Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 02, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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There is so much evidence surrounding geoengineering operations. This was a research paper by the US Air Force written in 1996. It describes how geoengineering operations and dispersing nanoparticle technology would allow the military to own the weather. They do own it, can induce droughts, hurricanes, icestorms, illness and disease in millions of people - as they do daily.
In this paper we show that in the future, such operations will enhance air and space superiority and provide new options for battlespace shaping and battlespace awareness. “The technology is there, waiting for us to pull it all together;” in 2025 we can “Own the Weather.”
This study by William M. Gray, et al., investigated the hypothesis that “significant beneficial influences can be derived through judicious exploitation of the solar absorption potential of carbon black dust.” The study ultimately found that this technology could be used to enhance rainfall on the mesoscale, generate cirrus clouds, and enhance cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) clouds in otherwise dry areas.
Here is some video footage of what this intentional weather warfare operations look like. Carbon black dust is a toxic substance when inhaled.
The greatest climate global warming lie is that we are in a climate crisis. No, we are in a self induced by weather warfare operations collapse of our earth’ s biosphere.
Here is an article about the adverse effects of Carbon black dust, not just on human health but the entire climate from Columbia Climate School. Of course they don’t mention that the Military is spraying this in our atmosphere. The Damaging Effects of Black Carbon
Black carbon, a component of particulate matter, is especially dangerous to human health because of its tiny size. But black carbon not only has impacts on human health, it also affects visibility, harms ecosystems, reduces agricultural productivity and exacerbates global warming. The World Health Organization’s new report on disease from preventable environmental risks attributes 3.7 million premature deaths in 2012 to outdoor air pollution, and 4.3 million to household air pollution. The breathing in of particulate matter (composed of black carbon, sulfate, nitrates, ammonia, sodium chloride, mineral dust and water) that measures 10 microns or less in diameter (PM10), poses the greatest health risks because the particles can find their way deep into lungs and the bloodstream, and cause cardiovascular and respiratory disease, and premature death. Formed by the incomplete burning of fossil fuels, biofuels and biomass, black carbon, has a diameter of less than 2½ microns
To continue the “Owning the Weather” document:
The technology can be described as follows. Just as a black tar roof easily absorbs solar energy and subsequently radiates heat during a sunny day, carbon black also readily absorbs solar energy. When dispersed in microscopic or “dust” form in the air over a large body of water, the carbon becomes hot and heats the surrounding air, thereby increasing the amount of evaporation from the body of water below. As the surrounding air heats up, parcels of air will rise and the water vapor contained in the rising air parcel will eventually condense to form clouds. Over time the cloud droplets increase in size as more and more water vapor condenses, and eventually they become too large and heavy to stay suspended and will fall as rain or other forms of precipitation. The study points out that this precipitation enhancement technology would work best “upwind from coastlines with onshore flow.” Lake-effect snow along the southern edge of the Great Lakes is a naturally occurring phenomenon based on similar dynamics.
Can this type of precipitation enhancement technology have military applications? Yes, if the right conditions exist. For example, if we are fortunate enough to have a fairly large body of water available upwind from the targeted battlefield, carbon dust could be placed in the atmosphere over that water.
Here is an interview by Dane Wigington with retired US Air Force General Richard Roellig. Many people deny geoengineering weather warfare and the General explains that these are black projects where you will not have whistleblowers coming forward due to the potential consequences for them. Similar to the allopathic doctors who look the other way while continuing to recommend and give genocidal C19 bioweapons, many military service people with top secret clearance, see evil and continue to participate. There is always a reason not to do the right thing, while the the very survival of the human species and our planet is at stake. These military warfare operations are what poison our planet, not our carbon footprint.
The document continues:
Assuming the dynamics are supportive in the atmosphere, the rising saturated air will eventually form clouds and rain showers downwind over the land. While the likelihood of having a body of water located upwind of the battlefield is unpredictable, the technology could prove enormously useful under the right conditions. Only further experimentation will determine to what degree precipitation enhancement can be controlled.
If precipitation enhancement techniques are successfully developed and the right natural conditions also exist, we must also be able to disperse carbon dust into the desired location. Transporting it in a completely controlled, safe, cost-effective, and reliable manner requires innovation. Numerous dispersal techniques have already been studied, but the most convenient, safe, and cost-effective method discussed is the use of afterburner-type jet engines to generate carbon particles while flying through the targeted air. This method is based on injection of liquid hydrocarbon fuel into the afterburner’s combustion gases. This direct generation method was found to be more desirable than another plausible method (i.e., the transport of large quantities of previously produced and properly sized carbon dust to the desired altitude) . The carbon dust study demonstrated that small-scale precipitation enhancement is possible and has been successfully verified under certain atmospheric conditions. Since the study was conducted, no known military applications of this technology have been realized. However, we can postulate how this technology might be used in the future by examining some of the delivery platforms conceivably available for effective dispersal of carbon dust or other effective modification agents in the year 2025.
One method we propose would further maximize the technology’s safety and reliability, by virtually eliminating the human element. To date, much work has been done on UAVs which can closely (if not completely) match the capabilities of piloted aircraft. If this UAV technology were combined with stealth and carbon dust technologies, the result could be a UAV aircraft invisible to radar while en route to the targeted area, which could spontaneously create carbon dust in any location. However, minimizing the number of UAVs required to complete the mission would depend upon the development of a new and more efficient system to produce carbon dust by a follow-on technology to the afterburner-type jet engines previously mentioned. In order to effectively use stealth technology, this system must also have the ability to disperse carbon dust while minimizing (or eliminating) the UAV’s infrared heat source.
In addition to using stealth UAV and carbon dust absorption technology for precipitation enhancement, this delivery method could also be used for precipitation suppression. Although the previously mentioned study did not significantly explore the possibility of cloud seeding for precipitation suppression, this possibility does exist. If clouds were seeded (using chemical nuclei similar to those used today or perhaps a more effective agent discovered through continued research) before their downwind arrival to a desired location, the result could be a suppression of precipitation. In other words, precipitation could be “forced” to fall before its arrival in the desired territory, thereby making the desired territory “dry.” The strategic and operational benefits of doing this have previously been discussed.
For further information, please watch this video.
We know from whistleblowers that Graphene Oxide, polymers, toxic nano particulate metals are all being sprayed via these genocidal military weather warfare operations. They are related to the findings in the blood, as I have been explaining, because they use the same polymer chemicals for smart dust, Morgellons technology as they do for the C19 surveillance under the skin bioweapons. They are absolutely contributing to the current Genocide by their adverse health effects.
Global Research also wrote about this topic: Weather Warfare: “Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare” ‘Climatic warfare’ has been excluded from the agenda on climate change.
In the following post, I will explain further about the health risks of exposure to engineered nanoparticles for weather warfare and what government agencies say about this.
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Fayanne - Feb 2, 2024 - Edited
I have been going on and on about this for what seems like forever. I’m sick of seeing massive X’s sprayed right above my house looming in the skies above …
Which includes Barium = BA and Aluminum = AL together creating BAAL
Yet nobody seems to notice that they exist
I hardly ever see any spiders anymore Bugs are diminishing and there are not as many birds,
When when are these people going to pay for their crimes against humanity
thank you for bringing us this information Dr. .Ana
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Yolanda Pritam Hari - Feb 2, 2024
Quiet Mind & Brain Healing
EVERY POST of yours Dr Ana is the BEST ever. Chemtrails are , shall we say, "huge on my inner radar" and beyond enraging! This post takes my self-study and swallowing of Elana Freeland's books to another level. Thank you so much!
i highly recommend Elana's books, esp the latest "GEOENGINEERED TRANSHUMANISM" Get it from the Rudolf Steiner bookstore for the special color version. The big picture is in our hands.
ALSO: Reinette Senum's FOGHORN EXPRESS will show how she is fighting this - and i am on her team!
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