Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 12, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Dr Lundstrom had another analysis done on Septocaine by the University of Colorado Boulder. As I and others have reported, self assembly nanotechnology has been found in dental anesthetics worldwide.
Darkfield Microscopy Of Dental Anesthetics
I have also shown clinically the dangers of dental anesthetics causing rubbery clots:
Additionally I have tested its effects on human blood:
I have been warning people for many months against using Zeolite as it enhances the nanotechnology.
Zeolite is a Sodium, Aluminum, Silicon complex. These building blocks were found in all COVID19 bioweapons:
Dr Hortencia Bremer had a microchip analyzed that developed from the Pfizer bioweapon and Aluminum, Silicon and Sodium was identified - all building blocks of Zeolite:
Now the University of Colorado identified Albeit within the dental anesthetic - here is the result NaAlSi ₃O₈ = Albite = Zeolite.
Here is more information
Albite , common feldspar mineral, a sodium aluminosilicate (NaAlSi 3 O 8) that occurs most widely in pegmatites and felsic igneous rocks such as granites.
You can see that Zeolite ( Albite) plus Graphene is used as nanomaterials - to enhance Kevlar strength. Kevlar is a polyamide, the principal hydrogel polymer component alongside with polyvinyl alcohol and polyethylene that we found in human blood and rubbery clots.
You can read more here:
A comprehensive study of synthesizing zeolite nanoparticles, with the addition of organic template, by reflux method has been chalked out to form crystals. The method is quite effectively accomplished for the synthesis of zeolite nanocrystals, incorporating alkali metals, silica and organic template.
This is further analysis by the University of Colorado:
If Zeolite was an antidote, why would we find it in Dental Anesthetics that create microchips and has been proven to have self assembly nanotechnology in it?
And why would we find the building blocks of Zeolite in the COVID19 bioweapons?
And why would Dr. Hildegarde Staninger explain that Silica is converted to gel like Silicone to create microchips and polymer filaments composing the advanced nanotechnology of Morgellon’s?
And why would DuPonts implantable microchips be Silica enhanced?
Worthy questions to contemplate.
I have deactivated the dental anesthetic self assembly nanotechnology with EDTA and Vitamin C:
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Pam Vernon - Dec 13 - Edited
Surely the dentists need to be alerted. And the manufacturers held to account. Everywhere there is info from truthers & dedicated Docs like Dr Ana, about how to detox but these criminals who contaminate our blood with impunity should be brought to account.
I have been 'infected' with their poison a year ago & since then all my bodily extretions smell strangely of chemicals. It's disgusting.
I've not told the dentist who did my emergency extraction. Earlier I figured they're not going to own it but still if everybody speaks up then they surely will have to listen. I have more extractions to do and quite frankly I don't want to go near any more white coats.
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joe stuerzl 85 - Dec 13
joe’s Substack
ETDA is banned in Canada ,because it is one of the products getting in the way of exterminating us .
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