Decontaminating The Blood From Synthetic Biology Hydrogel With EDTA Chelation - Live Blood Documentation

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 04, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image courtesy: Case 6. 1 week after treatment.

I often am heavily criticized for advocating for EDTA Chelation as a successful modality to clear the blood from this transhumanist assault. Since not many practitioners are doing it or even using Live Blood Analysis, they cannot verify my results. In my practice, many people come from out of town, they stay a few days and often there are many chronic problems to reverse. They want to know if what they did worked, so I show them in their blood. People come for Long Covid symptoms, concerns about shedding and often have tried many different approaches. I use Darkfield Live Blood microscopy to garner information, never to diagnose. It has been a useful tool to evaluate for the presence of abnormal structures, which I have found in everyone.

I have advocated for the use of EDTA Chelation intravenously because I saw rapid and substantial changes in the blood.

My practice is an anti-aging clinic, so I additionally use peptides like Epithalon, which lengthens telomeres and repairs DNA to help reverse the accelerated aging symptoms often seen these days. The Vitamin C infusions and Epithalon are not necessary to use for decontamination of the blood, but they significantly help improve symptoms.

These structures in the blood, which I call Hydrogel/ Graphene, can be cleared effectively and rapidly. In this article, I want to show what I see in clinical practice.

In addition to objective improvement of the blood, all patients had symptom improvement.

Case 1. Before: extensive Hydrogel/ Graphene filaments, Rouleaux formation, micro clotting.

Case 1. 3 days later. Received two EDTA Chelations, one Vitamin C Infusion 20.000mg and Epithalon. No Hydrogel/ Graphene Ribbons, no significant Rouleaux. The patient had just eaten, so the point like haziness in the background are chylomicrons, which are normal fats.

Case 2. Before Treatment. Extensive Rouleaux formation, many Hydrogel/Graphene Structures

Case 2. After Treatment. 3 days later. Received 2 EDTA Chelations, one Vitamin C Infusion 20.000mg and Epithalon. No Hydrogel/ Graphene Ribbons, no significant Rouleaux.

Case 3. Before. Hydrogel/Graphene Structures, some very long

Case 3. After Treatment. 3 Days later. Received 2 EDTA Chelations, one Vitamin C Infusion 20.000mg and Epithalon. No Hydrogel/ Graphene Ribbons, no significant Rouleaux.

Case 4. Before Treatment. Rouleaux formation, large Hydrogel/Graphene Structures

Case 4 After Treatment 4 days later. Received 2 EDTA Chelations, 2 Vitamin C Infusion 20.000mg and Epithalon. No Hydrogel/ Graphene Ribbons, no significant Rouleaux. Normal Blood

Case 5. Before Treatment. Extensive Rouleaux formation, large Hydrogel/Graphene Structures

Case 5. After Treatment. Two Chelations weekly for a month. That was not due to the chelation not working earlier, but patient preference. No Graphene Hydrogel, no rouleaux.

Apart from clearing the blood of Hydrogel/ Graphene Structures which Vitamin C alone does not do, EDTA Chelation also removes toxic metals from the body, which is paramount to the Hydrogel microchip development and carries its own significant toxicity. This is how much toxic metals can be removed with one EDTA Chelation IV.

My question to the critics is this: show me one therapy anywhere that can give such a result within three to four days for certain, sometimes in as little as one treatment with symptomatic improvement in as little as one day. I have not seen one. There are not many practitioners because this treatment was suppressed by the FDA for decades. But its historic scientific efficacy profile is stellar as I discussed in the article below.

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Literature Review of EDTA Chelation
Slide Courtesy: The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT) Initial Results Gervasio A. Lamas MD Chairman of Medicine Mount Sinai Medical Center Miami Beach FL Chief, Columbia University Division of Cardiology at Mount Sinai Professor of Medicine Columbia University Medical Center…
Read more

And for maintenance after clearing the blood, I recommend the EDTA Cream daily.

I am going to keep talking about what works. I will continue to document these remarkable results until maybe someone pays attention and replicates this. Imagine if a government that actually cares about the survival of its citizens would warp speed Chelation Therapy clinics, and everybody regardless of vaccination status would get two Chelation’s to clear their blood and then one infusion once a month. I wonder what would happen to the health of the population if you keep their blood clear from these structures. I wonder how many “died suddenly” cases we could reduce if you clear out self assembly hydrogel which causes the production of these rubbery clots in the body. This vision does not seem hard to me to achieve, if people would only acknowledge the presence of hydrogel synthetic biology and artificial intelligence nanotechnology with Carbon Nanotubes aka Graphene. People need to demand from their doctors and governments the exploration of treatments for this synthetic biology. They need to stand up, protest and fight for their survival, as well as the reveal of all deceptions in medicine and the implementation of therapies that OBVIOUSLY AND VISIBLY can help.

I never listen to people who want to destroy HOPE.

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Okisuke - Apr 4, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Dear Dr. Ana. This might be useful for you, therefore I wanna keep myself short. I'm a chemist who has working experience in the pharmaceutical industry. After receiving two doses of Spikevax Moderna in 2021 I quickly developed piercing chest pain, my worst and still ongoing "side effect". The cardiologist couldn't find anything using only echocardiography and ECG. Luckily I didn't do an MRI (gadolinium!).
Treatments I tried: 1. ozone infusion (10 sessions), 2. Calcium disodium edetate (CaNa2EDTA) infusion (3 sessions), 3. Acetylglutathione+vit. C infusion (1000 mg only).
Beside ozone infusion, CaNa2EDTA was the best way to clear out these foreign graphene ribbons. I still found one under dark field microscopy that literally bursted one of my erythrocytes, but I felt an immediate mental clarity after the first EDTA infusion session! The chest pain still remains, but was lowered by approx. 10 %. Before I got my first EDTA infusion, the membranes of my erythrocytes were very thin and barely visible. Huge graphene ribbons were clearly visible.
But the craziest part were my results for the heavy metals measured via IPC-MS. I had 4 times higher value of gadolinium even though I never received an MRI!?! Gadolinium was also found in these shots.
I can share some screenshots of my blood analysis as well as the results of my heavy metal test after the first EDTA infusion. Edit: Click on my profile to see the pictures of my live blood analysis.
Toxicity of graphene oxide depends on the following factors: dose, lateral size, and surface charge.
An article named "Endoperoxides Revealed as Origin of the Toxicity of Graphene Oxide" stated that EDTA does not influence the endoperoxides induced by GO, but an oligonucleotide linked with a fluorescein derivative significantly decreased the reactivity. Edit (@readers): You can find the full article I'm referencing if you paste this DOI (without") "DOI: 10.1002/anie.201507070" into Sci-Hub.
I was also found 2 papers that use kaolin as an "antidote" for GO.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.8b00135
DOI: 10.1039/C8MD00633D
For your readers: Regarding supplements I take NAC, quercetine, Zn, nattokinase, serrapeptase, cats claw, vit. C, vit. D3 and bunch of others occasionally.

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LCE - Apr 4, 2023

God bless you, Dr. Ana. Ever since the start of the pandemic, I have stopped going to hospitals. I don't trust hospitals anymore. I want to help my family members who are vaccinated. Where can people get EDTA Chelation, Vitamin C infusions, and where can people purchase Epithalon? God bless you!!!

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