Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 29, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I have been showing live blood of unvaccinated people to alert the world that shedding is real and that we are under unprecedented assault. I received permission to show before and after treatment live blood analysis (LBA) of this C19 unvaccinated individual who has been experiencing progressive debilitating fatigue. The blood in the video above was one of the worst cases I have seen, with the toxic appearing red blood cells and many self assembly hydrogel first seen on Monday when the patient first came to see me. The person has been as careful as possible regarding exposure to C19 bioweapon shedding. I had posted the video yesterday. Here are other images from the first LBA.
This is how toxic the blood looked on most of the slide, immediately after the finger prick:
Here is a classic sphere associated with building hydrogel filaments with surrounding rouleaux:
Here is a filament with what appears to be red blood cells in them, a classic feature also associated with CDB/ Morgellons, different stages of assembly seen with sphere on the left and building substrate below filament.
This was the blood after EDTA Chelation alternating with Vitamin C 20.000mg - for a total of 2 EDTA Chelation’s and one Vitamin C infusion - three days later - normal blood, no filaments, the light circles is just light from darkfield condenser. The blood is moving, not clumping, white blood cells look normal. The toxic blood appearance has been completely restored. Please see the video footage:
Good blood flow seen, red blood cells look good:
I wish to continue to document that EDTA Chelation and Vitamin C combination clearly appears to be effective in alleviating the blood clumping, the toxic appearance of the red blood cells and has effect on decreasing the hydrogel building blocks and filaments. I will show other case studies with video the same way of dramatic improvements. People feel better and are relieved that the blood looks better. At minimum, the EDTA Chelation buys us time to continue to research definite solutions to clear the nanotechnology. People tell me all the time I should research other solutions. I do, and yet I encourage others to research other treatments because I have my protocols that are continually evolving, but I do not discard what works. When you have a patient walk into your office and the blood looks as concerning as I showed above, I want to use what works, which is this protocol. I have shown this over and over again and will continue to document this.
People accuse me of spreading fear with my research, but I simply state what I see to warn the world. Don’t you understand that you have to know as much as you can about the problem to find a solution - especially if there is a complete information blackout on this self spreading nanotechnology?
I have already given a working solution. It might not fit into people’s paradigm, but it works.
I will post more evidence in the coming days.
Hope and God wins.
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Lisa - Jun 29, 2023 - Edited
I recall the video of the father who called the pharmacist who administered his son's shot. You may have seen the video also. The son got myocarditis. The pharmacist explains that they do not share the potential risks of the shots (including stroke, cardiac arrest, and death) with people coming to get the shot. He asked why and she said they didn't want to invoke fear in people.
If the truth is fearful, ignorance can be deadly.
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Rosalind McGill - Jun 29, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks for fighting for humanity
.( God bless
& protect
the truth tellers.
In Jesus Holy name,
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