Unless a dental practitioner can be made aware and obtain material absent the smuggled toxic components, if at all possible one might avoid dentistry in many cases by resort to what i have used successfully for now 16 years, in the main bee propolis to plug eroded spots. No more toothbrushing, next to no teeth/gum deterioration in all those years. Pleasant breath. I will gladly dilate on this my "protocol" should anyone ask in reply. Features as well tea, silver, beeswax in lesser roles. Cheap, some getting used to but once done easy.
That sounds great! I make my own toothpaste - mix equal parts of coconut oil and baking soda and add a few drops of peppermint oil. Then I add about 5 drops or more of bee propolis and mix. Works well for me! Also. bee propolis good for cleansing and detoxifying!
Barbara O'Neil has some interesting clips on caring for teeth "wholistically"... telegram channels a plenty sharing her miraculous contributions to natural and common sense approach to health!
No. Silver - colloidal - is used only when I have neglected to be diligent (rare, maybe once a year or less) about plugging spots where pathogenic factors can enter, if I tarry too long or whatever, leading to sensing something amiss under/within a tooth, at which holding CS a few times at intervals by and around the problem area ALWAYS has been successful at averting its continuation (but if it has reached a stage already, the silver will cause herxheimer, some pain as whatever is escorted away accumulates for a time nearby, never harmful and clears shortly). I think I mentioned in one or another of my related posts, that since I started this "protocol" reliant on propolis and tea rinses in the main (high fluoride, tea is) a toothbrush has never once entered my mouth,. No need. I question as well the use of even gentle abrasives. So no toothpaste either. Floss useful at times (for me, infrequently due to relatively close dentition, I think). I hope this helps.
Wow. Love this post. My youngest is in need of oral surgery his baby tooth didn't come out as he was a bit touchy about any sort of pain. Yes I am trying to be kind but wanna just call it what it has been for me. 20 years married to a convert narc who's mother was a severe Narcissist in everything she did and needed to have her hands into. Both my sons spent too much time in her home and have very little spine similar to their father. So they both are pampered and sent Sensitive boys. Not the MEN I had in mind. Struggling with what I can do for my youngest cuz I am NOT trusting our dentist to be awake enough to know his practice is harming ppl and freedom. Same with doctors and vaccines. Childern don't need any shots PERIOD.!
Girl, I hear ya. I'm tired of these sleeping zombie practices. My dentist kept trying to give me flouride. After the 3rd time telln them no and them also wanting me to wear a mask...of which I politely accepted it, but never put it on (which i did on many occasions when and where ever one was offered) I told myself "they just lost 2 patients. Me AND my husband" If they aren't awake or at least listening to the alarm blaring to wtfu ...then I just keep looking til I find a practice that's awake. Oh and I also wanted to suggest something for your sons since they have been traumatized from the narcs in the family. There is a place calledthejourney.comthat deals w past traumas ppl go through on a subconscious level. It's highly recommended therapy. He'll its actually good for everyone since we ALL have some sort of trauma and past shadows to deal w/. But i especially think those who've been exposed to the narc ego. could benefit since it truly is such a rough and tough life having to navigate through. It can be exhausting. I know I've been through myself! π
I was all set to buy bee propolis recently for treating skin 'barnacles' that develop into squamous cell cancers and then read how it is extremely toxic and harmful. I decided against it but didn't save the source...so much info to go over. I think it was TonyP's warning.
At the very least it is loaded with chem spray.
I suggest care be taken re sources, if that is your concern. But, maybe unmentioned in what I referred to, as substitute, and even better since it is free if one has access ready enough, is what I have also used when propolis stock is low or just to do it differently and not have the bees collect for one - collect oozing tree resins, excellent used as is if the right consistency and no alcohol needed. I do fir and cedar (thuja) (in central Ontario, Canada) mainly. (Cedar yields uncommonly but is super to relieve fungal-related afflictions, I have found.) If you find the source warning about polluted propolis I'd like to see and possibly challenge it.
Other than the microscopic images, unfortunately, I don't see any protocol on the site you provided below. Could you please share some specifics here? Thank you!
Just got some med 5 and coral calcium,berberine,niacinamide,Dr Tenants raw materials,etc.etc.Shedding symptoms caused me to do so,I don't know how the hell to tell people.
who is Dr. Tenant, how do I find out more. I never participated in the injections, but am a health care worker and quite worried about shedding. our long term care population received 7th injection last Thursday. I'm so glad I found I found Dr Ana H, I'm busy sharing to all my friends, uninjected and in health care.
P.S. I actually need dental work in the immediate future. this is terrifying.
The 11th COVID-19 (vaccine) infection wave has now arrived in Japan!
But clinical trials of the 8th mRNA vaccine (gene self-amplifying replicon vaccine) have begun,
and the number of patients with thrombosis in various parts of the body is increasing!
Rubber ball blood clots after dental anesthesia surgery are painful as they grow, and if not removed, they grow vertically over the teeth and harden like rubber pearls.
In my clinic, patients who have difficulty with IV visits are treated with liposomal EDTA/VitaminC/glutathione ,
Augmented NAC/methylene blue oral solution to enable home care.
I don't follow them sequentially, but perhaps the fastest way to get information is to go from Twitter (X) to blogs, etc., where individual Japanese, such as researchers, clinicians, political activists, etc., tweet, and get information through automatic translation.https://twitter.com/eitchan
this paper talks about combining GO with EDTA to use it adsorb heavy metals from water ways
which makes me wonder what and how this might be playing out in our bodies.
My late father always took his tooth work with zero injections. He toughed it out, despising the feeling of numbness it caused. I can only imagine us now discussing nanoparticles and hydrogel in the mix.
Wonderful research and discovery, Dr. Mihalcea. Do you feel the oral Med Five does a good job of detox for a generally very healthy person? There’s a lot of conflicting “info” out there about oral EDTA not being safe. Makes no sense to me!
I currently take MEDFIVE.
I also have Zyto Scanner.
My heart and pericardum have never tested this normal - in just two to three months.
I will up my mineral uptake however.
In my opinion - With Clifford Carnicom's recent findings, vax'd blood being 'significant difference' (his words not mine) from unvax'd I certainly would not get any shot from any drug pusher.
I know Dr Ana has mentioned previously just get the dental work done and clean out after, but that was before Clifford Carnicoms recent findings, which should change the game.
Did you read Carnicom's paper?
It doesn't say vaxx'ed and unvaxx'ed are different, it says they are the same now in most respects.
He shows a slide of "normal" biological blood as a reference point, but not as an example of unvaxx'ed blood.
I'm not sure what you're referring to?
We need to see blood that has been cleaned via the EDTA capsules & Methylene Blue & High-C protocal Dr. Ana has advised. I thought she said it worked to clean the nano circuitry and I thought she showed slides of before and after this over-the-counter method, but it would be nice to see this again please? and thank you. So we know what to do, we so need labs that test us. Or learn to do it on our own, but we'd need a dark field microscope . A lab clinician should open uo a Mobile Blood Testing Service.
Yes, I read it, too. I don't see anything other than the conditions in the blood are worse for the vaxx'ed than the unvaxx'ed, yet both are dire. It's a matter of degree and I don't see how this changes much.
What did you see?
Honestly Pirate, what did I see? :-) I just saw a 'difference' which was enough to hang some hope on. Clifford thought it worthy to share the article, where he is heading with it, is yet to be known. I know it's not starkly different between samples, and both are dire, but I guess my point is, (as he highlights) the count is worth noting as it is 'significant difference' (his words not mine) and may not lead to ground breaking solutions, but in my opinion only, cannot simply be disregarded. Noting this is far from my area of expertise.
In relation to the OP's dental comment, to which I initially replied, this may (or may not) assist some with personal decisions on whether to rush out and get treatment which may include 'direct blood' introduction of foreign matter.
I would certainly interested in Dr Ana's thoughts.
We read the same paper from Carnicom. The person just read more into the differences than I see are there. I think people are trying to grasp at hope even if it's false hope.
Obviously things are worse in the blood if injected, but equally obvious is the fact we all have the tech in our blood whether injected or not.
I do understand but I'm one who prefers sober reality. Maybe the differences will prove significant, but so far I haven't seen that's true and Carnicom doesn't say it's true.
This is transhumanism.
Hi Garth, only in the context of Dr Ana's comments regarding, 'still go to the dentist and deal with clearing out after'. That's not verbatim, but the context remains to what she said verbally, it may be in one of her articles, I haven't gone searching.
If there remains 'significant difference' (his words not mine) between vax'd and unvax'd, that is enough to preserve your precious blood, for me, and one maybe should think a little harder (if your blood is indeed still different) before just going to the dentist. I am not ready to surrender or give up.
Not a 'game changer' at all, but more a metaphor that Dr Ana may change her thoughts, (game) so to speak, I don't know.
Personally I will pull my teeth out with Pliers, before going to a dentist.
A dental visit (in my opinion) is much worse than going to a doctor and getting your cov shot.
For example - it is highly likely all dental staff are fully vax'd, (shedding). Then you sit in a chair with your mouth wide open for approx. 30mins with a vax'd dentist breathing in your face, with a vax'd assistant along side. Then you get a anesthetic shot which has been proven to be in many brands, if not all have been shown to contain the same as a cov shot. No one stands a chance going to the dentist.
https://unhackableanimal.substack.com/p/ask-your-dentist-if-nanos-are-rightparts 1, 2, 3 & 4.
Well I'll Tell ya i don't like giving out any more personal info than I have to on any platform as we should all know it's all recorded and stored but I am going to have to go to the dentist some time soon!(If I'm still living) Shedding is real and I am now experiencing that nasal cavity infection this doctor talks about in this video.https://rense.com/general97/dna-plasmids.php
"i don't like giving out any more personal info than I have to on any platform as we should all know it's all recorded and stored"
I know where you are going from, so much I could share but watchers are watching.
If it is any consolation, 16 years ago I got a nasal infection that doesn't completely heal, here I am still alive. It was a very odd occurrence and is very likely to be related to my high EMF sensitivity today. The other entry point is through the gut lining, with growth activated by stomach acids. That phlegm that builds up, then we swallow, is the fibers, which then leads to mimicking Candida. No one has to believe me, only that you might think back when it comes your turn.
Sorry can't offer any easy outs for your dental visit, some tough decisions to be made. Best wishes man.
I saved this info from some time back but the only clean dental anesthetic is Levobupivacaina.
Going to the dentist tomorrow for teeth cleaning with fingers crossed.
I wonder if this poison is in the Mexican dentist shots? I had two root canals done recently in T.J. No issues . I am taking the EDTA protocal Dr. Ana advised. We never hear much from Mexico and I wonder if there are activists there .
Yeah we recently asked Dr Ana while visiting there. Her reply was most all anesthesia in Mexico would be loaded with the hydrogels. (Unless sourced non pharmaceuticaly.). My loved one needs her root canal π¦· removed, Dr says remove it anyway just be very careful in choosing your dentist and poison. Then oral edta, methblu , 10k vita C etc..Root canals should never be done. They are deadly and cause immune systems breakdown. Check the one tooth that gave 30 rabbits all deadly heart attacks. Circa 1917. Dr Ana is Santa Ana. Gracias el Dios. π oh and I never got vaxxed or anesthesia but my blood is loaded with hydrogel nano construction sites and q dots zooming all over. It is unavoidable. Peace friend π
Oral EDTA definitely Does work, but I think most people are not taking it properly and so they see no benefit. EDTA is NOT just another supplement and so if you are just taking it like one, you are wasting it.
EDTA binds with many many Many things... multivitamins, minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, all clays, zeolite, all foods, dairy, and many other helpful supplements like Natto or Curcumin.
So if you take 1800mg of Arizona EDTA within 2-3 Hours of eating any of those things, it Instantly fully bound with those things and you got Zero benefit.
If you just took it with handful of all your other vitamins, you got Zero benefit.
If you took it within 2 hours after drinking coffee with dairy in it, you got Zero benefit.
If you took with with any other supplement that has metals, like colloidal any-metal or zeolite, you got Zero benefit.
If you ate a big meal last night (or hours ago) and some of it has not fully digested when you take Arizona EDTA, you got Zero benefit when it bound with the food still in your stomach.
MedFive takes longer to dissolve, so you still have some time for digestion of food in your stomach before the MedFive dissolves, which can be good or bad depending on how you take it. MedFive has the enteric coating, which stops it from dissolving until it gets into your small intestine but then it also takes hours to get into your system, which can make effective dosing much more difficult unless you are fasting. Thats why MedFive says to take it at night before bed and in the morning after your breakfast meal, to minimize the other things that it will bind with.
That is why my wife and I do EDTA fasts about once a month where we take 1 medfive pill and 3 arizona pills 2-3 times a day for 3 days. Then we KNOW that the EDTA is removing bad stuff and not just binding with something else we have ate or drank recently.
ALA (Alpha lipoic acid), natural/sodium citrate, bromelain, and Vitamins C, D and E also do not bind with EDTA so we take them in large amounts during our fast as well. I always wait an hour after taking EDTA just to be safe but they are all mild chelators that cross the BBB and can dissolve various hydrogels as well as chelate out heavy metals.
EDTA does not dissolve into most water without PH changes so theres no point in trying to mix it in water IMO. And I personally would not recommend anyone do an EDTA enema since you have no idea how effective the dosing is or how much is even getting into your system. That can also cause your gut to release a lot of toxins at once and flood your system with heavy metals so I personally would highly recommend against it but to each their own.
I would say just take the pills properly since it is more reliable than guessing the porosity of your intestinal wall and how much EDTA actually even dissolved into the water. And if you arent using purified water, you could be putting heavy metals or PFAS right into your intestines. No Thanks.
I have also written other comments about how to Max Out your Vitamin C and Bromelain intake as well using fresh fruit but in my experience, many people taking oral EDTA arent doing it properly.
So if not, do not be surprised when it doesnt work well... or at all.
EDTA IV have not worked at all for me... My health is a disaster, worse than before, I may be dying, .... I had 19 Edta sessions in germany. and it is worse. Soma say there are nanos in the Edta...
I think if something is not working or is making your health worse, stop taking it.
Perhaps that much EDTA has created a mineral imbalance in your system or perhaps there Is something bad in IV EDTA now, or maybe just that batch, I do not know.
Thats why I did not get IV EDTA though, the closest place is full of shedders giving vaxxes as well and I did not want to sit there around the infected for 3 hours, possibly making it even worse.
If I were you and thought I may be dying, I would stop taking EDTA and buy a zerowater filter to be sure your water is as clean as possible (https://www.zerowater.fr/).
Then I would take some of the other supplements that are known to help, like Nattokinase, Curcumin and Bromelain.
If they are 2000fu natto pills, I would take 5 pills in the morning along with a full dosage per the label of curcumin and bromelain with a big glass of zerowater. Then I would take them again every 12 hours, like clockwork.
All of the supplements I recommend above help in slightly different ways, like ALA in hempseed oil. I personally have taken 3 grams of hempseed oil pills 3 times a day with no issues, but I do not know what is best for you, only sharing my experience. ALA chelates out cesium and other heavy metals though.
Or if you are worried about the quality of supplements, get a fresh pineapple, cut off the top and bottom, skin it, cut the whole thing including the core into chunks and chew up the chunks. Swallow the juice and spit out the pulp and even if you can only get through half, you will have a Ton of active bromelain circulating in your system. Bromelain is so important because it can do things other supplements cannot, like get into closed organ systems. If you do that a few days in a row, I think it will help Greatly.
You can make Sodium Citrate yourself with water, citric acid and sodium bicarbonate, which (along with ALA) dissolves lipid nano particles, alginate hydrogels and also chelates out some metals.
You can also intake a ton of fresh Vitamin C and natural citrate by juicing fresh oranges with a simple twist juicer. I juice a few oranges, strain the juice into my zerowater and then rinse the pulp I strained out with more zerowater since C and citrate are water soluble.
After a few days of doing that, you can take in even more bioavailable Vitamin C than with vitamin C pills, which will cause gut issues in high doses. I can now drink fresh orange juice all day long with no gut issues but it took repetition to get that tolerance.
You can also get a lot of Vitamin D just by sitting in direct sunlight on your bare skin for 15 or 30 minutes.
It is also possible that this blood contamination can adapt to regular challenges repeated over time, so it may be required to use multiple methods rather than the same thing over and over again.
Im not a doctor or giving you medical advice, I am just sharing my experience and what I would do in your situation... but if the EDTA is not helping, stop taking it and maximize other things that may help.
We Are The Resistance and I want you to live. And everyone else reading this too, so I am just offering advice that may help.
Good luck to you in any case.
Trop compliqué ! You cannot do anything for me I take Nac, Vit C, Sodium Citrate ! But I have to have a conversation with my doctor, because he gave me the name of my disease for which THERE IS NO CURE. THE MITOCHONDRIA DISEASE... so my life is really at stake... Vitamins may compensate, but I cannot do anything more... my right hand is beginning to paralyse itself...
Anyone see/hear Andrew Bigelson (sp ???) whose father was a doctor and studied blood extensively, is saying that the spheres being observed are completely normal occurences....????? I forget how he casually explained them awy but it was a plasable reason for my non-medical brain....His dad wrote the book "Holographic Blood"....
I have an open mind naturally but I am no expert in this subject matter. I am a great admirer of Dr. Ana's work and her open minded approach to a plethora of 'things'. My purpose is not to question her skills nor her knowledge here at all actually. While Andrew is no doctor either he seems quite confident, and spares no slurs toward Dr. Ana's work which is why its taken me so long to posit the question. Could he be right???
Much appreciation and INFINITE JOY for Ana's presence here in this realm and this great community!!!!!
I wouldn't trust his findings. Especially when there's so MANY MORE that aren't seeing it as normal. Not only that don't the spheres harden causing blockage...I know that can't be normal. You know how they like to try to throw us off our trail w puting BS claims out there installing doubt and fear. And it always seems to be a hear say situation too. Never THE SOURCE itself. Idk , that's just been my perception when i step back and put all into perspective. Although, we must be diligent about who we listen to. And like you said ALWAYS keep an open mind to other possibilities when we yet to have proof. Listen w you heart not just your mind. It seems to be my most trusted navigation too. Our heart knows things our mind does not understand π
I agree. I was observing my own reactions as I listened/watched an interview but only briefly as I was incredibly skeptical then he threw some shade Dr. Ana's way and that speaks volumes to me. From one "prof" to another, that is simply not its done.
I figured if any one needed to know that it was in this community as its related. Doubt and fear are method of dark forces. Not interested, no thank you!
BUT thank YOU for resonating with me. It feels good β‘β‘β‘
Thank you for this importan information. Is there a place in CA where we can get our blood checked? Do you have a clinic here in CA? Do you think that more independent labs that are in the know , may spring up for people to have their blood checked, before and after EDTA Chelation ? BajaBodyMind Clinic in Rosarite Beach Mexico is known for years for their IV therapies. I had one session and will be going back. It is an excellent place to go, tell them Cheri told you , you can talk to IVan on their live chat and set up the appointment. It is very affordable , one session was $123 U.S. dollars. The prices on their website are in pesos. Dr. Martinez and Dr. Ana would be wise to know each other. I hope you can connect with him. He studied with another doctor known for good success with IV therapies. I will be going back. Thanks again for helping the world.
You can tryhttps://www.acam.org/search/custom.asp
But I found it incomplete and had to manually search for edta iv chelation & name of the city.
Calif pricing for edta iv is more than double Mexico pricing because the edta can't be shipped to a California address so must be delivered out of state and picked up.
Dr. Ana- I read online that running a degaussing magnet over your body gets the nanobots out of your body. My husband and I bought a plug in degausser, and have used it on our bodies a few times. The thing is...we don't have anything to check our blood..to see if it actually is doing anything. It seems logical to me..If the nanobots have programming, and lights. They are probably magnetic. If the degausser demagnifies them..It seems like that would at least affect the programming in them?? What are your thoughts on this? I would LOVE to know:) Also..you have said that there is stuff in everything now. I just read this morning that coke, and Pepsi have fluorescent nano in them..and m and M's, and Skittles. Do you know if wild blueberry, cilantro, milk thistle, and dandelion root remove heavy metals as well as EDTA chelation? Thank you for all your help in this terrible situation. God bless you. Sincerely, Mrs. T
Yes alot of products unfortunately have bots. They've been doing it for yrs rt under our noses. Someone suggested taking a magnet w u to shop at least you can see what meats outside aisle stuff have them.
dyr - May 29
crapshoot farmer
Unless a dental practitioner can be made aware and obtain material absent the smuggled toxic components, if at all possible one might avoid dentistry in many cases by resort to what i have used successfully for now 16 years, in the main bee propolis to plug eroded spots. No more toothbrushing, next to no teeth/gum deterioration in all those years. Pleasant breath. I will gladly dilate on this my "protocol" should anyone ask in reply. Features as well tea, silver, beeswax in lesser roles. Cheap, some getting used to but once done easy.
Chris Burrett - May 29
That sounds great! I make my own toothpaste - mix equal parts of coconut oil and baking soda and add a few drops of peppermint oil. Then I add about 5 drops or more of bee propolis and mix. Works well for me! Also. bee propolis good for cleansing and detoxifying!
Steafen - May 29
crapshoot farmer
I'm all ears. With everything being so upside down in this transhumanist agenda, anything besides...
dyr - May 29
crapshoot farmer
see e.g. 3 comments of dyr Oct18-20 at matt's related 'stack post:
Reply (1) - May 29
crapshoot farmer
Comment removed.
crapshoot farmer - May 29
crapshoot farmer
Take your spam and go somewhere else.
Don't click on the moron's link
Sarah - May 29
Barbara O'Neil has some interesting clips on caring for teeth "wholistically"... telegram channels a plenty sharing her miraculous contributions to natural and common sense approach to health!
E.C. - May 29
She is slso on uTub.
Michelle Cardenas - Jun 1
I love her channel. A wealth of knowledge and easy natural protocols for sure!
Christine Agnew - May 29
I'm in! send me info please! thank you!
Protect And Alert - May 29
Protect and Alert
Hi I am all ears too, this is Cheri withi Protect And Alert. and thank you.
dyr - May 29
see e.g. 3 comments of dyr Oct18-20 at matt's related 'stack post:
Michelle Cardenas - Jun 1
Is that COLLODIAL silver that you use w/the BP as toothpaste?
dyr - Jun 2
No. Silver - colloidal - is used only when I have neglected to be diligent (rare, maybe once a year or less) about plugging spots where pathogenic factors can enter, if I tarry too long or whatever, leading to sensing something amiss under/within a tooth, at which holding CS a few times at intervals by and around the problem area ALWAYS has been successful at averting its continuation (but if it has reached a stage already, the silver will cause herxheimer, some pain as whatever is escorted away accumulates for a time nearby, never harmful and clears shortly). I think I mentioned in one or another of my related posts, that since I started this "protocol" reliant on propolis and tea rinses in the main (high fluoride, tea is) a toothbrush has never once entered my mouth,. No need. I question as well the use of even gentle abrasives. So no toothpaste either. Floss useful at times (for me, infrequently due to relatively close dentition, I think). I hope this helps.
Mortie Deville - May 29
Wow. Love this post. My youngest is in need of oral surgery his baby tooth didn't come out as he was a bit touchy about any sort of pain. Yes I am trying to be kind but wanna just call it what it has been for me. 20 years married to a convert narc who's mother was a severe Narcissist in everything she did and needed to have her hands into. Both my sons spent too much time in her home and have very little spine similar to their father. So they both are pampered and sent Sensitive boys. Not the MEN I had in mind. Struggling with what I can do for my youngest cuz I am NOT trusting our dentist to be awake enough to know his practice is harming ppl and freedom. Same with doctors and vaccines. Childern don't need any shots PERIOD.!
Michelle Cardenas - Jun 1
Girl, I hear ya. I'm tired of these sleeping zombie practices. My dentist kept trying to give me flouride. After the 3rd time telln them no and them also wanting me to wear a mask...of which I politely accepted it, but never put it on (which i did on many occasions when and where ever one was offered) I told myself "they just lost 2 patients. Me AND my husband" If they aren't awake or at least listening to the alarm blaring to wtfu ...then I just keep looking til I find a practice that's awake. Oh and I also wanted to suggest something for your sons since they have been traumatized from the narcs in the family. There is a place calledthejourney.comthat deals w past traumas ppl go through on a subconscious level. It's highly recommended therapy. He'll its actually good for everyone since we ALL have some sort of trauma and past shadows to deal w/. But i especially think those who've been exposed to the narc ego. could benefit since it truly is such a rough and tough life having to navigate through. It can be exhausting. I know I've been through myself! π
crapshoot farmer - May 29
crapshoot farmer
I was all set to buy bee propolis recently for treating skin 'barnacles' that develop into squamous cell cancers and then read how it is extremely toxic and harmful. I decided against it but didn't save the source...so much info to go over. I think it was TonyP's warning.
At the very least it is loaded with chem spray.
dyr - May 29
crapshoot farmer
I suggest care be taken re sources, if that is your concern. But, maybe unmentioned in what I referred to, as substitute, and even better since it is free if one has access ready enough, is what I have also used when propolis stock is low or just to do it differently and not have the bees collect for one - collect oozing tree resins, excellent used as is if the right consistency and no alcohol needed. I do fir and cedar (thuja) (in central Ontario, Canada) mainly. (Cedar yields uncommonly but is super to relieve fungal-related afflictions, I have found.) If you find the source warning about polluted propolis I'd like to see and possibly challenge it.
crapshoot farmer - May 29
crapshoot farmer
I think I read it here recently.
No cedar trees in the Caribbean...
Eva - May 29
Other than the microscopic images, unfortunately, I don't see any protocol on the site you provided below. Could you please share some specifics here? Thank you!
Pirate Studebaker - May 29
Pirate Eyes
Please tell us what you've learned. Thank you.
dyr - May 29
see e.g. 3 comments of dyr Oct18-20 at matt's related 'stack post:
Roman S Shapoval - May 29 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
EDTA can also remove a lot of calcium, so need to be mindful of any deficiencies, especially when around EMF, which floods us with excess calcium.
John Vargo - May 29
John Vargo
Just got some med 5 and coral calcium,berberine,niacinamide,Dr Tenants raw materials,etc.etc.Shedding symptoms caused me to do so,I don't know how the hell to tell people.
Christine Agnew - May 29
John Vargo
who is Dr. Tenant, how do I find out more. I never participated in the injections, but am a health care worker and quite worried about shedding. our long term care population received 7th injection last Thursday. I'm so glad I found I found Dr Ana H, I'm busy sharing to all my friends, uninjected and in health care.
P.S. I actually need dental work in the immediate future. this is terrifying.
John Vargo - May 29
John Vargo
E.C. - May 29
I know...
Reply (1) - May 29
crapshoot farmer
Comment removed.
crapshoot farmer - May 29
crapshoot farmer
Bee Gee - May 29
Bee Gee
The EDTA in MedFive and Arizona Naturals EDTA are both calcium disodium EDTA, which does not strip calcium from your system like pure EDTA.
Roman S Shapoval - May 30
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Ah ok gotcha. Thank you Bee for the link!
Katuhiko Fukuda - May 29 - Edited
Katuhiko’s Substack
The 11th COVID-19 (vaccine) infection wave has now arrived in Japan!
But clinical trials of the 8th mRNA vaccine (gene self-amplifying replicon vaccine) have begun,
and the number of patients with thrombosis in various parts of the body is increasing!
Rubber ball blood clots after dental anesthesia surgery are painful as they grow, and if not removed, they grow vertically over the teeth and harden like rubber pearls.
In my clinic, patients who have difficulty with IV visits are treated with liposomal EDTA/VitaminC/glutathione ,
Augmented NAC/methylene blue oral solution to enable home care.
E.C. - May 29 - Edited
Kathy M.
What is a good site i can look up to see what is happening in Japan please?
Kathy M. - May 29
Kathy M.
This is an introduction to a marvelous Japanese oncologist:
E.C. - May 29
Thank you.
Katuhiko Fukuda - May 29 - Edited
Katuhiko’s Substack
I don't follow them sequentially, but perhaps the fastest way to get information is to go from Twitter (X) to blogs, etc., where individual Japanese, such as researchers, clinicians, political activists, etc., tweet, and get information through automatic translation.https://twitter.com/eitchan
psd - May 29
this paper talks about combining GO with EDTA to use it adsorb heavy metals from water ways
which makes me wonder what and how this might be playing out in our bodies.
TnT - May 29
Ar’s Substack
I have seen plenty of evidence that dentist π injections are contaminated. Stay away.
Christian - May 30
Ar’s Substack
I am the living proof... very important dental procedures in 2021... and mys health is crumbling...
Michelle Cardenas - Jun 1
Prayers π for you and may you have a full recovery in your health. πReceive, Believe, and you shall Achieve.
Rachel Cheeney - May 29
Rachel’s Substack
My late father always took his tooth work with zero injections. He toughed it out, despising the feeling of numbness it caused. I can only imagine us now discussing nanoparticles and hydrogel in the mix.
Christina - May 29
Wonderful research and discovery, Dr. Mihalcea. Do you feel the oral Med Five does a good job of detox for a generally very healthy person? There’s a lot of conflicting “info” out there about oral EDTA not being safe. Makes no sense to me!
Trudy - Jun 7
I currently take MEDFIVE.
I also have Zyto Scanner.
My heart and pericardum have never tested this normal - in just two to three months.
I will up my mineral uptake however.
Charles A - May 29 - Edited
John Vargo
Wow now we are afraid to go get the root canal removed . So what do it anyway
Cos - May 29 - Edited
John Vargo
In my opinion - With Clifford Carnicom's recent findings, vax'd blood being 'significant difference' (his words not mine) from unvax'd I certainly would not get any shot from any drug pusher.
I know Dr Ana has mentioned previously just get the dental work done and clean out after, but that was before Clifford Carnicoms recent findings, which should change the game.
John Vargo - May 29
John Vargo
Another concerning development,most might think it's an allergies,https://rense.com/general97/dna-plasmids.php
John Vargo - May 29
John Vargo
This one,https://carnicominstitute.org/human-blood-vs-synthetic-blood-the-path-to-the-blood-clot/
Cos - May 29
This one John: This article:https://carnicominstitute.org/vax-vs-unvaxxed-blood-differences-identified/
Pirate Studebaker - May 29 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Did you read Carnicom's paper?
It doesn't say vaxx'ed and unvaxx'ed are different, it says they are the same now in most respects.
He shows a slide of "normal" biological blood as a reference point, but not as an example of unvaxx'ed blood.
I'm not sure what you're referring to?
Cos - May 29 - Edited
Protect and Alert
Yes I did. This one: This article:https://carnicominstitute.org/vax-vs-unvaxxed-blood-differences-identified/
Protect And Alert - May 29
Protect and Alert
We need to see blood that has been cleaned via the EDTA capsules & Methylene Blue & High-C protocal Dr. Ana has advised. I thought she said it worked to clean the nano circuitry and I thought she showed slides of before and after this over-the-counter method, but it would be nice to see this again please? and thank you. So we know what to do, we so need labs that test us. Or learn to do it on our own, but we'd need a dark field microscope . A lab clinician should open uo a Mobile Blood Testing Service.
Pirate Studebaker - May 29 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Yes, I read it, too. I don't see anything other than the conditions in the blood are worse for the vaxx'ed than the unvaxx'ed, yet both are dire. It's a matter of degree and I don't see how this changes much.
What did you see?
Cos - May 29 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Honestly Pirate, what did I see? :-) I just saw a 'difference' which was enough to hang some hope on. Clifford thought it worthy to share the article, where he is heading with it, is yet to be known. I know it's not starkly different between samples, and both are dire, but I guess my point is, (as he highlights) the count is worth noting as it is 'significant difference' (his words not mine) and may not lead to ground breaking solutions, but in my opinion only, cannot simply be disregarded. Noting this is far from my area of expertise.
In relation to the OP's dental comment, to which I initially replied, this may (or may not) assist some with personal decisions on whether to rush out and get treatment which may include 'direct blood' introduction of foreign matter.
I would certainly interested in Dr Ana's thoughts.
Pirate Studebaker - May 29
Pirate Eyes
Sorry, I didn't mean to step on your comment for Dr. Ana to reply.
I understand what you're saying. I read the same things. Thanks for clarifying.
Garth Sears - May 29
Pirate Eyes
Thank you. I was scratching my heas, too. β
Pirate Studebaker - May 29
Pirate Eyes
We read the same paper from Carnicom. The person just read more into the differences than I see are there. I think people are trying to grasp at hope even if it's false hope.
Obviously things are worse in the blood if injected, but equally obvious is the fact we all have the tech in our blood whether injected or not.
I do understand but I'm one who prefers sober reality. Maybe the differences will prove significant, but so far I haven't seen that's true and Carnicom doesn't say it's true.
This is transhumanism.
Garth Sears - May 29 - Edited
John Vargo
"Clifford Carnicom's recent findings" (which should change the game)... π€ It's hard to keep up with it all...
What do you mean?
Cos - May 29 - Edited
John Vargo
Hi Garth, only in the context of Dr Ana's comments regarding, 'still go to the dentist and deal with clearing out after'. That's not verbatim, but the context remains to what she said verbally, it may be in one of her articles, I haven't gone searching.
If there remains 'significant difference' (his words not mine) between vax'd and unvax'd, that is enough to preserve your precious blood, for me, and one maybe should think a little harder (if your blood is indeed still different) before just going to the dentist. I am not ready to surrender or give up.
Not a 'game changer' at all, but more a metaphor that Dr Ana may change her thoughts, (game) so to speak, I don't know.
Personally I will pull my teeth out with Pliers, before going to a dentist.
A dental visit (in my opinion) is much worse than going to a doctor and getting your cov shot.
For example - it is highly likely all dental staff are fully vax'd, (shedding). Then you sit in a chair with your mouth wide open for approx. 30mins with a vax'd dentist breathing in your face, with a vax'd assistant along side. Then you get a anesthetic shot which has been proven to be in many brands, if not all have been shown to contain the same as a cov shot. No one stands a chance going to the dentist.
https://unhackableanimal.substack.com/p/ask-your-dentist-if-nanos-are-rightparts 1, 2, 3 & 4.
John Vargo - May 29
John Vargo
Well I'll Tell ya i don't like giving out any more personal info than I have to on any platform as we should all know it's all recorded and stored but I am going to have to go to the dentist some time soon!(If I'm still living) Shedding is real and I am now experiencing that nasal cavity infection this doctor talks about in this video.https://rense.com/general97/dna-plasmids.php
Cos - May 29
crapshoot farmer
"i don't like giving out any more personal info than I have to on any platform as we should all know it's all recorded and stored"
I know where you are going from, so much I could share but watchers are watching.
If it is any consolation, 16 years ago I got a nasal infection that doesn't completely heal, here I am still alive. It was a very odd occurrence and is very likely to be related to my high EMF sensitivity today. The other entry point is through the gut lining, with growth activated by stomach acids. That phlegm that builds up, then we swallow, is the fibers, which then leads to mimicking Candida. No one has to believe me, only that you might think back when it comes your turn.
Sorry can't offer any easy outs for your dental visit, some tough decisions to be made. Best wishes man.
crapshoot farmer - May 29
crapshoot farmer
I saved this info from some time back but the only clean dental anesthetic is Levobupivacaina.
Going to the dentist tomorrow for teeth cleaning with fingers crossed.
John Vargo - May 30
John Vargo
Aw no worries mate,nitrous oxide and a quaalude should do the trick
Charles A - May 29
Thanks for the input. Maybe free base some rock , bring that in. Self medicating
Protect And Alert - May 29
Protect and Alert
I wonder if this poison is in the Mexican dentist shots? I had two root canals done recently in T.J. No issues . I am taking the EDTA protocal Dr. Ana advised. We never hear much from Mexico and I wonder if there are activists there .
Charles A - May 29
Yeah we recently asked Dr Ana while visiting there. Her reply was most all anesthesia in Mexico would be loaded with the hydrogels. (Unless sourced non pharmaceuticaly.). My loved one needs her root canal π¦· removed, Dr says remove it anyway just be very careful in choosing your dentist and poison. Then oral edta, methblu , 10k vita C etc..Root canals should never be done. They are deadly and cause immune systems breakdown. Check the one tooth that gave 30 rabbits all deadly heart attacks. Circa 1917. Dr Ana is Santa Ana. Gracias el Dios. π oh and I never got vaxxed or anesthesia but my blood is loaded with hydrogel nano construction sites and q dots zooming all over. It is unavoidable. Peace friend π
Bee Gee - May 29
Bee Gee
Oral EDTA definitely Does work, but I think most people are not taking it properly and so they see no benefit. EDTA is NOT just another supplement and so if you are just taking it like one, you are wasting it.
EDTA binds with many many Many things... multivitamins, minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, all clays, zeolite, all foods, dairy, and many other helpful supplements like Natto or Curcumin.
So if you take 1800mg of Arizona EDTA within 2-3 Hours of eating any of those things, it Instantly fully bound with those things and you got Zero benefit.
If you just took it with handful of all your other vitamins, you got Zero benefit.
If you took it within 2 hours after drinking coffee with dairy in it, you got Zero benefit.
If you took with with any other supplement that has metals, like colloidal any-metal or zeolite, you got Zero benefit.
If you ate a big meal last night (or hours ago) and some of it has not fully digested when you take Arizona EDTA, you got Zero benefit when it bound with the food still in your stomach.
MedFive takes longer to dissolve, so you still have some time for digestion of food in your stomach before the MedFive dissolves, which can be good or bad depending on how you take it. MedFive has the enteric coating, which stops it from dissolving until it gets into your small intestine but then it also takes hours to get into your system, which can make effective dosing much more difficult unless you are fasting. Thats why MedFive says to take it at night before bed and in the morning after your breakfast meal, to minimize the other things that it will bind with.
That is why my wife and I do EDTA fasts about once a month where we take 1 medfive pill and 3 arizona pills 2-3 times a day for 3 days. Then we KNOW that the EDTA is removing bad stuff and not just binding with something else we have ate or drank recently.
ALA (Alpha lipoic acid), natural/sodium citrate, bromelain, and Vitamins C, D and E also do not bind with EDTA so we take them in large amounts during our fast as well. I always wait an hour after taking EDTA just to be safe but they are all mild chelators that cross the BBB and can dissolve various hydrogels as well as chelate out heavy metals.
EDTA does not dissolve into most water without PH changes so theres no point in trying to mix it in water IMO. And I personally would not recommend anyone do an EDTA enema since you have no idea how effective the dosing is or how much is even getting into your system. That can also cause your gut to release a lot of toxins at once and flood your system with heavy metals so I personally would highly recommend against it but to each their own.
I would say just take the pills properly since it is more reliable than guessing the porosity of your intestinal wall and how much EDTA actually even dissolved into the water. And if you arent using purified water, you could be putting heavy metals or PFAS right into your intestines. No Thanks.
I have also written other comments about how to Max Out your Vitamin C and Bromelain intake as well using fresh fruit but in my experience, many people taking oral EDTA arent doing it properly.
So if not, do not be surprised when it doesnt work well... or at all.
Trudy - Jul 1
I like Med Five.
Christian - May 30
Ar’s Substack
EDTA IV have not worked at all for me... My health is a disaster, worse than before, I may be dying, .... I had 19 Edta sessions in germany. and it is worse. Soma say there are nanos in the Edta...
Bee Gee - May 30
Bee Gee
I think if something is not working or is making your health worse, stop taking it.
Perhaps that much EDTA has created a mineral imbalance in your system or perhaps there Is something bad in IV EDTA now, or maybe just that batch, I do not know.
Thats why I did not get IV EDTA though, the closest place is full of shedders giving vaxxes as well and I did not want to sit there around the infected for 3 hours, possibly making it even worse.
If I were you and thought I may be dying, I would stop taking EDTA and buy a zerowater filter to be sure your water is as clean as possible (https://www.zerowater.fr/).
Then I would take some of the other supplements that are known to help, like Nattokinase, Curcumin and Bromelain.
If they are 2000fu natto pills, I would take 5 pills in the morning along with a full dosage per the label of curcumin and bromelain with a big glass of zerowater. Then I would take them again every 12 hours, like clockwork.
All of the supplements I recommend above help in slightly different ways, like ALA in hempseed oil. I personally have taken 3 grams of hempseed oil pills 3 times a day with no issues, but I do not know what is best for you, only sharing my experience. ALA chelates out cesium and other heavy metals though.
Or if you are worried about the quality of supplements, get a fresh pineapple, cut off the top and bottom, skin it, cut the whole thing including the core into chunks and chew up the chunks. Swallow the juice and spit out the pulp and even if you can only get through half, you will have a Ton of active bromelain circulating in your system. Bromelain is so important because it can do things other supplements cannot, like get into closed organ systems. If you do that a few days in a row, I think it will help Greatly.
You can make Sodium Citrate yourself with water, citric acid and sodium bicarbonate, which (along with ALA) dissolves lipid nano particles, alginate hydrogels and also chelates out some metals.
You can also intake a ton of fresh Vitamin C and natural citrate by juicing fresh oranges with a simple twist juicer. I juice a few oranges, strain the juice into my zerowater and then rinse the pulp I strained out with more zerowater since C and citrate are water soluble.
After a few days of doing that, you can take in even more bioavailable Vitamin C than with vitamin C pills, which will cause gut issues in high doses. I can now drink fresh orange juice all day long with no gut issues but it took repetition to get that tolerance.
You can also get a lot of Vitamin D just by sitting in direct sunlight on your bare skin for 15 or 30 minutes.
It is also possible that this blood contamination can adapt to regular challenges repeated over time, so it may be required to use multiple methods rather than the same thing over and over again.
Im not a doctor or giving you medical advice, I am just sharing my experience and what I would do in your situation... but if the EDTA is not helping, stop taking it and maximize other things that may help.
We Are The Resistance and I want you to live. And everyone else reading this too, so I am just offering advice that may help.
Good luck to you in any case.
Christian - Jun 1
Ar’s Substack
Trop compliqué ! You cannot do anything for me I take Nac, Vit C, Sodium Citrate ! But I have to have a conversation with my doctor, because he gave me the name of my disease for which THERE IS NO CURE. THE MITOCHONDRIA DISEASE... so my life is really at stake... Vitamins may compensate, but I cannot do anything more... my right hand is beginning to paralyse itself...
Mike Hoehn - May 29
Mike Hoehn
Thank you Dr Ana.
Sarah - May 29
Anyone see/hear Andrew Bigelson (sp ???) whose father was a doctor and studied blood extensively, is saying that the spheres being observed are completely normal occurences....????? I forget how he casually explained them awy but it was a plasable reason for my non-medical brain....His dad wrote the book "Holographic Blood"....
I have an open mind naturally but I am no expert in this subject matter. I am a great admirer of Dr. Ana's work and her open minded approach to a plethora of 'things'. My purpose is not to question her skills nor her knowledge here at all actually. While Andrew is no doctor either he seems quite confident, and spares no slurs toward Dr. Ana's work which is why its taken me so long to posit the question. Could he be right???
Much appreciation and INFINITE JOY for Ana's presence here in this realm and this great community!!!!!
Michelle Cardenas - Jun 1
I wouldn't trust his findings. Especially when there's so MANY MORE that aren't seeing it as normal. Not only that don't the spheres harden causing blockage...I know that can't be normal. You know how they like to try to throw us off our trail w puting BS claims out there installing doubt and fear. And it always seems to be a hear say situation too. Never THE SOURCE itself. Idk , that's just been my perception when i step back and put all into perspective. Although, we must be diligent about who we listen to. And like you said ALWAYS keep an open mind to other possibilities when we yet to have proof. Listen w you heart not just your mind. It seems to be my most trusted navigation too. Our heart knows things our mind does not understand π
Sarah - Jun 1
I agree. I was observing my own reactions as I listened/watched an interview but only briefly as I was incredibly skeptical then he threw some shade Dr. Ana's way and that speaks volumes to me. From one "prof" to another, that is simply not its done.
I figured if any one needed to know that it was in this community as its related. Doubt and fear are method of dark forces. Not interested, no thank you!
BUT thank YOU for resonating with me. It feels good β‘β‘β‘
Protect And Alert - May 29
Protect and Alert
Thank you for this importan information. Is there a place in CA where we can get our blood checked? Do you have a clinic here in CA? Do you think that more independent labs that are in the know , may spring up for people to have their blood checked, before and after EDTA Chelation ? BajaBodyMind Clinic in Rosarite Beach Mexico is known for years for their IV therapies. I had one session and will be going back. It is an excellent place to go, tell them Cheri told you , you can talk to IVan on their live chat and set up the appointment. It is very affordable , one session was $123 U.S. dollars. The prices on their website are in pesos. Dr. Martinez and Dr. Ana would be wise to know each other. I hope you can connect with him. He studied with another doctor known for good success with IV therapies. I will be going back. Thanks again for helping the world.
Michelle Cardenas - Jun 1
Wow, Much gratitude to you foe sharing this info w us. I'm sef going to check it out. Thanks loveπ
KT-SunWillShineAgain - May 29
You can tryhttps://www.acam.org/search/custom.asp
But I found it incomplete and had to manually search for edta iv chelation & name of the city.
Calif pricing for edta iv is more than double Mexico pricing because the edta can't be shipped to a California address so must be delivered out of state and picked up.
John Vargo - May 29 - Edited
John Vargo
Best advice in the world Dr.Ana,Got to wonder if Dr.Young knows about this,https://unhackableanimal.substack.com/p/masterpeace-take-some-nanos-to-detox
michael68 - May 29 - Edited
michael68’s Substack
Very interesting. Strange life sometimes, I was just looking into whether zeolites stimulate self-organization and promptly I come across your link. what i see there exceeds my worst fears. So, if you are not vaccinated, you maybe are if you take masterpiece :(https://open.substack.com/pub/michael68/p/does-zeolite-accelerate-the-self?r=39mab4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true
SoCalGal - May 29
Is that why there was only one patient in my dentists office the last time I went. Hmmmm
Patricia - May 29
Dr. Ana- I read online that running a degaussing magnet over your body gets the nanobots out of your body. My husband and I bought a plug in degausser, and have used it on our bodies a few times. The thing is...we don't have anything to check our blood..to see if it actually is doing anything. It seems logical to me..If the nanobots have programming, and lights. They are probably magnetic. If the degausser demagnifies them..It seems like that would at least affect the programming in them?? What are your thoughts on this? I would LOVE to know:) Also..you have said that there is stuff in everything now. I just read this morning that coke, and Pepsi have fluorescent nano in them..and m and M's, and Skittles. Do you know if wild blueberry, cilantro, milk thistle, and dandelion root remove heavy metals as well as EDTA chelation? Thank you for all your help in this terrible situation. God bless you. Sincerely, Mrs. T
Michelle Cardenas - Jun 1
Yes alot of products unfortunately have bots. They've been doing it for yrs rt under our noses. Someone suggested taking a magnet w u to shop at least you can see what meats outside aisle stuff have them.
Joe - May 29
Joe’s Substack
I had a wisdom tooth pulled and that did not happen to me
Lani - Jul 30
Some people clot differently then others when there is an extraction.
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