Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 30, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I have discussed last year the patent on CELL-FRIENDLY INVERSE OPAL HYDROGELS FOR CELL ENCAPSULATION, DRUG AND PROTEIN DELIVERY, AND FUNCTIONAL NANOPARTICLE and how EDTA is used to safely inhibit the polymerization of the hydrogel beads. Here you can read its effectiveness in 20 minutes:
This is discussed in this article.
In my recent post on polymer chemistry, I discussed that Polyethylene Polymers self assemble or polymerize via the process of “Coordination Polymerization”. This requires a catalyst, which is a transition metal compound. You can find these detail here:
In the newly published Moderna Patent, it discusses how to inhibit the formation of the lipid Nanoparticle and the ionized lipid-polynucleotide with a chelating and reducing agent.
Iminodiacetic acid description:
EDTA, which can be used in humans is a similar compound to the Iminodiacetic acid:
In fact, in the patent it says we need a reducing agent (also known as an antioxidant) and a chelating agent to inhibit the nano particle formation. I marked the compounds that are safe for humans to take:
They say if you combine EDTA with Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Malic Acid, you can inhibit the nano particle proliferation/ assembly. This is logical, because you need metals for the polymerization and the EDTA binds those.
Here is what Malic Acid is:
Malic Acid has been used in combination with Magnesium to treat fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Foods that contain Malic Acid are apples, cherries, grapes, blackberries, lychee, mango, nectarines, strawberries, oranges and lemons. Vegetables: tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, peas, potatoes, tomatoes and rhubarb. Wine and ciders (made from apples) also contain it, however we have found in experiments that the filaments grow when exposed to beer, wine and hard spirits. In people who have been exposed to shedding, alcohol also worsens the insomnia. High dose Molybdenum can help alleviate some of that.
You can get Malic Acid, used to support muscle health and energy production here:
This of course is what I have been finding and discussing all along - in my view the fasted and most efficient way to clean the blood is IV Chelation administration for highly contaminated individuals. Yes, unfortunately it needs to be continued regularly, at the level we are now, twice a month is what I recommend - but it does work symptomatically brilliantly. It is the one thing that keeps me going, since I am highly sensitive to shedding, and very challenged with high contamination load. One IV works magic and restores me within a couple hours.
I have treated many hundreds of people with this protocol with improvement of symptoms. People complain all the time that I should recommend something easier… well folks, this is the antidote even in the patents, as I have been saying all along. It can be taken orally, but for someone like me who has been hit so hard, IV therapy is essential. People make their own choices, but I have been seeing more and more people dying suddenly, even the unvaccinated, affected with significant aging problems from shedding. This works. I use this in addition to Methylene Blue, Plaquex, Vitamin C etc.
Please note, I use this protocols for MAINTENANCE. I still recommend Ivermectin for acute cases and having it on hand, starting it right at symptom onset. It works excellent. Then when your symptoms are over, get a live blood analysis and EDTA Chelation to clean up the blood.
Here are some of my many previous posts on the topic
Literature Review of EDTA Chelation
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Veronica Evans - Dec 31, 2023
Dr. Ana,
Here is a repost of a note I posted earlier today:
@Karl.C , @David Nixon , @matt. j.a.o.b , @Ronald D Norris , @FM8 , @Carnicom Institute , @RebeccaccebeR , @Michael Ginsburg , & all other researchers, microscopists, & concerned Substackers:
Can any of you please help me to understand why @Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD has made absolutely no mention of the exciting, promising results of NA Citrate (oka Sodium Citrate) for ridding the body of nano technology?
Certainly, some acknowledgment is to be expected - the implications of this substance being more widely accessible & affordable to most everyone in the world compared to EDTA treatments which are an untenable solution for the majority of people due to its expense, it’s necessarily repeated applications, & the practical inability to find sufficient numbers of chelate practitioners.
I respect the work that Dr. Ana has done; I’ve followed her almost from the beginning of her Substack. But I find her silence on the amazing discovery & potential benefits of Sodium Citrate to be very untoward. I’m sorry but I’m inclined to question her integrity at present.
This is not the first time that Dr. Ana’s behavior has appeared incongruous to me. Ronald’s Substack presented some extraordinary findings a few months back showing that the combination of certain proteases (Lumbrokinase, Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, & Bromelain) along with Ivermectin dissolved the hydrogel in his blood. His evidence was well documented. He also stated that, according to his experience examining the blood of various people that not everyone showed contamination by the hydrogel/nano-technology. Around this time Dr. Ana singularly tested several substances (some of the same proteases as Ronald did, I believe) and declared that they were ineffective in dissolving the hydrogel & provided pics to back up her claims. Yet I remember questioning whether her conclusions were not premature & skewed to support a desired result. How could she make such definitive statements without doing a very extensive testing of the products - not only singularly but also in multiple combinations with one another? And are in vitro results always representative of results obtained in vivo? Overall, her scientific method in regards to her claims appeared weak, hasty, & a bit reckless.
The other issue that began to concern me about Dr. Ana was her tendency to make very wide, blanket statements. She often asserted that EVERYONE had the nano technology in their bodies/blood. I, and many others no doubt, took this for granted. Yet in one of the articles I read from Ronald’s Substack, I believe he stated - based on direct, empirical examination - that he found some individuals who were not infected/contaminated. This begs the question WHY? Could it possibly have something to do with their diet? Might it be due to having a primarily alkaline system whereas most people are suffering from too much acidity? The possibilities are too numerous to state.
Cui bono? Who benefits when a doctor supposedly working on behalf of humanity is, for all intents and purposes, MIA regarding an important discovery?
In reading a recent article by Karl C. regarding Methylene Blue, I was given to see that I’m not the only one who is questioning Dr. Ana’s methodology. No one should fear questioning, scrutinizing, or holding accountable those who’re sounding the battlecry against evil. Dr. Ana has been a foremost leader; the world is indebted to her for the attention she has brought to the existence of nano-technology. Yet no one should be afforded a pass. There is just too much at stake.
If nobody can offer a well-founded, rational reason excusing Dr. Ana’s apparent tongue-tiedness, I hope Dr. Ana will step forward & explain herself. Time is of the essence; this is an idea which she has repeatedly emphasized. Hopefully, some response will be forthcoming from her for the benefit of all.
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Leon - Dec 31, 2023
Thank you Dr. Ana for all you do.
IV EDTA is prepared using 0.9% Normal Saline. However currently the ‘nano/hydrogel additional staff’ is in all med. products (including Normal Saline). Will IV EDTA load the patients with ‘additional staff’? Thanks.
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