The Comedy And Tragedy Of Bigotry - Critically Thinking With 5 Docs Commentary On My Research

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 14, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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The Five Docs Monthly Update - February 2024

I thought I have seen it all. But not quite. One of my patients just sent me this video of prominent doctors who are discussing my research.  1:01:54-1:02:42

Dr Northrup states the question - “What does everyone think about Ana Maria Mihalcea or whatever - the one who keeps talking about the blood. It is not sitting right with me lately.”

She states “I totally get that. I got her book and it was dedicated to Ramtha who is one of those channels who is with JZ Knight.” Dr. Merritt replies: “ That is what I just put in the chat - that all of her people are Ramtha channelers.” Dr Tennepenny chimes in that he is an egyptian God.

Dr Northup continues: “ And that is the guy who - who is the guy who does the placebo effect of the mind Joe - you are the placebo - hm - who’s the guy that is the placebo, the latest guru - Joe Dispenza - he’s the guy who also was a Ramtha person for “What the bleep do we know” with Candace Perth way back. So what I think is that what you are feeling is there is a lot of stuff that feels right but not quite right.” She continues “ I love what Carrie says about this - if we are made in the image of God, fearfully and wonderfully made - who cares if we got some stuff in our blood, we can overcome that. I really absolutely believe that. So anything that keeps you scared to death all the time, I would question, when there is no way out. I just don’t believe that.”

Dr Merritt states: “ Well, on a prosaic level I just learned this - the one fact I learned this from—you just confirmed it, but I just learned this from a friend of mine in California, who’s kind of an insider on a lot of things. And she said that all of her [Dr. Ana’s] patients are Ramtha channelers. Now…if you’re going to look at random series, that’s not a random series. So if it plays a role, she’s going to see a skewed population right there. I mean, if all I took care of were, you know, pig farmers, and I’m trying to make some general point about cardiac risk of some medicine, that’s not--you don’t know what that one group being so similar is going to do to that--your evaluation. So she’s seeing these weird things in the blood, but, you know, again, this isn’t a random sample of people, is all I’m saying. “


My comments:

I wanted to address this unprofessional attack on my research work, since these doctors have a lot of followers. As a background knowledge, I was interviewed by Dr Lee Merritt on her show last year and she called me a "sister from another mother." My Interview With Medical Rebel Dr. Lee Merritt My Interview With Medical Rebel Dr. Lee Merritt . I was also interviewed by their Pastor McCloud as well as urged to participate in the blook Solutions For The End Times Book Available Now - Contributions from Pastor McCloud, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Celeste Solum and more... , despite repeatedly saying no because I was so busy. At their explicit invitation I also spoke at Dr Carrie Madej and Pastor McCloud private group. I have never made it a secret that my teacher is Ramtha the Enlightened One, and it is once again surprising that these people are just now catching on. I have said to predjudiced Christians that judge and attack me - that not only do I love the message of the Nazarene Jeshua Ben Joseph but I actually live it. I have been called anything from a demon to any other name in the book. I have made a public statement after one of such attacks on my reputation here and literally started my own freedom movement. I asked the question if some of the other prominent people who visited the school, like the presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr, Dr Judy Mikovits and others should also be demonized. Please read the explanation of my training here:

I AM STARTING A NEW FREEDOM MOVEMENT: Humanity United - For The Preservation Of The Human Species

I have an internationally renown antiaging medical clinic in Washington State that is visited by people coming from all over the United States and other countries. My patients are of all faiths and I do not discriminate based on religion as these doctors do. There is no scientific correlation with live blood contamination and your spiritual beliefs. Ramtha has only ONE Channel, the great American Channel JZ Knight. I have the HONOR of being her personal physician. I love her like an older sister, and would protect her always!

My research findings have been corroborated around the world and this has been published in the scientific literature - here are just a few examples:

Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna Dark -Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNtech or Moderna

Article Review: What is in the so-called COVID-19 “Vaccines”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity

NZ Conference, mass testing for body tech and results thereof.

I have written extensively about the fact that people are affected, and what the antidotes are.


Hope Wins: Before And After Intravenous EDTA Chelation + Vitamin C - Dark Field Live Blood Analysis - A Case Report

Literature Review of EDTA Chelation

Decontaminating The Blood From Synthetic Biology Hydrogel With EDTA Chelation - Live Blood Documentation

EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel

Another Confirmation: EDTA Combined With Vitamin C And Other Antioxidants Inhibits Nano Particle Polymerization In New Moderna Patent

Methylene Blue Effects Against Micro Robots and Rubbery Clot Development - A Possible Hopeful Adjunct Solution? Methylene Blue Effects Against Micro Robots and Rubbery Clot Development - A Possible Hopeful Adjunct Solution?

Methylene Blue Prevents Rubbery Clot Formation, Essential Oils Help Too - Experiment Documentation

In regards to the claim that God will clean your blood so why worry about it - my comment is this: Everyone has free will to do as they choose for themselves.

However, these doctors influence many thousands of people, and they are suggesting to these people not to look at their blood and not to protect themselves from this dangerous self assembly nanotechnology. Such ignorant leadership causes harm, for the technology has been associated with substantial harmful effects which can be found in the literature under “microplastics contamination of humans” and is described by many thousands of people around the world.

My scientific work has uncovered Crimes against Humanity visually and is used and quoted in many legal actions, including the Ban the Jabs resolution that has been passed my many GOP counties, The Writ of Mandamus filed in the Supreme Court of Florida, the Grand Jury Petitions of Covid Crimes against Humanity distributed in 11 US States and I am a witness in the Costa Rica Crimes against Humanity Nuremberg law suits. To want to discredit my scientific work with the same old baseless accusations regarding Ramtha at this stage of the human fight of freedom - is anti-freedom and anti-humanity.

Doctors, instead of talking irrelevant nonsense in light of a world war and misleading your followers, why don’t you get a microscope and do something to help save humanity! If you want to discredit me and my work and insult my patients, why don’t you do the scientific work of looking at the blood - you might learn something that helps your followers! I challenge you to try to discredit my work with a microscope, not with baseless rumors and trash talk!

And for those of you who hate Ramtha or have a problem with my spiritual beliefs please unsubscribe! If you want to know about my life, my autobiography is in my book, just in case there is anything else people have a problem with. Light Medicine, A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity

I will never, ever deny my teacher and am willing to die on this hill. For those who did not get it yet:

I am a Student of Ramtha The Enlightened One, the Lord of the Wind, the Ram of the Hindu people - the greatest Conquerer who ever walked this Earth. Ramtha is an ascended Master. I consider him my spiritual father.

I am a proud warrior and Ramtha has trained me well. I will never ever deny my truth for foolish people, and I care not about fame, group think, or any other social conscious agenda.

I am here for one mission, to preserve the divine human genetic line for a future.

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Mama Bear - Mar 14

I’m so sorry they made the choice to treat you this way. Some people need to put others down to elevate their own ego. I’m confident they will regret these statements in the near future. Thank you for work and bravery in sharing it.

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Jan - Mar 14

We are very grateful that we are close enough geographically to Dr Ana's practice. We don't share her belief system nor does she share ours. But, that's not why we regard her as a doctor of excellence in her understanding and medical practice. She has helped us using medical practices unavailable in corporate medicine. Without going into great detail we believe we were led to her by our Father God in His loving provision for us. Thank you Dr Ana. Those doctors sound like mean junior high girls...I know I taught for 35 years. They need to grow up and act like the professionals they're supposed to be with the curiosity and drive we observe in you.

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