Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 10, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Clot from deceased individual
Image: Clot from Vaccine Injured Individual
Image: Clot from unvaccinated Individual
In this paper we show the preliminary data of clot solubility testing with different caustic chemical reagents. We have previously reported on microscopy and Near Infrared spectroscopy of these same clots samples, from a deceased individual, and C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated living individuals.
Protein polymers are a rubber like substance. We used the following reagents:
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Lisa - Jul 10, 2023
Thank you once again, Dr Ana!! We appreciate all the work you and your teams are doing!
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Vinnie - Jul 10, 2023
Trust in the Living God, Man is full of deceptions…
God is Truth…
Pick up that Bible folks…
Man is self-destructing why follow and believe a self-righteous, prideful looser?
We WILL die…
This demonstrates how man, trusting in himself alone, kills himself!
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