Hope all Truth Doctors can Ban together with as many different methods and solutions as possible to Ward this madness off... Different types. Different solutions. LETS FIND THEM ... GREAT WORK DR. ANA... GOD BE WITH YOU...
has anyone tried look out fa charlies protocol 2 end electronic harassment- it involved removing layers of skin to get to the syn bio fungal infection beneath layers of skin. its old info. but he has/ had a protocol. gotta go getting slammered- slammed/ hammered by ms luna [tic] below me.
No .. you should be outside grounding… part of this process is to lower your zeta potential.. this allows cells to clump and nanoparticles to fuse together…. Invest in a PEMF mat and use chelation regularly … something about WiFi plays apart so have one room (bedroom) faraday caged… sounds twaddle but think about the devious people who engineered this… they must use a protocol to reverse this technology otherwise we are all doomed.
I'm wondering why I don't see the same things you point out...... I had a career as a medical technologist so looked at many hematology slides and microbiological slides. So I'm a little familiar with the territory. I do see the massive amounts of small particles in the background but how to know what they are? I thought the nanorobot must be blinking to know that's what they are. But many of your slides don't have that. I'm sure it's me and maybe it's not so clear on my computer. You use the term microwires and I'm not seeing anything like that. Or even self assembly. Just sort of frustrated. In hematology the cells on the slide usually don't form rouleaux because of the anticoagulant (EDTA) that's added to the tube before the blood is drawn. (unless there was a medical reason for the rouleaux) So I would expect to see rouleaux on your slides because there's no anticoagulant there. Am I the only one who can't see these things? Of course I'm not used to seeing the big clumps. Is it possible to see the spike proteins on your slides?
I don't know your microscope setup, but Dr. Ana uses a Darkfield Microscope, plus many of her pics and videos are at 2000 or 4000X magnification, although some are at 400X. So if you are using a conventional light microscope, then it's highly unlikely you would see any of the stuff she shows, except possible some of the very long "fibers".
Hi Linda, Yes I know there's a big difference in the magnification and I should have mentioned that. But I don't think that explains why I don't see what Dr. Ana is pointing out.... the nanobots (I have seen a few though, blinking) and the self assembly happening I can't say I see that.
Maybe it's because your lab is cleaner and you don't have a ton of sick people herding in like cattle. I have way too many unanswered questions that she never seems to answer.
Zeta potential and precipitins … lower ZP causes Rouleaux ..precipitins happen when antibody binds with antigens… hence booster shots .. by design ..”they” want to eff up your chances of survival.
Dr Ardis recently said he and Dr Ealy purchased TWO $160,000 machines that DO show the blinking lights in his patients blood and urine.
He was going to share their findings at their latest conference they held early this month.
I wish I could get mine tested with him!
Where can we do a course on microscopy and “reading” our own blood?
Know of any good courses?
This substack writer claims EDTA is toxic and had nasty stuff to say about Dr Mihalcea.
Is anything she says about EDTA true? I’m concerned because I did edta recently.
Who is Dr Aryiyana?
For me, what would make these short videos (or any of these videos) meaningful and something that I could actually share with other people (there is no audio and I do not have the skill to know what I am looking at, there are lots of "sparkly" things but I could not identify/describe anything) is if you did screen capture recording where you could voice over your own video and use your cursor to highlight the features you are describing and you could pause the video when needed and make it an informational video where you would not have to use captions...that to me would be valuable. If these types of videos with narration already exist, list some, I would be glad to see them.
You can go back to many of Dr. Ana's previous videos or interviews she has done with others where she explains what we are looking at as well as her using a cursor to identify what she is trying to show us. The "sparkly" things are the blinking nano and micro robots that are building these mesogens (i.e. microchips). I only know that from watching many of her previous videos. Just go to her Substack atanamihalceamdphd.substack.com. All of her videos and interviews are listed there.
Or even expensive commercial air filters? Personally, I like to open all my windows to refresh, then close them, and smudge the house.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17913417/
What is puzzling is how the self-assembly can occur, as Dr. Ana shows it can in the vials themselves. She has shown us mamy times how it works in the blood, both jabbed, and unjabbed, and in both cases, we understand that the energy used for the production of these nano-structures comes from rbc's, specifically the electrons on the surface of each rbc. On the contrary, the vials have no blood, no rbc's, so what supplies the electrons needed for the nanobot movement and construction sites?
They do not Only harvest energy from RBC's. I would guess that since some of the jab ingredient metals are radioactive, they are harvesting their initial energy from that. Afaik, no one has scanned the jabs with a geiger counter or done gamma spectroscopy on them, which I think would be very valuable.
That could also be why some people find no nitrogen or phosphorus in the jabs, maybe they harvest those elements from the victim after injection.
EMF or RF is everywhere?? That is my guess. All life, ie creation has harmonics or frequencies. The human body frequencies are 62-90mHz, diseases begin at 58mHz, cancer at 42 mHz, death at 24 mHz. Go ontowww.thesoulfrequency.comfor info.
Why do you think Dr Ana that Sasha Latypova dismisses yours and others findings as no big deal. She talks as if there’s no way any of this stuff can hurt you but I think she’s wrong. Thanks for the information! Would love your take on why she dismisses the info?
The unvaxxed are not dropping like flies, but they are dying at an excessive rate. Most of the health effects of the jabs can shed to the unvaxxed.
Watch Dr Makis, he talks about it sometimes... "Its Not just the vaxxed".
My group of 25 unvaxed have never been sick or had any fake Covid, fake tests, fake cancers, or anything. Stop with all the fearmongering and teach biblical health principles only.
If the Bible alone can wreck the tech in our current dimension,so be it!
But the mesogens evolve in bigger structures, day by day, if not addressed properly…including on unjabbed blood!
Bee is not fearmongering material, by the contrary, he points to actual solutions, I would read his take on oral chelation, if I was you. His stack is very resourceful.
God bless,
Im not fearmongering, Im stating proven facts, they just arent proven to You yet.
Im not sure which ‘biblical health principals’ you are referring to but no diet stops you from getting the shedding nor can they dissolve the nanotech… because its multi-billion dollar Bioweapon, not Gilligans Island.
Good luck to you in any case, I hope you figure it out soon.
Biblical health principles are much more than just diet. Keeping your temple clean and spiritual detox without fear works for many people. I know it's not for everyone. Blessings!
God made the solutions and God helps those who help themselves, which I do not take to mean just hoping and praying for the best.
Perhaps you can get a darkfield microscope, then you could confirm your theory and make adjustments if you should find you have it in your (or your groups) blood.
And if you do, EDTA and Vitamin C works great if you take it properly.
Good luck to you in any case.
My gratitude goes out to all the doctor's scientist's as well as the targeted๐ฏindividual's worldwide. We are truly Angelic in nature's spirituality. Very brave moral souls all of us. Dr. Ana I started my EDTA &ultimate Methylene blue yesterday I was wondering where I need to look for the proper dosage the EDTA says three times a day but not so much on the methylene blue I've only been using one or two drops of the methylene blue making my urine slightly greenish color is that too much or should I be doing more to kill the nanotechnology in my blood. Please let me know if you get this I'm going to keep searching hopefully I can find your information on it again there is so much going on and I am a hard target. They beat me up pretty bad regularly. Dementia is something I've been dealing with since before the covid-19 roll out. They'd actually had me on psych medication which I have stopped taking for 4 years now. I'm definitely on my way back to getting better just for not taking big Pharma medications anymore I'm afraid to take Ibuprofen cuz I know any and everything is Tainted food water medication air and soil it's devastating. But fixable renewable we can turn this around and we will. Thank you for your bravery and hard work you are truly along with the rest of the brave moral Heroes of humanity. Thank you sincerely. Daniel Dearg Erin Nelson (Neale)๐ผ๐ก๐ฅ๐ฏ๐โจ๐๐
THis a link to a Video where Dr. Ana talks about using EDTA, Vitamin C, Methylene Blue & using Nicotine. She Explains the types of each & Dosage to Use, Who should NOT use certain things. You want to live with Nanotech....blood clots in your Blood or Detox with what woks. She also recommends Mineral & Vitamin supplement because EDTA binds with nutrients. When to take it as well.
So heres a question...could I, an unvaxxed person who has had covid at least once although did not test on the two occasions I was quite certain that I had it...(did test on one separate occasion and was negative) Could I take a drop or two of my blood and using some sort of common magnification device , (a camera zoom, scope, eyeglasses, a magnifying glass etc) be able to observe anything in my blood or would it still be too small?and how would someone monitor themselves?
Tom Moonclutch - Sep 28
Tom’s Substack
Hope all Truth Doctors can Ban together with as many different methods and solutions as possible to Ward this madness off... Different types. Different solutions. LETS FIND THEM ... GREAT WORK DR. ANA... GOD BE WITH YOU...
Helen - Sep 28
Rosalind McGill
Waiting breathlessly for an antidote? A lightening strike to zap them? Should I be outside holding a metal rod?
Rosalind McGill - Sep 28
Rosalind McGill
My life has been affected by shedding greatly. I’d love an antidote.
Bee Gee - Sep 28
Bee Gee
EDTA and Vitamin C is the best solution we have right now. Try it, if you take it right, it works great.
AwakeRedPilled - Sep 28
Any response on EDTA being poison article ?
Who is Dr Aryiyana?
Is EDTA not safe?
Tim Boyer - Sep 28
Cooper's Corner T&B
I know what sheding is but how does it manifest? Small arterial skin bleeding I get small pure pure white structures and some blood.
kaal - Sep 28
has anyone tried look out fa charlies protocol 2 end electronic harassment- it involved removing layers of skin to get to the syn bio fungal infection beneath layers of skin. its old info. but he has/ had a protocol. gotta go getting slammered- slammed/ hammered by ms luna [tic] below me.
Rosalind McGill - Sep 28
Rosalind McGill
Maybe a zap will disassemble the crap , who knows.
Jomico - Sep 28
No .. you should be outside grounding… part of this process is to lower your zeta potential.. this allows cells to clump and nanoparticles to fuse together…. Invest in a PEMF mat and use chelation regularly … something about WiFi plays apart so have one room (bedroom) faraday caged… sounds twaddle but think about the devious people who engineered this… they must use a protocol to reverse this technology otherwise we are all doomed.
Helen - Sep 28
Winona - Sep 28 - Edited
I'm wondering why I don't see the same things you point out...... I had a career as a medical technologist so looked at many hematology slides and microbiological slides. So I'm a little familiar with the territory. I do see the massive amounts of small particles in the background but how to know what they are? I thought the nanorobot must be blinking to know that's what they are. But many of your slides don't have that. I'm sure it's me and maybe it's not so clear on my computer. You use the term microwires and I'm not seeing anything like that. Or even self assembly. Just sort of frustrated. In hematology the cells on the slide usually don't form rouleaux because of the anticoagulant (EDTA) that's added to the tube before the blood is drawn. (unless there was a medical reason for the rouleaux) So I would expect to see rouleaux on your slides because there's no anticoagulant there. Am I the only one who can't see these things? Of course I'm not used to seeing the big clumps. Is it possible to see the spike proteins on your slides?
Linda Tanner - Sep 28
Linda Tanner
I don't know your microscope setup, but Dr. Ana uses a Darkfield Microscope, plus many of her pics and videos are at 2000 or 4000X magnification, although some are at 400X. So if you are using a conventional light microscope, then it's highly unlikely you would see any of the stuff she shows, except possible some of the very long "fibers".
Winona - Sep 28
Hi Linda, Yes I know there's a big difference in the magnification and I should have mentioned that. But I don't think that explains why I don't see what Dr. Ana is pointing out.... the nanobots (I have seen a few though, blinking) and the self assembly happening I can't say I see that.
Mark Luersen - Sep 28
Sun Drink Shadows
Maybe it's because your lab is cleaner and you don't have a ton of sick people herding in like cattle. I have way too many unanswered questions that she never seems to answer.
Jomico - Sep 28
Zeta potential and precipitins … lower ZP causes Rouleaux ..precipitins happen when antibody binds with antigens… hence booster shots .. by design ..”they” want to eff up your chances of survival.
AwakeRedPilled - Sep 28 - Edited
Dr Ardis recently said he and Dr Ealy purchased TWO $160,000 machines that DO show the blinking lights in his patients blood and urine.
He was going to share their findings at their latest conference they held early this month.
I wish I could get mine tested with him!
Where can we do a course on microscopy and “reading” our own blood?
Know of any good courses?
This substack writer claims EDTA is toxic and had nasty stuff to say about Dr Mihalcea.
Is anything she says about EDTA true? I’m concerned because I did edta recently.
Who is Dr Aryiyana?
P Gerard - Sep 28 - Edited
For me, what would make these short videos (or any of these videos) meaningful and something that I could actually share with other people (there is no audio and I do not have the skill to know what I am looking at, there are lots of "sparkly" things but I could not identify/describe anything) is if you did screen capture recording where you could voice over your own video and use your cursor to highlight the features you are describing and you could pause the video when needed and make it an informational video where you would not have to use captions...that to me would be valuable. If these types of videos with narration already exist, list some, I would be glad to see them.
Kim - Sep 28 - Edited
You can go back to many of Dr. Ana's previous videos or interviews she has done with others where she explains what we are looking at as well as her using a cursor to identify what she is trying to show us. The "sparkly" things are the blinking nano and micro robots that are building these mesogens (i.e. microchips). I only know that from watching many of her previous videos. Just go to her Substack atanamihalceamdphd.substack.com. All of her videos and interviews are listed there.
curt s sanders - Sep 28
Sitting in a Nest of Cobras
Thank you Dr Ana Maria..! God Bless you and your work!
C C - Sep 28
Sun Drink Shadows
This is fascinating Dr Ana! Are you taking measures to protect yourself against the shedding issue: biohazard suits for level 3-4?
Mark Luersen - Sep 28
Sun Drink Shadows
Or even expensive commercial air filters? Personally, I like to open all my windows to refresh, then close them, and smudge the house.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17913417/
Linda Tanner - Sep 28
Linda Tanner
What is puzzling is how the self-assembly can occur, as Dr. Ana shows it can in the vials themselves. She has shown us mamy times how it works in the blood, both jabbed, and unjabbed, and in both cases, we understand that the energy used for the production of these nano-structures comes from rbc's, specifically the electrons on the surface of each rbc. On the contrary, the vials have no blood, no rbc's, so what supplies the electrons needed for the nanobot movement and construction sites?
Bee Gee - Sep 28
Bee Gee
They do not Only harvest energy from RBC's. I would guess that since some of the jab ingredient metals are radioactive, they are harvesting their initial energy from that. Afaik, no one has scanned the jabs with a geiger counter or done gamma spectroscopy on them, which I think would be very valuable.
That could also be why some people find no nitrogen or phosphorus in the jabs, maybe they harvest those elements from the victim after injection.
C C - Oct 1
EMF or RF is everywhere?? That is my guess. All life, ie creation has harmonics or frequencies. The human body frequencies are 62-90mHz, diseases begin at 58mHz, cancer at 42 mHz, death at 24 mHz. Go ontowww.thesoulfrequency.comfor info.
Leanne Lundberg - Sep 28
Why do you think Dr Ana that Sasha Latypova dismisses yours and others findings as no big deal. She talks as if there’s no way any of this stuff can hurt you but I think she’s wrong. Thanks for the information! Would love your take on why she dismisses the info?
MLeon - Sep 28
Michael’s Substack
Email this substack amd my message below toconstructioncodes@buildings.nyc.govcopy anyone else at and least too injected congress, government workers, police, county, military, Sherrif's say all of the USA health care laws, energy codes and mRNA experiments are poison, tell them to stop complying with genocide drink the chlorine dioxide to save yourselfshttps://rumble.com/v4zhvue-the-forbidden-cure-chlorine-dioxide-is-the-universal-antidote-but-why-is-it.html
Also tell them you love them and don't want them to die ๐ ๐ โ๏ธ ๐บ๐ธ
Craig - Sep 28 - Edited
Bee Gee
The unvaccinated are much healthier and are not dropping like flies as the vaccinated are. Trust God and endure to the end.
Bee Gee - Sep 28 - Edited
Bee Gee
The unvaxxed are not dropping like flies, but they are dying at an excessive rate. Most of the health effects of the jabs can shed to the unvaxxed.
Watch Dr Makis, he talks about it sometimes... "Its Not just the vaxxed".
Craig - Sep 28 - Edited
Monica Onit
My group of 25 unvaxed have never been sick or had any fake Covid, fake tests, fake cancers, or anything. Stop with all the fearmongering and teach biblical health principles only.
Monica Onit - Sep 28
Monica Onit
If the Bible alone can wreck the tech in our current dimension,so be it!
But the mesogens evolve in bigger structures, day by day, if not addressed properly…including on unjabbed blood!
Bee is not fearmongering material, by the contrary, he points to actual solutions, I would read his take on oral chelation, if I was you. His stack is very resourceful.
God bless,
Craig - Sep 28
The Bible does have a lot of detox information.
Bee Gee - Oct 3
Bee Gee
Im not fearmongering, Im stating proven facts, they just arent proven to You yet.
Im not sure which ‘biblical health principals’ you are referring to but no diet stops you from getting the shedding nor can they dissolve the nanotech… because its multi-billion dollar Bioweapon, not Gilligans Island.
Good luck to you in any case, I hope you figure it out soon.
Craig - Oct 3
Bee Gee
Biblical health principles are much more than just diet. Keeping your temple clean and spiritual detox without fear works for many people. I know it's not for everyone. Blessings!
Bee Gee - Oct 3
Bee Gee
God made the solutions and God helps those who help themselves, which I do not take to mean just hoping and praying for the best.
Perhaps you can get a darkfield microscope, then you could confirm your theory and make adjustments if you should find you have it in your (or your groups) blood.
And if you do, EDTA and Vitamin C works great if you take it properly.
Good luck to you in any case.
Daniel Dearg Erin Neale - Oct 21
Daniel’s Substack
My gratitude goes out to all the doctor's scientist's as well as the targeted๐ฏindividual's worldwide. We are truly Angelic in nature's spirituality. Very brave moral souls all of us. Dr. Ana I started my EDTA &ultimate Methylene blue yesterday I was wondering where I need to look for the proper dosage the EDTA says three times a day but not so much on the methylene blue I've only been using one or two drops of the methylene blue making my urine slightly greenish color is that too much or should I be doing more to kill the nanotechnology in my blood. Please let me know if you get this I'm going to keep searching hopefully I can find your information on it again there is so much going on and I am a hard target. They beat me up pretty bad regularly. Dementia is something I've been dealing with since before the covid-19 roll out. They'd actually had me on psych medication which I have stopped taking for 4 years now. I'm definitely on my way back to getting better just for not taking big Pharma medications anymore I'm afraid to take Ibuprofen cuz I know any and everything is Tainted food water medication air and soil it's devastating. But fixable renewable we can turn this around and we will. Thank you for your bravery and hard work you are truly along with the rest of the brave moral Heroes of humanity. Thank you sincerely. Daniel Dearg Erin Nelson (Neale)๐ผ๐ก๐ฅ๐ฏ๐โจ๐๐
Bette - Sep 30
THis a link to a Video where Dr. Ana talks about using EDTA, Vitamin C, Methylene Blue & using Nicotine. She Explains the types of each & Dosage to Use, Who should NOT use certain things. You want to live with Nanotech....blood clots in your Blood or Detox with what woks. She also recommends Mineral & Vitamin supplement because EDTA binds with nutrients. When to take it as well.
Leland Durbin - Sep 29
What's Going On?
So heres a question...could I, an unvaxxed person who has had covid at least once although did not test on the two occasions I was quite certain that I had it...(did test on one separate occasion and was negative) Could I take a drop or two of my blood and using some sort of common magnification device , (a camera zoom, scope, eyeglasses, a magnifying glass etc) be able to observe anything in my blood or would it still be too small?and how would someone monitor themselves?
AwakeRedPilled - Sep 28
Any response on EDTA being poison article about you ?
Who is Dr Aryiyana?
Is EDTA not safe?
Geotel - Sep 28
Ana can you please do a trial of the effectiveness of NAC ?
Peggy - Sep 28
Peggy’s Substack
Really, don't we need a detox formula? Yes, and antidote? It is hard to read so many posts and no answer, no solution. What do we do now?
Bee Gee - Sep 28
Bee Gee
EDTA and Vitamin C works if you take it correctly.
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