Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 25, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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In this groundbreaking interview with my colleague Dr. Geanina Hagima from Romania, she reveals her most recent research findings of Electron microscopy of Comirnaty C19 shot which contains Carbon, Oxygen, Silicon, Titanium and Magnesium. She once again shows no element of life, no Phosphorus or Nitrogen. This means there is no mRNA or DNA in the vials.
Please see the interview here: Electron Microscopy of Comirnaty, Moderna C19 Shots, Dental Anestetics & Pneumovax
We are however concerned about the undisclosed presence of Silicone, Titanium and Yttrium. Yttrium is used in biosensor and in optoelectronics. Silicone is used in nanotechnology for nano and microelectronics, optoelectronics and biophotonics. Titanium has wide application in nanotechnology biosensing. None of these elements are disclosed. Dr Hagima also had done microscopy work on the Comirnaty C19 shots, which revealed self assembly nanotechnology and Quantum Dot techology.
In below image Nickel is considered an artifact.
Moderna C19 shot contains large amounts of Silicone, Carbon and Oxygen. Carbon and Oxygen could make up Graphene Oxide, but could also be other carbon based material.
Some measurements showed up to 43.2% undisclosed Silicone which is part of self assembly nanotechnology biosensor manufacturing.
Other undisclosed metals found in the Modernal C19 shot is Tin - which is used in plasmonic biosensing nanotechnology. Aluminum also was found, which is used for nanotechnology biosensors.
The lack of elements of life - indicating there is no mRNA in the C19 vials - are consistent with Dr. Daniel Nagase findings , Steve Kirsch findings and Pablo Campra. None of them found mRNA in the vials. The German working group also found many metals used for nanotechnological applications. UK forensic report showed Graphene Oxide in the vials.
Dr Hagima also analyzed dental anestetic Artidental which we have shown extensively, contain self assembly nanotechnology. She again found silicone, as well as Oxygen, Magnesium, Carbon, Iron, Sulfur, Cloride, Titanium, Manganese, Chromium, Phosphorus and Nitrogen suggesting elements of life. I and others have also done Darkfield Microscopy on Dental Anestetics and found self assembly nanotechnology. I also shown that Septacaine mixed with blood reveals self assembly micro robotics. As with the C19 shots, the Silicone, Titanium, Manganese all indicate nanotechnology building blocks for biosensing applications. It is unknown why dental anesthetics should contain elements of life, usually found in mRNA, DNA or proteins, while the actual mRNA bioweapons do not contain any of such elements.
Once again, Silicone, Titanium and Manganese are used for advanced nanotechnology biosensing applications.
Electron Microscopy of Pneumococcal vaccine also shows Aluminum, Silicone, Sodium, Phosphorus, Cloride, Carbon and Oxygen. I have done microscopy on the Prevnar vaccine and found self assembly nanotechnology.
We have new evidence that confirms previous testing of the Covid 19 Comirnaty and Moderna bioweapons contain no elements of life, phosphorus or nitrogen, hence no mRNA. Undisclosed elements like Silicone, Titanium, Yttrium, and other metals used for nanotechnology biosensing applications have been found in Comirnaty, Moderna, dental anestetics and Pneumovax.
We call for an immediate world wide halt of the Covid 19 vaccination program and immediate investigation of ALL vaccines including all childhood vaccines for undisclosed toxic heavy metals and metal building blocks of nanotechnology.
We also call for the evaluation of all dental anestetics worldwide that have been shown to contain self assembly nanotechnology and biosensors.
We also call for investigation of these injectables with Liquid Gas Chromatography, investigations for all chemical polymer compositions, self assembly hydrogel plastics and polymer building blocks of nanotechnology with biosensing and photoelectronic capabilities as seen currently in human live blood analysis.
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and Dr. Geanina Hagima, MD
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Richard Newton - Nov 25, 2023
Richard Newton
THANK YOU for your tireless, tenacious and persevering efforts to keep both your own and to include others' work in this critical and illuminating exploration of the victimization of humankind and the intentional transformation of us from organic to synthetic biological cyborgs for culling or enslavement. We keep hearing about mRNA & Spike Protein....we keep hearing about DNA contaminants. We continue to be told no graphene. Then those who criticize say that we can't trust the equipment (or by inference, operators using what equipment and experience they have) to truly assess what is being seen in the blood and that the equipment needed is all owned by the purveyors of the deadly technology at work in every person on the planet. Or that perhaps it's moved to an organ or other place (as perhaps evidenced in urine or other bodily fluids). But the unrelenting truth seems to be that what you and others are indeed seeing is indisputable evidence of (self-assembling) nanotechnology....graphene is now being disclosed as the reason for the COVID "upgrade" from biosaturation methods used (like morgellans) through geoengineering, contamination and inclusion of this technology in plants, animal, and other sources of exposure (what rains down us from the ionosphere having IMO the most weight of evidence). An interesting piece of the puzzle, provided in a recent interview between Maria Zeee & Hope & Tivon (in Morocco) who have been scouring the literature, patents and research concerning the nature of what has historically been done to facilitate the Internet of All Things/Internet of Bodies - the use of humans as bioenergy-powered transmitters of bio and other data (as well as creating a network and a tie to a cloud-based database of all information and constantly enhanced insights into individuals, groups and other commonalities) from nanotechnology previously implanted, but significantly upgraded via the introduction of graphene through the jabs. That you have continued to explore and question and to seek out other pioneers is exceptionally important and it is appreciated (persist!). The recent disclosure that Methylene Blue may have greater efficacy than previously thought in the fight against the onboard menace (together with high dose Vitamin C, EDTA and other possible conjoined treatment protocols) is essential to our struggle to survive and unentangle ourselves from this dystopian web of the capture of all things material, living and inventoriable by those who seek to own and control them. That we are just another resource to serve them should disgust, enrage and enliven every single person who values freedom and life -- if not our own, that of others....humans, plants, animals and the obvious spiritual consequences of polluting or transforming what God has created into what Lucifer is trying to destroy or own.
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Blaise - Nov 25, 2023
Att Viska
At this point, I kinda don't care anymore about others. I had one jerk come up to me in church, arrogantly DEMANDING to know if I got the shot a year or so ago. "No," I replied "and I have done a 700 page, 2k footnote paper on the topic why (which is now 2,500 pages, 10 footnotes - yes really). You might think he might say, "Gee, what did you learn?" knowing have two grad degrees. But you would be wrong. Rather, he turned on his heel and stomped off. Similarly, my fabuously wealthy little brother, who has had everything go right in his life, when i GENTLY would send one very subdued email on the shot perhaps once every four months, just snottily replied in one line "Quit emailing me!' Again, this was one every FOUR MONTHS, and nothing strident. Last report, his wife was on her second round of serious Covid, and had been treated for cancer. One daughter of his has had a least FOUR freaking shots.
Here's the problem: Most of these people are 100% closed minded, snotty and apparently know it everything in the whole universe about the shot, despite doing basically ZERO on it, except listen to the fake news.
So.... I tried to help people. They don't want it, don't care, and are in fact ARROGANT about their blantant stupidity. So... all I want to know now is how to protect myself and my wife from things like the dental or in our meat mRNA.
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