Nanotechnology, Cybernetic Hive Minds, Artificial Intelligence and Mind Control - DARPA and CIA Insider Dr. Robert Duncan's Interviews Confirms Hijacking Of Human Soul Possible

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 24, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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In this presentation, Dr. Duncan describes the many ways of mind control that have been achieved for decades within the military and civilian arenas.

Dr. Robert Duncan is a Harvard University trained scientist and engineer who worked on black projects for DARPA, CIA, Justice Department and the Department of Defense. He was involved in artificial intelligence and cybernetics. As an MIT student he studied under professor Noam Chomsky on linguistics, studying computer AI language. During his career he became aware of the military’s experimentation on targeting US civilian populations and soon realized he was part of creating a dangerous weapon if used for dark projects.

Decoding of thought processes, mind reading, remote control of thoughts, linking brains is not conspiracy theory - but scientific fact.

Some people have been doubting that the technology developed by DARPA and other intelligence agencies can mind control people and actually affect the human soul. I have extensively spoken about this. Dr. Robert Duncan speaks of magnetically activated nanoparticles used for brain sensing and control. All aspects of cognition can be controlled and interrogated, including the dream state.

Dr. Duncan states:

“How do you control a brain? Most people do not believe that, I have my own free will, there is no way you can get to my soul. Well, I am sorry, that is not true.”

The nanoparticles are activated under certain magnetic frequency and will alter the brain patterns and pathways.

Smart dust - you can inject a person with tiny microcircuits that act as transmitters all over your neurons and then you can read them. This is what the technology looks like:

Image: Dr. David Nixon C19 Pfizer Vial Microchips with optical communication connections

Dr. Duncan speaks of all the technologies that are able to read throughs, program dreams and monitor our imaginings:

Dr Robert Duncan quoting Bill Gates about AI: “You know, we do not know what we are doing. This may be the end of the human race.”

I have been writing about the scientific literature of mind control through nanotechnology:

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
"Control of Mind Using Nanotechnology" - 2020 Scientific Paper Explains Complete Thought and Brain Control through Nanotechnology
This paper explains what I have been speaking about for some time in relation to the capability of the Nanotechnology in the C19 injections as well as the Nanotechnology we inhale via geoengineering chemtrails and food supply to control the human mind…
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The patents show exactly how this is done via injected nanotechnology:

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Many people still do not believe that we live in the time of nanotechnological warfare, mind control and transhumanist synthetic biological assault on humanity - where our health, free will, soul and spirit are under attack. People do not believe we found nanotechnology in the C19 shots and have been inhaling nanotechnology and synthetic biology via geo…
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The military has used ferritin nanoparticles for C19 “vaccines”:

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Nanotechnology Used By Military For C19 Vaccine: A spike-ferritin nanoparticle vaccine induces robust innate immune activity and drives polyfunctional SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells
For quite some time, I have been discussing that there is no mRNA found in the vaccines by many teams around the world. In my mind, this stunning find should have made world news, and should have had the sincere scientists and doctors discussing these findings. The best counter argument many could muster was: “Well, you did not look at millions of vials…
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I have also explained how MIT scientists have created an artificial brains from hydrogel, carbon nanotubes ( graphene) and metals. This is what is also in the C19 shots and can literally mimic and replace the current neurological circuitry, meaning creating a parallel brain processing platform.

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Nanobrain – The Making of an Artificial Brain from a Time Crystal
Source: Nanobrain - The Making of an Artificial Brain from a Time Crystal This scientist describes the work of cataloging the clocks of the brain- body network to reverse engineer consciousness. I am quoting passages from the book that explain in relation to the ingredients of the C19 shots and what we have been seeing with the microtechnology that self …
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In this interview with Ramona D., Dr. Duncan speaks about Hive Minds created at MIT to create solutions. It is stealing their brain and stealing their soul. It can run other software and overlay it on a brain. They can erase memories, reprogram memories, split personalities. They can alter speech, insert thoughts, program subliminal dream states. Moreover, by complete transfer of brain wave activity, humans can be cloned and transformed into something they are not, hence stealing their soul. He states that a copy of a human brain can be cloned into another person and their consciousness transferred. He talked about cloning soldiers, uploading their consciousness to someone else. He discussed the transhumanist satanic evil agenda that takes away free will.


Dr Duncan also wrote this book:

Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed

Volume 2 details the CIA's practices of interrogation and cybernetic mind control in their pursuit to weaponize neuropsychology. It covers the art of bio-communication war. Human beings are complex machines but their inner workings have been deciphered. Mind control and brainwashing have been perfected in the last 60 years. Hacking computers and hacking into individual minds are similar. The 21st century will be known as the age of spiritual machines and soulless men.

For anyone who does not believe the technological capabilities that are possible, it is important to learn from these whistleblower experts. It is possible to steal the soul and Dr. Duncan, as well as Dr. James Giordano, Professor of Neuro ethics from Georgetown University - know this and have openly spoken about it. This war does not only affect the body and the brain, but also our spiritual self. Part of the preventative mechanism is self awareness and spiritual development, for as Dr. Duncan explains, the mind control weapons do not work well in those kinds of individuals “who have purified themselves from the 7 deadly sins” - as he calls it.

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Laura Garcia - Apr 24, 2023

Laura’s Substack

Still want to know....where is Charles Lieber. Convicted but not sentenced....where are they keeping him? No sign of him in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Was supposed to be sentenced within the last week. I believe that he was set for sentencing on 3/23. No go AB’s no word in the msm.
Things do not add up...well maybe some does....maybe a few clues...
What was Lieber’s specialty and what was he working on....nanotube injectables. Go figure. Arrested before our government went into vaccine production.
Hmmm....enemy of the state (working with China or in China at the Wuhan University of Technology at a joint Harvard/WUT nano lab) or asset?
Hard to say. Where is Charles Lieber? Inquiring minds want to know.

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The Show and the Game - Apr 24, 2023 - Edited

Stories on the Go, go, go.

Great article Dr. Ana!
The Dr stops short of the whole truth.
Which is that if Jesus Christ dwells in you and you in Him ~ then nothing, literally not a single thing, not a man, nor an angel, certainly not a demon, or degenerate filth like those developing these wicked devices. No device will prosper, profit or work against His own children who hear, see and Harken, who He knows prior to casting them into their mothers wombs.

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