National American Renaissance Movement Letter…

Apr 19, 2024

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National American Renaissance Movement President David Meiswinkle Esq sent a letter to the Commissioner of the Environmental Protection Agency regarding the Geoengineering weather warfare activities in New Jersey.


John Scotto - Apr 20

John’s Newsletter

This is the elephant in the room most politicians are ignoring.


Paul Vonharnish - Apr 20

Paul Vonharnish

Our current gaggle of pigs need to be served writs of Quo Warranto and removed from office. None of them have served the Trust of constituents, and they need to arrested for Treason. The days of polite requests should have ended over 60 years ago. They are traitors, period.


Harcourtfentonmudd Marguerite - Apr 20

Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…

and given that their colleagues are sitting on the benches, we need to do this on our own. The gov'ts of the world have proven that they are illegitimate. We all need to stop working for salaries and figure out how to trade or at least to only work for cash with no declarations to an illegitimate government. We really need to figure out how to make our own currency. Storable food would seem like a good place to start. Paying taxes means giving energy to the enemy. We need to learn to survive with the nothing but the same piece of rope and the knife that we will use to end the lives of corrupt functionaries.


joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 21

joe’s Substack

Paying taxes is only meant to make our lives as miserable as possible .The bastards don't need the taxes .They print as much money as they want to play with .If possible be self employed ,.Do all transactions with cash .I know this will only work for a minority .In regard to the spraying ,mostly seen in the sky over the US ,it must effect the elites ,as much as the people earmarked for extermination .It seems there is no escape for ordinary people .How does the elite escape ,what is meant for us ?? If we could know how they do it ,we could copy their doings and escape our fate . I live in Vancouver ,about 20 km. from the US border and whenever the sky is clear I look up at it and never see chem trails .Do they only spray in the sky above the US?


John Vargo - Apr 22

John Vargo

No,they spray all UN countries


joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 22

joe’s Substack

But Canada is a country united with evil !


JulesUSA - May 7

The Tennessee bill seems nice at first glance, but what does it REALLY do?


Denise - Apr 20 - Edited


Sure is taking a long time to get to this point in time. They’ve been spraying for decades. Senators could’ve been writing these bills way back when the DOD started this. Better late than never. Thank you for all your work & research!


joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 21 - Edited

joe’s Substack

I saw pictures of chem trails on my computer over the US. The sky seems to be full of it .North of the border in Vancouver I never see anything like that . If you don't believe me drive up to Canada and look for yourself ..But I warn you ,bring lots of money for gas .Every where up here the gas is about $8.60 .-a gallon .or $ 2.15 a liter .We pay that price for years already ,it's predicted to go up some more soon to save the planet .


Adrian - Apr 20


Black mold, have you noticed its everywhere? Its a coinfection that goes with many that have morgellons. Heavy metal detox is part of the mold detox protocol. Wifi accelerates mold growth too. Our bodies and the earth are made of same materials, heavy metal particulates via trails combined with wifi are causing enhanced mold growth. Longterm ubiquitous wifi, heavy metal particulates and black mold spell disaster and suffering, as well as accelerated destruction of property. Solutions must include industrial scale detoxing of the environment. Stop the depop, stop the WEF, UN, WHO...Share National Arm widely.


Paul Vonharnish - Apr 20

Paul Vonharnish

You are correct regarding wi-fi effects on mold growth, but wi-fi emissions are only one form of broadcast out of *millions* of such emissions. Modern weather control operations utilize electromagnetic induction from low orbital space and ground based HAARP-like facilities.
There are over 400 ground based HAARP-like facilities in operation world wide, and thousands of military "communications" satellites that have nothing to do with communications at all.
Our military brothers and sisters are murderous assholes. Let's be polite and just choke to death on their shit


John Vargo - Apr 22

John Vargo

Well believe it or not most of the advanced military of the US is from the grey aliens


JulesUSA - May 7

Noticed it in my white coffee pot (thank goodness it's white).


Chris - Apr 19 - Edited


For several days after the 4/8 eclipse in San Diego, there was not a single geo-engineering trail in the sky. I have not seen that in years. Something must be up. Absolutely out of the ordinary. Yesterday again, after the morning clouds cleared, a completely blue sky. Where have the geo-engineering drones/plans gone?


GreaterIsrahell - Apr 20

You Just Can't Make This Stuff …

In the part of Norway where I live we have had five days in a row where we actually saw the sun, and the sky was blue. None of these days were cloud free, and three days we had more hours of sunlight than cloudy skies.


Chris - Apr 20


Interesting. What is unique where I live in San Diego is there were several days in a row with zero geo-engineering trails or clouds. I have not seen that occur in what seems like years. And it was right after the 4/8 eclipse event. I conclude that these resources have been shifted someplace else, or whatever happed on 4/8 is connected to what they are doing in our skies.


Karenvusa - Apr 20


I also live in SD County. The cris s crosses are back as of yesterday. Driving east on the I-8 past Jacumba were huge white puffy clouds with long white "tails" going vertically, downward, behind the mountains. It would look like a normal rain pattern but instead of being gray it was white. I wish I could attach photos.


Chris - Apr 20


Interesting. In the past, for several years now, I have noticed that when the white puffy "normal" clouds are here, there are also high geo-engineering trails/"clouds" behind /above the "normal" clouds. In the evening in North San Diego County yesterday, I saw no trails at all when I was out and about from 5-7pm. Usually, they are visible.


JulesUSA - May 7

Have either of you tried vinegar?


GreaterIsrahell - Apr 20

You Just Can't Make This Stuff …

"What is unique where I live in San Diego is there were several days in a row with zero geo-engineering trails or clouds."
In the past five days we have had more hours of sunlight than all of the first quarter combined. Also there has been clouds in the sky at 1500 or so foot altitude, and not that gray stratospheric soup. Also very little trails. Some, but much less than usual.


John Vargo - Apr 22

John Vargo seems they sprayed heavily along the path of the eclipse.


John Vargo - Apr 22

John Vargo

They'll be back,same thing happened at the start of the scamdemic


Claudia - Apr 20


About 10 years ago, when I was living in Los Angeles and out for a walk one day, I saw that the sky was inundated with thick, criss-crossing lines more than I had ever seen before. I called every news station in LA to see if anyone knew what was going on. I also asked why no one had been reporting on it. As I recall, only one person at a news desk told me his superior didn’t feel it was newsworthy. No one knew why it was happening, and no one was willing to talk about it.


American State National - Apr 20

American State National

You write that we "did not ask or give permission to be sprayed with poisons.".. but did you know that your parents gave up your rights when you got a birth registration? You have no rights dear, you are legally a slave, even if you are a doctor you have no legal or lawful recoirse to demand the goveenment that legally owns you to do anything but exactly what they want with you, slave. Im sorry to have to break this truth to you and millions of others. You MUST ESTABLISH your birth right status as a NOTICE OF RECONVEYANCE and get your rights back.
And dont do David Straight , or Anna Vandersteel, or Miki Klan paperwork theirs is not authentic. Go to TASA. Org and Anna Von Reitz has set it up for free for everyone to do their paperwork correctly.
God bless and go get your freedoms back and your rights.


Alexandra - Apr 20

Alexandra’s Substack

Thank you for the pointer to TASA. God Bless.


John Vargo - Apr 22

John Vargo

I agree with Anna Von Reitz and I know about sorry to break this news.Did You know the gov't claims the DNA from the placenta and your footprint(soul) is claimed by the vatican,


Mike Hoehn - Apr 20

Mike Hoehn

If nothing else this crime is being exposed. Thank you for all you do.


Apologetic Yankee - Apr 20

Apologetic Yankee

Strongly suggest citing the recent legislative language by several States (all with varying language) that proposes a Ban on "experimental" Climdte Engineering > approx 6-7 States are now on Record with proposals > seeZerogeoengineering.comfor specifics.
I have numerous questions which I have added on my Substack Notes page > such as ..with Western States being absent, how do the Eastern States plan on addressing? > Western States are the atmospheric front door of the US and if not stopped in this Region, the West to East Jetstream will of course carry the nefarious emissions right across the Country as they have been doing for at least 2 Decades...closer to 3.
Support >


Robert Drury - Apr 20

Glad to see this communication by Mr Meiswinkle. I think May 2024 is going to be geoengineering awareness month! Let's see how many people wake up to this reality.


DAVY Udal - Apr 20

DAVY’s Substack
Potentially, removing Glyphosate from our environment TODAY means that in a century we may be able to save humanity, reducing Cancer and many other diseases like Mad Cow Disease, Autism, IBS, Human Fertility Issues (Male and Female), Birth Defects, Aborted Fetus, and Food Allergies. It is a very long list.
Roundup half life is 22 years. (In 76 years it is 4.23% of original concentration, Still enough concentration to cause damage, injury and illness)
This is exacerbated by the spraying of aluminum into the atmosphere because it is a carcinogen and in nanoparticulate sizes it is breathed into the body and absorbed by the skin, eyes and mouth. All the mucus membranes of the body. The good news is that glyphosate chelates aluminum. But at what cost?
Under the fingernails and into the blood stream? Then What?


Apologetic Yankee - Apr 25

Apologetic Yankee

Pick your poison(s) > a smorgasbord to choose from as outlined on the National ARM site


Wotan - Apr 20

Wotan’s Substack

Excellent article. The expert on this matter, however, is Dane Wigington. Please go to his website atGeoengineeringWatch.organd watch is weekly reports. The situation is far worse than most people assume. He will provide you with the full picture and the required remedies. Support him.


Jocelico - Apr 20

The Dimming Documentary:


Greg Eldefonso - Apr 20

Greg’s Substack

Peanut shells and Potato starch for chelation and removal of heavy metals.
Research Article | Open Access
Volume 2017 | Article ID 6470306 |
Show citation
Absorbed Pb2+ and Cd2+ Ions in Water by Cross-Linked Starch Xanthate
Kai Feng1and Guohua Wen
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Academic Editor: Marta Fernández-García
Published03 Jan 2017
A cross-linked starch xanthate was prepared by graft copolymerization of acrylamide and sodium acrylate onto starch xanthate using potassium persulfate and sodium hydrogen sulfite initiating system and N,N′-methylenebisacrylamide as a cross-linker. As this kind of cross-linked potato starch xanthate can effectively absorb heavy metal ions, it was dispersed in aqueous solutions of divalent heavy metal ions (Pb2+ and Cd2+) to investigate their absorbency by the polymer.
The soursop seed and the peanut shell were used to produce 10 adsorbents. These adsorbents were tested to select the highest adsorptive capacity in single and binary (Pb2+ + Cd2+) assays. The results of the tests are presented in Table 1.


joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 20

joe’s Substack

Appealing to our exterminators not to hurt us ,is very similar if the Jews during their active extermination by the third Reich under Hitler would have had any success ,if they had started sending some letters to Himmler not to do this .It would be like they needed to remind him it is harmful being exterminated ,because he did not know this and hoping for an end of being murdered ,because since now he got some letters to enlighten him, there is hope for change .What was it that put an end to the extermination camps ,some letter writing or some powerful outside forces ? The forces .coming from outside did it .This time no outside force is coming to the rescue .It does not look good for us ,because the enemy has all the weapons of mass destruction engaged against us already ,and all we can do is beg for mercy .


John Vargo - Apr 22

John Vargo

Do You really think you know the truth?The victors write and rewrite the history books,


joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 22

joe’s Substack

John ,you are right and I'm wrong Sorry for writing history as I did .


joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 23

joe’s Substack

If I could have a personal conversation with you it would look very different ,than the previous comment I made .


John Vargo - Apr 23

John Vargo

It's ok Joe


Anita Söderman - Apr 20

Anita’s Substack

Excellent move! Much needed before they ruin everything for us!


Paul Vonharnish - Apr 20

Paul Vonharnish

There are numerous public/private corporations (such as Evergreen International Airlines) who are involved in geoengineering and weather control programs. "Experiments" have been ongoing for over 70 years. Hello? There have been investment companies manipulating agricultural markets based on weather "prediction" for decades. None of this has ever been a mystery. >>> Climate Global Control Trading LLC, Weather and climate change - Climate Global Control Trading >>>
Maybe our polite 'legal' experts could review items such as item (d) >>> Common Article 3 Violations.— 18 U.S. Code § 2441 - War crimes >>>
I guess it's OK to poison everyone and everything, but only if you wear the right costume...


John Vargo - Apr 22

John Vargo

Yeah,disaster capitalism



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