National American Renaissance Movement Letter to New Jersey Environmental Protection Agency Regarding Geoengineering Operations

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 19, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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National American Renaissance Movement President David Meiswinkle Esq sent a letter to the Commissioner of the Environmental Protection Agency regarding the Geoengineering weather warfare activities in New Jersey.

The military ownership of the weather and its continual stratospheric spraying of toxic chemicals including Graphene Oxide, polymer microplastics, synthetic biology and pharmaceutical drugs like immune supressant methotrexate, toxic heavy metals and other nanoparticulates like smart dust are poisoning our biosphere. We inhabitants of this world have never been consulted or asked if we want to be inhaling poisenous toxins or what we think about weather warfare, the induction of droughts, extreme precipitation like rainstorms and hurricanes or other insane projects like solar dimming. There is no climate change, there is only militarized weather warfare.

Mission Accomplished: Military Report From 1996 "Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025" - Is Spraying Poison In The Air For Military Advantage A Good Idea?

The fake propaganda mind control news - which is pushing the climate change hoax of the Great Reset - is trying to deny geoengineering. I am very happy to see the Tennessee bill SB 2691/HB 2063 , as a model for the entire United States and ultimately the world.

"The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited".

It is evident that Geoengineering operations has been key to transform not just our biosphere, but many researchers have shown that rainwater is polluted from these operations with the very polymer filaments we find in the blood. As a Chelation practitioner, I routinely pull out of patients Aluminum, Barium, Uranium and other toxic heavy metals that also have been shown to be sprayed via these operations and are highly toxic, causing illness, accelerated aging and are used for military battlefield interrogation and surveillance operations. They are also key signaling chemicals for polymer self assembly in the body.

For the survival of our species and our Earth, we have to fight all aspects of the technocratic transhumanist destruction of our planet and attempts at extermination of humanity - be that via geoengineering, engineered famines, created wars, UN supported illegal alien invasions, technocratic social engineering, deployments of synthetic biologial and technological engineered weapons of mass destruction disguised as vaccines and healthcare, psychological warfare and more.

This letter can be copied by anyone and sent to your environmental agencies. It is an initial inquiry, and we are interested in the response. Follow up action accordingly will be initiated.

New Jersey Geoengineering letter

I have written extensively about the connection between Geoengineering toxins and the Covid 19 bioweapons. Below you can also find links to symposiums and interviews with Geoengineering expert Clifford Carnicom, Researcher and Author Elana Freeland, rainwater analysis showing the same filaments we see in the blood and more - from my previous articles. I want to remind people that nobody is coming to rescue you. It is not the job of a handful of people to fight this fight while you sit on the sidelines and watch. This is your planet and your earth that is being destroyed, and whose air is poisoning you, your family, children, friends and community at large. Nanoparticulates that are aerosolized enter your body via inhalation and through your skin. These poisons are also absorbed by the fruits, vegetables and animals you eat and can be in the water you drink. Every single human being needs to get involved. We are all facing an existential threat, and the chemicals sprayed on us and in the C19 shots are related, creating the same Morgellons type self assembly nanotechnology for biosensing, bioengineering and depopulation purposes.

Also please support those of us who fight, so we have the funding to do greater things - your donations, paid subscriptions and involvement are all appreciated. Thank you.

To donate to National ARM: National ARM

Here are some related articles:

A Warning to Humanity: Historical Context Of Environmental Bio- and Geoengineering and the C19 Injection Era - Findings Of Synthetic Biology Polymer Filaments In Human Blood

The Danger In The Air - Rainwater Analysis Research by Dr. Geanina Hagimă From Romania Shows Magnetic Nanoparticles And Filaments. Comparison To Clifford Carnicom's Rainwater Analysis

Whoever Is In Charge Of Geoengineering Operations Needs To Be Prosecuted For Crimes Against Humanity And Our Biosphere

Chemical Analysis Comparison of Hydrogel Filaments from C19 Shots and Environmental Geoengineering Sources - Project What Happened to Humanities Blood?

Synthetic Biological Life Forms – Cross Domain Bacteria, Morgellons, and Correlation to Current Live Blood Findings in Post C19 Injection Era - My Conversation with Clifford Carnicom

Geoengineered Transhumanism - Weaponized Environment, Nanotechnology, Synthetic Biology and Connection to C19 shots Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD interviews Elana Freeland

Geoengineering Adverse Health Effects and Vaccine Nanoparticle Contaminations – Discussion of the Common Thread of Toxic Heavy Metals and Graphene Oxide And their Removal with Intravenous EDTA Chelation in Clinical Practice

"Transhumanistic Warfare"Truth, Science And Spirit, Ep 8 - Conversation with Elana Freeland

Nanoparticle Contamination Cover Up - Important Interview with Dane Wigington - 40 Million Tons of Metal Nanoparticles And Graphene Oxide Are Being Sprayed Worldwide - Humans Are Inhaling It

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John Scotto - Apr 20

John’s Newsletter

This is the elephant in the room most politicians are ignoring.

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Denise - Apr 20


Sure is taking a long time to get to this point in time. They’ve been spraying for decades. Senators could’ve been writing these bills way back when the DOD started this. Better late than never. Thank you for all your work & research!

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