Why the first light we see in the day MUST be the Sunrise. The Sun gives us infinite frequencies, which dark forces can only try to tamp down, but they will never control it.
Learning how to use Sunlight effectively, to build melanin as a way to chelate heavy metals, is one answer:
Roman - When the sunrises or sets, I crack my window to let the charge come into my home. Same with sunlight, crack the window. Take off my glasses so my eyes can benefit the light. M
Respectfully, the reason that sunrise light should be the first light we see is because the opsin receptors react to the light and trigger the pineal gland, which operates as a "time crystal", via microtubules within each cell.
We are the light, the energy and sound of creation."Soul" is simply a word we have given to explain it.😉🤗 BTJMO
Pineal gland is one of many reactions, how many still unjnown or withheld by the cabal? Sun's torsion field particles (TFPs) have been accompanyong all life since Creation. Together with TFPs from Earth's belly and other celestial bodies, the resultant field has nurtured and shaped us from the start. Read Dr. Diana's work on the effect of those fields on biological clocks, individual character traits, and national "character" over location on the Earth and astronomic time (day- and night, seasons, Sun cycles...).
Send Diana your photo, she may be able to fairly accurately estimate your place and date of birth.
"Slowly-variable biological clocks employing torsion fields", Conference on Torsion Fields and Informational Interactions, Moscow 2016
There was more in English, now destroyed by haters of truth.
Please see my comment on the video...
Are we certain that wireless communication in a brain does not cause interference, does not harm the brain, and therefore does not result in a significantly less than optimum brain function? How do the concepts of coherence and interference play into this interface? Does not the brain rely on coherence to function optimally? Is the analogy to parallel computing completely applicable here? Should there be more study on the effects of wireless on the brain before proceeding further?
In the video, are the people involved psychopaths? They must be aware of the evil apps of the knowledge and tech, if at all one is developed eventually -- how many projects are hit and miss or intentional deceit? A project participant will try hard to satisfy the terms of ref from other psychos, just to get ahead in the rat race. Many are young -- career advancement, family and own home, vacations... Similar factors made aware doctors c19 jab their patients, knowing it's wrong, while getting financial reward per jab.
The papers Dr. Ana cites:
- "a nested time crystal encompasses the entire conscious universe" --Consciousness fills every nook and cranny. Is a "nested time crystal" as spacious?
- "the pattern of maximum free will is generated mathematically and that very pattern is encoded in materials such that its natural vibration integrates random events exactly similar to the way nature does it in every remote corner of our universe" -- "Vibrations" are not the sole property of the Universe everywhere. Any simplification must invalidate the contraption that would be devised by limited minds and psychos pretending they are God. To write concept books is no experimental evidence.
- Math is no panaceum (e.g. Maxwell equations are as far off as Einstein theory is), yet outdated paradigms rule. According to Dr. Wojtkowiak who employs a revised paradigm in an upgrade of her basic research tool for torsion fields, the latter determine optical properties, and not the virtual electric dipoles:
- "In the 1970s, only a virus was totally mapped with clocks"-- Brainwashed rockefellerians still believe it, no worry they will suceed LOL "this chapter sets a journey to build a complete clock-based model of a human brain"
- "If there exists a model for human-like conscious machines, then that model should lead to zombies and series of machines with capabilities more than humans" -- The key word is "if"; does it indeed exist or is propagandised like Musk's worst car in history.
- "Uploading Consciousness" -- the psychos playing god believe God is uploadable.
You ask many meaningful and relevant questions. Are there not a range of possible answers to each of your questions? It is meaningful for some of us to consider these kinds of concepts. What is a dream and what is real? What happens beyond the grave? Is there a purpose to what appears to be a life on a slave planet ruled by inbred morons who are obsessed with gaining absolute god like power over all life at any cost?
Some interesting and challenging times appear to be coming soon. Most of humanity appears to have better things to do than to consider the kinds of things we are discussing.
Google Translate says it cannot translate the link you provided and I cannot read Polish. It looks interesting. Is there an English translation available?
Why would it be beneficial to consider 20 yrs old gibberish?
I do discuss the aspects you named, believing in spiritual way out of the globalist assault on Humanity.
Google "higher intelligence" can't transalte until a human translates it. The dumb google ignored existing professional translation and waits for "confirmations" by real translators. It's way better than in the past, when google "translated" into a nonsense. Gives us some idea of the AI and quantum computer capability the psychos claim to have in their bloody grip.
I would send you the link to English translation but Hostinger bulldozed it when they destroyed my blog, sending dozens of such transaltions into ether trash can. Paper abstract for you:
" The work presents numerous examples of optical phenomena exhibited by torsion field particle beams: refraction on a prism, focusing and scattering of the beam with lenses, the effect of total external reflection, interference, diffraction, tunnel effect and laser action. At the same time, it was shown that torsion field particles do not interact electromagnetically. The similarity to the effects of light beams allows us to determine what fields determine optical phenomena in their broad sense. The lack of electromagnetic interaction of torsion field particles, and at the same time the presence of a torsion field by all elementary particles, indicates that the torsion field and not virtual electromagnetic dipoles should be assigned responsibility for optical phenomena. This applies equally to photons and electrons and other elementary particles."
Bankster intelligence agencies' New Age vocabulary, let's leave it behind.
"Vibrations" is not it, either, as what you refer to, Roman, may be the effects of torsion and other subtle fields and who knows what else. A spinning particle rushing thru space and our bodies at multiples of lighspeed, are hardly "frequencies" and "vibrations". It's not a "scalar" parroted by New Agers, either, as spin and speed are not scalars.
IMHO we may have here a complex multiple of phenomena that in their total and effect must be the Creator, as He permeates everything material and immaterial. . Arrogant darpa-ists can draw pics and diagrams about their diabolic fantasies till they drop from the gravy they scoop in the "programs". God owns the souls, thay can't be changed nor stolen from Him. .
In summary all wifi must be halted...wifi feeds mold growth, wifi feeds bacterial growth, wifi feeds nanobots, wifi opens demon portals, wifi kills plant life, wifi alters brains, wifi damages dna, wifi accelerates aging, wifi kills sperm cells, wifi increases cancer, wifi causes inflamation, and the tyrannical totalitarian Central bank digital coin depends on wifi...wifi is our weakness....longterm dependency on wifi spells our demise....there is no functional future if we dont focus on ending our wifi dependency....analog and landline will do just fine.
I agree with nearly all statements EXCEPT "wi-fi opens demon portals". There are no such entities as demons. However, there ARE biological processes which produce the experience of delusion...
We (as a species) need to *prohibit* ALL forms of electromagnetic broadcast, across the board. That means: No more aircraft, no more space craft, no more wars and delusions of grandeur.
Well, it was Elon Musks very words "Ai is the exact same thing as summoning demons"... Also, to alleviate doubt...experiencing time in a dence mold infested area could give one a direct experience, and hopefully the courage to support, replicate and push for the New Hampshire Bill HB1700 To ban chemtrails and harmfull microwaves...https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB1700/id/2865234
Hello Adrian: Excellent! I was not aware of this legal action. It's very well written and details violations in strict definition. My only critique, is that enforcement should include seizure of all physical properties related to the offense. Thank you for posting the link. Now added to my list.
Simply because you haven't personally experienced demons or their portals doesn't prove they don't exist. It simply means you haven't experienced them so you don't know they exist.
We are not solely our biological experiences. That has been proven many times by many people.
While I don't know the entirety of your experiences, I wasn't talking about that.
You said demons don't exist. I know they do. If you had experienced them you would know they exist. Your statement says you haven't experienced them. If you had you would know they exist.
"Demons" are created via conflicted biological agenda, period. Persons who entertain notions of competitive assault and social conflict, are programming biological conditions *within their own bodies*.
Conflicted auto-immune and survival systems produce varieties of chemical prompts which plague the mind and body to no end. "Evil" phenomena can be personally experienced and/or projected via these self-induced conditions...
Mankind needs to address this obvious error in communal relationship, rather than blame some invented character or invisible "other".
I'm not blaming anyone or any "other" for any thing, but your definition of life as nothing more than biological and chemical process is simply one pillar of the double pillars of duality.
By adhering to your belief that all life is nothing more than a biological process, you have become one of the pillars.
It's not my business, but yours to choose to embrace all that is or simply what you (with your very limited perspective based on a strict belief of your limited experience with your own physicality) can perceive. Which is a small life with many limitations and is not true.
By the way, has anyone here ever opened up a 5G cell phone? Because I saw a video one time that showed a guy opening and there was no 5G chip in the phone but I don’t know this to be factual. I’m going to try to go by T-Mobile this week and ask the people there they’ve ever open the phone. If that is factual, then I guess it’s just the towers emitting stuff into the air.🤷♂️
If an unending supply of gasoline is causing a fire, it won't go out no matter how much water you pour on it. Wifi is the invisible fuel at the root of numerous fires, i listed several, key, major life aflicting problems that if left untreated lead to our extinction, whats bigger than going extinct?
The pedos that are trafficking humans, are also responsible for transhumanism, and the federal reserve cbdc, and the 5g telecom proliferation, and vax ID, and the cia mkultra program, and the climate hoax, and smart cities, and the internet of bodies, and are responsible for covid poisoning of the population, their goal is depopulation and the control of global money...wifi is the carrier wave, wifi is the fuel, wifi is the accelerator, wifi is the underlying invisible tool that makes all their dreams come true. We have a greater chance at winning this war..by taking out their main weapon...wifi.
Being a car guy and working as an automotive parts manufacturer rep for over 35 years I know ware your coming from.
I’ll pass on the brain chips as well.
Just keeping it real.
Failure rate in consumer products, at will worse than in strategic products, is deliberately pathetic since about Kissinger transfer of Western production to China, the banksters replacement of US as a global policeman and power.
Hello Piotr Bein: Yes. The high failure rate in consumer products is international, and China is screwing everyone into the ground. I foresaw this trend over 20 years ago. Persons I knew in the electronics field just shrugged and walked away. America deserves the industrial wasteland it has created.
Bravo, don findlay! The plebs keep trembling and shuddering at the existence of *alleged* self assembly circuitry, when most have never read an electronic circuit schematic nor done R&D testing. I learned many years ago to "keep it simple stupid". The greater the complexity of the circuit, the greater failure rate. It isn't rocket science, unless you happen to be Elon Musk...
Thank you so much for this amazing information. My main questions are:
1. Should we just assume we all have this nanotechnology inside us from the air, water, meat, produce, no matter how "clean" we have been trying to live?
- If no, is there a layman's way to see if we have this nanotechnology in us?
- If yes, is there a way to expel it or at least neutralize it?
2. How are the elites avoiding all of this themselves?
3. Has this been in vaccines all along, since the very first "vaccines" way back when? And in all animals' (domestic and meat production) vaccines as well?
Appreciate sincerely your amazing work, and also the other people disseminating information to help not just humanity but animals, plants, water, air, and the energy of life.
I found this research paper, which seems to say that the nanotech (GQDs: graphene quantum dots) do indeed show on MRIs:
"Owing to the intrinsic fluorescence, GQDs have been actively integrated with other imaging modalities such as MRI, photoacoustic imaging (PAI), and optical coherence tomography (OCT), and thus, the different GQD-based contrast agents have been developed for dual-modal Fl/MRI, Fl/PAI, and Fl/OCT imaging."
Thank you. I suppose the nano tech doesn’t have to be metallic. 40 years ago first reading about our controllers, and claims of controlling individuals minds, poisoning everything, making war etc seem either futuristic sci-fi or they would not do that surely. Today I understand their tech is years in front of what they let us know. I feel very much like the man listening to the Priest preaching to me from a book I can’t read.. In the past that worked to Enslave a part of Humanity.
Very true.
I found this article, which shows potential of probiotics to absorb microplastics (which may contain nanotech). So that might be one way to expel nanoplastics from our bodies. Based on many other articles I have found, nanoplastics are now found everywhere, all meats, produce, soil, water, clouds, and even cross the placenta and blood-brain barrier. So, I would say it is safe to say we _all_ have nanoplastics, and some of those may contain nanotech. (Side note: the article mentions how nanoplastics develop a "corona" protein shell in our digestion.)
"Some probiotic bacteria and yeasts, including L. rhamnosus, L. plantarum, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are able to adsorb various heavy metals like lead, cadmium, copper, as well as mercury (102–104). Probiotics can also bind to molecules and toxins like benzo[a]pyrene (105), mycotoxins (106), bisphenol A (BPA), or phthalates (100). Some probiotics were even able to degrade the common plastic ingredient, bisphenol A (107, 108). "
This article also discusses the ability of bacteria to degrade nanoplastics:
Microplastics found by cardiologists (recent re-post by Dr. Ana) are mainly "p" -- I don't recall the names.
No such names in your menu of the priobiotic bacteria.
Nanoplasrics are one order of magnitude smaller plastic waste than MP, or a synthetic nanotech?
Thank you very much Vurt, very interesting, getting harder to avoid when it’s everywhere. The probiotics is very interesting again thank you and all the best.
Q1 "is there a way to expel it or at least neutralize it?" $zillion question, literally.... 8 billion x $thousands per head.
Impossible to know before it's too late? R&D are likely on-going, hence 13 billion jabs to test globally (diff genotypes, social groups, diets, ambient fields...) a multum of combinations, techs, alternative ingredients etc.
Q2 -- they have an antidotum before deploying it for us. Or are they so arrogant as "gods" that they ignore the risk?
If we knew the antidotum, no need for Drs. Anaa (just kidding) nor for the forum
Q3 -- mRNA was stuffed into flu vax for US army and some Italian communities a tear or so BEFORE the Bg Global Test aka c19 pandemic .
Dr, Mihalcea, thanks for this fascinating article. I have a substantive contribution to this discussion. I know some historical & mathematical details regarding the nature & origins of graphene-capable nanotechnology. It involves a series of Darpa projects, done by prominent scientists, starting ~1990. I believe I can provide a detailed explanation of the underlying 'hardware in software' quantum neural network nanotechnology. This is probably the 'command and control' portion of current graphene-based quantum neuralcomputing nanotechnoogies. It's detailed historical inside information that has leaked out of classified labs but not yet come to public attention. I have it posted to a substack but it seems impossible to find via search engines, no matter how specific. Dr. Mihalcea, would you like the link?
That's a start, yes. I'm not sure how my historical info from 2004-2011 fits into current in vivo nanotech. That's why I want to discuss it with specialists. My information particularly applies if it is the case that graphene structures provide an environment that supports topological order via anyons. Which seems to be a characteristic of some graphene structures.
"inside information that has leaked out of classified labs but not yet come to public attention" -- Often a way to plant disinfo. How do you know it's true?
John - Why? ■ Do you think I do not know the corruption? I do test the meat, I do grow my greens, and when it comes to shedding, "No weapon formed against me shall prosper." I have not taken the abomination that causeth desolation. This reply of mine above your comment is dealing with gel brain. Does not the Book of Daniel state the last Kingdom being iron mix with clay that does not cling? Do you know if I have nano tech anyway? How much? Where? Have you retreated as scriptures warned about the abomination? I have been in retreat since September 2020, not to one store, not to one gas station. I only am around my unabominated husband, and the three family members of mine that are not desolate. I think you need to measure your own nano tech before saying this to me, I do not receive it. M
Seeking Truth, what supplements do you think it’s in? I work in a vitamins store, so just curious. & when you say, “it’s,” do you mean the graphene/hydrogel or the mRNA technology? I’m still confused about those two ideas.
There are several substacks studying this question and examining products, but they are individuals and can only test so many things. If you are interested enough, you could get a microscope and look at the products in your store.
The SS that has some of the best information on products as well as inexpensive microscopes is : matt j.a.o.b
As far as I know, everyone is still fairly confused about graphene/hydrogel and mRNA and the differences, but it's becoming clearer they are part of the same "system". Like parts of a car or other machine. They work together.
God Bless.
Only if you use their supplements. As for air. Air has always had pollution. Worry less about that. Thats all distractions to keep you focused on these minor details that mean dick. Like the spy balloons and the many variants they have come out with. Many distractions. Stay focused
John - No. I do not. ■ But staying busy at home provides a better life, than picking up someone's shed. I take EDTA and Fulvic Acid daily. I wish you would share something about yourself than publicly writing about me whom you do [n]ot know. M
Well...good for you that you live such a privileged existence that you can send others out to be contaminated and return with your needs. Like toilet paper. I doubt you are growing your own toilet paper so someone has to retrieve it for you.
Reminds me of the Hebrews who hired gentiles to light their fires for them on the Sabbath so they, the Hebrews, wouldn't sin. Damn the gentiles...
You don't know if the aforementioned toilet paper isn't contaminated as well. If God chooses at His pleasure to keep you free of nano, etc., that's His pleasure. Not yours or mine.
It seems more important to keep our souls clean than our bodies which at this point and perhaps all points, is God's point.
God Bless.
Pirate - That is [n]ot a nice comment. I believed in 2019 that my husband was needed to stay home; in September 2019 he stopped work. We both became ill and later his was terrible. I had a daughter with a difficult, and very difficult pregnancy life threatening 24/7 from the conception, and her being rooted in the DoD did not help. I bought for all families during the lock ups and when her boy arrived dangerously early, I had my only child and her new second son alive. Her husband stopped to manage his household in 2017 and both of their sons have had nearly lifetime physical therapy that he has had to daily and hospital and chiropractors to help these boys from life damaging surgeries. Our two households share in caring these boys through homeschool and school routes along with many extra activities. My husband being a professional in logistics and labor agent in the pass has the skills of task and financial management beyond most. While someone needs to be at home, I fill that position now, but in the first part of 2020, I was the one that went out for all. As far as your wiping butt material, I find that I can use less if I don't wipe when I pee. I still use the toilet sitting, but miss not going outside when the breeze blows; nothing like going outside. I knew the shot coming could qualify for the abomination, and God in early 2020 told me not to return to the Blue Ridge Mountains, there I spent one day a week for years in the wilderness. As a designer, I do fit people, so close contact and measuring and fitting, I have waited. Since the others must attend public places, I believe me having less shedding maybe what keeps everyone with less bioweapon. I share my daily studying to my family and even the six year old grandson knows much; if something happens, he is not stupid in what is happening. Now, if mud is your fossil why not use your name, and not a handle to so pridefully be a snare; even a hangnail needs a clipping. I do not appreciate your flamboyant arrogance in this comment and I ask the Father in Jesus Name to deal with you right now on this public insult you have scripted to me. Taking a three and a half year retreat is not an unreasonable rest for serving my husband and family; especially during these end times. M
I don't care about being nice and I don't find your comments particularly "nice" either. Especially when you are calling on Jesus and God to do your bidding and strike at people when you object to what they say. I see that as witchcraft. An attempt at cursing and spellcasting.
I am not being insulting. I appreciate the details of your struggles. We all have them. You are still in a privileged position in life. Many people do not have the choices or support you have.
If you want to believe God treats you in some special way from others that's your prerogative. In my understanding we are all equally special to God and He deals with each of us in a special way.
There is more going on with all of this physical degradation than any of us can see or understand. I trust God knows what he's doing.
This shedding nonsense was fear tactics. Anyhow. Noone sheds. Ive rubbed up against all kinds of vaxxed. Never been sick nor a problem at all with myself.
Hi William,
The basis of all this is Clifford Carnicoms cross domain bacteria. Its in all of our skin. We shed this all day long. It also incorporates the fibres. Of the 200 odd people we mass tested over a weekend of mostly unjabbed, there was only a few we didn't find it in at the time. I have since tested them too and found it them.
Shedding is real and there are probably no purebloods today at all.
While you may find the thought of shedding fearful, it's been proven and consistently. Just because you've had no detectable problems being around the injected doesn't mean shedding doesn't exist.
There are many people who have been injected who have no symptoms. There are many injected who don't display any heart problems then drop dead from a stroke. There are many who have no symptoms of cancer then are dead weeks later from cancer.
Trust in God. Our bodies are temporary regardless.
Stop believing the propaganda. Also another huge issue. Trust those paid actors with their nonsense detox intel. Lol. More big pharma ffs. Tale ivermechtin folks only 45.99 for 6 tablets or so. Rotfl. No pills are a healer folks
And the ivm was a great ploy to get the "awake " to take some poison too. It worked very well. the best part for them is all the people taking the vet products - no liability.
5 days of ivm clears hydrogel from the blood using the clotting test. Now, with natto added and vit C this entirely clears the blood per a gentleman who is testing such on the stacks. Perhaps it is you? Anyhoo, the IVM works in a number of ways for the shedding. But the BEST treatment for nano per Clifford and the Morgellon's sufferers is Borax Water and colloidal silver water. Just leaving that out there for you folks to ponder. Boron is a trace mineral and I rather suspect it does something to disrupt formation of the 'assembly'...
Have any factual evidence to back that. Cause I have the evidence somewhere in this substack I am sure or my twatter. Don't just state something without the evidence or it means nothing
I’m not doing research for you. Sorry! Go look up all the patents. It’s not my job to educate you. I’m tired of educating people because everything I’ve said is correct. I don’t repeat anything that I haven’t verified in 3 places. Also, I’m sure you didn’t realize that the Moderna vaccine or so-called vaccine has been out since 2014 when they were experimenting on people Back then…..
I appreciate you venturing into this topic. We all read different things and decide what to believe, not to believe, or simply say I don't know or I'm not sure, but I'm open to reading more about it and deciding for myself or even changing how I think about it. There's also I have a slightly different take or would describe in a different way ... regardless I appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts. Thank you.
What they are doing in UM is fine and information, this Ana is a good post and bring attention to this is good idea, what they are disclosing at UM in this video is atleast 20 years old type of tech, and why they are willing to show , but BCI and mind control is no joke, there is a reason Harari guy is confident, some biological systems have have their free will completely taken , specifically certain wild life / certain animals, can be run like a video game - sim, - this is not acknowledged (except dragon fly thing ) but goes thru much further , humans are more difficult but still working in some cases, i agree with Ana statement that some humans cannot be hacked - i have personal experience and knowledge of publically undisclosed information
"Harari guy is confident" as psychopaths are... until they begin doubting they are god. Mind control is no myth, see Dr. Len Ber on the lawsuit by the victims. I do know same independently from Polish victims and from a US correspondent of my former blog, a victim of same tech testing and app. What they suffer is a sample what's being prepared for Humanity at large in the NWO plans .
"some humans can'y be hacked"--until the cabal finds a way?
Dr. Ana - Thank you. ■ I find speaking in tongues to be a most powerful [c]harge in the mind, body, and spirit; a force that task the unknown and unseen with precise accuracy. M
Lee - I had a Grandmother that died and was causing all sorts of trouble. (My dad's mother.) ■ It was reported that she had housed/possess a snake at her home, and I had my own dealings with her/devil too. I thought when she died, it would be over; finished. Not so, that devil was here, there, here. I thought about getting 3 to 4 charismatic ministers to put that creature away; but I realized that oppressive devil they all together could not handle it. So, I spent days or weeks studying in the basement at Union Theological Seminary to find century old practices to put devils in the bottomless pit. I found it is a "hand in hand" approach. I ask the Father to put that devil in that pit and it is him that puts it away for me." In Jesus name. I did and that tormenting devil has never been seen since. That was after her death in 1997, and the beginning for me to fight back with these fallen ones; and all the study was worth it! M
If the good doctor is Enlightened to believing you Lee and I are Gods as she believes she is, then you could wonder if she is what a Christian should be.
It's my understanding a Christian follows Christ and doesn't try to lead.
I think that's what's meant when a person tries to lead with their own thoughts and get others to believe in their thoughts.
It's what's meant when it's said, "The blind are leading the blind".
If I remember correctly they fall off a cliff. God Bless.
Describes a lot of people now. No Soul autonomy empathy or compassion. If only they could inject a nuclear motor into them so they wouldn’t be useless eaters anymore.
Useless eater definition is intentionally perverted, imho. First of all,"they" will target the opposite type of Humans: the dissident, independent. spiritual, knowledgeable, emphatic, idealistic and wise.
Oh dear if you take out the knowledgeable that’s pretty much me( to make it to 62 I must of picked up a little bit of wisdom) a target. I do agree with your humble opinion. I believe I am a good man who does good yet I am labeled as a dissident.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is inching closer to finalizing their Pandemic Treaty, which would give them unprecedented control over global health crises.
As we approach the upcoming Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting on 4-6 December, we need your support once again to halt the threat.
The alarming proposal's fate hinges on negotiation outcomes. You and I must act now or the Pandemic Treaty may become a reality by May 2024. Urgency is of the essence.
Join us today in opposing this totalitarian power grab by signing our petition.
Stand against the centralized authority that the WHO seeks to establish, governing our health, mandating our children's vaccinations, and restricting our freedom of movement and liberty.
Thank you for standing with us.
Sebastian Lukomski and the entire team at CitizenGO
P.S. Help us amplify the impact of this campaign by sharing the petition with your family, friends, and contacts. Encourage them to join us in this fight for our rights. Together, we can multiply our influence and protect our freedoms.
The stakes have never been higher in our ongoing battle against the WHO Pandemic Treaty.
I'm writing this email today to share a deep concern, as the World Health Organization (WHO) has unveiled yet another draft of this alarming proposal aimed at becoming the primary tool for managing global health crises.
They are planning to discuss it behind closed doors before Christmas. The end goal?
To launch their offensive as early as 2024, looking to become the global health authority before “the next pandemic strikes,” and it’s up to us to stop them.
This isn't about health; it's about who holds the reins of power in times of crisis. As they inch closer and closer to finalizing negotiations, we cannot afford to back down.
You have stood right with us on this issue from the very beginning. Now, I need your support once again as we enter the final straight.
The upcoming Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting set to take place this coming December 4-6 will uncover whether there is “sufficient” global consensus to ratify the Pandemic Accord across member states.
This could be a groundbreaking moment that could possibly clear the ground for the Treaty to be ratified in time for the set deadline of May 2024.
The urgency to act is now, as the next Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting is just a week from now. Will you sign to oppose this totalitarian power grab? Add your voice by signing our petition today.
Since our last campaign, the WHO, together with the globalist backers of this far-reaching power grab, have proposed detrimental amendments to the International Health Regulations.
The latest draft includes overreaching proposals that extend far beyond simple ‘health management.’ Key changes include:
Expansive Definition of 'Party’ - the term now extends beyond states, potentially diluting national sovereignty.
(g) “Party” means a State or regional economic integration organization that has consented to be bound by this Agreement, in accordance with its terms, and for which this Agreement is in force;
Permanent Funding Mechanism - This proposal would institutionalize financial support for the treaty's mechanisms.
Centralized Health Policy Management - The WHO would gain significant authority over global health governance, overshadowing member states' autonomy.
WHO Autonomy in Declaring Pandemics - The Director-General could independently declare pandemic status, impacting economies and civil liberties.
Combatting 'False' Information - Vague provisions could lead to restrictions on freedom of expression under the guise of controlling disease spread.
Gone is the “full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons” (see below):
Article 3 Principles
The implementation of these Regulations shall be with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons based on the principles of equity, inclusivity, coherence and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities of the States Parties, taking into consideration their social and economic development.
And yes … it’s also LEGALLY BINDING now!
Article 1 Definitions
“standing recommendation” means non-binding advice issued by WHO for specific ongoing public health risks pursuant to Article 16 regarding appropriate health measures for routine or periodic application needed to prevent or reduce the international spread of disease and minimize interference with international traffic;
“temporary recommendation” means non-binding advice issued by WHO pursuant to Article 15 for application on a time-limited, risk-specific basis, in response to a public health emergency of international concern, so as to prevent or reduce the international spread of disease and minimize interference with international traffic;
They have doubled down and are doing everything possible to get this in motion through by May next year.
This is why the upcoming hearing in Geneva is so crucial and will dictate how much confidence there is in the project come the New Year.
The CitizenGO team plans to take swift and strategized action ahead of the December hearing.
We will be, yet again, on the ground, mounting immense, direct pressure on delegates, raising critical awareness across member delegations on the dangers of this Treaty, and bringing your voice to resound in the corridors of the UN and its negotiation rooms.
For us, it is an opportunity to derail them yet again before the year ends. We’ve done it before. We can do it again!
This work is essential if we want to halt this push. It is how we build a resistance from within.
But to do so, we need to be able to count on your support.
That is why I ask you to sign our petition ahead of the INB negotiations on December 4-6, urging delegates to reject the amendments that are being proposed to centralize global health management.
Picture this chilling dystopian scene for a moment…
Citizens turned into puppets of a power that dictates our health, the vaccines that we must give our children - even when they've been proven ineffective - and restricts our freedom to move and live freely.
Is that the world you want?
Well, make no mistake - if the globalists get away with it, it would centralize health governance globally as legally binding.
The treaty's provisions discussed would give the WHO the authority to declare pandemics and manage health emergencies, overriding national policies.
We have a real opportunity to close the year, one-up against Globalists, UN bureaucrats, and the radical left, and stop this madness!
You become an essential part of this fight by signing our petition and joining our campaign.
Our team at CitizenGO stands ready to fight alongside you, matching every step taken by those pushing for the Pandemic Treaty.
Stand with us in defense of individual freedoms. Sign our petition today and urge decision-makers to prioritize the protection of our rights in the face of the pandemic treaty proposal.
Thank you for being an integral part of this movement. Together, we are changing the world for the better!
Sebastian Lukomski and the entire team at CitizenGO
P.S. In this defining moment, your signature and voice are crucial to stay strong in this fight. I know you understand the gravity of what we're up against with the WHO's Pandemic Treaty. You're aware of the disastrous ramifications it could bring – not just as distant news but as a real threat to our individual freedoms and autonomy.
This isn't just another policy change; it's a must-win battle. Your involvement has always been the heartbeat of our campaigns. But now, more than ever, we need your active engagement. If this cause speaks to you personally, if you feel the urgency and the personal stakes involved, we invite you to take your support a step further.
Let's stand united in defense of our values. Please support our cause by signing this crucial petition today. Together, we can turn our concerns into a resolute force capable of safeguarding our freedoms in the face of this unprecedented challenge. Your voice, your signature, and your contribution are the pillars of this fight.
Global Pandemic Treaty Proposal Circulated: Path to Negotiations Inches Closer
Stop the UN's Desperate Pandemic Treaty Push
We must not forget the brain is an organ and will surely die just like all the other organs. The brain is NOT who you are. It simply can't be. As Dr. Ana says, we live after death. I have witnessed life after death as well. We live on. That proves we are not our brains which will most assuredly die.
So, as much time, energy and tech they spend trying to control our brains, they are in a losing game of their own mistaken making. They are trying to control a dying organ and all their efforts will result in nothing but dust in the end. Even if they succeed in controlling the brain, they lose.
This is the truth. Now, you have to choose your journey and destination after the brain and all the rest are dust. Choose wisely and you can't choose wisely without guidance because we don't have all the information. There is only one God and He gave us only one Son. Because we don't need more than one.
There are NOT multitudes of truth only multitudes of lies. That's one way to discern the truth from a lie. There is only one Truth. That's what defines the Truth. CHOOSE WISELY.
God Bless.
Hate to spoil the party, but: All these alleged "plans" depend upon the notion that the human auto-immune system has been significantly compromised or simply non-existent. >>>
Why are transplant surgeries ALWAYS accompanied by auto-immune suppressant drugs? Why did millions of women become *permanently* sterile due to use of copper IUD's? Why did millions of women get cancers and high blood pressures due to silicon breast implants? Why do hip, knee, and bone repairs require specialty class stainless steel? Anyone ever heard of tetanus poisoning, or how bodies respond to the presence of Lyme disease or syphilis? Lymphomas or cancers? Erm...
The human auto-immune system has multiple redundancies, multiple back ups, billions upon billions of surveillance and tissue repair cells. Do these asshats actually think they can succeed in fooling a 60 million year old auto-immune response? Yes. I guess they're that deluded...
But the globalist psychos succeed, we don't know to what degree but they are ever closer to their NWO target. If they don't succeed in the end, it behoves us ncertheless to try rescue billions.
Sorry for spoiling your party, lime disease is a hoax like c19 etc.
Ok this is 1km above my pay grade.....but what I get from this is the following
what they are doing is digitizing a human being without our approval !
in the air (chemtrails), water, food are full of the components to make this happen
with the aim of assimilating you into a digital world of the metaverse... (the borg for you trekkies)
just watch the metaverse own video on youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uvufun6xer8
their glasses are the interface ...for now
but all the software and hardware won't fit in there so where do you think they are putting it?
In your body you will become the battery and operating system and sencor input and output of the system that is metaverse. This mixed with AI = a complete hell.
why you ask?
because everything works 2 ways not only you input into metaverse but AI input into you and your environment. If AI wants you going one way you will never be able to know what is real or fake again
It is the greatest prison there will ever be on earth
My question how do I protect my body from this?
PS ...the 10 kings from revelation are the companies they are building the kingdom. The beast from the sea we humans are making = AI
I can confirm that love (true connection) is not hackable. I think I have been attacked a three times in connection with my Slavic project (with focus on Belarus, Russia, Ukraine), my colleagues' behaviour (and probably also mine) and our conflicts were so bizarre that I knew there was something very wrong. The project was affected (I have to find new partners), but my friend stayed, we have overcome the conflicts although they were very difficult and painful. I started to understand that it was because we are very deeply connected. The good news is that they didn't know about this project, until I went to Ukrainian embassy. That means that the AI machine is still not functional (if it worked they would have known), they still need human input. This gives us time to develop strategies of defense. And nature is on our side!
Roman S Shapoval - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Why the first light we see in the day MUST be the Sunrise. The Sun gives us infinite frequencies, which dark forces can only try to tamp down, but they will never control it.
Learning how to use Sunlight effectively, to build melanin as a way to chelate heavy metals, is one answer:
Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Roman - When the sunrises or sets, I crack my window to let the charge come into my home. Same with sunlight, crack the window. Take off my glasses so my eyes can benefit the light. M
The BarefootHealer - Nov 27, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Respectfully, the reason that sunrise light should be the first light we see is because the opsin receptors react to the light and trigger the pineal gland, which operates as a "time crystal", via microtubules within each cell.
We are the light, the energy and sound of creation."Soul" is simply a word we have given to explain it.😉🤗 BTJMO
Piotr Bein - Nov 27, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Pineal gland is one of many reactions, how many still unjnown or withheld by the cabal? Sun's torsion field particles (TFPs) have been accompanyong all life since Creation. Together with TFPs from Earth's belly and other celestial bodies, the resultant field has nurtured and shaped us from the start. Read Dr. Diana's work on the effect of those fields on biological clocks, individual character traits, and national "character" over location on the Earth and astronomic time (day- and night, seasons, Sun cycles...).
Send Diana your photo, she may be able to fairly accurately estimate your place and date of birth.
"Slowly-variable biological clocks employing torsion fields", Conference on Torsion Fields and Informational Interactions, Moscow 2016
There was more in English, now destroyed by haters of truth.
Allan - Nov 28, 2023
Just Checkin??
Do you know if fluoride and chlorine calcify the pineal gland?
Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
If the cabal so persists in serving us the two elements, they're for no good to us.
Larry Druhall - Nov 27, 2023
Solution Seeking
Please see my comment on the video...
Are we certain that wireless communication in a brain does not cause interference, does not harm the brain, and therefore does not result in a significantly less than optimum brain function? How do the concepts of coherence and interference play into this interface? Does not the brain rely on coherence to function optimally? Is the analogy to parallel computing completely applicable here? Should there be more study on the effects of wireless on the brain before proceeding further?
Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
In the video, are the people involved psychopaths? They must be aware of the evil apps of the knowledge and tech, if at all one is developed eventually -- how many projects are hit and miss or intentional deceit? A project participant will try hard to satisfy the terms of ref from other psychos, just to get ahead in the rat race. Many are young -- career advancement, family and own home, vacations... Similar factors made aware doctors c19 jab their patients, knowing it's wrong, while getting financial reward per jab.
The papers Dr. Ana cites:
- "a nested time crystal encompasses the entire conscious universe" --Consciousness fills every nook and cranny. Is a "nested time crystal" as spacious?
- "the pattern of maximum free will is generated mathematically and that very pattern is encoded in materials such that its natural vibration integrates random events exactly similar to the way nature does it in every remote corner of our universe" -- "Vibrations" are not the sole property of the Universe everywhere. Any simplification must invalidate the contraption that would be devised by limited minds and psychos pretending they are God. To write concept books is no experimental evidence.
- Math is no panaceum (e.g. Maxwell equations are as far off as Einstein theory is), yet outdated paradigms rule. According to Dr. Wojtkowiak who employs a revised paradigm in an upgrade of her basic research tool for torsion fields, the latter determine optical properties, and not the virtual electric dipoles:
- "In the 1970s, only a virus was totally mapped with clocks"-- Brainwashed rockefellerians still believe it, no worry they will suceed LOL "this chapter sets a journey to build a complete clock-based model of a human brain"
- "If there exists a model for human-like conscious machines, then that model should lead to zombies and series of machines with capabilities more than humans" -- The key word is "if"; does it indeed exist or is propagandised like Musk's worst car in history.
- "Uploading Consciousness" -- the psychos playing god believe God is uploadable.
Larry Druhall - Nov 28, 2023
Solution Seeking
You ask many meaningful and relevant questions. Are there not a range of possible answers to each of your questions? It is meaningful for some of us to consider these kinds of concepts. What is a dream and what is real? What happens beyond the grave? Is there a purpose to what appears to be a life on a slave planet ruled by inbred morons who are obsessed with gaining absolute god like power over all life at any cost?
Some interesting and challenging times appear to be coming soon. Most of humanity appears to have better things to do than to consider the kinds of things we are discussing.
Google Translate says it cannot translate the link you provided and I cannot read Polish. It looks interesting. Is there an English translation available?
Piotr Bein - Nov 29, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Why would it be beneficial to consider 20 yrs old gibberish?
I do discuss the aspects you named, believing in spiritual way out of the globalist assault on Humanity.
Google "higher intelligence" can't transalte until a human translates it. The dumb google ignored existing professional translation and waits for "confirmations" by real translators. It's way better than in the past, when google "translated" into a nonsense. Gives us some idea of the AI and quantum computer capability the psychos claim to have in their bloody grip.
I would send you the link to English translation but Hostinger bulldozed it when they destroyed my blog, sending dozens of such transaltions into ether trash can. Paper abstract for you:
" The work presents numerous examples of optical phenomena exhibited by torsion field particle beams: refraction on a prism, focusing and scattering of the beam with lenses, the effect of total external reflection, interference, diffraction, tunnel effect and laser action. At the same time, it was shown that torsion field particles do not interact electromagnetically. The similarity to the effects of light beams allows us to determine what fields determine optical phenomena in their broad sense. The lack of electromagnetic interaction of torsion field particles, and at the same time the presence of a torsion field by all elementary particles, indicates that the torsion field and not virtual electromagnetic dipoles should be assigned responsibility for optical phenomena. This applies equally to photons and electrons and other elementary particles."
Piotr Bein - Nov 27, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Bankster intelligence agencies' New Age vocabulary, let's leave it behind.
"Vibrations" is not it, either, as what you refer to, Roman, may be the effects of torsion and other subtle fields and who knows what else. A spinning particle rushing thru space and our bodies at multiples of lighspeed, are hardly "frequencies" and "vibrations". It's not a "scalar" parroted by New Agers, either, as spin and speed are not scalars.
IMHO we may have here a complex multiple of phenomena that in their total and effect must be the Creator, as He permeates everything material and immaterial. . Arrogant darpa-ists can draw pics and diagrams about their diabolic fantasies till they drop from the gravy they scoop in the "programs". God owns the souls, thay can't be changed nor stolen from Him. .
Adrian - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
In summary all wifi must be halted...wifi feeds mold growth, wifi feeds bacterial growth, wifi feeds nanobots, wifi opens demon portals, wifi kills plant life, wifi alters brains, wifi damages dna, wifi accelerates aging, wifi kills sperm cells, wifi increases cancer, wifi causes inflamation, and the tyrannical totalitarian Central bank digital coin depends on wifi...wifi is our weakness....longterm dependency on wifi spells our demise....there is no functional future if we dont focus on ending our wifi dependency....analog and landline will do just fine.
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
I agree with nearly all statements EXCEPT "wi-fi opens demon portals". There are no such entities as demons. However, there ARE biological processes which produce the experience of delusion...
We (as a species) need to *prohibit* ALL forms of electromagnetic broadcast, across the board. That means: No more aircraft, no more space craft, no more wars and delusions of grandeur.
Adrian - Feb 4, 2024
Well, it was Elon Musks very words "Ai is the exact same thing as summoning demons"... Also, to alleviate doubt...experiencing time in a dence mold infested area could give one a direct experience, and hopefully the courage to support, replicate and push for the New Hampshire Bill HB1700 To ban chemtrails and harmfull microwaves...https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB1700/id/2865234
Paul Vonharnish - Feb 5, 2024
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Adrian: Excellent! I was not aware of this legal action. It's very well written and details violations in strict definition. My only critique, is that enforcement should include seizure of all physical properties related to the offense. Thank you for posting the link. Now added to my list.
Hidee - Nov 28, 2023
Demons are in plasma. A very simple illustration that *they* have been telling us all along. The Ghostbuster films and “demons”.
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Simply because you haven't personally experienced demons or their portals doesn't prove they don't exist. It simply means you haven't experienced them so you don't know they exist.
We are not solely our biological experiences. That has been proven many times by many people.
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
You have no clue as to what I've experienced, and that's a very good thing...
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
While I don't know the entirety of your experiences, I wasn't talking about that.
You said demons don't exist. I know they do. If you had experienced them you would know they exist. Your statement says you haven't experienced them. If you had you would know they exist.
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
"Demons" are created via conflicted biological agenda, period. Persons who entertain notions of competitive assault and social conflict, are programming biological conditions *within their own bodies*.
Conflicted auto-immune and survival systems produce varieties of chemical prompts which plague the mind and body to no end. "Evil" phenomena can be personally experienced and/or projected via these self-induced conditions...
Mankind needs to address this obvious error in communal relationship, rather than blame some invented character or invisible "other".
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 29, 2023
Pirate Eyes
I'm not blaming anyone or any "other" for any thing, but your definition of life as nothing more than biological and chemical process is simply one pillar of the double pillars of duality.
By adhering to your belief that all life is nothing more than a biological process, you have become one of the pillars.
It's not my business, but yours to choose to embrace all that is or simply what you (with your very limited perspective based on a strict belief of your limited experience with your own physicality) can perceive. Which is a small life with many limitations and is not true.
Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Only one thing that must be halted -- the psychos, beginning with their "head", the banksters.
William chesebro - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Your concerned with wifi. Much bigger than that my man. Catch up and do some research dude
John - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
J’s Substack
Um, so called 5g towers are a HUGE problem. I suggest you do some research on them and the patents surrounding that fraud!
John - Nov 27, 2023
J’s Substack
By the way, has anyone here ever opened up a 5G cell phone? Because I saw a video one time that showed a guy opening and there was no 5G chip in the phone but I don’t know this to be factual. I’m going to try to go by T-Mobile this week and ask the people there they’ve ever open the phone. If that is factual, then I guess it’s just the towers emitting stuff into the air.🤷♂️
Adrian - Nov 27, 2023
If an unending supply of gasoline is causing a fire, it won't go out no matter how much water you pour on it. Wifi is the invisible fuel at the root of numerous fires, i listed several, key, major life aflicting problems that if left untreated lead to our extinction, whats bigger than going extinct?
William chesebro - Nov 27, 2023
You make good points. Our children are being raped trafficked and murdered dude worldwide.
Adrian - Nov 27, 2023
The pedos that are trafficking humans, are also responsible for transhumanism, and the federal reserve cbdc, and the 5g telecom proliferation, and vax ID, and the cia mkultra program, and the climate hoax, and smart cities, and the internet of bodies, and are responsible for covid poisoning of the population, their goal is depopulation and the control of global money...wifi is the carrier wave, wifi is the fuel, wifi is the accelerator, wifi is the underlying invisible tool that makes all their dreams come true. We have a greater chance at winning this war..by taking out their main weapon...wifi.
Monica M - Nov 27, 2023
Adrian, I agree, well said.
Seeking Truth - Nov 27, 2023
Seeking Truth
How is the question. We need all hands on deck & unfortunately, most hands are still in the dark or in denial.
don findlay - Nov 27, 2023
Based on the failure rate of the simple microchips in my car, I think I'll pass on any new brain circuitry thanks.
John Roberts - Nov 27, 2023
John Roberts
Being a car guy and working as an automotive parts manufacturer rep for over 35 years I know ware your coming from.
I’ll pass on the brain chips as well.
Just keeping it real.
Piotr Bein - Nov 29, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Failure rate in consumer products, at will worse than in strategic products, is deliberately pathetic since about Kissinger transfer of Western production to China, the banksters replacement of US as a global policeman and power.
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 29, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Piotr Bein: Yes. The high failure rate in consumer products is international, and China is screwing everyone into the ground. I foresaw this trend over 20 years ago. Persons I knew in the electronics field just shrugged and walked away. America deserves the industrial wasteland it has created.
Piotr Bein - Nov 30, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Americans have not created it, but the covert occupant bankster agents did -- all the puppet "deep state" govts and isntitutions.
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 27, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Bravo, don findlay! The plebs keep trembling and shuddering at the existence of *alleged* self assembly circuitry, when most have never read an electronic circuit schematic nor done R&D testing. I learned many years ago to "keep it simple stupid". The greater the complexity of the circuit, the greater failure rate. It isn't rocket science, unless you happen to be Elon Musk...
Allan - Nov 27, 2023
Just Checkin??
Yeah a short circuit in yah chips and you will be walking like Michael Jackson’s moon walk.
Vurt456 - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Just Checkin??
Thank you so much for this amazing information. My main questions are:
1. Should we just assume we all have this nanotechnology inside us from the air, water, meat, produce, no matter how "clean" we have been trying to live?
- If no, is there a layman's way to see if we have this nanotechnology in us?
- If yes, is there a way to expel it or at least neutralize it?
2. How are the elites avoiding all of this themselves?
3. Has this been in vaccines all along, since the very first "vaccines" way back when? And in all animals' (domestic and meat production) vaccines as well?
Appreciate sincerely your amazing work, and also the other people disseminating information to help not just humanity but animals, plants, water, air, and the energy of life.
Vurt456 - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Just Checkin??
I thought about this some more. If everyone has nanotech in them, consisting of metals, wouldn't that be causing problems when we get MRIs?
Allan - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Just Checkin??
Would love to know the answer to your questions. MRI one is a very interesting???
Vurt456 - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited
Just Checkin??
I found this research paper, which seems to say that the nanotech (GQDs: graphene quantum dots) do indeed show on MRIs:
"Owing to the intrinsic fluorescence, GQDs have been actively integrated with other imaging modalities such as MRI, photoacoustic imaging (PAI), and optical coherence tomography (OCT), and thus, the different GQD-based contrast agents have been developed for dual-modal Fl/MRI, Fl/PAI, and Fl/OCT imaging."
Allan - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited
Just Checkin??
Thank you. I suppose the nano tech doesn’t have to be metallic. 40 years ago first reading about our controllers, and claims of controlling individuals minds, poisoning everything, making war etc seem either futuristic sci-fi or they would not do that surely. Today I understand their tech is years in front of what they let us know. I feel very much like the man listening to the Priest preaching to me from a book I can’t read.. In the past that worked to Enslave a part of Humanity.
Vurt456 - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Very true.
I found this article, which shows potential of probiotics to absorb microplastics (which may contain nanotech). So that might be one way to expel nanoplastics from our bodies. Based on many other articles I have found, nanoplastics are now found everywhere, all meats, produce, soil, water, clouds, and even cross the placenta and blood-brain barrier. So, I would say it is safe to say we _all_ have nanoplastics, and some of those may contain nanotech. (Side note: the article mentions how nanoplastics develop a "corona" protein shell in our digestion.)
"Some probiotic bacteria and yeasts, including L. rhamnosus, L. plantarum, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are able to adsorb various heavy metals like lead, cadmium, copper, as well as mercury (102–104). Probiotics can also bind to molecules and toxins like benzo[a]pyrene (105), mycotoxins (106), bisphenol A (BPA), or phthalates (100). Some probiotics were even able to degrade the common plastic ingredient, bisphenol A (107, 108). "
This article also discusses the ability of bacteria to degrade nanoplastics:
Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Microplastics found by cardiologists (recent re-post by Dr. Ana) are mainly "p" -- I don't recall the names.
No such names in your menu of the priobiotic bacteria.
Nanoplasrics are one order of magnitude smaller plastic waste than MP, or a synthetic nanotech?
Allan - Nov 28, 2023
Just Checkin??
Thank you very much Vurt, very interesting, getting harder to avoid when it’s everywhere. The probiotics is very interesting again thank you and all the best.
Kathryn - Feb 5, 2024
I don’t know the details about MRIs, but I have read that having 2 MRIs within a few days of each other can sometimes cancel the Morgellons.
Piotr Bein - Nov 29, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Q1 "is there a way to expel it or at least neutralize it?" $zillion question, literally.... 8 billion x $thousands per head.
Impossible to know before it's too late? R&D are likely on-going, hence 13 billion jabs to test globally (diff genotypes, social groups, diets, ambient fields...) a multum of combinations, techs, alternative ingredients etc.
Q2 -- they have an antidotum before deploying it for us. Or are they so arrogant as "gods" that they ignore the risk?
If we knew the antidotum, no need for Drs. Anaa (just kidding) nor for the forum
Q3 -- mRNA was stuffed into flu vax for US army and some Italian communities a tear or so BEFORE the Bg Global Test aka c19 pandemic .
Bruce Stephenson - Nov 27, 2023
A Post-quantum Historical Retro…
Dr, Mihalcea, thanks for this fascinating article. I have a substantive contribution to this discussion. I know some historical & mathematical details regarding the nature & origins of graphene-capable nanotechnology. It involves a series of Darpa projects, done by prominent scientists, starting ~1990. I believe I can provide a detailed explanation of the underlying 'hardware in software' quantum neural network nanotechnology. This is probably the 'command and control' portion of current graphene-based quantum neuralcomputing nanotechnoogies. It's detailed historical inside information that has leaked out of classified labs but not yet come to public attention. I have it posted to a substack but it seems impossible to find via search engines, no matter how specific. Dr. Mihalcea, would you like the link?
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 27, 2023
Pirate Eyes
I hope she says YES. Thanks. It's published on your substack? I'll subscribe and see...
Bruce Stephenson - Nov 28, 2023
A Post-quantum Historical Retro…
That's a start, yes. I'm not sure how my historical info from 2004-2011 fits into current in vivo nanotech. That's why I want to discuss it with specialists. My information particularly applies if it is the case that graphene structures provide an environment that supports topological order via anyons. Which seems to be a characteristic of some graphene structures.
Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
"inside information that has leaked out of classified labs but not yet come to public attention" -- Often a way to plant disinfo. How do you know it's true?
MarcNFL - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Amen ■ they are going to have to play with their own gel doll. I pass. M
John - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
J’s Substack
You have nano technology anyway….from shedding. Don’t have to get poked……vaccines in vegetables….some stores sell meat that magnets stick to….
Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
John - Why? ■ Do you think I do not know the corruption? I do test the meat, I do grow my greens, and when it comes to shedding, "No weapon formed against me shall prosper." I have not taken the abomination that causeth desolation. This reply of mine above your comment is dealing with gel brain. Does not the Book of Daniel state the last Kingdom being iron mix with clay that does not cling? Do you know if I have nano tech anyway? How much? Where? Have you retreated as scriptures warned about the abomination? I have been in retreat since September 2020, not to one store, not to one gas station. I only am around my unabominated husband, and the three family members of mine that are not desolate. I think you need to measure your own nano tech before saying this to me, I do not receive it. M
Seeking Truth - Nov 27, 2023
Seeking Truth
Its in the air, water, supplements, pharmaceuticals,food. saline. contact lenses solution-IT’s everywhere.
Monica M - Nov 27, 2023
Pirate Eyes
Seeking Truth, what supplements do you think it’s in? I work in a vitamins store, so just curious. & when you say, “it’s,” do you mean the graphene/hydrogel or the mRNA technology? I’m still confused about those two ideas.
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 27, 2023
Pirate Eyes
There are several substacks studying this question and examining products, but they are individuals and can only test so many things. If you are interested enough, you could get a microscope and look at the products in your store.
The SS that has some of the best information on products as well as inexpensive microscopes is : matt j.a.o.b
As far as I know, everyone is still fairly confused about graphene/hydrogel and mRNA and the differences, but it's becoming clearer they are part of the same "system". Like parts of a car or other machine. They work together.
God Bless.
William chesebro - Nov 27, 2023
Only if you use their supplements. As for air. Air has always had pollution. Worry less about that. Thats all distractions to keep you focused on these minor details that mean dick. Like the spy balloons and the many variants they have come out with. Many distractions. Stay focused
John - Nov 27, 2023
J’s Substack
Margie is unfortunately living in a dream world! She think she’s exempt from nanotechnology🙄
Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023
Margie Chism
John - No. I do not. ■ But staying busy at home provides a better life, than picking up someone's shed. I take EDTA and Fulvic Acid daily. I wish you would share something about yourself than publicly writing about me whom you do [n]ot know. M
William chesebro - Nov 27, 2023
Wise lady. I like you
Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023
Margie Chism
William - Thank you! I appreciate it! ■ M
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 27, 2023
Pirate Eyes
Well...good for you that you live such a privileged existence that you can send others out to be contaminated and return with your needs. Like toilet paper. I doubt you are growing your own toilet paper so someone has to retrieve it for you.
Reminds me of the Hebrews who hired gentiles to light their fires for them on the Sabbath so they, the Hebrews, wouldn't sin. Damn the gentiles...
You don't know if the aforementioned toilet paper isn't contaminated as well. If God chooses at His pleasure to keep you free of nano, etc., that's His pleasure. Not yours or mine.
It seems more important to keep our souls clean than our bodies which at this point and perhaps all points, is God's point.
God Bless.
Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023
Margie Chism
Pirate - That is [n]ot a nice comment. I believed in 2019 that my husband was needed to stay home; in September 2019 he stopped work. We both became ill and later his was terrible. I had a daughter with a difficult, and very difficult pregnancy life threatening 24/7 from the conception, and her being rooted in the DoD did not help. I bought for all families during the lock ups and when her boy arrived dangerously early, I had my only child and her new second son alive. Her husband stopped to manage his household in 2017 and both of their sons have had nearly lifetime physical therapy that he has had to daily and hospital and chiropractors to help these boys from life damaging surgeries. Our two households share in caring these boys through homeschool and school routes along with many extra activities. My husband being a professional in logistics and labor agent in the pass has the skills of task and financial management beyond most. While someone needs to be at home, I fill that position now, but in the first part of 2020, I was the one that went out for all. As far as your wiping butt material, I find that I can use less if I don't wipe when I pee. I still use the toilet sitting, but miss not going outside when the breeze blows; nothing like going outside. I knew the shot coming could qualify for the abomination, and God in early 2020 told me not to return to the Blue Ridge Mountains, there I spent one day a week for years in the wilderness. As a designer, I do fit people, so close contact and measuring and fitting, I have waited. Since the others must attend public places, I believe me having less shedding maybe what keeps everyone with less bioweapon. I share my daily studying to my family and even the six year old grandson knows much; if something happens, he is not stupid in what is happening. Now, if mud is your fossil why not use your name, and not a handle to so pridefully be a snare; even a hangnail needs a clipping. I do not appreciate your flamboyant arrogance in this comment and I ask the Father in Jesus Name to deal with you right now on this public insult you have scripted to me. Taking a three and a half year retreat is not an unreasonable rest for serving my husband and family; especially during these end times. M
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 28, 2023
Pirate Eyes
I don't care about being nice and I don't find your comments particularly "nice" either. Especially when you are calling on Jesus and God to do your bidding and strike at people when you object to what they say. I see that as witchcraft. An attempt at cursing and spellcasting.
I am not being insulting. I appreciate the details of your struggles. We all have them. You are still in a privileged position in life. Many people do not have the choices or support you have.
If you want to believe God treats you in some special way from others that's your prerogative. In my understanding we are all equally special to God and He deals with each of us in a special way.
There is more going on with all of this physical degradation than any of us can see or understand. I trust God knows what he's doing.
John - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
J’s Substack
Keep quiet. You’re NUTS!
San - Nov 27, 2023
John - actually, Margie is amazingly wise
Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023
Margie Chism
San - Thank you, I appreciate it. M ■ Proverbs 14:1 KJV — Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 27, 2023
Pirate Eyes
God is wise. Margie or any other person is a fallible human being.
John - Nov 27, 2023
J’s Substack
Ha! Sure, ok
Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
John - I do not receive your word and may it go back to you double portion in Jesus Name. ■ M
John - Nov 27, 2023
J’s Substack
you’re nuts!
William chesebro - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
This shedding nonsense was fear tactics. Anyhow. Noone sheds. Ive rubbed up against all kinds of vaxxed. Never been sick nor a problem at all with myself.
matt. j.a.o.b - Nov 27, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hi William,
The basis of all this is Clifford Carnicoms cross domain bacteria. Its in all of our skin. We shed this all day long. It also incorporates the fibres. Of the 200 odd people we mass tested over a weekend of mostly unjabbed, there was only a few we didn't find it in at the time. I have since tested them too and found it them.
Shedding is real and there are probably no purebloods today at all.
Seeking Truth - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Seeking Truth
Not true. It’s been proven. It was even in Pfizer’s own documents
Solo - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
The FLCCC have done a series of substacks on shedding exosomes, Dr Pierre Kory I think his name is. Dr Syed Haider has a blood test he uses for it.
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 27, 2023
Pirate Eyes
While you may find the thought of shedding fearful, it's been proven and consistently. Just because you've had no detectable problems being around the injected doesn't mean shedding doesn't exist.
There are many people who have been injected who have no symptoms. There are many injected who don't display any heart problems then drop dead from a stroke. There are many who have no symptoms of cancer then are dead weeks later from cancer.
Trust in God. Our bodies are temporary regardless.
John - Nov 27, 2023
J’s Substack
🤣😂😆 you’re info is wssaaay off. But you keep thinking that way…..
William chesebro - Nov 27, 2023
Stop believing the propaganda. Also another huge issue. Trust those paid actors with their nonsense detox intel. Lol. More big pharma ffs. Tale ivermechtin folks only 45.99 for 6 tablets or so. Rotfl. No pills are a healer folks
matt. j.a.o.b - Nov 27, 2023
matt’s microscopy
And the ivm was a great ploy to get the "awake " to take some poison too. It worked very well. the best part for them is all the people taking the vet products - no liability.
Unagnu - Nov 28, 2023
5 days of ivm clears hydrogel from the blood using the clotting test. Now, with natto added and vit C this entirely clears the blood per a gentleman who is testing such on the stacks. Perhaps it is you? Anyhoo, the IVM works in a number of ways for the shedding. But the BEST treatment for nano per Clifford and the Morgellon's sufferers is Borax Water and colloidal silver water. Just leaving that out there for you folks to ponder. Boron is a trace mineral and I rather suspect it does something to disrupt formation of the 'assembly'...
matt. j.a.o.b - Nov 28, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Thanks Unagnu, all info much appreciated.
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 27, 2023
Pirate Eyes
Thank you, matt, for your voice of reason. This is scary for a lot of people and your calm while stating the truth is most welcome.
God Bless.
SIRIUS - Nov 27, 2023
SIRIUS ispod struje
William chesebro - Nov 28, 2023
Have any factual evidence to back that. Cause I have the evidence somewhere in this substack I am sure or my twatter. Don't just state something without the evidence or it means nothing
William chesebro - Nov 28, 2023
Show me a pdf from a top not doctor that states this. Not talking about these paid actors like malone either
William chesebro - Nov 28, 2023
Notch sorry not not
John - Nov 28, 2023
J’s Substack
I’m not doing research for you. Sorry! Go look up all the patents. It’s not my job to educate you. I’m tired of educating people because everything I’ve said is correct. I don’t repeat anything that I haven’t verified in 3 places. Also, I’m sure you didn’t realize that the Moderna vaccine or so-called vaccine has been out since 2014 when they were experimenting on people Back then…..
Lee Muller - Nov 27, 2023
Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…
I appreciate you venturing into this topic. We all read different things and decide what to believe, not to believe, or simply say I don't know or I'm not sure, but I'm open to reading more about it and deciding for myself or even changing how I think about it. There's also I have a slightly different take or would describe in a different way ... regardless I appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts. Thank you.
Marcus C Martin - Nov 27, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
What they are doing in UM is fine and information, this Ana is a good post and bring attention to this is good idea, what they are disclosing at UM in this video is atleast 20 years old type of tech, and why they are willing to show , but BCI and mind control is no joke, there is a reason Harari guy is confident, some biological systems have have their free will completely taken , specifically certain wild life / certain animals, can be run like a video game - sim, - this is not acknowledged (except dragon fly thing ) but goes thru much further , humans are more difficult but still working in some cases, i agree with Ana statement that some humans cannot be hacked - i have personal experience and knowledge of publically undisclosed information
Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
"Harari guy is confident" as psychopaths are... until they begin doubting they are god. Mind control is no myth, see Dr. Len Ber on the lawsuit by the victims. I do know same independently from Polish victims and from a US correspondent of my former blog, a victim of same tech testing and app. What they suffer is a sample what's being prepared for Humanity at large in the NWO plans .
"some humans can'y be hacked"--until the cabal finds a way?
Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Dr. Ana - Thank you. ■ I find speaking in tongues to be a most powerful [c]harge in the mind, body, and spirit; a force that task the unknown and unseen with precise accuracy. M
John - Nov 27, 2023
J’s Substack
You are nuts!
Lee - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
She not Christian
Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Lee - I had a Grandmother that died and was causing all sorts of trouble. (My dad's mother.) ■ It was reported that she had housed/possess a snake at her home, and I had my own dealings with her/devil too. I thought when she died, it would be over; finished. Not so, that devil was here, there, here. I thought about getting 3 to 4 charismatic ministers to put that creature away; but I realized that oppressive devil they all together could not handle it. So, I spent days or weeks studying in the basement at Union Theological Seminary to find century old practices to put devils in the bottomless pit. I found it is a "hand in hand" approach. I ask the Father to put that devil in that pit and it is him that puts it away for me." In Jesus name. I did and that tormenting devil has never been seen since. That was after her death in 1997, and the beginning for me to fight back with these fallen ones; and all the study was worth it! M
Lee - Nov 27, 2023
Margie Chism
Do you know pastor dean odle?
Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023
Margie Chism
Lee - No. ■ I will check him out. Thank you! M
Lee - Nov 27, 2023
I met him once. But have listened to him for years.
Allan - Nov 27, 2023
Just Checkin??
If the good doctor is Enlightened to believing you Lee and I are Gods as she believes she is, then you could wonder if she is what a Christian should be.
Lee - Nov 27, 2023
That was Satan deception to Eve. Same old trick.
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 27, 2023
Pirate Eyes
It's my understanding a Christian follows Christ and doesn't try to lead.
I think that's what's meant when a person tries to lead with their own thoughts and get others to believe in their thoughts.
It's what's meant when it's said, "The blind are leading the blind".
If I remember correctly they fall off a cliff. God Bless.
Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 27, 2023
Joy’s Newsletter
How nice. The only things missing will be: (1) a soul, (2) autonomy, and (3) any empathy or compassion.
Allan - Nov 28, 2023
Just Checkin??
Describes a lot of people now. No Soul autonomy empathy or compassion. If only they could inject a nuclear motor into them so they wouldn’t be useless eaters anymore.
Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Useless eater definition is intentionally perverted, imho. First of all,"they" will target the opposite type of Humans: the dissident, independent. spiritual, knowledgeable, emphatic, idealistic and wise.
Allan - Nov 29, 2023
Just Checkin??
Oh dear if you take out the knowledgeable that’s pretty much me( to make it to 62 I must of picked up a little bit of wisdom) a target. I do agree with your humble opinion. I believe I am a good man who does good yet I am labeled as a dissident.
Margie Chism - Nov 27, 2023
Margie Chism
The World Health Organization (WHO) is inching closer to finalizing their Pandemic Treaty, which would give them unprecedented control over global health crises.
As we approach the upcoming Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting on 4-6 December, we need your support once again to halt the threat.
The alarming proposal's fate hinges on negotiation outcomes. You and I must act now or the Pandemic Treaty may become a reality by May 2024. Urgency is of the essence.
Join us today in opposing this totalitarian power grab by signing our petition.
Stand against the centralized authority that the WHO seeks to establish, governing our health, mandating our children's vaccinations, and restricting our freedom of movement and liberty.
Thank you for standing with us.
Sebastian Lukomski and the entire team at CitizenGO
P.S. Help us amplify the impact of this campaign by sharing the petition with your family, friends, and contacts. Encourage them to join us in this fight for our rights. Together, we can multiply our influence and protect our freedoms.
The stakes have never been higher in our ongoing battle against the WHO Pandemic Treaty.
I'm writing this email today to share a deep concern, as the World Health Organization (WHO) has unveiled yet another draft of this alarming proposal aimed at becoming the primary tool for managing global health crises.
They are planning to discuss it behind closed doors before Christmas. The end goal?
To launch their offensive as early as 2024, looking to become the global health authority before “the next pandemic strikes,” and it’s up to us to stop them.
This isn't about health; it's about who holds the reins of power in times of crisis. As they inch closer and closer to finalizing negotiations, we cannot afford to back down.
You have stood right with us on this issue from the very beginning. Now, I need your support once again as we enter the final straight.
The upcoming Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting set to take place this coming December 4-6 will uncover whether there is “sufficient” global consensus to ratify the Pandemic Accord across member states.
This could be a groundbreaking moment that could possibly clear the ground for the Treaty to be ratified in time for the set deadline of May 2024.
The urgency to act is now, as the next Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting is just a week from now. Will you sign to oppose this totalitarian power grab? Add your voice by signing our petition today.
Since our last campaign, the WHO, together with the globalist backers of this far-reaching power grab, have proposed detrimental amendments to the International Health Regulations.
The latest draft includes overreaching proposals that extend far beyond simple ‘health management.’ Key changes include:
Expansive Definition of 'Party’ - the term now extends beyond states, potentially diluting national sovereignty.
(g) “Party” means a State or regional economic integration organization that has consented to be bound by this Agreement, in accordance with its terms, and for which this Agreement is in force;
Permanent Funding Mechanism - This proposal would institutionalize financial support for the treaty's mechanisms.
Centralized Health Policy Management - The WHO would gain significant authority over global health governance, overshadowing member states' autonomy.
WHO Autonomy in Declaring Pandemics - The Director-General could independently declare pandemic status, impacting economies and civil liberties.
Combatting 'False' Information - Vague provisions could lead to restrictions on freedom of expression under the guise of controlling disease spread.
Gone is the “full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons” (see below):
Article 3 Principles
The implementation of these Regulations shall be with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons based on the principles of equity, inclusivity, coherence and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities of the States Parties, taking into consideration their social and economic development.
And yes … it’s also LEGALLY BINDING now!
Article 1 Definitions
“standing recommendation” means non-binding advice issued by WHO for specific ongoing public health risks pursuant to Article 16 regarding appropriate health measures for routine or periodic application needed to prevent or reduce the international spread of disease and minimize interference with international traffic;
“temporary recommendation” means non-binding advice issued by WHO pursuant to Article 15 for application on a time-limited, risk-specific basis, in response to a public health emergency of international concern, so as to prevent or reduce the international spread of disease and minimize interference with international traffic;
They have doubled down and are doing everything possible to get this in motion through by May next year.
This is why the upcoming hearing in Geneva is so crucial and will dictate how much confidence there is in the project come the New Year.
The CitizenGO team plans to take swift and strategized action ahead of the December hearing.
We will be, yet again, on the ground, mounting immense, direct pressure on delegates, raising critical awareness across member delegations on the dangers of this Treaty, and bringing your voice to resound in the corridors of the UN and its negotiation rooms.
For us, it is an opportunity to derail them yet again before the year ends. We’ve done it before. We can do it again!
This work is essential if we want to halt this push. It is how we build a resistance from within.
But to do so, we need to be able to count on your support.
That is why I ask you to sign our petition ahead of the INB negotiations on December 4-6, urging delegates to reject the amendments that are being proposed to centralize global health management.
Picture this chilling dystopian scene for a moment…
Citizens turned into puppets of a power that dictates our health, the vaccines that we must give our children - even when they've been proven ineffective - and restricts our freedom to move and live freely.
Is that the world you want?
Well, make no mistake - if the globalists get away with it, it would centralize health governance globally as legally binding.
The treaty's provisions discussed would give the WHO the authority to declare pandemics and manage health emergencies, overriding national policies.
We have a real opportunity to close the year, one-up against Globalists, UN bureaucrats, and the radical left, and stop this madness!
You become an essential part of this fight by signing our petition and joining our campaign.
Our team at CitizenGO stands ready to fight alongside you, matching every step taken by those pushing for the Pandemic Treaty.
Stand with us in defense of individual freedoms. Sign our petition today and urge decision-makers to prioritize the protection of our rights in the face of the pandemic treaty proposal.
Thank you for being an integral part of this movement. Together, we are changing the world for the better!
Sebastian Lukomski and the entire team at CitizenGO
P.S. In this defining moment, your signature and voice are crucial to stay strong in this fight. I know you understand the gravity of what we're up against with the WHO's Pandemic Treaty. You're aware of the disastrous ramifications it could bring – not just as distant news but as a real threat to our individual freedoms and autonomy.
This isn't just another policy change; it's a must-win battle. Your involvement has always been the heartbeat of our campaigns. But now, more than ever, we need your active engagement. If this cause speaks to you personally, if you feel the urgency and the personal stakes involved, we invite you to take your support a step further.
Let's stand united in defense of our values. Please support our cause by signing this crucial petition today. Together, we can turn our concerns into a resolute force capable of safeguarding our freedoms in the face of this unprecedented challenge. Your voice, your signature, and your contribution are the pillars of this fight.
Global Pandemic Treaty Proposal Circulated: Path to Negotiations Inches Closer
Stop the UN's Desperate Pandemic Treaty Push
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
We must not forget the brain is an organ and will surely die just like all the other organs. The brain is NOT who you are. It simply can't be. As Dr. Ana says, we live after death. I have witnessed life after death as well. We live on. That proves we are not our brains which will most assuredly die.
So, as much time, energy and tech they spend trying to control our brains, they are in a losing game of their own mistaken making. They are trying to control a dying organ and all their efforts will result in nothing but dust in the end. Even if they succeed in controlling the brain, they lose.
This is the truth. Now, you have to choose your journey and destination after the brain and all the rest are dust. Choose wisely and you can't choose wisely without guidance because we don't have all the information. There is only one God and He gave us only one Son. Because we don't need more than one.
There are NOT multitudes of truth only multitudes of lies. That's one way to discern the truth from a lie. There is only one Truth. That's what defines the Truth. CHOOSE WISELY.
God Bless.
Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Brilliant, Pirate. Do:"they" tinker with our connectors to God in our brain and heart? If yes, how would it affect the soul in its eternal journey?
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 27, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hate to spoil the party, but: All these alleged "plans" depend upon the notion that the human auto-immune system has been significantly compromised or simply non-existent. >>>
Why are transplant surgeries ALWAYS accompanied by auto-immune suppressant drugs? Why did millions of women become *permanently* sterile due to use of copper IUD's? Why did millions of women get cancers and high blood pressures due to silicon breast implants? Why do hip, knee, and bone repairs require specialty class stainless steel? Anyone ever heard of tetanus poisoning, or how bodies respond to the presence of Lyme disease or syphilis? Lymphomas or cancers? Erm...
The human auto-immune system has multiple redundancies, multiple back ups, billions upon billions of surveillance and tissue repair cells. Do these asshats actually think they can succeed in fooling a 60 million year old auto-immune response? Yes. I guess they're that deluded...
Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
But the globalist psychos succeed, we don't know to what degree but they are ever closer to their NWO target. If they don't succeed in the end, it behoves us ncertheless to try rescue billions.
Sorry for spoiling your party, lime disease is a hoax like c19 etc.
Paul Vonharnish - Nov 28, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Yah, right... Try saying that to the hundreds of millions of persons who's lives have been destroyed by Lyme disease. You are a hopeless idiot...
jan802154 - Nov 27, 2023
jan’s Substack
Ok this is 1km above my pay grade.....but what I get from this is the following
what they are doing is digitizing a human being without our approval !
in the air (chemtrails), water, food are full of the components to make this happen
with the aim of assimilating you into a digital world of the metaverse... (the borg for you trekkies)
just watch the metaverse own video on youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uvufun6xer8
their glasses are the interface ...for now
but all the software and hardware won't fit in there so where do you think they are putting it?
In your body you will become the battery and operating system and sencor input and output of the system that is metaverse. This mixed with AI = a complete hell.
why you ask?
because everything works 2 ways not only you input into metaverse but AI input into you and your environment. If AI wants you going one way you will never be able to know what is real or fake again
It is the greatest prison there will ever be on earth
My question how do I protect my body from this?
PS ...the 10 kings from revelation are the companies they are building the kingdom. The beast from the sea we humans are making = AI
Tatjana - Dec 1, 2023
I can confirm that love (true connection) is not hackable. I think I have been attacked a three times in connection with my Slavic project (with focus on Belarus, Russia, Ukraine), my colleagues' behaviour (and probably also mine) and our conflicts were so bizarre that I knew there was something very wrong. The project was affected (I have to find new partners), but my friend stayed, we have overcome the conflicts although they were very difficult and painful. I started to understand that it was because we are very deeply connected. The good news is that they didn't know about this project, until I went to Ukrainian embassy. That means that the AI machine is still not functional (if it worked they would have known), they still need human input. This gives us time to develop strategies of defense. And nature is on our side!
JesuSalva - Nov 28, 2023
JesuSalva’s Substack
excellent work thank you god bless you
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