Whoever Is In Charge Of Geoengineering Operations Needs To Be Prosecuted For Crimes Against Humanity And Our Biosphere

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 13, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I have been following the work of Michael Merrick on Telegram - he goes under the name of LAC microscopy. He has not only replicated many of the experiments of Clifford Carnicom and myself, but he has looked at drugs like Enbrel and found nanotechnology. He also recently looked at rainwater and found these filament structures. Humanities blood is getting worse and we are being poisoned via chemtrails with every breath we take. 40 Millions tons of nanoparticles are being sprayed annually and according to Dane Wiggington from Geoengineering watch.org , we are inhaling about 20 million nanoparticles per breath.

These self assembly polymer filaments look like what we find in the blood. Our air is poisoned and our biosphere is being systematically destroyed.

Groundbreaking air pollution study finds almost no safe place on Earth - Only 0.001 percent of the global population is exposed to WHO-safe levels.

It is well known that geoengineering is a major part of not just weather warfare and climate engineering, but also depopulation by making people sick from inhaling toxic nanoparticles and graphene oxide.

Nanoparticle Contamination Cover Up - Important Interview with Dane Wigington - 40 Million Tons of Metal Nanoparticles And Graphene Oxide Are Being Sprayed Worldwide - Humans Are Inhaling It

This is in the rainwater, in our food and water supply. You are breathing, eating and drinking this poison. Your tax payer dollars are being used for clandestine operations to weaponize the ionosphere and change all life on earth into synthetic biology. This needs to stop!

These filaments are self assembly polymer nanotechnology, just like what we found in the C19 bioweapons.

In these articles I show the chemical analysis similarities between the environmental filaments and the nanotechnology found in human blood. Clifford Carnicom had a metals analysis of the filaments done:

Chemical Composition Analysis Of Synthetic Biology Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) aka Hydrogel/Graphene Filaments In Unvaccinated Blood- Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction With Clifford Carnicom

This article has an important mass spectroscopy analysis of environmental filaments showing dangerous polymer chemicals toxic to human health and similar chemicals that are also in the C19 shots:

 Chemical Analysis Comparison of Hydrogel Filaments from C19 Shots and Environmental Geoengineering Sources - Project What Happened to Humanities Blood?

On the left you see the rain water sample, on the right a live blood analysis of an unvaccinated individual. See the resemblance?

The criminals in charge of the illegal geoengineering projects that poison humanity and the earth need to be prosecuted and the programs stopped immediately.

Thank you so much Michael Merrick for your work. Brilliant!💙

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Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Ah yeah! Bill Gates from the Gates of hell is satans minion puppet who is responsible for the geoengineering / chemtrails. I pray daily God wipes his sorry evil azz off the face of His earth. I'd love to snap his scrawny neck!

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Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Gates can help but smirk his evil little smile when talking about harming / maiming and murdering people animals and plant life / food. Gates can't contain his glee to be a sinister minion puppet of satan. Seriously, look at any interview he has done and you will see the evil ooz from his face. I say Gates is the world's Destructive demon.

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