprises me with these shots but I have no doubt the shot never had anything to do with “disease protection.”
I fear it’s a human extinction level event.

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