Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 29, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I have written in many posts about EDTA and Vitamin C stopping the polymer growth in the blood. One of my patients had an unusual emergency and we put this treatment to the test.
The patient had to go get dental surgery for a removal of an implant. Dental anesthetics were injected. I and other researchers have historically documented that dental anesthetics contain self assembly nanorobots and polymer nanotechnology - and we showed that even microchips develop.
You can see this research here:
Darkfield Microscopy Of Dental Anesthetics
After the dental surgery, something very peculiar started to happen - clots would grow like a spherical rubber ball, become quite large and painful and if not removed would grow longitudinally over the teeth. The patient would remove these and they would be like perfectly round rubber pearls.
Then the next one would develop, up to 20 in one night and continue all day, nonstop. The patient contacted me from out of state and asked me what to do. The dentist had never seen anything like this and did not have any advice. It was going on for 3 days without any end in sight. This is completely unusual and normal clots do not become perfectly round, are not rubbery and do not keep creating themselves for 3 days nonstop.
I told her to go to her local doctor and get an EDTA Chelation asap. Below you can see the rubbery round clots:
Here is the email I received:
Just wanted our brave and creative Dr. Ana to know real-time of the success of her research/therapy.
After making blood clots in my gums one after another non-stop for 3 days after dental surgery, I went to get an EDTA (3gms) and Vitamin C (10,000mg) IV this morning as she advised. After 30-60 minutes tops, the blood clot production stopped and has not restarted now 3 hours later. No question it worked. Bless you Dr. Ana as I wasn't quite sure how I was going to go thru the rest of my life like that!
I have checked in with the patient now more than a week after the event and the clot formation never restarted.
For those who believe the total disinformation that EDTA poisons people - take another look, because if you have uncontrollable clot self assembly, it works to stop it right away. This combination of EDTA and Vitamin C was noted in the Moderna patent as stopping nanoparticle self assembly.
Here is more information:
Literature Review of EDTA Chelation
EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel
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dyr - May 29
Unless a dental practitioner can be made aware and obtain material absent the smuggled toxic components, if at all possible one might avoid dentistry in many cases by resort to what i have used successfully for now 16 years, in the main bee propolis to plug eroded spots. No more toothbrushing, next to no teeth/gum deterioration in all those years. Pleasant breath. I will gladly dilate on this my "protocol" should anyone ask in reply. Features as well tea, silver, beeswax in lesser roles. Cheap, some getting used to but once done easy.
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Roman S Shapoval - May 29 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
EDTA can also remove a lot of calcium, so need to be mindful of any deficiencies, especially when around EMF, which floods us with excess calcium.
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