BOMBSHELL NEWS: Do We Still Need Proof? Next Dose 3: Documentary. Must Watch! Electron Microscope Of Nanotechnology Antennas In C19 Vaccinated blood

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 02, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Next dose 3 documentary - Do We Still Need Proof?

Cell fusion observed with 2 shots

Electron microscope of the structure

Same filaments as I have documented in unvaccinated blood from shedding with extensive oxidative stress of red blood cells

The same sherical structures that I have also documented are seen in C19 injected blood:

Nano antenna in C19 vaccinated blood

Here is your proof world, nobody can deny the nanotechnology in the C19 shots now any more.

Share this far and wide.

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Christina - Jan 2, 2024

Dr. Ana, we love your work. But the AI generated narration on this video is a major turn off. It’s the very thing we’re fighting against. We’re not going to save humanity by listening to an inhuman voice. Please let the creator of this documentary know.

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Terry Adams - Jan 2, 2024

Terry’s Newsletter

I wish I could say that this surprised me, but I can't. I am a somewhat normal guy of sixty three years, a business owner (motorsports) former club racer, and someone who was abruptly awakened back in two thousand nine when I found strange sentient fibers growing out of my skin. My physician refused to look at the fibers, my dermatologist tried to write me a script for a sedative after a cursory glance at my skin, and what few friends i had now avoid me like the plague (no pun intended). A door opened for me in two thousand fourteen when the FM talk radio station I advertised with allowed me to do a Saturday night radio show. For eight and a half years I told the people in this area the truth.. I was naive enough to think that if they would just listen and follow me through a few simple tests (the red grape juice spit test - for one) then they would see that I am right and together we could become the force that reaches critical mass. It - obviously - did not happen. I told everyone what was coming.. I played the clip from two thousand twelve where the physician of the world's leaders told us that they were going to use vaccines to depopulate. I warned them not to take the jab.. I told them the last presidential election would be stolen.. etc..etc..etc.... The point is - not enough people care, It is easy to sit back and close one's mind to all that is happening in our former constitutional republic.. Ignorance IS bliss... Not a day goes by that I do not think about how much easier my wayward and oblivious life used to be. <sigh> American's apathy is literally killing them and yet they do not seem to care... GOD help us...

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