Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 27, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Please see the link to the interview here:
Synthetic Biological Life Forms – CDB, Morgellons, Live Blood Findings in Post C19 Injection Era
This week I interviewed Clifford Carnicom, the founder and President of the Carnicom Institute, a non-profit research and educational organization that is devoted to environmental and health issues. Clifford also worked as a technical research scientist acting in a professional capacity supporting analysis and development of major Department of Defense physical and weapons modeling systems, with extensive computer programming and system application development experience. He has held a Top Secret/SCI clearance. He was appointed for and completed two years of intensive graduate level studies in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and geodesy under the auspices of the Department of Defense. All of the research papers and findings discussed in this interview can be found here: Carnicom Institute
We discuss Clifford’s research of Morgellons/ Cross Domain Bacteria, his name for synbio - synthetic biology artificial intelligence organisms that he found and evaluated since the 1990’s, sprayed on humans worldwide via geoengineering programs. We review his detailed chemical composition analysis of this synthetic life form, and metals analysis performed.
Image courtesy: Carnicom Institute
We explore correlations between current live blood findings in the era of C19 injections in the context of decades of geoengineering spraying of humans and infecting them with AI synbio to transform humanity into Human version 2.0. The COVID era is only the final stage of this transformation, for all of humanity and the entire planet has been infected with this synthetic, artificial intelligence parasitic biology.
The reason Clifford and I were connected, was due to my writings about Hydrogel as the cause for the structures we have seen self assembling in the C19 vials, in vaccinated live blood, in unvaccinated blood and as a reason for the huge clots found by embalmers. In fact, I have noted that immediate post Covid and long Covid all have the same features in live blood analysis.
I have researched solutions and advocated for EDTA intravenously or transdermal if not available IV. Please check my previous posts.
In my conversation with Clifford, we discuss his findings of Polyvinyl Alcohol as a chemical component of the synthetic life form he found - which is Hydrogel. The reason why people cannot dissolve the clots from vaxxed people is because it literally is a plastic like polymer - widely used in medical applications. The antidote I know of so far is EDTA, amongst supporting detoxification pathways and nutritional optimization.
This is the similar self assembly carbon polymer with metals that Mike Adams found in the human cadaver rubbery clots.
I would like to remind people that not only is PEG ( Polyethylene Glycol) a Hydrogel component but so is Moderna’s SM102 and other parts of the Lipid Nano Particles (LNP’s) in C19 vials. In fact, the spike protein has a sequence that produces at pH 7.0 Hydrogel, not the commonly quoted “Amyloid”.
Clifford subjected his microscale “cross domain bacteria” = synthetic AI biology to a low level electrical current, which made the growth of the filaments accelerate explosively - in addition to changing the blood to unrecognizable features. This is the same findings Dr. David Nixon had when applying WiFi 4G router source to the C19 Pfizer ingredients and found accelerated growth of ribbon like structures and microchips.
Image courtesy: Carnicom Institute
These ribbon structures resemble what I find in Live blood in the unvaccinated now causing severe Rouleaux formation.
To my great concern, I also had an unvaccinated person send me images of long rubbery clots, despite taking commonly used supplements for the breakdown of fibrin like Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase.
I share the common concern with Clifford that this responsiveness to electromagnetic and other frequencies may be the “Kill Switch”, with which selectively humanity can be depopulated. Vaxxed or unvaxxed at this point does not matter much, for all have this synthetic antenna in their bodies via the food supply, water supply, vax shedding and geoengineering spraying, causing disease and accelerated aging in humanity.
Hopefully we have been able to explain effectively, that the context of the artificial intelligence synthetic biology contributing to the transformation and depopulation of humanity - is much broader than mainstream frontline physicians are discussing. Only by understanding this broader context, can we come up with solutions, like the EDTA Chelation, that may help save the human species from this assault. The rapid aging should be addressed not only with nutritional and detoxification strategies, but also with potent antiaging peptides and other modalities like intermittent Rapamycin to downregulate mTOR aging gene, CJC1295 to unlock senescent secretory phenotype, Epithalon to lengthen Telomeres, GHK Copper to reset 30% of genes back to health, senolytics like Fisetin etc. - that I will discuss more in detail in the future. I consider this interview with Clifford Carnicom of utmost importance in laying a foundation of understanding a well planned and executed Transhumanist depopulation agenda.
Please watch and share. May God help humanity.
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Sandy K - Dec 28, 2022
Sandy K
Twenty-five or thirty years ago, some psychic person made a prediction that humans would be evolving into silicon based life. As a biologist, I thought she was nuts...a carbon-based life form does not "evolve" into a silicone-based 'life' retrospect, she may have been tuning in to the current insanity! But this sure ain't evolution, people. It is a psychopathic nightmare. Thank you for your work, Dr Ana. (Love your book, being a right-brained scientist myself!)
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Maggie V - Dec 28, 2022
Maggie’s Newsletter
Thank you for your courage in getting the truth out. Prayers to all doctors who put patients before money.
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