Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 18, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Video: C19 uninjected blood 400x magnfication Darkfield Microscopy
In this post, I am showing video footage of nano robot swarm in C19 uninjected - all is captured in video format so you can see it live as I see it when I look at the blood. You can clearly discern that a mesogen is being self assembled in coordinated fashion, with microrobots who become part of the mesogen itself. Many different sizes of robots coordiate in this construction.
Video: C19 uninjected blood 400x magnification Darkfield Microscopy
You can clearly see that within the developing mesogen structure the nanobot swarming is still going on
Video: C19 uninjected blood 2000x magnification Darkfield Microscopy
In this much higher magnification of 4000x you can see the small coordinating nanobots with much larger microbots, solidifying the mesogen polymer while becoming themselves part of the construction:
Video: C19 uninjected blood 4000x magnfication Oil Objective Darkfield Microscopy
More solidification happening. Note the red blood cells adjacent to the mesogen are 5 to 7 microns in diameter. You can see that some of the punctuate moving bots seen here at 4000x magnification are on the hundreds of nanometer scale
Here you can see that most of the movement has ceased and the mesogen appears solidified:
Video footage of self assembly of mesogen sensor devices in C19 uninjected blood.
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MW - Jun 18
MW’s Substack
Thank you so much for your work, & sharing!
As a Chemical engineer, & Physicist, who worked with Biologists & Geneticists, I understand what is happening.
It’s gone way too far.
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Roman S Shapoval - Jun 18
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Best way to fight artificial nano is by activating the melanin computer of our skin via Sunlight:
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