Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 18, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I had received multiple vials of dental anesthetics. Since I was so backed up on projects, I had not looked at them for a while. Recently, I have had some patients come to me who had dental procedures and after that got debilitatingly sick. They wanted their blood checked and get decontaminated. I found significant self assembled nanotechnology, but since everyone is contaminated, its hard to tell if it was from the dental work.
As you know, Dr. Len Ber analyzed Carbocaine and mixed it with blood and saw micro robot swarms. He showed this at our symposium. I wanted to see what happens when I would repeat the same experiment to find out why my C19 unvaccinated patients would feel sick after going to the dentist - to the degree that some of them could not function due to anxiety, brain fog, extreme EMF sensitivity, peripheral neuropathy and more. These symptoms certainly were more consistent with getting a C19 bioweapon shot. First, I looked at the anesthetic alone under the microscope and filmed the same polymer mesh network development that I have also seen in the blood.
After a few minutes the classic micro chip crystal development was visible.
In my recent post about dental anesthetics I had showed an article that clearly shows that micro robots are in dental anesthetics:
Nanotechnology in dentistry: Unleashing the hidden gems
A future nanotechnology based local anesthetic suspensions will consist of micron size millions of active analgesic ambulating dental robots suspended in a colloidal suspension. These hi-tech anesthetic suspensions when in contact with tooth surface or gingiva will reach the pulp resulting in temporary and reversible shut down all the sensitivity or pain in the tooth specific to the area of interest that requires the treatment. Nanotechnology based anesthetic suspensions will exhibit a remarkable property of being able to be remotely controlled by dentist by an on-board computer which can be restored or reversed at any moment when the procedure will be finished .[ 23 ]
Here is the full article of Clifford Carnicom’s findings:
I decided to mix a drop of C19 unvaccinated blood with the Septocaine. What happened shocked even me. The blood activates the micro robots that in the Septocaine alone were not visible. Then you see swarms that start to attack the blood, hijack its life force, until all the blood is transformed into a hydrogel clot, like I have seen in live blood and shown in the clots.
This video is immediately after the blood and the Septocaine were mixed. You can see the micro bots because they are blinking, very bight and light emitting.
As a little time progressed, the micro bots continued to attack the blood cells, and it literally looks like the bots turn the lights of life force off. The bots continue to multiply and get larger. They work in swarms to attack the cells.
A few minutes later more and more cells become ghost like and are destroyed.
In twenty minutes this clot like meshwork was created, similar to what I have been in other micro bot swarms transforming the blood.
The bots do not stop moving. Just like Dr. Len Ber showed, they continue to swarm.
First, this is very concerning. There are multiple physicians who have shown the same findings. The dentists need to figure out what to do. I do not think you need huge equipment - just a microscope and do this test - mix the anesthetics with blood.
The result is devastating.
Second, we must analyze how medications react with blood. There clearly is an activation of the nanotechnology and there is huge growth into micro bots.
I have a lot more medications in the refrigerator and will keep looking as time permits, and redo my experiments with other medications like Insulin mixed with a drop of blood. I have several other anesthetics and will look at them too. We need to figure this out. Does any lawyer want to sue Big Pharma? Nobody is being told they will be invaded with micro robots when they go to the dentist, so there is no informed consent.
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BlazeCloude3 - Oct 18, 2023 - Edited
This author reports of Ai/Bioweaponry found within blood of the living, dead, vaxxed and unvaxxed; but now the reports indicate an escalation. There is a greater quantity, intensity, frequency apparent in this 'Dental Anesthetic' with people becoming ill IMMEDIATELY instead of hour or days later.
Something greater is coming; a direct and irrefutable attack upon the whole population of the world with a greater focus upon the west who won't make good slaves for the 1000 Year Old Establishment now moving towards REGRESSION INTO TOTALITARIANISM WITH SUBJECTS SUFFERING DNA MUTILATION on a planet where organic life is extinct. In a twisted way; this indicates greater feelings of threat within the Establishment as 'Depopulation' with multiple methods has become the pandemic. It's impossible not to imagine the 'Human Body Being Prepped/Primed' for some tyrannical and deadly catastrophe beyond what's now been perpetrated...Just as the United States, itself, is being deliberately weakened and hallowed-out for some greater drama of destruction by evil.
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Alexandra - Oct 18, 2023
Alexandra’s Substack
Thank you thank you for your wisdom, persistence, focused energy, and caring for all of us. God bless you. xo
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