Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 21, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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100x: Ribbon structures and Rouleaux formation everywhere.
I had a young unvaccinated patient in his 30’s come see me in November. He had just had “Covid” less than three weeks ago and was feeling fatigued, had brain fog, couldn’t sleep. He had taken full course of Ivermectin and the usual supplements, Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin D and C. I looked at his blood with my Darkfield Microscope. These images is what I found. I hope those people who dismiss Drs Kaufman, Baileys, Cowan, Corbett, and Christine Massey take a look at this. I predict that Live Blood Analysis could settle the “There is no Virus” debate. What if “Covid 19 “it is Hydrogel/Graphene/ Synthetic Biology/ Artificial Intelligence Poisoning?
200x: Huge Ribbon Structures
100x: more Ribbon Structures
100x: more huge Ribbon Structures
200x: imagine I saw all of this in only one drop of blood. How much is in 6 liters?
400x: Up close Ribbon Structures, fibrin aggregates in background
400x: All the blood was in Rouleaux - I could not find normal blood anywhere
He was started on a nutritional program and he did IV EDTA Chelation twice a week. We checked his blood in a month. There were no structures seen and Rouleaux was resolved. He is feeling excellent. See below:
200x: no fibrin, no Ribbon structures seen in the whole blood drop
200x: no Rouleaux seen
This is one case. I have many similar to this with peoples blood being cleared of these structures in as little as one or two EDTA Chelation IV’s. I am just reminding people, that the answers are in the blood and solutions exist. It is a huge hopeful experience for people to be shocked at how bad their blood looks, and then to see it restored after getting the right treatment.
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David Lamb - Dec 21, 2022
Cosmic Consultant
Thanks Dr. Ana.
There's a few of us who've been trying to raise awareness about the graphene oxide in the vaxes for almost two years.
Virtually all of the alternative media is convinced that it's mRNA and the 'spike protein' doing the damage, because we can trust that what pharma and the DOD tell us about the vaxes is truthful, right?
Lots of evidence says the mRNA story is all misdirection, and it's really rGO functionalized with PEG that's doing the damage. I've found published research from 2018 proving that it was already known what GO does in the body, and it matches perfectly with not only vax injury symptoms, but with the original 'covid' symptoms as well.
Yes, looking at live blood under darkfield microscope is what will reveal what's happening. It's blood poisoning with GO or rGO.
The good news is that the published research shows that the body can slowly break down the GO, but obviously we have to survive the acute damage long enough for the body to recover.
One of the specific things the GO research shows is that it causes the blood to produce fibroblasts, which explains the big fibrous clots that pathologists are pulling out of all the dead people.
People need to understand that this isn't just coming from the vaxes. GO is the new wonder-material that the soulless technocrats are planning on using in a thousand ways and insuring that it becomes pervasive in the environment. They're already applying it to textiles as an anti-microbial, including N95 masks, sanitary wipes, bedding, etc. They've added it to the geoengineering aerosols for cloud seeding and solar radiation management. They're experimenting with using it for drinking water treatment. And it will be in virtually all plastics & metals because it makes them stronger and lighter.
The ability to manufacture GO in industrial quantities is recent, ramping up in 2018-19, with a $billion funding push by the EU. So significant exposure to GO really only started around 2019. What a coincidence.
If anyone wants more info, LMK and I'm happy to share.
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consuelo - Dec 21, 2022
GOD told us that the life is in the blood and the monsters are murdering by contaminating the blood.
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