Crimes Against Humanity In Progress: Correlation Of Historical Mik Anderson Presentation With The Self Assembly Nanotechnology Live Blood Findings Of The Past 3 years

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 30, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Dr. Pedro Chavez, who produced the brilliant documentary Bluetooth by Comusav, documented the MAC address phenomenon in the COVID 19 injected as well as the uninjected who received a PCR swab. He also showed that the graves of COVID 19 injected continue to emit MAC addresses. I am collaborating with Dr. Chavez and will have him on my Truth, Science and Spirit show soon for a not to be missed interview.

First, I have extensively documented Quantum Dot (QD) multi light frequency emitting microrobots in COVID 19 uninjected blood, and discussed the transmission via shedding of nanomaterials and filaments that are expelled through the skin and continue to self assemble in the body. The QD microcrobots also are part of self assembly mesogens and filaments and form electronic devices. These QD are known to pass the blood brain barrier.

Image: Quantum Dot Microrobots in COVID19 unvaccinated blood. AM Medical

I have shown irrefutable video footage of it and correlated it with the technocratic globalist literature documentation of their plan of transforming humanity through graphene based nanorobots.

Astonishing Darkfield Live Blood Footage Of Nano/Microrobots In C19 Unvaccinated Blood And What did Ray Kurzweil Say About Nanorobots And the Singularity?

The Argentinian Scientist group with Lorena Diblasi and Dr. Marcela Sangorrin have shown the fluorescent Graphene and presence of Lanthanide paramagnetic fluorescent metals used for semiconductor electronic in all COVID19 bioweapons used around the world.

Analysis Of Covid 19 Injections – 50 Undeclared Chemical Elements, Graphene Oxide, Fluorescent Particles – Conversation With Biotechnologist Lorena Diblasi – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep23

I have explained the significance of these findings in correlation to self assembly nanotechnology AI controlled biosensors and mesogen electronic devices. Of note, the combination of Graphene with Lanthanides metals has been explained to enhance fluorescence significantly.

Discussion of Argentinian C19 Bioweapon Analysis Finding Building Blocks Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology

This is also correlated with the military literature.

"Nanorobot Hardware Architecture for Medical Defense" Article From 2008 And Comparison To Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Of C19 Unvaccinated Blood Now

I recently discussed the militarized cognitive warfare, the current medical literature showing that the COVID19 injected and those with Long COVID are verifiably cognitively impaired. I have also shown that the functional Brain EEG’s clearly show significant abnormalities. Prior history of COVID bioweapon infection symptoms, PCR testing, shedding and environmental contamination via geoengineering warfare all show the same symptomatology and are additive in their detrimental effects.

Militarized Cognitive Warfare: Human Brains Under Attack In Post Covid Era And Natural Treatment Ways To Resist And Reverse Cognitive Deficits

As Mik Anderson described, the Quantum Dots, hydrogel polymers, nanonetwork routers ( mesogens and other self assembled devices) have all been found by me in COVID 19 unvaccinated blood as well.

Darkfield Live Blood Microscopy Of A Discoid Mesogen Self Assembly Nanotechnology Device In C19 Unvaccinated Blood

Nano Robot Swarm Self Assembly Of Nanotechnology Mesogen in C19 Unvaccinated Blood - Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Nano Robot Swarm Self Assembly Of Nanotechnology Mesogen in C19 Unvaccinated Blood - Darkfield Live Blood Analysis

Are Programmable Nanotechnology Biosensing Mesogen "Computer Chip" Devices Being Self Assembled In C19 Uninjected Blood ? How Dangerous Is Self Spreading Nanotechnology?

I have also documented the nanoantennas found in injectable medications like Enbrel made by Pfizer:

Darkfield Microscopy Of Pfizer's Enbrel (Etanercept) Shows Nanoantennas, Microrobots, Self Assembly Nanotechnology Comparable To C19 Bioweapons. Microelectronics For Patient Monitoring

I have shown electrical circuitry in this self assembled mesogen:

Image: COVID19 unvaccinated blood self assembled mesogen with interrated ciruits, polygon nanorouters. AM Medical

All aspects of this schematic have now been found in human blood - Quantum Dots, hydrogel fibers, integrated circuits. I have shown this in multiple posts:

Further Darkfield Microscopy On Fluorescent Filaments Coming Out Of C19 Unvaccinated Individuals And The Orange Glowing Facial Spots - Its All Self Assembly Nanotechnology

Image: Filament coming out of a COVID19 unvaccinated individuals skin fluorescent under UV light shows integrated circuits. Magnification 4000x. AM Medical

The mathematically fractal sheets were also seen in the Pfizer Enbrel injections used for autoimmune disease which has known microelectronics in the shots.

Darkfield Microscopy Of Pfizer's Enbrel (Etanercept) Shows Nanoantennas, Microrobots, Self Assembly Nanotechnology Comparable To C19 Bioweapons. Microelectronics For Patient Monitoring

Image: Dried Pfizer Enbrel shows the crystalline microchip array of the self assembled nanoantennas - the crystals appear to have multicolored light emission (blue, violet, pink, gold). Magnification 2000x. AM Medical

In this interview with Maria Zeee from October 2022 I explain how the Carbon Nanotubes in the brain are the same size as microtubules in which consciousness is being processed. I explained then that a parallel processing platfrom is being built that is used for mind control and ultimately warfare on the soul.

The Science of the C19 Nanotechnology and Quantum Physics - My Discussion with Maria Zeee Uncensored

Dr Robert Duncan, from CIA and DARPA engineer confirmed these modalities as well as the ability to hack the human soul:

Nanotechnology, Cybernetic Hive Minds, Artificial Intelligence and Mind Control - DARPA and CIA Insider Dr. Robert Duncan's Interviews Confirms Hijacking Of Human Soul Possible

This is the most important and concerning aspect of this technology, that it literally creates a new brain within the brain that then processes the mind control information coming from AI. Artificial neurons from Graphene are being produced.

Mik Anderson also confirmed that the nanosensors can embed themselves in the endothelial lining which would make sense since we see these Quantum Dot micorobots swim in the blood stream:


Video: Multiple Quantum Dot microrobots swimming in moving live blood in COVID19 unvaccinated individual. AM Medical.

I also want to remind people that are still misunderstanding the spike protein as something having to do with a virus - it is not. The spike protein gene sequence has been shown to encode hydrogel polymer manufacturing at pH 7, hence it is a biosynthetic sequence programmed to manufacture technological components.

Amyloid and Hydrogel Formation of a Peptide Sequence from a Coronavirus Spike Protein

The Moderna patent as shown here by Karen Kingston also mentions hydrogel polymer presence as both encapsulation of the mmRNA ( genetically engineered synthetic biology) and the mmRNA itself.

Karen Kinstons also showed that the spike protein is a device that can be altered in electrical fields. This is not just a protein, it is an electronic nanotechnological DEVICE. We know that Graphene has been used for the synthesis of spike protein sequences.

Of course it is in the patents as well.


All aspects of the disclosure by Mik Anderson provided in 2021 have now been found and documented in COVID19 unjected blood from shedding and environmental sources. Wordwide scientists are showing the same findings. Experts like Karen Kingston also have provided supporting documentation to the reality of the full execution of this self assembly AI controlled technology in humanity.

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Darline Brown Matheny - Jun 30

I am just wondering where we will go with all of this information proving crimes against humanity. The number of criminals involved in this is so deep and wide it is disheartening 💔

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Eclectricity - Jun 30


Thank you for your tireless work, Dr. Mihalcea. An obvious question raised by all of this, and thus far not asked or answered in any articles or comments I have read: do blood electrification and/or pulsed magnetic fields from commercial devices suggest any potential methods to disable/destroy/block the nanotechnologies described in this article?
Decades ago a PhD electrical engineer named Bob Beck promoted inexpensive blood electrification devices to destroy pathogens in vivo. These ideas have been suppressed to some extent, but some devices are commercially available. The frequencies/amplitudes/voltage etcetera are published. Again, the question: could some modifications work to help persons who have these nanotech components in their bodies?

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