Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 21, 2023 β Paid β Source
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A few weeks ago, my Romanian colleague Dr. Geanina Hagimă emailed me regarding her findings of magnetic nanoparticles in rainwater. She published her findings in the Romanian news EXCLUSIV ActiveNews: CE SE AFLĂ ÎN APA DE PLOAIE? PERICOLUL DIN AER. Dr. Geanina Hagimă
In this video she showed how she captured rainwater and showed that the particulate matter is magnetic: Magnetic particles in rainwater . This needs to be considered as we know that many people after C19 bioweapon injection have become magnetic. This may also be accelerated by inhaling magnetic smart dust.
The laboratory analysis of the rainwater sediment showed Barium, Strontium, Aluminum, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Calcium, Nickel and Arsenic.
Dr. Hagima knew that Graphene Oxide was magnetic and she wanted to see if this was in the rainwater. She then had electron microscopy and Energy-dispersive X ray spectroscopy (EDS) done. This showed fibers which contained Carbon, Silicon, Aluminum and Iron.
Here is the entire PDF:
She deducted that these are Carbon Silicon Nanotubes as described in these articles:
This is for the assembly of Smart dust: Self-assembling, self-orienting photonic crystals of porous Si
This research shows the self assembly to millimeter size technologies:
Dr. Hagima explains that these Silicon Carbon fibers contribute to sickening the population causing respiratory problems and cancers.
Subsequently she included documentation declassified from the United States and their depopulation agenda from 1977:
I sent Dr. Hagima’s research to Clifford Carnicom, since he also has done work on rainwater analysis. He found her results entirely consistent with his research since 1998.
Clifford shared these thoughts with me:
Metals are not supposed to be in rainwater in any significant amounts. But our rain is now polluted so that they are there. None of these metals should theoretically be there, but theory is another matter nowadays. There are some expectations of differences between rural and urban locations, this is an important factor. Cambridge University published books on atmospheric chemistry of rainwater, rural areas should be pretty much clean as a whistle. Urban areas will have some expected pollution, but never anything justified with these metals, such as aluminum, iron, calcium, silicon(metalloid), magnesium, etc. However, none of these findings are any surprise to me. I have found them in my own work years ago.
Here are some of Clifford’s findings:
The Demise of Rainwater, 2016 This analyzed metals content.
Secondary Rainwater Analysis, 2015 This analysis looked at organic and inorganic components
He also discussed possible toxic compounds:
Tertiary Rainwater Analysis, 2015
He found much higher Aluminum levels than recommended by EPA:
Preliminary Rainwater Analysis : Aluminum Concentration, 2015
He also did the environmental filament metal analysis which showed that the filaments contain all the metals that were identified previously.
Metals Testing Report on the "environmental filaments" sample:
Here are the metals found:
Geoengineering is a crime against humanity and our biosphere. The spraying of millions of tons of nano particulate matter that is key to weather warfare - and other nefarious objectives like dimming the sun - needs to stop. Under the cover of sham climate change agenda these people cause the destruction of our biosphere. High Aluminum contents have been shown to ignite trees to massive wildfires. A global effort must come underway to ban all geoengineering operations.
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Liz G - Aug 21, 2023
Liz G
Thank you, Dr Mihalcea, from the bottom of my heart. As I'm reading your post the tears are coming from my eyes. Who and how could they be so filled with hate towards us? This has to be biblical. How else can it be explained? I stumbled across a video from a woman who's family was deep state before it was called DS. OSS, SAPs etc. she stated that they've tapped into our "invisible body parts" and that we are all literally wired through Bluetooth technology. We ARE THE COMMODITY!! This has to stop before we are just a blip in the memory hole of history. Any suggestions on what we can do? Maui was a staging ground for all that's bad to come. FOR THE LOVE OF YHWH, I pray people wake up en masse, sooner than later ππΌππΎππΎππΏ
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Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Aug 21, 2023 - Edited
*Tip: Another thing I've observed is: If you have the Covid-era intrabodynetwork-assembling nanites in your body system, a red flag indicator is that you'll see it in your EYE FLOATERS. The eye floaters will look like curvy / seahorse ribbons, that have the small ball-segments at segment points of the seahorsey/pincurl pins squiggly segmented lines. Like how it looks when they depict star constellations (when they use drawing lines to connect the star points dots). So pay attention to your eye floaters, what they look like.
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