I’m so sorry they made the choice to treat you this way. Some people need to put others down to elevate their own ego. I’m confident they will regret these statements in the near future. Thank you for work and bravery in sharing it.
We are very grateful that we are close enough geographically to Dr Ana's practice. We don't share her belief system nor does she share ours. But, that's not why we regard her as a doctor of excellence in her understanding and medical practice. She has helped us using medical practices unavailable in corporate medicine. Without going into great detail we believe we were led to her by our Father God in His loving provision for us. Thank you Dr Ana. Those doctors sound like mean junior high girls...I know I taught for 35 years. They need to grow up and act like the professionals they're supposed to be with the curiosity and drive we observe in you.
Well as far as I'm concerned, you and Karen Kingston are on the leading edge on deciphering this catastrophe. I follow you two every day, those four, never.
Oooh, sorry close, great comment. My parents exposed me to different disciplines and/or branches of religion and/or belief systems, with the “Desiderata” pasted on the door to follow my path throughout the day when I was a child, and for this reason I like listening to everyone. Wondering if you have listened to Sabrina Wallace ? I find som correlation between her reports and the findings of Dr. Ana Mihalcea. Do you ?
By their deeds we shall know them. Their words show their twisted hearts and insincere motives. Take no heed of these scoundrels. They attack because they cannot face their own fears. They cannot face the Truth of what you show us all. They obviously don't know how to use a microscope, either. Bless their paths and pass the biscuits. You rock, doc. Never doubt that.
It’s unbelievable in this day and age that people still cling to a belief system, the Bible, Koran, Torah who were written who knows by whom, when and under what circumstances and altered over the centuries to fit the political ambitions of emperors to close their minds to any other information and view the world through that narrow lens of perception. You do great work. Don’t let such closed minded people distract you. I put out your name and articles whenever I can. I had one bad review on Amazon about the Plaquex book. It’s not based on that book but books I mention in the back I have written, none of which that person had read. It ludicrous and says a lot about the stupidity and mindset of that person. Keep walking your path!!!
Dr Anita Baxas, Dr. Sheri Tenpenny has pushed zeolite sprays to prevent COVID. I am sure she used the product too. Dr Ana Maria Mihaleca recently stated the zeolite sprays can be counter productive in protecting you against COVID because zeolites may actually promote nanotechnology development within your body that simulate the production of clotting. Well Dr. Tenpenny had a stoke 5 months ago. Maybe, zeolite use helped bring this event to happen to Dr. Tenpenny. Even Mike Adam’s today talked about how dangerous zeolites can be because of their high aluminum content. Surely how can Dr. Tenpenny promote a substance with a high aluminum content, while she then rightly points out all the aluminum adjuvants are within many of the vaccines. It is a contradiction in terms! Furthermore, I have a friend who is seeing resolution to her vaccine induced clots using Dr. Ana’s protocols!
Didn't both Dr Mihalcea and Karen Kingston both promote zeolite sprays? I even purchased 2 bottles last year collecting dust (my intuition tells me not to take it). I may as well throw them out now. I like how Mike Adams tests all the products, although he did promote shilajit a long time ago (15yrs ago?), and he was also saying that it's toxic.
Mark, yes Karen Kingston did but I don’t remember Dr. Mihaleca promoting zeolite sprays. Same thing goes with oral verses intravenous EDTA. Dr. Ana Mihaleca warning against oral EDTA because of possible issue involving kidneys via oral route. I give Karen a pass on this because she is not a clinical practitioner like Dr. Ana Mihaleca or Dr. Sheri Tenpenny. The whole problem here these experimental injections were crimes against humanity with no transparency on the substances contained within the vials. As the investigation in the blood continues by Dr. Ana & Dr. Anita Baxas in both live blood analysis and microscopy that show nanotechnology of Graphene Oxide & Hydrogels which Pfizer admits within their own patents is involved here and not mRNA or spike protein, scientific inquiry then should focus on these aspects instead. David Icke just interviewed Dr. Anita Baxas on her planned additional trials in Florida to prove that nanotechnology are in these vials and Dr. Ryan Cole attacked her on Graphene Oxide like he attacked Dr. Ana Stuckleberger on her presentation on nanotechnology. My sense here is that we should not hold on to sacred cows here as we all seek the truth. In addition, I am a very forgiving person to folks in this space that are doing their best, but miss the mark. I pray that Dr. Sherri Tenpenny continues to get better. I hope she will promote something other zeolites in the future.
The EDTA that Dr. Ana is also recommending from Medfive in one of her recent posts is also via the oral route. Where does she mention possible kidney problems? When toxins are bound, by means of toxin binders or chelation, these substances are powerful enough to transport them out of the body via the intestines. If one is hydrated and flushes the kidneys regularly with small amounts of water -120ml at a time, there should be no problems with the kidneys.
Yes & the use of green coffee enemas helps with elimination of toxins form the liver also, as long as the individual is hydrated & eliminating properly.
Aluminium will only bind with silica to enable it to be removed from the body. Zeolite clay will remove other metals when it has bound to them but silica is needed to remove aluminium.
Wow I'm blown away at how judgemental people can be. It always seems that the radical Christian followers are the one's passing judgement and being very close minded individuals. I've dealt with this kind of bigotry before from radicalized Christians and it's especially hard when they are your family or friends. I used to follow these doctors but not anymore! They are going to loose alot of followers from their remarks and that's a shame but it is what it is.
The bigoted quartet acts like a controlled opposition. What a shame.
Clearly they don't have the faintest idea about the subject, and other researchers,, independent of Dt. Ana on the same track.
It's too bad really people who push others into a box. I follow Dr. Ana and love her truth telling ways. I came back to my faith over COVID. It saved me really! I was raised Catholic. And I love that faith. Christ said it's your faith that saves you. The Scriptures hold wisdom. And their are many scriptures. The Bible, The Quran, the writings of Z. Sitchin speak to me! Truthtelling is the lesson I see in them. Our existence is wonderful. I saw a UFO in 1999 a shooting star that made a 90° Angle and again in 2019 after reading The Lost Book Of Enki. It was a great white light low in the sky and silent. God is good and He opened my eyes and lead me to Dr. Ana. Thank you Lord for all those who have done your will throughout the ages❣️🍀
I've listened to numerous interviews you've given over the last few years and there has never been even a hint of your spiritual beliefs influencing your scientific research. I also regularly listen to the 5 Docs and I was very surprised when they criticized you. They're usually critically thinkers and it seemed out of character for them to personally criticize you. I was very disappointed because until now I've had a great deal of respect for them.
Not only have the '5 docs' been critical thinkers in the past, they certainly were issuing early warnings about the injections. Dr Northrup also has a background that includes some elements considered 'outside the box' by the medical industry, so her comments surprise me. I agree with many here, that before criticizing another's research, do the work yourself before shooting off on another. Such as the alarming Ryan Cole and Astrid Stuckleberger scenario.
Dr Ana you are deeply appreciated.., Those who have followed your work know you are a wonderful soul and a wonderful doctor.! Pay no attention to these sad judgmental creatures that are fearful of anything they don't understand... Keep rocking it baby! We love you and look forward to your next discovery... You're a wonderful blessing!!
I see Christiane Northrup M.D has sent a formal apology to Dr Ana in this thread on behalf of the 5 doctors. The 5 doctors are asking for forgiveness. For me a true sign of been a son or daughter of Light is receiving the gift of been able to forgive. Of course many believe the darkness and the light are one. I do not believe this. Try lock yourself in a dark pitch black room for 2 days and see how things are! If it were true, more people would do that!! I agree and wish this were not the case of what the 5 doctors said.. But Dr Ana has now responded with an Ultimatum, and asked us all to take sides with Ramtha in the terms of not having an problem with this deeply spiritual encounter she has had or unsubscribe. I understand it is disgraceful what she has experienced. And I am embarrassed somewhat in what has happened. And Somewhat apologetic as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ the Son of God. But from what I understand of her comments, she has now made it a spiritual issue. It has now been clearly stated by Dr Ana that if you do not have a problem with Ramtha stay, but if you do unsubscribe. So sad. I like her soo much. But on spiritual grounds I am convinced Ramtha is not a spirit I believe is of the truth. Thank you Dr Ana for all your sincere hard work.. And I wish you well on your journey of truth.. I'm having to go due to your own request based on what I disagree with regarding Ramatha ! What we are in agreement with leads us to that path. All the best. Andrew. And you are beautiful also.
i'm glad to hear they apologized. I personally feel all 5 docs are sincere and very human. I have disconnected from a couple of them for statements that i am completely out of alignment with, kind of like you are doing with Dr Ana. But i still feel all provide value and none are "controlled opposition " like a couple of accusers said.
I try to live by the principle "take what you need and leave the rest" except in certain situations that cross my personal line.
We're so glad you addressed this travesty while we were in your office. We stand behind you. I saw them do this on their podcast and was appalled. They discredited you based on relationships of spiritual choice and value instead of based on your actual work. What I wanted to tell them in that moment is that your patients might be better qualified as unvaxxed overall, than Ramtha followers. And the unvaxxed segment of the population is a brave and rare segment of our species. As we see it, you have a very fine clientele, that is perhaps rare in the overall population, giving you the exceptional perspective of what's going on in people who have chosen to not take the vaccines. And so what if it happens to have a contingent of Ramtha students? Perhaps it's that fact, in the region you serve, that tilts the table in that direction. (Perhaps, I don't know for sure). We don't happen to attend the Ramtha school, but we sure as hell provide the liberty to every individual to believe as they choose. For us, we judge based on what a person DOES. And for God's sake, we love what you do. So Godspeed, Dr ANA. -Carl and Debbie
yes it's the spiritual beliefs they are really up against...why? Because the whole agenda behind these atrocities with the jabs is towards a trans humanist future where spirituality has no place....there's a strong programming thru all of the media platforms & general western society that tech is the way forward...it just splits us form our divine connection & soul, literally some believe! Don't think they are even aware of it themselves!?
There are fakes, weak, ignorant, hateful people in EVERY chosen field... this infantile, ego centric attack on another collegue / physician is a TESTAMENT of their absolute LACK of intelligence,compassion, and committment to the one thing they have spent their whole lives serving: the health of all people. Humans beings are under a severe attack and this is a spiritual war. These selfish infantile doctors illustrate the god they serve, and he is not the same God that we serve. We shall win against these ones who are lazy, weak, and disconnected from reality.
Love is the answer always was and always will be, we all express this in our own unique ways. One commandment we should remember for it has fallen by the way side...ALWAYS REJECT AND FIGHT AGAINST WICKEDNESS IN ALL ITS FORMS.
This is a good example of why you Dr. Anna are the victor! Standing up against wickedness is Neccessary these days.
Good job Dr. Anna, we stand beside you in the fight and your stellar work is instrumental in this fight to subdue and dispel against wickedness.
I personally have one pysician and he is Jeshua Ben Joseph, the Nazarene. I use herbs and homeopathy, eat organic, drink distilled water, exercise, meditate, and serve the highest good for all, and I never go to visit doctors. But...I do read their research 😁
Dr. Ana, you are a superstar, and we are so grateful for you! Your work had been a tremendous help to me and my clients. I'm sending you some love and good vibes from afar. Don't listen to these people being childish, bigoted, and nasty. Shane on them! They are the ones showing their lack of God in their loves with this behavior. People who love God, or Source, or the Universe, or whatever other God/Spirit, are generous. They are kind. They do not enjoy negativity and do not participate in gossip, and tearing apart people's character based on belief systems that are different from their own. Christians are some of the worst offenders in this type of behavior! Keep up your great work, and ignore people trying to hate on you and bring you down over absolute nonsense. Your character is in a class far above these people. We love you!!
Hi Dr Ana, please accept our sincere apologies for answering the question about your work the way we did on the 5 docs. Your work is very important. And we don't need any more division amongst those of us who are here to help humanity. We will be in touch about inviting you to a 5Docs session so we can all learn from you directly and have a civil co version.
Thanks Doc. It takes a big person to write what you did here.
I am a retired practitioner who has learned much from you and the other 4. I listened to the 5 of you often until we moved and life shifted.
In the past you 5 have been brave and willing to entertain truth wherever it lay. This current truth may be wilder than Sci Fi, and we have to be willing to stretch our minds to see what's going on. There is no consensus yet. Snake venom? 5G? And so on. It's a lot to process, especially when censorship weighs upon the attempt at open dialogue, papers are blocked and retracted, etc.
I am also sure you 5 suffer from a certain degree of fatigue from all "this," and wonder if sometimes you blow off steam without intending to be mean in any way. Bottom line: I'm sure that you are all stronger if you work together. I look forward to hearing the 5 plus One in dialogue.
So glad you reached out Dr. Northrup. Humility goes a long way in resolving differences. I hope you can all work together for the benefit of humanity. Thank you for your apology. I am sure that all who follow Dr. Ana´s work appreciate it.
Glad to see this. I think the teachings of Christ are kindness. He never turned anyone away. Covid brought me closer to my childhood religion Catholicism. Holy Spirit saved me with a whisper. I love the truth of all human history and that contains many faiths. Christ Himself said, It's your faith that heals you. If Dr. Ana has found personal healing in another faith who are we to judge? She exudes kindness. She treats others as she would be treated. Christ Conscience is a perception I value. Hinduism is ancient and interesting. We are into the information age. And I say thank you Creator Of All dear Father Time for all who does your kind will throughout the ages❣️And I'd love to see the Lady Scientists get together❣️🙏🍀🦋
Dearest Dr. Ana. I listened to that February podcast and felt sick to my stomach that I 'd wasted precious time listening to their ignorance and vituperative smarmy made-up gossip. I was hoping to hear one of them stand up for freedom--instead they were silent on freedom loud on grift and misinformation- Disgusting tiny little people who call themselves doctors.
You are my Doctor. I am so grateful for your brilliant, generous, loving, and courageous "warriorness".
We love you! Thank you.
Mama Bear - Mar 14
I’m so sorry they made the choice to treat you this way. Some people need to put others down to elevate their own ego. I’m confident they will regret these statements in the near future. Thank you for work and bravery in sharing it.
Mama Bear - Mar 14
The race or religion of a scientist isn’t a variable in the outcome of lab results.
Jan - Mar 14
We are very grateful that we are close enough geographically to Dr Ana's practice. We don't share her belief system nor does she share ours. But, that's not why we regard her as a doctor of excellence in her understanding and medical practice. She has helped us using medical practices unavailable in corporate medicine. Without going into great detail we believe we were led to her by our Father God in His loving provision for us. Thank you Dr Ana. Those doctors sound like mean junior high girls...I know I taught for 35 years. They need to grow up and act like the professionals they're supposed to be with the curiosity and drive we observe in you.
Sarah - Mar 14
It's that catty behaviour that is terribly toxic.
MyTooSents - Mar 14
Paul Black
Well as far as I'm concerned, you and Karen Kingston are on the leading edge on deciphering this catastrophe. I follow you two every day, those four, never.
eternalMax - Mar 14
Paul Black
Oooh, sorry close, great comment. My parents exposed me to different disciplines and/or branches of religion and/or belief systems, with the “Desiderata” pasted on the door to follow my path throughout the day when I was a child, and for this reason I like listening to everyone. Wondering if you have listened to Sabrina Wallace ? I find som correlation between her reports and the findings of Dr. Ana Mihalcea. Do you ?
Paul Black - Mar 14
Paul Black
Sabrina posits that WBAN is already a thing and the nano tech is not necessary to tap into human cellular infrastructure.
Kara Alicia - Mar 14
Kara Alicia’s News
I grew up reading Desiderata on the back of the toilet door.
gigibelser@www.gigibelser.com - Mar 14
agree completely
Lioness3* - Mar 14
By their deeds we shall know them. Their words show their twisted hearts and insincere motives. Take no heed of these scoundrels. They attack because they cannot face their own fears. They cannot face the Truth of what you show us all. They obviously don't know how to use a microscope, either. Bless their paths and pass the biscuits. You rock, doc. Never doubt that.
Rodney Wade - Mar 14
Rodney Wade
Dr. Ana, you are a gift from God. You are doing wonderful work and I thank you for it.
Professor Anita Baxas,MD - Mar 14
Anita Baxas MD Substack
It’s unbelievable in this day and age that people still cling to a belief system, the Bible, Koran, Torah who were written who knows by whom, when and under what circumstances and altered over the centuries to fit the political ambitions of emperors to close their minds to any other information and view the world through that narrow lens of perception. You do great work. Don’t let such closed minded people distract you. I put out your name and articles whenever I can. I had one bad review on Amazon about the Plaquex book. It’s not based on that book but books I mention in the back I have written, none of which that person had read. It ludicrous and says a lot about the stupidity and mindset of that person. Keep walking your path!!!
Bernie_miltenberger - Mar 14 - Edited
The Pure Water Committee of Wes…
Dr Anita Baxas, Dr. Sheri Tenpenny has pushed zeolite sprays to prevent COVID. I am sure she used the product too. Dr Ana Maria Mihaleca recently stated the zeolite sprays can be counter productive in protecting you against COVID because zeolites may actually promote nanotechnology development within your body that simulate the production of clotting. Well Dr. Tenpenny had a stoke 5 months ago. Maybe, zeolite use helped bring this event to happen to Dr. Tenpenny. Even Mike Adam’s today talked about how dangerous zeolites can be because of their high aluminum content. Surely how can Dr. Tenpenny promote a substance with a high aluminum content, while she then rightly points out all the aluminum adjuvants are within many of the vaccines. It is a contradiction in terms! Furthermore, I have a friend who is seeing resolution to her vaccine induced clots using Dr. Ana’s protocols!
Therisa - Mar 14
I remember Mike Adams testing MANY zeolites 11 years ago and found aluminum in them all
Bard Joseph - Mar 14
Joseph’s Substack
Bentonite clay is less expensive
Mark Luersen - Mar 14 - Edited
Sun Drink Shadows
Didn't both Dr Mihalcea and Karen Kingston both promote zeolite sprays? I even purchased 2 bottles last year collecting dust (my intuition tells me not to take it). I may as well throw them out now. I like how Mike Adams tests all the products, although he did promote shilajit a long time ago (15yrs ago?), and he was also saying that it's toxic.
Bernie_miltenberger - Mar 14 - Edited
The Pure Water Committee of Wes…
Mark, yes Karen Kingston did but I don’t remember Dr. Mihaleca promoting zeolite sprays. Same thing goes with oral verses intravenous EDTA. Dr. Ana Mihaleca warning against oral EDTA because of possible issue involving kidneys via oral route. I give Karen a pass on this because she is not a clinical practitioner like Dr. Ana Mihaleca or Dr. Sheri Tenpenny. The whole problem here these experimental injections were crimes against humanity with no transparency on the substances contained within the vials. As the investigation in the blood continues by Dr. Ana & Dr. Anita Baxas in both live blood analysis and microscopy that show nanotechnology of Graphene Oxide & Hydrogels which Pfizer admits within their own patents is involved here and not mRNA or spike protein, scientific inquiry then should focus on these aspects instead. David Icke just interviewed Dr. Anita Baxas on her planned additional trials in Florida to prove that nanotechnology are in these vials and Dr. Ryan Cole attacked her on Graphene Oxide like he attacked Dr. Ana Stuckleberger on her presentation on nanotechnology. My sense here is that we should not hold on to sacred cows here as we all seek the truth. In addition, I am a very forgiving person to folks in this space that are doing their best, but miss the mark. I pray that Dr. Sherri Tenpenny continues to get better. I hope she will promote something other zeolites in the future.
Grace - Mar 18 - Edited
Jo’s Substack
The EDTA that Dr. Ana is also recommending from Medfive in one of her recent posts is also via the oral route. Where does she mention possible kidney problems? When toxins are bound, by means of toxin binders or chelation, these substances are powerful enough to transport them out of the body via the intestines. If one is hydrated and flushes the kidneys regularly with small amounts of water -120ml at a time, there should be no problems with the kidneys.
Jo - Mar 28
Jo’s Substack
Yes & the use of green coffee enemas helps with elimination of toxins form the liver also, as long as the individual is hydrated & eliminating properly.
Swan - Apr 1
Tony P also warns against using zeolites
Dina Barzilai - Mar 14
Dina’s Substack
I've never heard her promote zeolite for covid. She does promote it though.
Jo - Mar 28
Jo’s Substack
not for covid, it's to remove the heavy metals & toxins in the jab
Dina Barzilai - Mar 28
Dina’s Substack
oh yes of course. but some commenter said she promoted it for covid so i responded to that
Bernie_miltenberger - Mar 14
The Pure Water Committee of Wes…
Comment removed.
Bernie_miltenberger - Mar 14
The Pure Water Committee of Wes…
Well, I am not a fan of ingesting aluminum. So, we agree to disagree! I am ok with that that and I wish you well my friend!
Jo - Mar 28
Jo’s Substack
Aluminium will only bind with silica to enable it to be removed from the body. Zeolite clay will remove other metals when it has bound to them but silica is needed to remove aluminium.
TruthSeeker - Mar 14 - Edited
Wow I'm blown away at how judgemental people can be. It always seems that the radical Christian followers are the one's passing judgement and being very close minded individuals. I've dealt with this kind of bigotry before from radicalized Christians and it's especially hard when they are your family or friends. I used to follow these doctors but not anymore! They are going to loose alot of followers from their remarks and that's a shame but it is what it is.
Sarah - Mar 14 - Edited
I immediately thought the same. Northrup, Tenpenny, that whole crew - i used to "follow" but not cuz nearly all of them have been on Oprah (hmmmm)....
Piotr Bein - Mar 14 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
The bigoted quartet acts like a controlled opposition. What a shame.
Clearly they don't have the faintest idea about the subject, and other researchers,, independent of Dt. Ana on the same track.
Canadian Apple Pie - Mar 17
Canadian Apple Pie
It's too bad really people who push others into a box. I follow Dr. Ana and love her truth telling ways. I came back to my faith over COVID. It saved me really! I was raised Catholic. And I love that faith. Christ said it's your faith that saves you. The Scriptures hold wisdom. And their are many scriptures. The Bible, The Quran, the writings of Z. Sitchin speak to me! Truthtelling is the lesson I see in them. Our existence is wonderful. I saw a UFO in 1999 a shooting star that made a 90° Angle and again in 2019 after reading The Lost Book Of Enki. It was a great white light low in the sky and silent. God is good and He opened my eyes and lead me to Dr. Ana. Thank you Lord for all those who have done your will throughout the ages❣️🍀
Linda - Mar 14
Sandy K
I've listened to numerous interviews you've given over the last few years and there has never been even a hint of your spiritual beliefs influencing your scientific research. I also regularly listen to the 5 Docs and I was very surprised when they criticized you. They're usually critically thinkers and it seemed out of character for them to personally criticize you. I was very disappointed because until now I've had a great deal of respect for them.
Sandy K - Mar 14
Sandy K
Not only have the '5 docs' been critical thinkers in the past, they certainly were issuing early warnings about the injections. Dr Northrup also has a background that includes some elements considered 'outside the box' by the medical industry, so her comments surprise me. I agree with many here, that before criticizing another's research, do the work yourself before shooting off on another. Such as the alarming Ryan Cole and Astrid Stuckleberger scenario.
curt s sanders - Mar 14
Sitting in a Nest of Cobras
Dr Ana you are deeply appreciated.., Those who have followed your work know you are a wonderful soul and a wonderful doctor.! Pay no attention to these sad judgmental creatures that are fearful of anything they don't understand... Keep rocking it baby! We love you and look forward to your next discovery... You're a wonderful blessing!!
Dr. Deborah - Mar 14 - Edited
Dr.’s Substack
This is all a big distraction.
Should be sticking with the blood analysis
Work your personal attacks/beliefs/ feelings out on your own time.
Andy Emeramide - Mar 16 - Edited
Dina’s Substack
I see Christiane Northrup M.D has sent a formal apology to Dr Ana in this thread on behalf of the 5 doctors. The 5 doctors are asking for forgiveness. For me a true sign of been a son or daughter of Light is receiving the gift of been able to forgive. Of course many believe the darkness and the light are one. I do not believe this. Try lock yourself in a dark pitch black room for 2 days and see how things are! If it were true, more people would do that!! I agree and wish this were not the case of what the 5 doctors said.. But Dr Ana has now responded with an Ultimatum, and asked us all to take sides with Ramtha in the terms of not having an problem with this deeply spiritual encounter she has had or unsubscribe. I understand it is disgraceful what she has experienced. And I am embarrassed somewhat in what has happened. And Somewhat apologetic as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ the Son of God. But from what I understand of her comments, she has now made it a spiritual issue. It has now been clearly stated by Dr Ana that if you do not have a problem with Ramtha stay, but if you do unsubscribe. So sad. I like her soo much. But on spiritual grounds I am convinced Ramtha is not a spirit I believe is of the truth. Thank you Dr Ana for all your sincere hard work.. And I wish you well on your journey of truth.. I'm having to go due to your own request based on what I disagree with regarding Ramatha ! What we are in agreement with leads us to that path. All the best. Andrew. And you are beautiful also.
Dina Barzilai - Mar 28
Dina’s Substack
i'm glad to hear they apologized. I personally feel all 5 docs are sincere and very human. I have disconnected from a couple of them for statements that i am completely out of alignment with, kind of like you are doing with Dr Ana. But i still feel all provide value and none are "controlled opposition " like a couple of accusers said.
I try to live by the principle "take what you need and leave the rest" except in certain situations that cross my personal line.
Beth Burton - Mar 14
Beth Burton
Just tell me about the blood not the noise ma’am.
Carl Zambuto - Mar 14
Jo’s Substack
We're so glad you addressed this travesty while we were in your office. We stand behind you. I saw them do this on their podcast and was appalled. They discredited you based on relationships of spiritual choice and value instead of based on your actual work. What I wanted to tell them in that moment is that your patients might be better qualified as unvaxxed overall, than Ramtha followers. And the unvaxxed segment of the population is a brave and rare segment of our species. As we see it, you have a very fine clientele, that is perhaps rare in the overall population, giving you the exceptional perspective of what's going on in people who have chosen to not take the vaccines. And so what if it happens to have a contingent of Ramtha students? Perhaps it's that fact, in the region you serve, that tilts the table in that direction. (Perhaps, I don't know for sure). We don't happen to attend the Ramtha school, but we sure as hell provide the liberty to every individual to believe as they choose. For us, we judge based on what a person DOES. And for God's sake, we love what you do. So Godspeed, Dr ANA. -Carl and Debbie
Jo - Mar 28
Jo’s Substack
yes it's the spiritual beliefs they are really up against...why? Because the whole agenda behind these atrocities with the jabs is towards a trans humanist future where spirituality has no place....there's a strong programming thru all of the media platforms & general western society that tech is the way forward...it just splits us form our divine connection & soul, literally some believe! Don't think they are even aware of it themselves!?
American State National - Mar 14
American State National
There are fakes, weak, ignorant, hateful people in EVERY chosen field... this infantile, ego centric attack on another collegue / physician is a TESTAMENT of their absolute LACK of intelligence,compassion, and committment to the one thing they have spent their whole lives serving: the health of all people. Humans beings are under a severe attack and this is a spiritual war. These selfish infantile doctors illustrate the god they serve, and he is not the same God that we serve. We shall win against these ones who are lazy, weak, and disconnected from reality.
Love is the answer always was and always will be, we all express this in our own unique ways. One commandment we should remember for it has fallen by the way side...ALWAYS REJECT AND FIGHT AGAINST WICKEDNESS IN ALL ITS FORMS.
This is a good example of why you Dr. Anna are the victor! Standing up against wickedness is Neccessary these days.
Good job Dr. Anna, we stand beside you in the fight and your stellar work is instrumental in this fight to subdue and dispel against wickedness.
I personally have one pysician and he is Jeshua Ben Joseph, the Nazarene. I use herbs and homeopathy, eat organic, drink distilled water, exercise, meditate, and serve the highest good for all, and I never go to visit doctors. But...I do read their research 😁
Sarah E. Lawton - Mar 14
Research Your World
Dr. Ana, you are a superstar, and we are so grateful for you! Your work had been a tremendous help to me and my clients. I'm sending you some love and good vibes from afar. Don't listen to these people being childish, bigoted, and nasty. Shane on them! They are the ones showing their lack of God in their loves with this behavior. People who love God, or Source, or the Universe, or whatever other God/Spirit, are generous. They are kind. They do not enjoy negativity and do not participate in gossip, and tearing apart people's character based on belief systems that are different from their own. Christians are some of the worst offenders in this type of behavior! Keep up your great work, and ignore people trying to hate on you and bring you down over absolute nonsense. Your character is in a class far above these people. We love you!!
Sarah E. Lawton - Mar 14
Research Your World
*typos... shame on them. Lack of God in their lives...
WuWu - Mar 14
I actually enjoyed that typo
Christiane Northrup, M.D. - Mar 14
True North by Christiane Northr…
Hi Dr Ana, please accept our sincere apologies for answering the question about your work the way we did on the 5 docs. Your work is very important. And we don't need any more division amongst those of us who are here to help humanity. We will be in touch about inviting you to a 5Docs session so we can all learn from you directly and have a civil co version.
Curious and Concerned - Mar 14
Thanks Doc. It takes a big person to write what you did here.
I am a retired practitioner who has learned much from you and the other 4. I listened to the 5 of you often until we moved and life shifted.
In the past you 5 have been brave and willing to entertain truth wherever it lay. This current truth may be wilder than Sci Fi, and we have to be willing to stretch our minds to see what's going on. There is no consensus yet. Snake venom? 5G? And so on. It's a lot to process, especially when censorship weighs upon the attempt at open dialogue, papers are blocked and retracted, etc.
I am also sure you 5 suffer from a certain degree of fatigue from all "this," and wonder if sometimes you blow off steam without intending to be mean in any way. Bottom line: I'm sure that you are all stronger if you work together. I look forward to hearing the 5 plus One in dialogue.
Grace - Mar 14
So glad you reached out Dr. Northrup. Humility goes a long way in resolving differences. I hope you can all work together for the benefit of humanity. Thank you for your apology. I am sure that all who follow Dr. Ana´s work appreciate it.
Canadian Apple Pie - Mar 17
Canadian Apple Pie
Glad to see this. I think the teachings of Christ are kindness. He never turned anyone away. Covid brought me closer to my childhood religion Catholicism. Holy Spirit saved me with a whisper. I love the truth of all human history and that contains many faiths. Christ Himself said, It's your faith that heals you. If Dr. Ana has found personal healing in another faith who are we to judge? She exudes kindness. She treats others as she would be treated. Christ Conscience is a perception I value. Hinduism is ancient and interesting. We are into the information age. And I say thank you Creator Of All dear Father Time for all who does your kind will throughout the ages❣️And I'd love to see the Lady Scientists get together❣️🙏🍀🦋
Alexandra - Mar 14
Alexandra’s Substack
Dearest Dr. Ana. I listened to that February podcast and felt sick to my stomach that I 'd wasted precious time listening to their ignorance and vituperative smarmy made-up gossip. I was hoping to hear one of them stand up for freedom--instead they were silent on freedom loud on grift and misinformation- Disgusting tiny little people who call themselves doctors.
You are my Doctor. I am so grateful for your brilliant, generous, loving, and courageous "warriorness".
We love you! Thank you.
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