Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 27, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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In this lecture, Prof. Sakhrat Khizroev (University of Miami) discusses how new and advanced materials can be used for interfacing machines and the human brain. He explains the research project funded by DARPA and the progress in wireless Brain computer interface via magnetic nanoparticles are key to this technology. I have explained in my previous post the relationship between spin states of subatomic particles and Torsion fields, and how this relates to the C19 bioweapons in recent research findings. Torsion Spectroscopy Evaluation Of Post C19 Injection Induced Magnetism And The Possible Implications For Humanity. Do The Bioweapons Modify Consciousness And Is Big Pharma Involved In The Paranormal?
Writing into neurons under the guise of repairing is actually direct mind control wirelessly. This is what I have also discussed in relation to bidirectional telemetry. When you write into neurons you alter the fundamental throughts of a human. Now think for a moment what effect the HAARP ELF field has had for decades on the human brain.
Recent research on manipulating neurons via magnetic fields has shown that manipulating the spin state of iron in neurons allows the fingerprinting of individual neurons. Anything that can be fingerprinted can be manipulated, now to the single neuron level.
It has long been studied that the brain acts like Quantum computer and the micro-tubules are the area of computing consciousness. In fact, the micro-tubules contain more information storage than DNA.
Dr Stuart Hameroff described how processing of Consciousness in the brain literally acts like a Quantum Computer.
The ‘Orch OR’ theory attributes consciousness to quantum computations in microtubules inside brain neurons. Quantum computers process information as superpositions of multiple possibilities (quantum bits or qubits) which, in Orch OR, are alternative collective dipole oscillations orchestrated (‘Orch’) by microtubules. These orchestrated oscillations entangle, compute, and terminate (‘collapse of the wavefunction’) by Penrose objective reduction (‘OR’), resulting in sequences of Orch OR moments with orchestrated conscious experience (metaphorically more like music than computation). Each Orch OR event selects microtubule states which govern neuronal functions. Orch OR has broad explanatory power, and is easily falsifiable.
We know that neural networks have been mimicked via Graphene webs.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are grown in and around the pores of a graphene foam (GF) to produce a graphene–carbon nanotube (GCNT) web.
The GCNT web is highly porous and biocompatible, supporting the growth of cortical cells in all directions, creating a dense neural network resembling in vivo networks. The GCNT web shows better electrical conductivity than traditional GFs, with seeded cortical cells exhibiting spontaneous electrical activity within the GCNT network.
But what most people do not know, is that a different mathematical evaluation of the brain based on the detection of resonant frequences in the brain during the Brain Project. It has now succeeded to mimic consciousness and free will - an artificial brain made from hydrogel and graphene carbon nanotubes:
The Making of an Artificial Brain from a Time Crystal By Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Making an artificial brain is not a part of artificial intelligence. It will be a revolutionary journey of mankind exploring a science where one cannot write an equation, a material will vibrate like geometric shape, and then those shapes will change to make decisions. Geometry of silence plays like a musical instrument to mimic a human brain; our thoughts, imagination, everything would be a 3D shape playing as music; composing music would be the brain’s singular job. For a century, the Turing machine ruled human civilization; it was believed that irrespective of complexity all events add up linearly. This book is a thesis to explore the science of decision-making where events are 3D-geometric shapes, events grow within and above, never side by side. ​
The book documents inventions and discoveries in neuroscience, computer science, materials science, mathematics and chemistry that explore the possibility of brain or universe as a time crystal. The philosophy of Turing, the philosophy of membrane-based neuroscience and the philosophy of linear, sequential thought process are challenged here by considering that a nested time crystal encompasses the entire conscious universe. Instead of an algorithm, the pattern of maximum free will is generated mathematically and that very pattern is encoded in materials such that its natural vibration integrates random events exactly similar to the way nature does it in every remote corner of our universe. Find how an artificial brain avoids any necessity for algorithm or programming using the pattern of free will.
Starting from the secondary structures of proteins to the complete neural network model of a human brain-body system, everything could be represented using time crystals. In the 1970s, only a virus was totally mapped with clocks; now, not just the biological rhythms of a human brain, every single system deep down to the atomic scale are represented as an architecture of clocks or periodic signaling device. Similar to connectome, or complete gene mapping of humans, this chapter sets a journey to build a complete clock-based model of a human brain.
Please note the described Brain Jelly is Hydrogel and the microtubules are mimicked by carbon nanotubes.
Culturing 3D human brain architecture would soon grow exponentially. One of the prime questions then arises how does a brain jelly carry out an intelligent conversation. Seventeen brain analogs were selected by studying pattern of primes in the geometric shapes of all brain components. T he chapter describes the higher-level brain or forebrain, which holds the convergence rules or slowest rhythms activates, acts like an antenna that transforms the expanded input-time crystals into more symmetric 3D architecture of clocks via a pair of transformation antenna. The journey to study a brain jelly begins by detecting a singularity condition of a clock, when and how it’s phase change becomes undefined for a certain time, when something else defines phase.
The idea to change the way the universe defines and unfolds events sheds lights on different paradoxes of scientific research. The philosophical perspective completes when mathematically the metric of prime model is extrapolated to engineer more powerful conscious machines than humans. If there exists a model for human-like conscious machines, then that model should lead to zombies and series of machines with capabilities more than humans. The incredible possibilities that would unfold in the future are described here.
I have written more about this here, and explained how the terahertz signals are interacting with the programmable matter of hydrogel. This is the parallel processing platform that Elon Musk has spoken of and Cyrus Parsa mentioned in his lawsuit.
It is important to understand how the brain works and how this goal of the brain computer interface is being achieved. There are many different groups working on creating artificial brains and humanoid avatars to upload consciousness. People with spiritual knowledge, are able to consider much higher level of mathematics for the modelling of Consciousness, which is evident in both the theories of Dr Stuart Hameroff ( associated with Puthoff, and CIA Stargate program) and Dr Bandyopadhyay, formerly visiting Professor at Georgetown University, where also Dr James Giordiano teaches.
Shout out to Sabrina Wallace for her excellent information on WBAN. Thank you!
Where I do not agree, is the claim that the human biofield is a body part. No, it is not. The body is the housing for the divine spiritual being, and that biofield is the life force expression of that inhabitation of the spirit in the body. The soul weighs 13 oz and it has been measured that at time of death the mass of the body decreases. I have left my body enough and have experienced it in my near death experience that we do not die when we leave the body. This is very important for people to know.
There was human remote control way before WBAN. Morgellons was and is a nanotechnological surveillance and control artificial intelligence platform that has been deployed on humanity for four decades. HAARP has mind controlled the whole world for decades. These are the machines of the prison planet. The machines and sensors have been inside of us for a long time, and yet we have thrived, evolved and survived. This is very good news in perspective. We can overcome everything that we are facing now.
What they now injected into humans is a technological continuation of what has happened for decades. Same silicon footprint is found - polyetylene and silicone. BREAKING NEWS: New Analysis Of C19 Bioweapons: No MRNA, But Toxic Metals and Silicone. Dental Anesthetics & Pneumovax Also Contain Silicone & Metals Used For Nanotech-Interview With Dr. Geanina Hagima
Compare that to the toxicology analysis of brain chips and Morgellons fibers - same chemicals: GLOBAL BRAIN CHIP AND MESOGENS Nano Machines for Ultimate Control of False Memories - Computer System For Collective Mind Control
There are many scientists working on these Internet of body projects and they are on a need to know basis, many just do their job for a paycheck, just as allopathic doctors have become weaponized and owned through their need of comfort and a livelihood. The larger picture of the total enslavement of humanity goes up the hierarchical ladder of secret societies and their puppet masters. It is known that in the satanic rituals technological information is given to those who engage in such atrocities. That which comes through humans is evil and alien and eye witness accounts of this phenomenon has been described. If you have not heard of such, read the book of former MK Ultra and CIA whistleblower Cathy O’Brien “Tranceformation of America” and listen to our interview. Healing From Mind Control Through Love - Mindful Protection from Nanotechnological and Synthetic Biology Assault: Dr. Ana Mihalcea & CIA MK-ULTRA Survivor and Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien
People must understand that what Dr Robert Duncan said is also true - you cannot hack an enlightened mind. This knowledge is imperative for the survival of our species. Additionally, what you know about, you can defend yourself from. Enlightenment means “To Be In Knowledge Of”. As Cathy O’Brian states, the frequency of Love , Truth and Joy is above their reach for mind control. It is a huge protection against everything we are facing and it cannot be forgotten in the discovery process that we are encountering.
Evil thrives in darkness, when you shine the light on it, it has no power any more over you. When you are in denial of something, it owns you. This is why the reveal of the nanotechnology is imperative. It literally is the technological mechanism of world dominance and control on every level of existance - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We have the capacity to resist and overcome it all.
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Roman S Shapoval - Nov 27, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Why the first light we see in the day MUST be the Sunrise. The Sun gives us infinite frequencies, which dark forces can only try to tamp down, but they will never control it.
Learning how to use Sunlight effectively, to build melanin as a way to chelate heavy metals, is one answer:
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Adrian - Nov 27, 2023
In summary all wifi must be halted...wifi feeds mold growth, wifi feeds bacterial growth, wifi feeds nanobots, wifi opens demon portals, wifi kills plant life, wifi alters brains, wifi damages dna, wifi accelerates aging, wifi kills sperm cells, wifi increases cancer, wifi causes inflamation, and the tyrannical totalitarian Central bank digital coin depends on wifi...wifi is our weakness....longterm dependency on wifi spells our demise....there is no functional future if we dont focus on ending our wifi dependency....analog and landline will do just fine.
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