Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Solution Builds Mesogen Microchips When Left At Room Temperature. Exactly What We See In COVID Unvaccinated Blood From Shedding. Two Week Follow Up

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 28, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Injection solution left for 2 weeks on the microscopy slide. Mesogen self assembled. Magnification 400x.


Video: Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Injection solution left for 2 weeks on the microscopy slide. Mesogens self assembled and continued extensive microrobot activity seen. Magnification 400x.

I have shown extensive research on mesogen microchips that have self assembled in COVID19 unvaccinated blood. My work was built on Toxicologist Dr. Hildegard Staningers research on mesogen brain chips found in Targeted Individuals, published in 2012.

GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control

Are Programmable Nanotechnology Biosensing Mesogen "Computer Chip" Devices Being Self Assembled In C19 Uninjected Blood ? How Dangerous Is Self Spreading Nanotechnology?

Nano Robot Swarm Self Assembly Of Nanotechnology Mesogen in C19 Unvaccinated Blood - Darkfield Live Blood Analysis

Darkfield Live Blood Microscopy Of A Discoid Mesogen Self Assembly Nanotechnology Device In C19 Unvaccinated Blood

Here is further video footage in the Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Injection solution after 2 weeks left on room temperature on a slide. Ongoing nano and microrobotic swarming seen and in the center the outline of a mesogen is seen. This contains many microrobots and usually a polymer background.


Video: Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Injection solution left for 2 weeks on the microscopy slide. Mesogens self assembled and continued extensive microrobot activity seen. Magnification 100x.

The construction process is fascinating. Hence here is video footage in larger magnification. If you enlarge the video you can see it better. You can start to see the nanowire electronic circuitry being assembled in between microrobots.


Video: Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Injection solution left for 2 weeks on the microscopy slide. Mesogens self assembled and continued extensive microrobot activity seen. Magnification 400x.

In the higher magnification you can see the nanowires connecting the microrobots for integrated electronic circuitry.


Video: Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Injection solution left for 2 weeks on the microscopy slide. Mesogens self assembled and continued extensive microrobot activity seen. Magnification 2000x.

Here is my discussion and analysis of a COVID19 unvaccinated individual with a mesogen:

Darkfield Live Blood Microscopy Of A Discoid Mesogen Self Assembly Nanotechnology Device In C19 Unvaccinated Blood

Image: Mesogen in C19 unvaccinated blood, AM Medical 2024. Magnification 200x.

Here you can see another mesogen in construction phase.


Video: Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Injection solution left for 2 weeks on the microscopy slide. Mesogens self assembled and continued extensive microrobot activity seen. Magnification 2000x.

Here are other images from the Pfizer vials of assembled mesogens:

Image: Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Injection solution left for 2 weeks on the microscopy slide. Mesogens self assembled. Left Magnification 400x. Right Magnification 2000x ( I turned the light way down to see the details of extremely bright microrobots.

Here are mesogens in COVID19 unvaccinated blood in different phases of construction:

Image: COVID19 unvaccinated individuals. Mesogens self assembled. Left Magnification 200x. Right Magnification 400x

Here are further COVID19 unvaccinated individuals that have mesogen microchips in their blood. The blood is showing distress.

Image: COVID19 unvaccinated individuals. Mesogens self assembled. Left upper Magnification 200x. Left lower Magnification 400x. Right Magnification 2000x

Below is a mesogen with elaborate microchips and linear connections that developed on day 6 of leaving the Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Injection solution on a slide at room temperature.

Image: Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Injection solution left on a slide at room temperature for 6 days. Mesogen with microchips. Magnification 200x.

Image: Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Injection solution left on a slide at room temperature for 6 days. Mesogen with microchips. Magnification left 400x. Right 400x.

Image: COVID19 unvaccinated individuals. Mesogens self assembled. Left upper Magnification 400x. Left lower Magnification 400x. Right Magnification 2000x


Mesogen microchips exactly as self assembled from Pfizer vials are seen in COVID19 unvaccinated blood very commonly. The risk of shedding to the unvaccinated cannot be overestimated. The transhumanist agenda is to control everyone.


Some people new to the research field, who never even have done microscopy or seen patients analyzing the blood themselves, are now claiming that we cannot see self assembly nanotechnology with Darkfield Microscopy nor microchip development in the COVID19 vials. They claim that only an electron microscope will show the “real” answers and allow them the “real” treament solution discovery. That is complete nonsense!

We already have electron microscopic imaging as seen by our french colleagues in the documentary “Next Dose 3”. I have communicated with them and their work is outstanding. I have posted the nanoantenna images in January of this year. They have done outstanding evaluations of the blood changes, how the white blood cell morphology changes, and have shown the nanotechnology.

BOMBSHELL NEWS: Do We Still Need Proof? Next Dose 3: Documentary. Must Watch! Electron Microscope Of Nanotechnology Antennas In C19 Vaccinated blood

You can watch the documentary here - please share their site and support them:

Next Dose 3 Documentary

Many others have done scanning electron microscopy and mass spectroscopy studies like my colleague Dr Geanina Hagima from Romania.

BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima

ALL of this information and documentation is vital to the discovery and documentation of Crimes Against Humanity. Every scientist around the world who bravely has done research on this topic for the past four years is a hero to humanity and their work invaluable - and their contribution should be respected!

Here is a good educational starting point for newcomers published by Dr. David Hughes in 2022 - 132 pages of evidence what scientists around the world have seen in self assembly in the COVID vials and in blood:

What is in the so-called COVID-19 "Vaccines"? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity

In my upcoming books, I will also show the work from scientists in the field of self assembly nanotechnology from around the world.

My deepest respect, gratitude and appreciation goes to every single one of them who has done legitimate research, while risking their livelihood and lives to help inform others - with whatever humble scientific means they had available. Your work has saved millions of lives!

God bless you forever for what you have done. The future of the human species will remember you with respect and profound gratitude.

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Tom Moonclutch - Sep 28

Tom’s Substack

Hope all Truth Doctors can Ban together with as many different methods and solutions as possible to Ward this madness off... Different types. Different solutions. LETS FIND THEM ... GREAT WORK DR. ANA... GOD BE WITH YOU...

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Helen - Sep 28

Waiting breathlessly for an antidote? A lightening strike to zap them? Should I be outside holding a metal rod?

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