Solutions For The End Times Book Available Now - Contributions from Pastor McCloud, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Celeste Solum and more...

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 13, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I was asked to write a chapter in the Solutions for the End Times book. I had told Pastor Caspar McCloud that I am not religious, but he felt that my research is helpful to people. Despite my different spiritual views he has embraced me as a sister fighting in this war with the greatest kindness and support. When I told him that I am too busy to complete the chapters he kept encouraging me to get it done.

I have met Dr. Carrie Madej and was invited once to their group meeting with Pastor McCloud. They were the first people I shared with my near death experience from my remote assassination attempt seeing the red dragon - Satan- and how the world is being held hostage by technology. They did not laugh at me, but were supportive and understanding. I do not believe that Dr. Madej’s air plane crash was an accident, and she clearly understood being targeted and the spiritual aspect of this warfare. She was also one of the first physicians who ever mentioned hydrogel, Artificial Intelligence and nanotechnology in the shots and has been a pioneer in revealing this information. I have had the privilege to do an interview with Dr Lee Merritt, who is absolutely brilliant and who understands also the implications of the technology and optogenetics. I have not personally met Dr Tenpenny but she is a brave and brilliant warrior and a great voice for medical freedom. I am grateful for her work. I have had discussions with Celeste Solum, and she is extremely knowledgeable on synthetic biology, nanotechnology, mind control and spiritual warfare. I recommend her brilliant work that can be found here: Celeste Solum . I have not been familiar with the work of the other authors but I am so honored to join them in our fight for survival of the human species.

I have had a lifelong passion to find the truth about the teachings of Jeshua Ben Joseph and never resonated with the many contradictions in the edited versions of the Bible. Neither was the murderous history of the Catholic Church in the times of the Inquisition by killing millions of people in the most torturous way, or the pedophile child trafficking cover ups within the catholic church or the openly satanic symbolism within the Vatican anything that has drawn me in at all. When I discovered the Nag Hammadi library, the context of Jeshua’s techings became much clearer.

The Nag Hammadi library, also known as the Chenoboskion Manuscripts or the Gnostic Gospels, is a collection of early Christian and Gnostic texts discovered near the Upper Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi in 1945.It is considered the most important archaeological discovery in the modern period relating to the history of early Christianity. The library consists of 13 leather-bound papyrus books, or "codices," buried in a sealed jar. The vast majority of the scrolls in the library represent the writings of what was/is known as Christian Gnosticism. The library includes the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary, and the recently discovered Gospel of Judas, as well as other Gnostic gospels and sacred texts. The library is frequently pointed to as an example of "lost books of the Bible" due to the conspiracy theory that early Christians tried to destroy these Gnostic writings because they contained secret teachings about Jesus and Christianity. The Nag Hammadi Scriptures is the most complete, up-to-date, one-volume, English-language edition of the renowned library of Gnostic manuscripts discovered in Egypt in 1945.

Later I found the scientific expedition accounts of the Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. We know that Jeshua was an Initiate who travelled to India and Tibet and was trained there in the ancient mystery schools.

"Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East" is a book by Baird T. Spalding that describes the travels of a research party of eleven scientists in 1894 to India and Tibet. During their trip, they claim to have made contact with "the Great Masters of the Himalayas", immortal beings with whom they lived and studied, gaining insight into their lives and spiritual message. The book is a monumental classic that has bequeathed the wisdom and knowledge of the immortal masters, assisting and guiding the heart in every age. The Masters were scattered over a wide territory that covered a large portion of India, Tibet, China, and Persia, and it could take years of searching many secluded villages and hidden mountain communes.

There were other great ascended illuminated beings like Appolonius of Tyana

Jesus Christ’s contemporary Apollonius of Tyana, who lived circa 3 BC to around 97 AD and who many people at the time believed was a divine figure who could save humanity, is almost erased by history.

Apollonius of Tyana’s similarities to Jesus Christ are undeniable . They both are said to have ascended to Heaven. There are stories of both performing miracles. They were both spiritual teachers.

Apollonius and Jeshua were not the same person, but two initiates who both ascended, as did Buddha and Ramtha.

When Jeshua described the teachings that the father that lives in him lives in each human being - he set humanity free of the control of the Priest class. Unfortunately religion was created by editing much of the biblical texts and leaving key books out of the bible.

In the Geneva Bible the words are still left closer to the original:

“The kingdom of heaven is within you.”

My own spiritual belief is that we are to become Christ Consciousness, not be saved by someone else. We are to embody truth, unconditional love, compassion, service to our fellow man. I find great encouragement in the warrior spirit of Jeshua.

I know Dr. Miceal Ledwith personally, former advisor to the Pope and the author of Saving Jesus . We both attend Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment.

Dr. Ledwith was Professor of Systematic Theology for sixteen years at Maynooth College in Ireland and subsequently served for ten years as president of the university. He was a member of the International Theological Commission, a small group of theologians of international standing, charged with advising the Holy See on theological matters. He also served as Chairman of the Committee of Heads of the Irish Universities and as a member of the governing Bureau of the Conference of European University Presidents (CRE).

I have had deep conversations with Dr. Ledwith and it really illuminated me regarding the suppressed information by the church on the spiritual truth surrounding Jeshua’s life. Dr. Ledwith has had access for many years to the secret Vatican library, and from him I have learned much about the corruption of the church. Of course, Dr. Ledwith was blacklisted and persecuted for being a whistleblower and joining Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. But as we know, being blacklisted by the satanic deep state is a badge of honor. I too wear it proudly. I resonate with the message of the book “Saving Jesus”:

Jesus promised that those who truly put his teachings into practice would do all the wonders he did and greater. Why then, even after 2,000 years, has there never yet been any significant sign of these wonders happening in any of the more than 20,000 Christian Churches and Congregations that are proud to bear his name today? The Crucifixion took place on the eve of Passover. That major Jewish Festival centered on the sacrifice of a lamb on the altar of the Temple. The shedding of its blood was believed to wash our sins in the sight of God. It was almost inevitable that the earliest followers of Jesus would have tied Jesus to the Sacrificial Lamb of Passover. Over the centuries this warped belief that Jesus is a Suffering Savior, who came here to die for our sins, has dealt a crippling blow to the emergence of the spiritual power that he promised us. There is hope. This book assaults those crippling beliefs by an investigation that ranges through history, the religious mindset, and the workings of the brain. It shows how we can learn to change these deeply embedded and subconscious programs. As Jesus “Those who have ears to hear let them hear.”

While some people are critical of my spiritual training, I can tell you that I have had the privilege to have discussions with some of the greatest theological insiders.

I very much resonate with the whistleblower Ronald Bernard. He is a former high profile Banker who exposed the Satanic Banking Elite that own the world and their practice of satanic ritual child abuse and murder.

Ronald has had a remarkable spiritual journey and near death experience. I also had 2 near death experiences and have understood my own spiritual self outside of my physical body. I have had the journey of facing my “shadow self”. Ronald describes the power of our own spiritual self, and how his experience allowed him to understand how he is connected to all of life, for he went through his life review. This is also reflects my spiritual experience and understanding of self responsibility and oneness with all of life. I have no fear and am not afraid of death. I also want to create the wonder of what I know to be true on the other side - here on earth. I agree that religion has a huge amount of dogma and programming, but I respect everyone’s choices and path. As long as they do not worship Satan and sacrifice and rape children, but fight for the goodness of life, I resonate with that.

If you are interested, I highly recommend this phenomenal interview:

I wanted to explain to people the reason I agreed to be part of the book above was to provide solutions and I hope it helps people. It is demonstrating how human beings with different spiritual beliefs still can collaborate and fight for freedom together. Unity is what we need in these turbulent times of trials and tribulations.

I have described my near death experience in my journey of healing from ovarian cancer in my book Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity.

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Heidi Lynn - Oct 13, 2023

Yes I believe it doesn’t matter what our religious beliefs are in the context of all that is at stake. Spiritual and religious vary worldwide because we humans are diverse!

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Lisa - Oct 13, 2023


As always, thank you for your work, for transparently sharing your beliefs and for continuing to fight for humanity.

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