Article Review: What is in the so-called COVID-19 “Vaccines”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 17, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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In his recent interview Dr. David Hughes discusses his published paper on the worldwide findings of research scientists documenting self assembly structures in C19 injectables, and correlating them with abnormal live blood analysis. As a researcher who always had an interest in black projects, he rightfully asks the questions about why such enormous evidence of very disturbing findings are not leading to the immediate halting of the C19 injectables. And moreover, I ask, why is the so called medical resistance completely ignoring and even attacking these findings? The idea, that there should be a unified medical resistance who ignores this is suspicious at best to me. It reminds me of the fact that the bankers always funded both sides of the war. No matter the outcomes, they profited.

Listen here to Dr. Hughes experience and questions:


Here is his full paper:

What is in the so-called COVID-19 “Vaccines”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity

The Author writes:

Between July 2021 and August 2022, evidence of undisclosed ingredients in the COVID-19 “vaccines” was published by at least 26 researchers/research teams in 16 different countries across five continents using spectroscopic and microscopic analysis. Despite operating largely independently of one another, their findings are remarkably similar and highlight the clear and present danger that the world’s population has been lied to regarding the contents of the COVID-19 “vaccines”.

This raises grave questions about the true purpose of the dangerous experimental injections that have so far been shot into 5.33 billion people (over two thirds of the human race) , including children, apparently without their informed consent regarding the contents. Surprise findings include s harp-edged geometric structures, fibrous or tube-like structures, crystalline formations, “microbubbles”, and possible self-assembling nanotechnology. The blood of people who have received one or more COVID-19 “vaccines” appears, in case after case, to contain foreign bodies and to be seriously degraded, with red blood cells typically in Rouleaux formation. Taken together, these 26 studies make a powerful case for the full force of scientific investigation to be brought to bear on the COVID-19 “vaccine” contents. If the findings of these 26 studies are confirmed, then the political implications are nothing short of revolutionary: a global crime against humanity has been committed, in which every government, every regulator, every establishment media organization, and all the professions have been complicit.

Images: Dr. Ghitalla - she claims to have never seen anything like what appeared in the blood of patients recently given the Johnson & Johnson “vaccine”.

Image: Anonymous Dr John B analysis of Pfizer vaccine

Graphene expert Andreas Noack from Germany, who shortly after he sounded the alarm on the toxicity of Graphene Hydroxide in the vaccine vials died under suspicious circumstances, applied a magnet to the Pfizer sample.

Then, something unexpected happens. The structure lights up and suddenly grows an extremely long (2D?) “tail” along which energy appears to travel:


Dr Hughes has collected evidence from researchers around the world. The findings warrant immediate action - the halting of the C19 injectables. These findings should be evidence for every law suit in the world related to crimes against humanity committed via these C19 injections. They also warrant international attention by researchers and scientists to evaluate and treat this microtechnology. No prominent vaccine injury protocol in the United States contains recommendations for detoxifications of metals of Graphene like EDTA Chelation or other modalities. And there also is no research in the area, since the only way to check for clearance of these structures is Live Blood Analysis, a modality that most allopathic physicians dismiss in the absence of any alternative solution. Ivermectin does not detox the body of heavy metals that have been found in every “vaccine” regardless of manufacturer. Prominent doctors and scientists are completely silent on the matter or claim these structures are made of cholesterol, salt and sucrose - something I have discussed with Sasha Latypova and clearly is not the case.

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Conversations with Pharma Insider Sasha Latypova - Nanotech in C19 vials, Regulatory Fraud, Bad Manufacturing Practices, DOD contracts & more
Dr. Ana’s Science of Light Show on People-to-People Radio Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD interviews Sasha Latypova, part of Team Enigma and cofounder of Sasha has been revealing the Moderna and Pfizer regulatory fraud as well as the Department of Defense contracts with pharmaceutical companies regarding all manufacturing pertaining …
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To me silence about such an important subject is deceptive in its own right. I always as the question - who owns those who control the narrative?

Hopefully people wake up and understand there is much more to these injections than the cover story of mRNA - that somehow in the fraudulent manufacturing processes cannot quite be produced at large scale - just like records of the isolation of Covid19 virus cannot quite be found anywhere on the planet by any agency. As Dr. Hughes likes to ask questions, one could wonder what black project are we dealing with here that two thirds of humanity has been injected with?

You either love Truth or you don’t. Time is not on our side in saving people from the effects of these shots worldwide. Mortality rates are increasing everywhere. The longer denial persists about what is in these injections and what it does to human blood, the more people will go without treatment. Additionally, they will continue to expose themselves to electromagnetic fields that enhance the growth of these structures and may tragically “die suddenly”. Urgent research and recommendations are needed to save the human species.

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D.K. Fynn - Oct 17, 2022

D.K. Fynn: Sharing Thoughts

Although I haven't fully read this article, I did want to thank you for publishing it. I'm going to add it to my Evernote so that I can come back to it later.
I'm doing my best to delve into these topics--specifically, what's really in the vials, and the effect they're having on human blood.
There are so many directions we can use to tackle these so-called vaccines, but I think I'll stick with the ingredients and blood effects, because it's very easy for someone to see the differences between before-and-after images of blood smears under dark microscopy.

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Sandy K - Oct 17, 2022

Sandy K

No sorry, my phrase is misunderstood!! I meant to write that these truthers pointed out the medical malfeasance and are now being proven!! Oh my, I may have to delete and re-write my comment!!!

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