Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 16, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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My recent conversation regarding Zeolite ( made of Silicone, Aluminum and Oxygen) and its use in advanced nanotechnology has sparked some interesting discoveries and questions in my mind.
The reason why I spoke about it was that I was on a recent show that advertised a product that supposedly cleaned the blood by 98%. I have seen the blood of people on Zeolite in the last couple years and even someone after taking 30 days of the product and this is what their blood looked like below, so that caught my attention and I simply wanted to give people additional information.
Image: C19 unvaccinated on advertised Zeolite product after 30 days of use
My main concern with adding Silicone and Aluminum daily to the body was the question of could this be used as building blocks for the nanotechnology and I have written in my article that it certainly is a reasonable question.
By all means, take your supplements as you wish.
I tried to tell my community for almost two years that Nicotine does not prevent shedding and I have learned that people are going to believe whatever they want, regardless of evolving knowledge. I write my substack with the intent to further knowledge and understanding of this threat to humanity - in the hopes it is of use to the survival of our human species. But free will always reigns supreme.
My observations at this time of the live blood even on extensive oral protocols is that things help - but I have not seen completely clean blood for a long time, which I why I have been explaining that supporting the body as best as we can and detoxifying as best as possible appears to be the greatest strategy. I know many unvaccinated people who feel fine and have no symptoms and the blood still shows contamination. My thought about that is that based on recent literature on microplastics, everyone is loaded with this self assembly nanotechnology and polymer plastics from many different sources. I have had good symptomatic results in my clinic with my protocols including EDTA, Methylene Blue, Vitamin C, Humic and Fulvic Acid, Essential Oils in a capsule ( Dr Staninger’s protocol was 2 drops of Grapefruit, Lemon and Cinnamon each in a veggie caps - is just as effective as Thieves which really burns in the stomach), activated charcoal, probiotics, dimethyl glycine (DMG) for methyl groups, nitric oxide (needed by the microbiome to degrade graphene), alkaline diet etc. … but I cannot say I have seen a complete clearance rate unless someone just did a series of iv therapy treatments, especially if I am now looking mainly for the tiny micro robots. One drop of blood is a very small sample of the total body burden of these plastic polymers, which according to the recent scientific literature is quite high:
Damning New Research Study Finds Self Assembly Plastic Polymer Nanoparticles In Every Placenta
Fact is, nobody on this planet really understands alien life forms once they are in the human body or what they now call synthetic biology and artificial life.
I was contemplating the building blocks of this technology and how they allow for the creation of Morgellons like filaments that appear to be sensing biophotons - as Dr. Justin Coy showed was coming out of the skin of C19 injected individuals. They look artificially alive, but they are completely synthetic.
Above I showed the metals that were found in the C19 vials. You can see I circled Silicone, Aluminum and Titanium. Aluminum and Titanium are used in metal complexes to start the polymerization process of the hydrogel plastics.
Dr Geanina Hagima did mass spectroscopy on the vials and you can see how much Silicone (Si) and Titanium (Ti) there is in the Pfizer vials. Carbon is found in high concentrations but you cannot specify it as Graphene Oxide (GO) which is incorrect in some of the publications regarding the contents of C19 ingredients that claim 90+% of the vials are GO. You cannot differentiate between - Carbon, Graphite, Graphene, Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide, Graphite oxide (aka graphitic acid), Graphene oxide, reduced oxides of all the above, hydroxide species, magnetic graphene oxide (normal GO is not magnetic). Hence Dr. Hagima never claimed that what was found was Graphene Oxide - because you cannot tell from that analysis, but can say GO is possible. Here is our interview about her findings:
In Moderna C19 shots there was even a measurement of 30% Silicone, and again Titanium and Aluminium.
Clifford Carnicom isolated the origin of genesis of the filaments, what he calls Cross domain bacteria ( CDB), I call nano or micro robots that develop into advanced nano materials.
This fingerprint was then corroborated in human blood:
This is the original chemical signature findings below. The filaments are made of polyamide protein ( nylon, kevlar, (spider) silk), vinyl ( polyvinyl alcohol aka plastic), methyl groups ( that it hijacks from the human body), polyenes ( polyethylene), silicone and sulfur, alkyl aromatic groups ( also found in the Morderna patent as important polymerization chemical groups).
The Moderna patent mentions all of the polymers that we found - poly vinyl alcohol, polyamides, and polyethylene in their stealth nano particle section.
I have long said that this technology design idea is not from here. The first time I saw the elaborate microchips that developed from the C19 vials which Dr. David Nixon has shown the world, to me “alien” was written all over this:
I can say that, because I have seen very advanced technology in my encounters of the 4th and 5th kind, as described in my book. In my interviews, I have asked who did Eisenhower make a deal with? How did humans get from horse and buggy times in just over 100 years to AI, fiber optics and quantum computers when the previous 2000 years this civilization was stuck in the primitive ages? For some people that question is too much to ask, since they do not know about Majestic 12, the Nazi Alien connection, the advanced anti gravity technology that they had, Operation Paperclip etc. Spaceships, depending on what race is involved, use brain computer/ craft interfaces. Some of that reverse engineered technology certainly looks to me to be involved here, especially fiber optics. I can tell you the IEEE did not just all of a sudden come up with WBAN. That idea already existed.
In my interview with Sacha Stone that will air next week, I am asking him about disclosure and its part in the “Great Awakening”, stay tuned for an interesting discussion. I certainly would like to see the evolution of humanity:
So lets just say what if science wanted to create an alien life form, how would they do it? What compounds would it be based on? Scientific American provides a discussion:
This article from 1998 states:
Could silicon be the basis for alien life forms, just as carbon is on Earth?
Group IV of the Periodic Table of the Elements contains carbon (C), silicon (Si) and several heavy metals. Carbon, of course, is the building block of life as we know it. So is it possible that a planet exists in some other solar system where silicon substitutes for carbon?
The article goes on to explain:
Indeed, carbon and silicon share many characteristics. Each has a so-called valence of four--meaning that individual atoms make four bonds with other elements in forming chemical compounds. Each element bonds to oxygen. Each forms long chains, called polymers, in which it alternates with oxygen. In the simplest case, carbon yields a polymer called poly-acetal, a plastic used in synthetic fibers and equipment. Silicon yields polymeric silicones, which we use to waterproof cloth or lubricate metal and plastic parts.
By 2016 there is progress:
Down the road, organisms able to incorporate silicon into their cells could lead to a novel biochemistry for life, although for now creating actual silicon-based creatures (like the Horta from Star Trek , pictured) remains a long way off.
To get biology to adopt silicon, Frances Arnold, a chemist at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, along with postdoctoral assistant Jennifer Kan and graduate student Rusty Lewis, started by isolating a so-called thermophilic bacterium, which grows in hot springs. Like many organisms, the bacterium contains an enzyme called cytochrome c, which shuttles electrons to other proteins, making it widely useful in biochemistry. In some cases, however, enzymes in thermophilic bacteria expand their roles to carry out other reactions on the side. So the Caltech researchers tested their microbe and found that in rare cases its cytochrome c also added silicon to hydrocarbons.
So someday, evolved microbes may be able to produce complex silicon-based materials, such as those used in adhesives, using only a fraction of the energy chemical companies require today. Taking the bigger leap to produce silicon-based life like Star Trek ’s Horta remains a far more distant prospect. But now that scientists have a toehold, Arnold says, it will be fun to see what they can do with it. “Now, we have the opportunity to bring silicon into life.”
In the next article, these artificial cells are called “alive” - and they are made of a silicone microchip and polyacrylate ( look up at the Moderna C19 patent, its a stealth nanoparticle) and DNA ( that has also been found in large amounts in the C19 vials). Of course I am interested in the fluorescent findings given the facial glow and fluorescent filaments coming from the body of the C19 injected.
No biologist would mistake the microscopic "cells" that chemical biologist Neal Devaraj and colleagues are whipping up at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), for the real thing. Instead of the lipid membrane that swaddles our cells, these cell mimics wear a coat of plastic—polymerized acrylate. And although they harbor a nucleuslike compartment containing DNA, it lacks a membrane like a real cell's nucleus, and its main ingredients are minerals found in clay.
Yet these mock cells are cutting-edge, "the closest anyone has come to building an actual functioning synthetic eukaryotic cell," says synthetic biologist Kate Adamala of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, who was not part of the work. Like real cells, the spheres can send protein signals to their neighbors, triggering communal behavior. And as Devaraj and his team revealed in a preprint recently posted on the bioRxiv site, the "nucleus" talks to the rest of the cell, releasing RNA that sparks the synthesis of proteins. The artificial nuclei can even respond to signals from other cell mimics. "This may be the most important paper in synthetic biology this year," Adamala says.
The researchers used a silicon chip with microscopic fluid-filled channels to extrude tiny droplets that contain raw materials such as DNA, minerals from clay, and individual acrylate molecules. Ultraviolet light and chemical treatment spurred a porous membrane to form around each droplet. At the same time, the minerals and DNA inside the droplet condensed into a gel with the texture of a soft contact lens, creating a version of the nucleus, Devaraj says.
The result was a cell replica with new powers of communication. For some experiments, Devaraj's team equipped the nuclei of the cell mimics with DNA that encodes green fluorescent protein (GFP). They also outfitted some of their creations with a trap, a sticky stretch of DNA that captures GFP molecules. By adding a mixture of enzymes and other necessities for protein synthesis, such as ribosomes, to the fluid surrounding the ersatz cells, the investigators switched them on. This molecular machinery crossed the porous membrane, read the genetic information in the nucleus, and sparked synthesis of GFP.
Clifford Carnicom, who has been ahead of the worlds scientists about this topic of polymer based synthetic life forms for a few decades, documented the presence of artificial cells and blood and appropriately called it:
The Transformation of a Species?
I have seen the same thing but I call it micro robot - see that small fluorescent blinking micro robot beside the hydrogel filament in C19 unvaccinated blood:
Wonderfully, Clifford Carnicom has been expanding his descriptions to include synthetic biology terms, so it is easier for the public to understand the connections. He also isolated the polymers and I have done the same from human blood, which happens simply by drawing the blood and letting it sit overnight. He cultured it:
Pandora’s Polymer : Synthetic Blood and the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB)
A Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) Production: (Otherwise Known as Hydrogel)
Since so many metals were found in the C19 shots, could artificial cells be made from metals? In fact, they could:
Life-like cells are made of metal
This sequence of time-lapse images shows the the construction of a metal-oxide cell containing another metal-oxide compartment to mimic the internal structure of biological cells
Could it be, that the new species created of Human 2.0 will transition to be silicone based? Are C19 bioweapons and before that Morgellons used to transform humans into hybrid creatures more akin to alien hybrid lifeforms rather than original humans?
The findings and correlations certainly encourage contemplation. I will leave you with these articles and questions… Where are people going? And what are they expecting to happen to the Earth?
UC Berkeley - Synthetic biology could be big boost to interplanetary space travel
NASA - Space Synthetic Biology
Nature -Microbial biomanufacturing for space-exploration—what to take and when to make
Royal Society - Grand challenges in space synthetic biology
Synthetic biology How humans could evolve to survive in space
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Todd Witherow - Mar 16
Todd Witherow
The zeolite product you mentioned in your article was Master Peace and it was mentioned by Shawn on the SGT report. I listened to the show, and read, with some alarm, your article on zeolites after.
I’m a 58 year old, non vaxed male in reasonably good health. I take no prescription medications. I started taking Master Peace, as directed, 5 drops twice daily on February 13. By February 21st I believed that I could notice a difference in my overall well being. I have a propensity for sinus infections that leave me feeling lethargic and rather foul. I have since had some physical symptoms, but they’ve been very minimal and I’ve been full of energy and feel pleasant. As a younger man I had instant memory recall (more than average, if I read it, I could spit it back at will). As I got into my 50’s my recall became quite foggy and I retained much less of what I read. Overall I’m much sharper every day and have had many instances of instantly recalling names of acquaintances I haven’t seen in 35 years. (My daughter took notice) This is my experience since February 13. I only write this as feedback since I’ve seen no one else with any experience with the product discuss it.
I did pause for a couple of days after your Substack article. I noticed no changes in that time. After some soul searching, and seeking some universal guidance, I started taking it again.
One last thing. There seems like there is almost a spiritual component to taking this stuff. Or maybe it’s just removing things that have blocked them, I don’t know. But I’ve begun to lucid dream again. I came right up to the edge of astral travel and got so excited, I blew it. For lack of a better way of putting it, I feel a process of spiritual ascension in every way. Maybe there’s some scientific way of explaining it or maybe it’s just the world’s greatest placebo for me, I don’t know. But there’s my feedback, for what it’s worth.
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Un-silent - Mar 16
I was wondering why graphene hydroxine is never mentioned. Dr. Noack, an expert in his field discovered them just before his untimely death (still under suspicion). He said that the nano-sized particles were like tiny razor blades injected into us that slowly tear up our vascular systems. His findings make total sense considering all of the cardiovascular deaths we have been seeing. Dr. Ana can you please give this some attention. For those who want the full story you can catch his videos on Rumble and Bitchute.
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