Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 14, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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CDB Colony Control Magnification 3200x
In this post, I wanted to write up the findings of Clifford Carnicom’s analysis of dental anesthetics. Clifford is very busy, but he kindly helped me by doing this important work. As we all know, La Quinta Columna, Matt Taylor, Dr. David Nixon all found that dental anesthetics do create microchip like features or micro robotics similar to the C19 shots. I also confirmed this.
The scientific literature supports all of our findings, and nanotechnology has been described in all aspects of dentistry. Specifically microrobots in dental anesthesia have been discussed and this describes exactly what we are seeing:
Nanotechnology in dentistry: Unleashing the hidden gems
A future nanotechnology based local anesthetic suspensions will consist of micron size millions of active analgesic ambulating dental robots suspended in a colloidal suspension. These hi-tech anesthetic suspensions when in contact with tooth surface or gingiva will reach the pulp resulting in temporary and reversible shut down all the sensitivity or pain in the tooth specific to the area of interest that requires the treatment. Nanotechnology based anesthetic suspensions will exhibit a remarkable property of being able to be remotely controlled by dentist by an on-board computer which can be restored or reversed at any moment when the procedure will be finished .[ 23 ]
Dr. Len Ber clearly showed these micro robotics in Carbocaine when mixed with unvaccinated blood:
I still have more samples to analyze, but before I do more experiments, I needed to write up these important new findings, in particular how it relates to Clifford’s microscopy findings of Septocaine and Citanest. He also analyzed Carbocaine, and his findings were the same. I have explained these and the possible implications in the recent Symposium on Quantum Dots or Kinetically Active Microstructures and my interview with Maria Zeee: They Have Put Artificial Life INSIDE HUMANS.
Clifford’s findings were cause to much contemplation for me. He has called Morgellon’s Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB). He believes that has isolated DNA from the organism, but there was never a definitive DNA analysis done. He clearly acknowledges that it is synthetic biology.
Dr. Lundstrom had the samples analyzed by Dr. Kevin Kernan.
No RNA/ DNA overlap with the C19 shots was found.
In the images above you can see colonies of what Clifford calls CDB’s from a culture. He then consecutively analyzed Carbocaine ( I did not post those images but the findings are consistent), Septocaine and Citanest. He used an acid based dye for better visualization. The analysis was repeated 3 times and the findings were repeatable. CDB like structures were seen in dental anesthetics.
Citanest Dental Anesthetic dyed Magnification 3200x
Septocaine Dental Anesthetic dyed and undyed, Magnification 3200x
If there is no DNA/ RNA match with the C19 shots but we see the same microchip development and we see micro robotics when dental anesthetics are mixed with unvaccinated blood, then are what we call CDB pure technology without DNA? Or could there be a problem with the sensitivity of the PCR?
This is a microscope image of Dr. Len Ber’s micro robot findings when Carbocaine is mixed with unvaccinated blood.
Which is consistent with the bidirectional telemetry sensors emitting pulsed blue light that I see in C19 unvaccinated blood:
Clifford has historically shown how the CDB’s are entering and infecting red blood cells, something that both I and Dr. Len Ber have also seen with our micro robots that look like Quantum Dots. The right photograph looks like technology to me, and it is Clifford’s CDB capture as they enter the human red blood cells.
In the literature Graphene based Quantum Dots entering blood stem cells look exactly like what we are capturing with our microscopes.
The important research of dental anesthetics continues as a possible key to the puzzle we are working to understand. It appears that our findings are consistent with the literature that discusses micro robotics in dental anesthetics. It makes me question if CDB/ Morgellons is a purely synthetic organism, artificial life that is synthetic biology and nano technology. I will discuss more about this soon.
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Betsy McDonel Herr, Ph.D. - Oct 14, 2023
Is there ANY dental anaesthetic injectable that isn't contaminated?
REPLY | 36 replies by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and others
Butterfly2510 - Oct 14, 2023
I’m so annoyed about this. And, annoyed is an understatement. I didn’t get the clot shot but just had to replace a crown. We all have to get dental work done!! Now what????
REPLY | 46 replies by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and others
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