Surely the dentists need to be alerted. And the manufacturers held to account. Everywhere there is info from truthers & dedicated Docs like Dr Ana, about how to detox but these criminals who contaminate our blood with impunity should be brought to account.
I have been 'infected' with their poison a year ago & since then all my bodily extretions smell strangely of chemicals. It's disgusting.
I've not told the dentist who did my emergency extraction. Earlier I figured they're not going to own it but still if everybody speaks up then they surely will have to listen. I have more extractions to do and quite frankly I don't want to go near any more white coats.
Pam, just so you know– I looked at what I believe to be the oldest Anesthetic looked at so far, Expired from 1994, and it had actively growing Nanocables in it. So, likely they have all been adulterated since the 1990's, perhaps earlier. Most Dentists are in denial of the Nano, even though Nanotechnology in Dental products has been well established. But I don't think they Know the nefarious purposes of it. At least Dr. Lundstrom is Open about it on his Holistic Dentistry website and informs his patients of the risks and it is their choice whether or not to do the procedures with or without any anesthetic. He says some of them choose to just endure the pain. I do think that all Dentists should disclose this information or quit their profession until alternatives are made. Someday it will be mainstream. I am so sorry for all of your pain and pray you can save your teeth!
Thank you FWW ... I appreciate your reply. That is shocking. 1994. Sounds like the geoengineering regarding beginning dates. Still I've had many extractions since then but never the side effects like current. They've surely amped it up. I am in NZ mind you & maybe the rot's taken longer to affect us here? Who knows? I will take a look at Dr Lundstrom also, not seen him before. I'm currently considering one of the alternatives to local anaesthetic (ie put to sleep) but even then it's can we trust them with any of those even?
I have only a few teeth left now (senior yrs) ... but been staving off the denture scenario. Not realizing what was coming.
Yeah,you can't trust them.I've had medicare about the last 7 yrs and I will not use it but once when an accident required 50 stitches in my index and middle fingers.On one of the follow up visits I was frequency targeted to accept the tetanus shot,The jab in the ass.I don't think I have ever been so pissed off in my life.Since I want to stay human I thought about ending that vac pushing male nurse and that doctor.
I don't know,maybe from Colorado but this was a small town emergency room hospital.About 5 yrs ago Jeff Rense wrote a piece about the scalar wave fear terror frequency.Not long after that I made a comment on the oath keepers page about how they wanted Stepford wives and pissed off a laptop boy troll and experiencedit.It's very powerful.Lets look at what my truth frequency says,
I see. Just curious how you sense what they are doing? I was made aware a few years back from Barrie Trower's work of targeting particularly the way they can induce cancer. Also aware of the voice to skull carry on. Thanks for the link.
Thanks. I am ok generally however I get mild earaches I've never had in my life before, and it's the smell. It's disconcerting contemplating that whatever the ingredients they seem to not be dissipating. I must get more serious about detox.
Structured water also creates a hydrogel, the type found in the exclusion zone, which is our God-given hydrogel barrier against EMF:
Thanks for sharing Roman. So you believe the silica, specifically diatomacious earth, is beneficial to health and not going to do harm if taken internally. What do you make of Ana's comments on silica? Do you think the body's interaction with sikica will be different than the work done in a lab setting we are seeing here? All thoughts are welcome - thank you!
Hi Lovejoy, thanks for reading and asking, and disclaimer (this is not medical advice). I've used it myself as food-grade. Never inhale it. I would ask your naturopath what they think, as we're all different.
Roman,noticed your a solid researcher and that you don't buy Ana's attack on zeolite,silica etc as guaranteed nano tech building on timed delay..I also suspect degrees of misinfo there..seems only staged blood testing after dosing with items will decide the matter,will you be the one to heroically tackle it? EDTA long and heavy with alot of Acidic GMO vit C seems overated in long run and costly.Seems we need to create at least 4 separate protocols : Emergency nano detox w edta,mid level detox,daily detox and target toxin specific detoxes and a 1-10 perhaps rating system on what works in microscopy and secondly in patients sense of well being/ recovery and create a standard system all can quickly note or see on a person's record instead of"seems bit less or more nano particles today" or " feel a tad better..ya know?
Thank you for exposing these things. I was handling some dental issues for several years on my own but finally had to find a dentist. I looked long and hard for one and found an "Integrative Dentistry" (whole body) practice whose wife/office manager talked with me for some 20 mins on the phone before scheduling and told me how wonderful he was, how they never closed for a day (which I assumed meant the scamdemic), had been punished by the Board, and bragged about their beloved clientele.
I spoke with the dentist very briefly at my first appointment with the hygienist and I mentioned my concern about Articaine's potential. He told me to send him the information, which I did, including several links to your articles and Nixon Labs latest, plus Septodont's affiliation with Moderna. I received an email informing me it wasn't proven and his office "only uses Articaine!" I wasn't sure how I would be managed, but I thought he'd have some other option given my obvious concerns - comfort being their utmost attribute
When I arrived for my appointment, the entire atmosphere in the office had changed, and I felt most unwelcome. I swear the wife scowled at me and went out of her way not to speak to me.
The dentist did not want to talk either, and in fact went straight for the injection and I had to stop him. Offering no alternative and ignoring my offer to use my own clove oil, I had several fillings done without anesthetic. When he announced he was done, I had to point out one of my major concerns, which I had reported from visit 1, but since he never did anymore than glance at my teeth, he had not noticed it. So, yes, another filling was needed and I was told he didn't have time do it and I would have to come back. I protested, this being the third time I had made the 80 mile roundtrip to this place. In short, he seemed most eager to get me out of the office, and managed to fill that third tooth, and spray water all over my face without regard, and immediately disappear. It was hands down the worst dental experience I've ever had. Surprise, surprise they made no effort to schedule me for the next appointment while collecting my payment.
I will pull my own teeth before ever visiting another dentist. I am guessing most of them don't want to to be educated or explore potential harms or treat a "conspiracy theorist" patient with a modicum of care. It was the final confirmation of the thorough corruption of the healthcare system for me. This experience will last my lifetime.
That sounds awful. I have had several allergic reactions to Articaine in the past, until I finally found out - (swelling of my gums, throat and sinusses, practically unable to breath, severe palpitations). So that's on my allergy passport. Luckily, here, they do have different types of anaestetics (apparently "allergy-friendly"), but since then I have everything done without anaestetics - I just hope I never have to have an extraction ...
Pam, there is silica in the zeolite. Good zeolite powder must have min. 60% silica in order to eliminate aluminum. However, now the game is changed with all these nano robots as silica helps them to perform. From what I have read, some have nano computers in it.
I use to do ZEOLITE then switch to Diatomaceous Earth. Both have Silica which is a non caking agent. Ana read the Patent to the BIOWEAPON 💉 a few months back word for word and it stated Silica enhances nanotech assembly. Hopefully the Activated CHARCOAL I was also using counter after the silica but probably not. Anyways, purchase a 1.75lb if Coconut Activated CHARCOAL off Ebay for 20$. You can go to Karl. C SUBSTACK Aug 14th 2023 and see live action slides of how Activated CHARCOAL binds to positive metals and extracts them. Ebay also has EDTA for sale. Same product as Ana displays with Green label. To expensive for me so I do Chlorine Dioxide, Activated CHARCOAL, black seed oil, Nattokinase and Quercetin with bromelain. All are fairly cheap.
Charcoal is to be used as a brief, deep detox, for 48 h or maximum 3 days. Never use charcoal on a daily basis long-term. The risk of real heath issues is high. This is a recommendation I see often and people need to be educated about this.
I also use CDS and take everything you listed but charcoal
And nattokinase so I will
Start those and maybe look into EDTA - I have taken so many things…. Seems like I’m just keeping disease-sickness at bay … never feeling good
Takes months to regain lossed minerals ie bones deep tissue after even single EDTA dose, recipe for disease and osteoporosis in year or less.Solution is EDTA once or twice every 2-3 months for large clearing nano and other less damaging supps we need to figure out in between,nonstop EDTA is foolishness
I like your modifications but without microscopy fairlymeaningless.Imguessing if you reduce larger particles easily seen with cheap 250xmicro.youreduce smaller particles seen w expensive 2000x one right!? Please reply again when you do testing ie try going week or 2 without then check and compare w restart or better get friends all gunked out to try it and let us know,cuz the failure of Ana n peeps to find a cheap less toxic protocol is huge at this late date,time to fix,Even if only 1/3 as good results of EDTA n C,still may keep one going longer, functioning well enough
Thanks Ana for shining the light on Septocaine. My wife will be needing oral surgery next week - Do you know if there are other dental anaestesia drugs that are also toxic like Septocaine? How about Novacaine? Is EDTA probably the best way of clearing out the toxicity from the anesthesia? Is there a protocol for its use that you recommend? Thanks!
I recently had dental interventions with Carbocaine, as I cannot tolerate epis, and I was sick after that. My partner had cavitation surgery with Septocaine and there are less nanos in it than Carbocaine and he did fine. However, taking EDTA with ascorbic acid on an empty stomach in the morning will help, that's what we do with Ki-Science foot bath, with platinum coil. I read that Pure Bulk EDTA is contaminated with nano structures on
Tulip Biopharma, from Germany seems cleaner, but they do not ship to the US. I wrote to Arizona Naturals and am waiting for their reply about their EDTA. Hope it helps.
Right now, I stopped because as I said, Pure Bulk looks contaminated. I contacted the company, they said it is not. I am using cream and suppos until I find the right CaEDTA to take orally
Hi Will- We collectively have looked at probably 25 or more different anesthetics from all over the world (although Septodont has 80% of the market) and ALL of them have Nanotechnology in them that shouldn't be there. I have personally looked at 18 with my optical microscope. Novocaine isn't used anymore. The oldest anesthetic I looked at Expired in 1994, so likely we have all had nano injected in us, unfortunately. I suggest detoxing with activated charcoal, sodium citrate, lemon and clove essential oils, pectin, and I am experimenting with EDTA both in a capsule and intravenously (for Heavy Metals only). Here is my Note about it: Best wishes
What is the recommended amount of EDTA in terms of an IV to inhibit self-assembly? Is more than one IV needed? If someone needs dental work which requires anesthetic, is there any safe option available?
Electronically-induced anaesthesia for dental work requiring just a local touch is one option. I have seen a stronger version of this being written of where one electrode one side of a person's mouth and another the other side were used to cancel out all sensation in someone wide awake, and I do think that is a more powerful version of the electronic anaesthetic pens that people are sometimes offered when deep cleaning for example is done, and that itself is remarkably effective at removing all sensation, so that might remove enough pain, if not all, during even a tooth extraction or other surgical work.
Maybe this may be of some interest, as you won't really get a permanent result from just one IV application of EDTA anyway, as the self-replicating self-spreading nanotech will keep coming back again and again from one source or another.
I am presently using 500 mg calcium disodium EDTA (this is the only molecular form of EDTA you should use - others are toxic) swallowed in the morning on an empty stomch using powdered calcium disodium EDTA dissolved in a little hot water and 2,000 mg vit C, followed by 2,000 mg Vit C later in the day with a multimineral supplement, and I find that is a real gamechanger.
You might also try experimenting with 5 ml of DMSO dissolved several times over before you drink it (it has a heavily drying effect, so swallowing a little olive oil or coconut oil before you take it is a good idea to prevent the oesophagus or valves being adversely affected), a small amount of DMSO like this can even be taken after a little food, but not on a full stomach, and 5 ml pure gum spirits turpentine can be added on occasion, and after using DMSO and pure gum spirits turpentine in addition I have experienced remarkable additional reduction in neurological symptoms.
Pure gum spirits of turpentine is also held to be a good treatment for Lyme in some people, Lyme being a related bioweapon in its present new 'gain of function' form along with Morgellons, Lyme usually occurring at the same time as Morgellons in many people.
Please, where do you order the gum spirits turpentine? I recently had dental work done, before knowing about the nanos in the anesthetics, and received the worst of all: Carbocaine. I became sick after the intervention. I have nerve damage and the nanos sent me to planet Hell. I had to take exaggerated doses of kratom to be able to simply breath normally and stop the pain. I am doing foot bath with platinum coil, and I started right away CaEDTA + ascorbic. However, I found that the EDTA I was using - Pure Bulk - was also contaminated with nanostructures. Did you find a "clean" brand? I found that Tulip Biopharma appears to be clean, but they won't ship in the US. Thank you
Humm, I ordered products from that company, found on Amazon in the US. Although they say all is manufactured in the US, on the bag it was written: Made in China. Pure Bulk has a much better reputation here, with the similar molecular type of EDTA and they were the ones with nanobots in it. Not much, but still something. I am using the cream, also suppositories, but they have not been tested. Who knows? I am now seeing with a small company in Arizona. Arizona Naturals.
Someone is going to have to come up with some anti-nano strategies that work, without depending on specialty clinics which are unaffordable for most. Good day!
I have been taking Arizona Naturals for over a year now and I think its great. You can also fast while taking EDTA and ascorbic or other things that help but do not bind with EDTA for better effect.
You have to take oral EDTA correctly though, otherwise it gets totally wasted and does nothing.
I had dental work (anesthesia injections) back in May and again last month November. This could explain the two antennae sprouting out of my scalp in the back of my head. I will keep you updated on any further developments. Roger and out!
Thank you for sharing these compelling finds. In your view, would calcium bentonite, a.k.a. living clay, have the same negative effects? I understand its compounds are not the same as zeolite.
It's only rumours and theory that silica and zeolite and clays etc will help nano build in body until separate tests are done on each where they are administered and one sees a corresponding rise in nano tech,no one deserves unchecked respect on any nano tech claim as whole worlds people at stake and we can be compromised individually,exactly part of this largerissue.SoI say claims from such products of nano tech elimination can't be there a delay in nano rebuild stronger larger unseen? Maybe but must be proven in multiple sources blood tests repeatedly not "well these insiders said they end up feeding nano so ignore these people w results'.Also consider even if a product has minimal nano in it so does our environment daily,overall effect can still be a benefit not more nano tech in future blood overall as critics claim...Or not..but proper multi experiments have not been done
At this late date we need more concise info from Ana or someone on the specific doses per body weight for either emergency post nano injections,dental or other of EDTA and Vit C and the next few top items minus methylene blue(too high % side effects,serious!),way to vague on those specifics to motivate most people to react and face give us a tighter prescription please.
Same tighter,specific dosing needed for those who need just weekly maintenance from vax damage or shedders/environment.
EDTA is toxic on regular basis and demineralizes,vit.C is acidic damaging,causes scurvy rebound in a % as confuses body's abilities to extract vit C from food later,etc and most vit C is Semi toxic GMO from China, and intravenous Vit C from plastic leeching bags not good!
I agree with Ana ,in short term,emergency reaction to nanos justifies using harsh remedies,that doesn't fly in long run well and too expensive.
Perhaps create several protocols Ana & friends going from harsher EDTA to milder,cheaper for ex. say pectin and charcoal and charged distilled water and non GMO vitamin C and do blood analysis on experimentees(discounted patients for participating?).
One dose specific protocol for emergencies heavy nano ie edta,vit C...One for mid level nano,and one for maintenance...
I would think a protocol in which EDTA,Vit C non GMO and few others is used for first day dose and not repeated for 2-4 weeks would be more attractive then the extra dose or vague level it's at now if that protocol works for majority and can be shown in video,photos
with smiling patients!
Then other 2 protocols could be offered at lesser price with milder toxicologys or none at all and doses and pricings approximate could be posted upfront with approx % of blood nano clearing obtained.Even if only a 1/3 clearing by non EDTA methods for mid level nano to just maintenance that could mean enough clearing to prevent critical mass level problems ie white clots,etc.
I know I'm in the majority in not engaging treatment as it seems to vague on dosing, expenses, toxicity and results holding for adequate time...fix these issues and you'll win your quest to reach the people,were lazier then you for sure,people want to read the label,see how much it costs,how well it works,closer you get it too regular Drs prescription deal,better your reach and sell to the people, patients ie world! You want,your not there yet!
Chris Soghoian, I am the Principal Technologist for the Speech, Privacy and Technology Project at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Bimen Associates is one of two companies that provide hackers to the FBI!
FBI Remote Operations Unit!
"James Bimen Associates of Virginia and Harris Corporation of Florida have contracts with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to hack into computers and phones of surveillance targets"
"Harris CORP made it into the news a couple of years ago when the Wall Street Journal revealed that the company was selling a gadget called a "Stingray" to the FBI that allows the agency to track cellphone locations of users without their knowledge."
Pam Vernon - Dec 13 - Edited
Surely the dentists need to be alerted. And the manufacturers held to account. Everywhere there is info from truthers & dedicated Docs like Dr Ana, about how to detox but these criminals who contaminate our blood with impunity should be brought to account.
I have been 'infected' with their poison a year ago & since then all my bodily extretions smell strangely of chemicals. It's disgusting.
I've not told the dentist who did my emergency extraction. Earlier I figured they're not going to own it but still if everybody speaks up then they surely will have to listen. I have more extractions to do and quite frankly I don't want to go near any more white coats.
Lovejoy - Dec 13
There are two places called Holistic Dental Centers in NC that test for grapheme oxide in the septocaine they use.
bats3697 - Dec 13
where are they??
JulesUSA - Dec 14
bats3697 - Dec 14
THX does me no good im in oregon but thx jules
FreedomWarriorWoman - Dec 17
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
Pam, just so you know– I looked at what I believe to be the oldest Anesthetic looked at so far, Expired from 1994, and it had actively growing Nanocables in it. So, likely they have all been adulterated since the 1990's, perhaps earlier. Most Dentists are in denial of the Nano, even though Nanotechnology in Dental products has been well established. But I don't think they Know the nefarious purposes of it. At least Dr. Lundstrom is Open about it on his Holistic Dentistry website and informs his patients of the risks and it is their choice whether or not to do the procedures with or without any anesthetic. He says some of them choose to just endure the pain. I do think that all Dentists should disclose this information or quit their profession until alternatives are made. Someday it will be mainstream. I am so sorry for all of your pain and pray you can save your teeth!
Pam Vernon - Dec 17
Thank you FWW ... I appreciate your reply. That is shocking. 1994. Sounds like the geoengineering regarding beginning dates. Still I've had many extractions since then but never the side effects like current. They've surely amped it up. I am in NZ mind you & maybe the rot's taken longer to affect us here? Who knows? I will take a look at Dr Lundstrom also, not seen him before. I'm currently considering one of the alternatives to local anaesthetic (ie put to sleep) but even then it's can we trust them with any of those even?
I have only a few teeth left now (senior yrs) ... but been staving off the denture scenario. Not realizing what was coming.
John Vargo - Dec 20
John Vargo
Yeah,you can't trust them.I've had medicare about the last 7 yrs and I will not use it but once when an accident required 50 stitches in my index and middle fingers.On one of the follow up visits I was frequency targeted to accept the tetanus shot,The jab in the ass.I don't think I have ever been so pissed off in my life.Since I want to stay human I thought about ending that vac pushing male nurse and that doctor.
Pam Vernon - Dec 20
The coercion is so evil. How did they frequency target you?
John Vargo - Dec 21
John Vargo
I don't know,maybe from Colorado but this was a small town emergency room hospital.About 5 yrs ago Jeff Rense wrote a piece about the scalar wave fear terror frequency.Not long after that I made a comment on the oath keepers page about how they wanted Stepford wives and pissed off a laptop boy troll and experiencedit.It's very powerful.Lets look at what my truth frequency says,
Pam Vernon - Dec 21
I see. Just curious how you sense what they are doing? I was made aware a few years back from Barrie Trower's work of targeting particularly the way they can induce cancer. Also aware of the voice to skull carry on. Thanks for the link.
Ricardo Padilla - Dec 13
Ricardo Padilla
Sorry to hear that Pam
Pam Vernon - Dec 13
Thanks. I am ok generally however I get mild earaches I've never had in my life before, and it's the smell. It's disconcerting contemplating that whatever the ingredients they seem to not be dissipating. I must get more serious about detox.
Reply (3) - Dec 13 - Edited
Comment removed.
Pam Vernon - Dec 13
Yes, grow your own ... true, pref indoors cos of the chems from the skies. Poison poison everywhere!
Bee Gee - Dec 13
Bee Gee
bats3697 - Dec 13
any time if ind info with this much horseshit waste of time talking their credibility shrinks immensely
joe stuerzl 85 - Dec 13
joe’s Substack
ETDA is banned in Canada ,because it is one of the products getting in the way of exterminating us .
Alina - Dec 13
joe’s Substack
Australia mails it to Canada. Also BC small company can mail it to you.
bats3697 - Dec 13
joe stuerzl 85 - Dec 13
joe’s Substack
I don't know any small company that will mail anything to me . Besides there is a mail strike in Canada for the last three weeks .
Alina - Dec 13
Allonewellnessnow.comuses currier
bats3697 - Dec 13
Pam Vernon - Dec 13
Now that's interesting, though not surprising!
Daniel Parks - Dec 13
Daniel Parks
Someone is out to kill us...ever so slowly...
joe stuerzl 85 - Dec 13
joe’s Substack
Daniel my brother was murdered in a Canadian hospital in six days ,was that slow or fast ??
Piotr Bein - Dec 13
Piotr’s Substack
Or fast upon a trigger that would replicate the bioweapon assemnbly functions a thousand-fold.
Roman S Shapoval - Dec 13
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Structured water also creates a hydrogel, the type found in the exclusion zone, which is our God-given hydrogel barrier against EMF:
Lovejoy - Dec 18
Thanks for sharing Roman. So you believe the silica, specifically diatomacious earth, is beneficial to health and not going to do harm if taken internally. What do you make of Ana's comments on silica? Do you think the body's interaction with sikica will be different than the work done in a lab setting we are seeing here? All thoughts are welcome - thank you!
Roman S Shapoval - Dec 18
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Hi Lovejoy, thanks for reading and asking, and disclaimer (this is not medical advice). I've used it myself as food-grade. Never inhale it. I would ask your naturopath what they think, as we're all different.
Greg's - Dec 20
Greg’s Substack
Roman,noticed your a solid researcher and that you don't buy Ana's attack on zeolite,silica etc as guaranteed nano tech building on timed delay..I also suspect degrees of misinfo there..seems only staged blood testing after dosing with items will decide the matter,will you be the one to heroically tackle it? EDTA long and heavy with alot of Acidic GMO vit C seems overated in long run and costly.Seems we need to create at least 4 separate protocols : Emergency nano detox w edta,mid level detox,daily detox and target toxin specific detoxes and a 1-10 perhaps rating system on what works in microscopy and secondly in patients sense of well being/ recovery and create a standard system all can quickly note or see on a person's record instead of"seems bit less or more nano particles today" or " feel a tad better..ya know?
Leanne Lundberg - Dec 13
I have a question about Silica. I drink silica rich water to rid aluminum from my body. Is Anna saying silica is bad for us?
Stephan - Dec 13
Yep! Stop taking Silica! Use Activated CHARCOAL
pureway - Dec 14
ANA is in her domain, Si in H2O is perfect choice for # reasons, stay with it
DogsLife - Dec 13 - Edited
Take-Off: Aviation's Wounded Ca…
Thank you for exposing these things. I was handling some dental issues for several years on my own but finally had to find a dentist. I looked long and hard for one and found an "Integrative Dentistry" (whole body) practice whose wife/office manager talked with me for some 20 mins on the phone before scheduling and told me how wonderful he was, how they never closed for a day (which I assumed meant the scamdemic), had been punished by the Board, and bragged about their beloved clientele.
I spoke with the dentist very briefly at my first appointment with the hygienist and I mentioned my concern about Articaine's potential. He told me to send him the information, which I did, including several links to your articles and Nixon Labs latest, plus Septodont's affiliation with Moderna. I received an email informing me it wasn't proven and his office "only uses Articaine!" I wasn't sure how I would be managed, but I thought he'd have some other option given my obvious concerns - comfort being their utmost attribute
When I arrived for my appointment, the entire atmosphere in the office had changed, and I felt most unwelcome. I swear the wife scowled at me and went out of her way not to speak to me.
The dentist did not want to talk either, and in fact went straight for the injection and I had to stop him. Offering no alternative and ignoring my offer to use my own clove oil, I had several fillings done without anesthetic. When he announced he was done, I had to point out one of my major concerns, which I had reported from visit 1, but since he never did anymore than glance at my teeth, he had not noticed it. So, yes, another filling was needed and I was told he didn't have time do it and I would have to come back. I protested, this being the third time I had made the 80 mile roundtrip to this place. In short, he seemed most eager to get me out of the office, and managed to fill that third tooth, and spray water all over my face without regard, and immediately disappear. It was hands down the worst dental experience I've ever had. Surprise, surprise they made no effort to schedule me for the next appointment while collecting my payment.
I will pull my own teeth before ever visiting another dentist. I am guessing most of them don't want to to be educated or explore potential harms or treat a "conspiracy theorist" patient with a modicum of care. It was the final confirmation of the thorough corruption of the healthcare system for me. This experience will last my lifetime.
pureway - Dec 14
Correct, total indoctrination/corruption/profiteering/... good that you realized
Bearnairdine Beaumont - Dec 14
Take-Off: Aviation's Wounded Ca…
That sounds awful. I have had several allergic reactions to Articaine in the past, until I finally found out - (swelling of my gums, throat and sinusses, practically unable to breath, severe palpitations). So that's on my allergy passport. Luckily, here, they do have different types of anaestetics (apparently "allergy-friendly"), but since then I have everything done without anaestetics - I just hope I never have to have an extraction ...
bats3697 - Dec 13 - Edited
i have sent this info / e mail to most dentists in my town
james - Dec 13
Bee Gee
Remember that 1 time Agent Midnight Rider told all you mfs you got injected with FACE HUGGERS???? And you laughed and laughed and laughed?????? That was awesome!!!!!!!
Naval Intelligence
Space Force!!!!!
Bee Gee - Dec 13
Bee Gee
Sad, just like Robert Young, you mix a little truth in with your BS.
Ohio Deb - Dec 13
Ohio Deb
I’m glad I didn’t watch the “predictive programming” part of the Rumble video before bed! 😳
Pam Pope - Dec 13
I’ve never heard you say not to use zeolite - very disturbing!
Irene-Marie - Dec 13
Pam, there is silica in the zeolite. Good zeolite powder must have min. 60% silica in order to eliminate aluminum. However, now the game is changed with all these nano robots as silica helps them to perform. From what I have read, some have nano computers in it.
Pam Pope - Dec 13
Yes, I never made the connection between silica and nano particles/robots. I was using zeolite to detox… bad news for me.
Stephan - Dec 13
I use to do ZEOLITE then switch to Diatomaceous Earth. Both have Silica which is a non caking agent. Ana read the Patent to the BIOWEAPON 💉 a few months back word for word and it stated Silica enhances nanotech assembly. Hopefully the Activated CHARCOAL I was also using counter after the silica but probably not. Anyways, purchase a 1.75lb if Coconut Activated CHARCOAL off Ebay for 20$. You can go to Karl. C SUBSTACK Aug 14th 2023 and see live action slides of how Activated CHARCOAL binds to positive metals and extracts them. Ebay also has EDTA for sale. Same product as Ana displays with Green label. To expensive for me so I do Chlorine Dioxide, Activated CHARCOAL, black seed oil, Nattokinase and Quercetin with bromelain. All are fairly cheap.
Irene-Marie - Dec 21
Charcoal is to be used as a brief, deep detox, for 48 h or maximum 3 days. Never use charcoal on a daily basis long-term. The risk of real heath issues is high. This is a recommendation I see often and people need to be educated about this.
Pam Pope - Dec 13
Bee Gee
I also use CDS and take everything you listed but charcoal
And nattokinase so I will
Start those and maybe look into EDTA - I have taken so many things…. Seems like I’m just keeping disease-sickness at bay … never feeling good
Bee Gee - Dec 14
Bee Gee
All you really need is EDTA and ascorbic acid, they work better than all of those things if you take it right.
Greg's - Dec 20
Greg’s Substack
Takes months to regain lossed minerals ie bones deep tissue after even single EDTA dose, recipe for disease and osteoporosis in year or less.Solution is EDTA once or twice every 2-3 months for large clearing nano and other less damaging supps we need to figure out in between,nonstop EDTA is foolishness
Greg's - Dec 20
Greg’s Substack
I like your modifications but without microscopy fairlymeaningless.Imguessing if you reduce larger particles easily seen with cheap 250xmicro.youreduce smaller particles seen w expensive 2000x one right!? Please reply again when you do testing ie try going week or 2 without then check and compare w restart or better get friends all gunked out to try it and let us know,cuz the failure of Ana n peeps to find a cheap less toxic protocol is huge at this late date,time to fix,Even if only 1/3 as good results of EDTA n C,still may keep one going longer, functioning well enough
Will Tuttle - Dec 13
Will Tuttle
Thanks Ana for shining the light on Septocaine. My wife will be needing oral surgery next week - Do you know if there are other dental anaestesia drugs that are also toxic like Septocaine? How about Novacaine? Is EDTA probably the best way of clearing out the toxicity from the anesthesia? Is there a protocol for its use that you recommend? Thanks!
Irene-Marie - Dec 13
I recently had dental interventions with Carbocaine, as I cannot tolerate epis, and I was sick after that. My partner had cavitation surgery with Septocaine and there are less nanos in it than Carbocaine and he did fine. However, taking EDTA with ascorbic acid on an empty stomach in the morning will help, that's what we do with Ki-Science foot bath, with platinum coil. I read that Pure Bulk EDTA is contaminated with nano structures on
Tulip Biopharma, from Germany seems cleaner, but they do not ship to the US. I wrote to Arizona Naturals and am waiting for their reply about their EDTA. Hope it helps.
FreedomWarriorWoman - Dec 17
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
Yes, you can buy Tulip Biopharma EDTA capsules on....Amazon!
Irene-Marie - Dec 17
Not in the US. Which country are you ordering from?
JulesUSA - Dec 14
Which EDTA are you taking in the morning?
Irene-Marie - Dec 14
Right now, I stopped because as I said, Pure Bulk looks contaminated. I contacted the company, they said it is not. I am using cream and suppos until I find the right CaEDTA to take orally
John Vargo - Dec 22
John Vargo
I follow Ana's advice,Global healing calcium disodium EDTA with Ascorbic acid which is the only synthetic vitamin I will take. have found what appears to be a all natural supplements,,actual%20natural%20plant%2Dderived%20ingredients,actual%20natural%20plant%2Dderived%20ingredients
FreedomWarriorWoman - Dec 17
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
Hi Will- We collectively have looked at probably 25 or more different anesthetics from all over the world (although Septodont has 80% of the market) and ALL of them have Nanotechnology in them that shouldn't be there. I have personally looked at 18 with my optical microscope. Novocaine isn't used anymore. The oldest anesthetic I looked at Expired in 1994, so likely we have all had nano injected in us, unfortunately. I suggest detoxing with activated charcoal, sodium citrate, lemon and clove essential oils, pectin, and I am experimenting with EDTA both in a capsule and intravenously (for Heavy Metals only). Here is my Note about it: Best wishes
Jay Martinez - Dec 13
Jay Martinez
What is the recommended amount of EDTA in terms of an IV to inhibit self-assembly? Is more than one IV needed? If someone needs dental work which requires anesthetic, is there any safe option available?
mothman777 - Dec 13
mothman777’s Newsletter
Electronically-induced anaesthesia for dental work requiring just a local touch is one option. I have seen a stronger version of this being written of where one electrode one side of a person's mouth and another the other side were used to cancel out all sensation in someone wide awake, and I do think that is a more powerful version of the electronic anaesthetic pens that people are sometimes offered when deep cleaning for example is done, and that itself is remarkably effective at removing all sensation, so that might remove enough pain, if not all, during even a tooth extraction or other surgical work.
Webe1 - Dec 13
Interesting idea.
mothman777 - Dec 13
mothman777’s Newsletter
Maybe this may be of some interest, as you won't really get a permanent result from just one IV application of EDTA anyway, as the self-replicating self-spreading nanotech will keep coming back again and again from one source or another.
I am presently using 500 mg calcium disodium EDTA (this is the only molecular form of EDTA you should use - others are toxic) swallowed in the morning on an empty stomch using powdered calcium disodium EDTA dissolved in a little hot water and 2,000 mg vit C, followed by 2,000 mg Vit C later in the day with a multimineral supplement, and I find that is a real gamechanger.
You might also try experimenting with 5 ml of DMSO dissolved several times over before you drink it (it has a heavily drying effect, so swallowing a little olive oil or coconut oil before you take it is a good idea to prevent the oesophagus or valves being adversely affected), a small amount of DMSO like this can even be taken after a little food, but not on a full stomach, and 5 ml pure gum spirits turpentine can be added on occasion, and after using DMSO and pure gum spirits turpentine in addition I have experienced remarkable additional reduction in neurological symptoms.
Pure gum spirits of turpentine is also held to be a good treatment for Lyme in some people, Lyme being a related bioweapon in its present new 'gain of function' form along with Morgellons, Lyme usually occurring at the same time as Morgellons in many people.
Jay Martinez - Dec 13
Jay Martinez
Thank you @mothman777--much appreciated.
Irene-Marie - Dec 13
OK, I found it on Amazon and Dr Tom Cowan site!
Irene-Marie - Dec 13
Please, where do you order the gum spirits turpentine? I recently had dental work done, before knowing about the nanos in the anesthetics, and received the worst of all: Carbocaine. I became sick after the intervention. I have nerve damage and the nanos sent me to planet Hell. I had to take exaggerated doses of kratom to be able to simply breath normally and stop the pain. I am doing foot bath with platinum coil, and I started right away CaEDTA + ascorbic. However, I found that the EDTA I was using - Pure Bulk - was also contaminated with nanostructures. Did you find a "clean" brand? I found that Tulip Biopharma appears to be clean, but they won't ship in the US. Thank you
mothman777 - Dec 13
mothman777’s Newsletter
I just found this link to a company selling calcium disodium EDTA here, this is the specific molecular type of EDTA that you want to take internally.
Irene-Marie - Dec 13
Humm, I ordered products from that company, found on Amazon in the US. Although they say all is manufactured in the US, on the bag it was written: Made in China. Pure Bulk has a much better reputation here, with the similar molecular type of EDTA and they were the ones with nanobots in it. Not much, but still something. I am using the cream, also suppositories, but they have not been tested. Who knows? I am now seeing with a small company in Arizona. Arizona Naturals.
Someone is going to have to come up with some anti-nano strategies that work, without depending on specialty clinics which are unaffordable for most. Good day!
Bee Gee - Dec 13
Bee Gee
I have been taking Arizona Naturals for over a year now and I think its great. You can also fast while taking EDTA and ascorbic or other things that help but do not bind with EDTA for better effect.
You have to take oral EDTA correctly though, otherwise it gets totally wasted and does nothing.
JulesUSA - Dec 14
Thank you for that link!
JulesUSA - Dec 14
I have the EDTA cream also.
mothman777 - Dec 13
mothman777’s Newsletter
Have located this company doing this deal here on pure gum spirits turpentine that looks pretty good that is glass-bottled, avoid the cheaper one from Portugal that is sold in plastic bottles.
JulesUSA - Dec 14
Thank you Mothman777
tanzenkran - Dec 13 - Edited
I had dental work (anesthesia injections) back in May and again last month November. This could explain the two antennae sprouting out of my scalp in the back of my head. I will keep you updated on any further developments. Roger and out!
Claudia - Dec 13
Thank you for sharing these compelling finds. In your view, would calcium bentonite, a.k.a. living clay, have the same negative effects? I understand its compounds are not the same as zeolite.
JulesUSA - Dec 14
Montmorrilonite clay possibly
Greg's - Dec 20
Greg’s Substack
It's only rumours and theory that silica and zeolite and clays etc will help nano build in body until separate tests are done on each where they are administered and one sees a corresponding rise in nano tech,no one deserves unchecked respect on any nano tech claim as whole worlds people at stake and we can be compromised individually,exactly part of this largerissue.SoI say claims from such products of nano tech elimination can't be there a delay in nano rebuild stronger larger unseen? Maybe but must be proven in multiple sources blood tests repeatedly not "well these insiders said they end up feeding nano so ignore these people w results'.Also consider even if a product has minimal nano in it so does our environment daily,overall effect can still be a benefit not more nano tech in future blood overall as critics claim...Or not..but proper multi experiments have not been done
Greg's - Dec 20
Greg’s Substack
At this late date we need more concise info from Ana or someone on the specific doses per body weight for either emergency post nano injections,dental or other of EDTA and Vit C and the next few top items minus methylene blue(too high % side effects,serious!),way to vague on those specifics to motivate most people to react and face give us a tighter prescription please.
Same tighter,specific dosing needed for those who need just weekly maintenance from vax damage or shedders/environment.
EDTA is toxic on regular basis and demineralizes,vit.C is acidic damaging,causes scurvy rebound in a % as confuses body's abilities to extract vit C from food later,etc and most vit C is Semi toxic GMO from China, and intravenous Vit C from plastic leeching bags not good!
I agree with Ana ,in short term,emergency reaction to nanos justifies using harsh remedies,that doesn't fly in long run well and too expensive.
Perhaps create several protocols Ana & friends going from harsher EDTA to milder,cheaper for ex. say pectin and charcoal and charged distilled water and non GMO vitamin C and do blood analysis on experimentees(discounted patients for participating?).
One dose specific protocol for emergencies heavy nano ie edta,vit C...One for mid level nano,and one for maintenance...
I would think a protocol in which EDTA,Vit C non GMO and few others is used for first day dose and not repeated for 2-4 weeks would be more attractive then the extra dose or vague level it's at now if that protocol works for majority and can be shown in video,photos
with smiling patients!
Then other 2 protocols could be offered at lesser price with milder toxicologys or none at all and doses and pricings approximate could be posted upfront with approx % of blood nano clearing obtained.Even if only a 1/3 clearing by non EDTA methods for mid level nano to just maintenance that could mean enough clearing to prevent critical mass level problems ie white clots,etc.
I know I'm in the majority in not engaging treatment as it seems to vague on dosing, expenses, toxicity and results holding for adequate time...fix these issues and you'll win your quest to reach the people,were lazier then you for sure,people want to read the label,see how much it costs,how well it works,closer you get it too regular Drs prescription deal,better your reach and sell to the people, patients ie world! You want,your not there yet!
Robert Sun - Dec 20
Robert Sun
Chris Soghoian, I am the Principal Technologist for the Speech, Privacy and Technology Project at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
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