"Nanorobot Hardware Architecture for Medical Defense" Article From 2008 And Comparison To Darkfield Live Blood Analysis Of C19 Unvaccinated Blood Now

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 08, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Nanorobot Hardware Architecture for Medical Defense

This article from 2008 discusses the deployment of nanorobots in humans for epidemic control. In the article you can find graphics that visualize what these nanorobots look like. I have included video footage of the nanorobots I see now in the C19 unvaccinated blood that have been affected by shedding and environmental contamination. You can see in this video many small blinking lights swimming in blood that is in rouleaux formation which means it is stacking. Nothing in the human body should be blinking like this. These are nano/micro robots that self assemble and function as bidirectional telemetry biosensors.


You can see in the abstract that RFID surveillance is supposedly depoyed to prevent or save a population against a targeted disease. But what I am telling you is that these nanorobots ARE THE TARGETED DISEASE - not to save a population but to make them sick, modify and control them.


This work presents a new approach with details on the integrated platform and hardware architecture for nanorobots application in epidemic control, which should enable real time in vivo prognosis of biohazard infection. The recent developments in the field of nanoelectronics, with transducers progressively shrinking down to smaller sizes through nanotechnology and carbon nanotubes, are expected to result in innovative biomedical instrumentation possibilities, with new therapies and efficient diagnosis methodologies. T he use of integrated systems, smart biosensors, and programmable nanodevices are advancing nanoelectronics, enabling the progressive research and development of molecular machines. It should provide high precision pervasive biomedical monitoring with real time data transmission. The use of nanobioelectronics as embedded systems is the natural pathway towards manufacturing methodology to achieve nanorobot applications out of laboratories sooner as possible. To demonstrate the practical application of medical nanorobotics, a 3D simulation based on clinical data addresses how to integrate communication with nanorobots using RFID, mobile phones, and satellites, applied to long distance ubiquitous surveillance and health monitoring for troops in conflict zones. Therefore, the current model can also be used to prevent and save a population against the case of some targeted epidemic disease.

Here you can see a swarm of nano sensors in C19 unvaccinated blood in an individual heavily exposed to shedding:


The paper discusses the nano biosensors with embedded proteins ( sounds like a Quantum Dot with a spike protein as described on the NIH website: Speeding COVID-19 Drug Discovery with Quantum Dots

The development of nanorobots is a technological breakthrough that can enable real time in vivo prognosis for application in a variety of biomedical problems [ 1 ]. Particularly interesting is the fact that medical nanorobots should also provide an effective tool for defense against biohazard contaminants. This paper presents the use of nanorobots with embedded protein based nanobiosensors providing a practical molecular machine for medical defense technology.

Please note below that in 2008 the nanorobotic deployment was not just to surveil troops but also civilians!

Normally, for areas in public calamity or conflict zones, the absence of drinking water, any sort of fuel, electricity, and the lack of towers for network communication, including cable and wireless telephony, is a constant [ 6 ]. In such a situation, the available infrastructure is far from ideal to enable a large scale medical laboratory with precise and fast analysis. For such aspect, nanorobots integrated with nanobiosensors can help to transmit real time information, using international mobile phones for wireless data transmission through satellite communication [ 5 , 7 , 8 ]. In fact, nanorobots should mean an efficient and powerful clinical device to provide precious biomedical monitoring [ 9 ], both for soldiers as for civilian population.

Nanorobot Development for Defense

The defense industry should remarkably benefit from achievements and trends on current nanobiotechnology systems integration. Such trends on technology have also resulted in a recent growing interest from the international scientific community, including medical and pharmaceutical sectors, towards the research and development of molecular machines.

2.1. Medical Nanorobots

The research and development of nanorobots with embedded nanobiosensors and actuators is considered a new possibility to provide new medical devices for doctors [ 9 , 19 - 21 ]. As integrated control mechanisms at microscopic environments differ from conventional control techniques, approaches using event-based feed forward control are sought to effectively advance new medical technologies [ 22 , 23 ]. In the same way the development of microelectronics in the 1980s has led to new tools for biomedical instrumentation, the manufacturing of nanoelectronics [ 24 , 25 ], will similarly permit further miniaturization towards integrated medical systems, providing efficient methodologies for pathological prognosis [ 26 - 28 ].

WBAN implementation in 2008:

We implemented a system simulation and architecture of nanorobots for sensing the bloodstream, targeting biochemical changes against pathological signals. Actual advances in wireless technologies, nanoelectronics devices, and their use in the implementation of nanorobots applied to epidemic control, illustrate what upcoming technologies can enable in terms of real time health monitoring.

The approach for in vivo monitoring chemical concentrations should also apply to other biomedical problems, and likewise be useful for prognosis of complex diseases and phamacokinetics control. Furthermore, in the proposed platform architecture, different programs and commands can be sent and information retrieved from inside body through wireless communication, providing important aspects on interface and medical instrumentation of nanorobots.

Isn’t it interesting that the WHO since 1948 has been interested in SARS/ influenza and this technology was developed to prevent “against it” ( or to create it?) - with the vaccine industry in mind:

2.3. Prevention and Control

The World Health Organization (WHO) has started in 1948 the initiative to implement a worldwide identification of new influenza viruses [ 14 ]. Currently demand for vaccines and effective ways to quickly manage and fight a pandemic outbreak are enormous, which also motivated WHO to develop the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network, enhancing the world's collaboration in containment of infectious diseases [ 47 ].

Some highly contagious germs, such as SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) [ 15 ], smallpox [ 11 ] and influenza [ 17 ], can bring deadly consequences, and spread easily across borders and among populations from different countries. In face of international security demand for defense against new threats driven by possibly biohazard outbreaks, the current $13 billion global vaccine business should grow 18% a year to $30 billion by 2011.

Does this paragraph sound prophetic in retrospect?

The concern in this matter, in order to save and protect lives, help us to understand how important is to improve population-wide disease outbreak detection preventing any pandemic onset. In fact, a pandemic influenza outbreak would likely cause the most severe vaccine shortages to date with global consequences.

Notwithstanding that improved drugs and vaccines have evolved a lot, antimicrobials are of limited usefulness due to the following aspects: antimicrobial resistance to drugs and antibiotics, the large number of possible microbes that can be used for weapons, and limitations in technical feasibility for developing vaccines and effective antibacterials against certain germs . Therefore, in recent years a crescent concern and interest has emerged for methods to efficiently protect people lives not only through immunization, but also and even more accurately through advanced real time biomolecular in vivo virus detection


Current developments in nanoelectronics [ 56 ] and nanobiotechnology [ 57 ] are providing feasible development pathways to enable molecular machine manufacturing, including embedded and integrated devices, which can comprise the main sensing, actuation, data transmission, remote control uploading, and coupling power supply subsystems, addressing the basics for operation of medical nanorobots.

A recent actuator with biologically-based components has been proposed [ 58 ]. This actuator has a mobile member that moves substantially linearly as a result of a biomolecular interaction between biologically-based components within the actuator. Such actuators can be utilized in nanoscale mechanical devices to pump fluids, open and close valves, or to provide translational movement.

To help control nanorobot position, a system for tracking an object in space can comprise a transponder device connectable to the object. The transponder device has one or several transponder antennas through which a transponder circuit receives an RF (radio frequency) signal. The transponder device adds a known delay to the RF signal, thereby producing RF response for transmitting through the transponder antenna [ 59 ]. A series of several transmitters and antennas allow a position calculator, associated with the transmitters and receivers, to calculate the position of the object as a function of the known delay, and the time period between the emission of the RF signal and the reception of the RF response from the first, second and third antennas.

Please read this carefully - 16 years ago this paper explains what we see today, including Graphene, fluorescent markers like Luciferase, radioactive metals like Cesium 137:

Biosensors are currently used to incorporate living components, including tissues or cells which are electrically excitable or are capable of differentiating into electrically excitable cells, and which can be used to monitor the presence or level of a molecule in a physiological fluid [ 61 ]. CNTs (carbon nanotubes) and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) are recent candidates for new forms of nanoelectronics [ 62 ]. These are combined to create new genetically programmed self-assembling materials for facilitating the selective placement of CNTs on a substrate by functionalizing CNTs with DNA. Through recombinant DNA technology, targets labeled with distinct detectable biomarkers can be defined, such as fluorescent labels, enzyme labels, or radioactive patterns, and employed as suitable protein transducers

Here you can read exactly how the cell phones are the transmitter to the satellites. As I have said before, if you want to deactivate the control of your body, get rid of your cell phone. If you need a phone, get a tracphone with a removable battery. They can track and modulate you with your cell phone in the off position. Only if you take the battery out the system no longer works.

Integrated System Platform

The proposed model uses electromagnetic radio waves to command and detect the current status of nanorobots inside the body. Therefore, the cell phone is applied for medical nanorobotics platform [ 7 , 64 , 65 ]. This occurs as the cell phone emits a magnetic signature to the passive CMOS sensors embedded in the nanorobot, which enables sending and receiving data through electromagnetic fields [ 66 ]. From the last set of events recorded in pattern arrays, information can be reflected back by wave resonance [ 64 ].

The nanorobot model includes embedded IC (integrated circuit) nanoelectronics [ 67 ], and the architecture involves the use of satellites and mobile phones for data transmission and coupling energy [ 68 , 69 ]. The nanorobot is programmed for sensing and to detect concentration of alpha-NAGA in the bloodstream [ 7 , 16 , 70 ]. The nanorobot architecture uses an RFID (radio frequency identification device) CMOS transponder system for in vivo positioning [ 70 ], adopting well established communication protocols, which allow track information about the nanorobot position.

Manufacturing silicon-based chemical and motion-sensor arrays using a two-level system architecture hierarchy has been successfully conducted in the last 15 years. Applications range from automotive and chemical industry, with detection of air to water element pattern recognition, through embedded software programming, and biomedical analysis. Through the use of nanowires, existing significant costs of energy demand for data transfer and circuit operation can be decreased by up to 60% [ 67 ]. CMOS-based sensors using nanowires as material for circuit assembly can achieve maximal efficiency for applications regarding chemical changes, enabling new medical applications

Here you can read about the propulsion motor and the energy harvesting of ATP from the body. The human being is the battery:


There are different kinds of actuators, such as electromagnetic, piezoelectric, electrostatic, and electrothermal. Which can be utilized, depending the aim and the workspaces where it will be applied [ 81 ]. Flagella motor has been quoted quite frequently as an example for a kind of biologically inspired actuator for molecular machine propulsion [ 82 ]. Adenosine triphosphate, also know for short as ATP, is equally used as an alternative for nanomotors [ 83 ]. DNA and RNA (ribonucleic acid) prototypes were also proposed for designing different types of devices.

A set of fullerene structures were presented for nanoactuators [ 84 ]. The use of CNTs as conductive structures permits electrostatically driven motions providing forces necessary for nanomanipulation. CNTs can be used as materials for commercial applications on building devices and nanoelectronics such as nanotweezers and memory systems. SOI technology has been used for transistors with high performance, low heating and low energy consumption for VLSI devices. CNT selfassembly and SOI properties can be combined to addressing CMOS high performance on design and manufacturing nanoelectronics and nanoactuators [

Here you can see what the sensors are made of:

The nanorobot exterior shape being comprised of carbon-metal nanocomposites [ 99 ], to which should be attached an artificial glycocalyx surface [ 100 ], is used to minimize fibrinogen and other blood proteins adsorption or bioactivity, ensuring sufficient biocompatibility to avoid immune system attack


I highly recommend reading the entire linked article, as it explains exactly what we see now. I want to end with this brief video on smart dust - which is the same thing as a nanosensor. It has been deployed everywhere and it monitoring everything about our lives from the nanoscale. This is a must watch video to explain how far advanced Big Brother surveillance already is - from under the skin to every movement everywhere.

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Adrian - Mar 8


FACTOID👈If we dont ban chemtrails and microwaves...we are doomed. Focus your attention on supporting, replicating, passing this bill in all states (Mexico banned chemtrails, so can we)...https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB1700/id/2865234👈toban chemtrails and harmfull microwaves. Call, share, lead, as if life on earth depends on it.

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TreeTomato - Mar 8

Arlene’s Newsletter

As someone who has had 'morgellons' for 10_ years, I can actually see, from the inside, the technicolour 'threads' that cover my corneasl They are the most brilliant colours - red, blue, yellow, orange, green and brilliant white. A few years back, someone did research into DARPA patents and programmes, which described the nano tubules changing colour according to the frequencies applied.
In my own case, I can tell you that when I attack the blue 'threads' with some substance to disable it (be it bicarb, salt, etc.) the thread changes colour and becomes red, brown or grey.
So I'm wondering if these colours are simply frequencies reflected off some luminous material, rather than dyes of some sort that are embedded into the material.

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