Torsion Spectroscopy Evaluation Of Post C19 Injection Induced Magnetism And The Possible Implications For Humanity. Do The Bioweapons Modify Consciousness And Is Big Pharma Involved In The Paranormal?

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 24, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I was recently sent the brilliant work of Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak. She has a
MA in chemistry, PhD in molecular biology. I realize that there likely are maybe only a handful of scientists in the the world who could even begin understand her paper - WIMPs and biological nuclear reaction in the human body.

The above measurements are discussed here:

Fig. 14 and 15 show that in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, the same copper-zinc enzyme is activated in the body, i.e. of the same pattern of signals from aromatic rings in the angular range 72° -82° in the graph, specific to a particular copper-zinc bound enzyme with a specific chakra. The same enzyme occurs in a person with the natural ability to attract metal objects and at the same time in the K5 (heart) chakra of a person without exceptional paranormal abilities. In both cases, there is a biological nuclear reaction and WIMPs responsible for attracting metals are present.

In this article, I would like to explain what I think the significance of her findings are in relation to the subject of modifying humans on the level of the soul and the spirit.

I have not spoken to the author, and my views are my own.

I have written about Torsion Physics in my book Light Medicine, A New paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity. Torsion physics it is a model of physics that explains many phenomena that are considered paranormal, like remote healing, remove viewing, telekinesis, levitation, time travel to name a few. Torsion physics is a physics that would describe the science of our consciousness and spirit. If we see it this way, the scientist conclusion is rather staggering, and yet proof for what I have been warning about all along:

“Thus we learn that the Pfizer and Moderna companies, or rather the entire pharmaceutical cartel, deal with paranormal phenomena, and with generating them in particular.”

She showed that the new onset of magnetism in C19 vaccinated individuals is due to these features and findings that occur in people who have abilities of telekinesis and natural attraction to metals:

The presence of a biological nuclear reaction.

The presence of dark matter particles with previously undescribed properties on a macro scale.

The presence of a copper-zinc enzyme involved in the nuclear reaction.

Here is some background knowledge. I realize that many of my readers say that some of my articles are too complex, but this is a very complex subject, so bear with me. This is an excerpt of explanation of Torsion Physics from my book. I have placed some of my comments in brackets:

Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev, a Russian astrophysicist, wrote in 1953 that he discovered a new force in physics which he called the density of time. His research grew out of his study of binary star systems and his profound ideas about the nature of cause and effect, including the origin of time. His experiments showed signals traveling faster than the speed of light that can change mass and time. Dr. Kozyrev concluded that the rate at which time passes can be altered. Accompanying this change in time passage would be a twisting effect in space he called torsion, which interacts with the spin of particles. Every elementary particle, such as electrons and protons, have spin, as do the subatomic particles called quarks, which comprise electrons, protons, and neutrons.

The basic constituents of matter include the fundamental fermions ( quarks , leptons , antiquarks , and antileptons ), which generally are “matter particles” and “ antimatter particles,” as well as the fundamental bosons ( gauge bosons and the Higgs boson ), which generally are “force particles” that mediate interactions among fermions.

All these subatomic particles also have a certain spin and an axis of spin. In physics it is known that all matter to its smallest component, which is really a mathematical construct, has spin. Physics also knows that this spin of each particle can encode one bit of information. The spin of a particle changes in a moment and therefore its information has the capacity to also change.

Dr. Kozyrev realized that time density would imply that space must have a twisting property. He postulated that if time is asymmetric, then so is space. Every particle with mass, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, has spin. Every time such a particle accelerates, it must produce a twisting effect in space because of its spin. When entropy, which is the amount of chaos in a system, changes, it involves accelerations of particles and therefore affects this twisting property of space/time in the vacuum state from which the particles arise. ( I have spoken before about the fact that the nanotechnology we see in the C19 shots manipulates people beyond the quantum level and I called it vacuum engineering. In the vacuum, we deal with potentials, ideas, consciousness if you will. That which has not yet been dreamed into being, and yet all potentials and all time exist in a simultaneous now. Our spiritual self exists on that information level.)

Torsion can be stored in an object and transferred from one object to another. Torsion behaves similarly to an electrical charge, but it is not conserved. It decays slowly over time. The storage time varies from tens of seconds to many months, depending on various factors. The torsion waves encode the information of the object, and this information as a torsion field can be altered and transferred to other objects. ( In essence this torsion is life force, similar to the Od of Reichenbach, Orgone of Wilhelm Reich).

When we change these properties of electrons, we can change the information of mass itself. ( If you change the torsion field of a human you alter them on the most fundamental level.)

In some torsion generating devices, the photons are removed, leaving only a torsion wave. Just as torsion of subtle energy affects light, it also affects virtually every other force known to physics. Experiments have shown that fast-spinning tires can be used to create a pure torsion field, and this has also been shown to deflect a laser beam. Torsion affects gravity, mass, time, and many other physical properties. Torsion has two polarities: left- and right-handed spin. Forms of this energy appear to decrease entropy or chaos in a system, slow down the flow of time, and promote order and coherence within the system. Increased coherence in the biophoton field correlates with healing in the body. ( So the spin of Torsion can slow down time or accelerate time and is related to health or disease in the body).

Torsion alters water properties, water bond angles, and bond lengths. Water surface tension is affected by torsion. The water’s ability to dissolve other substances is affected, and even the water’s pH is changed. Torsion affects electromagnetism, creates magnetic effects in nonmetals, generates torsion waves, bends light, and affects electrostatic charges and magnetism. Torsion affects gravity and creates levitation phenomena. The weight of an object can either be increased or decreased due to torsion. The rate of time passage can be slowed down or sped up; therefore torsion is integral to time travel as well as to the nonlocal abilities of mind that can travel backwards and forwards in time. Nuclear decay rates are also affected.

( Another word for the modification of time is dimension. The multiverse is simultaneously existing, but in a different time. If you alter the time of an object you are teleporting it to a parallel universe.)

The reason why all of this is important is that it relates to the subject of PSYCHOTRONICS. This is at once the harnessing of subtle energy, but also the deployment of psychotronic weapons.

“Psychotronic weapons already exist… there are weapons systems that operate on the power of the mind and whose lethal capacity has already been demonstrated.”

-Col. John B Alexander, Dec 1980 issue of Military Review: The Professional Journal of the US Army

The Czech inventor Robert Pavlita built over 70 devices which use subtle energy. He was able to magnetize non-metallic objects, including wood and paper. He did so by charging his devices with subtle energy ( Torsion) and changing the spin state of particles. He thus changed the information of mass itself. This showed that he was able to manipulate the most fundamental constants of physics!

I knew MIT Professor Caude Swanson, PhD, who studied and described these psychotronic weapons in his book “Life Force, The Scientific Basis: Breakthrough Physics of Energy Medicine, Healing, Chi and Quantum Consciousness”

The US Defense Intelligence Agency reported about these experiments: “Soviet and Czech psychotronic research will eventually be applied to human problems… it could also be applied to increase such aggressive tendencies and it has powerful potential for use as and effective weapon against men and key leaders. ( Maire, 1975)

In Russia torsion fields and torsion generators have been widely used to create torsion energy sources, torsion transport, torsion metallurgy, torsion systems of data transfer communication, torsion systems of medical diagnostics, etc.

Torsion generators also have been used as Time modifiers. Dr. Vadim Chernobrov constructed such chambers in 1988. There are many possible futures, like the branches of a tree - and the Russian scientists managed to speed up and alter time.

This is important as Dr. Wojtkowiak describes the radioactive changes and prion proteins that could emit the measured radioactivity as time clocks in the body connected to the cosmos.

WIMPs, invisible dark matter on the outskirts of galaxies, exert gravitational effects over there. They are also found in the human body, and more specifically in the chakras. They are generated in a biological nuclear reaction, and this reaction is carried out with the use of copper-zinc enzymes. The whole group of copper-zinc enzymes can be treated as having the properties of prions. They are proteins that form a kind of crystals with high mechanical strength and resistance to radiation. They are also torsion field detectors, receiving cosmic cycles, then they use cellular energy, for example from coenzyme Q, to generate high-energy particles, including superoxide radicals, for half a cycle lasting several dozen minutes. The biological nuclear reaction that produces WIMPs is responsible for numerous paranormal abilities, such as telekinesis, forceless bending of spoons, and attracting ferrous and nonferrous metals to the body. WIMPs are those reaction particles that are suspected of interacting with non-ferrous metals at a distance and of cold-melting metals. Study of people vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines shows that the vaccinated are strongly activated the same copper-zinc enzyme usually found in the heart chakra. The enzyme is dispersed over a large part of the body in people with a natural ability to attract metals. Hence, it is not surprising that most people vaccinated with the experimental vaccine in the injection area, or over a large area of the body, show attraction to ferrous and non-ferrous objects.

I know this is hard to grasp. Let me explain it this way. The most profound aspects of us as divine spiritual beings lies in a physics beyond the quantum level, a pure information level so to speak - Torsion is the twisting of space time. The C19 vaccines are modifying humans in a multidimensional way on the most fundamental spiritual level. The spirit interacts with the body and generates the bioelectrical field. The information content of what makes up YOU - is encoded in the spin states of your particle mass. The C19 shots change that spin, that Torsion field, that information. One of its visible effects is that people who previously were not magnetic become so.

The fact that Torsion was changed and literally dark matter particle physics modified to make people magnetic is a huge indicator that their spiritual or information nature is being modified, just as I have explained in my interview with Maria Zeee. The Science of the C19 Nanotechnology and Quantum Physics - My Discussion with Maria Zeee Uncensored

This modification activates certain enzymes in the body that are like antennas connected to paranormal activity. The magnetism exhibited by the C19 vaccinated individual is caused by a fundamental change in information on an etheric level. Torsion and Consciousness are related in fact it is the force in which the action of Consciousness as material reality is stored. Note I said Consciousness as matter. You change Torsion, you literally can change matter. Hence you can make paper and wood magnetic. Or you can change a human into something that is no longer them.

Thought detectors work on a similar principle. The Russian Scientist Dr. Grennady Sergeyev developed a device that can measure the subtle energy ( Torsion) of our mind in the 1970’s. He said:

“Every human being makes an imprint on his surrounding, because we are at all times radiating energy, which is soaked up and stored by items around us. Energy can never be destroyed. Therefore our energy imprints are technically preserved for all eternity.”

Our emotions also can be detected. This modification on the most fundamental level is the greatest invasion and warfare on human beings ever. The nanotechnology I have been speaking of is modifying people not just genetically but also spiritually. Without their knowledge, they are being altered to become something that is no longer their own spiritual self.

This is what Dr Robert Duncan explained that the CIA already knows how to modify and hack the soul. It also fits with Juval Harrari’s statement that the soul and the spirit of humanity will be a thing of the past.

Project Soul Catcher By Dr. Robert Duncan - CIA Capabilities Of Mind and Soul Hacking

This is truly demonic technology. And this research paper is the first scientific evidence that it is altering humans on the most fundamental spiritual level.

And for all of you sceptics out there, before you dismiss this, go study Russian Torsion physics and what they were able to do. Remember that Kozyrev’s mirrors increased fear and demonic presences in the room exponentially? When you twist space time, you can also open the gateway to these demonic dimension.

Cutting the antenna to that dimension is important. I have seen EDTA do just that. I was trained as a healer and I can see how things lift from people. The metals in the body change the bio photonic spin state, as they literally change the optical properties of the tissues and are key to change the Torsion fields.

Optical properties of the metals Al, Co, Cu, Au, Fe, Pb, Ni, Pd, Pt, Ag, Ti, and W in the infrared and far infrared

EDTA Chelation Helps Lift The Darkness - Spiritual Healing Experiences When Treating Shedding Related Spiritual Suffering And Documented Live Blood Changes

This is also why I think the Garyaev Gene wave laser is such an important technology, because it operates on that quantum level to restore the original holographic blueprint of the DNA that captures your soul information. I use this technology and believe that it is truly hope for humanity. We have to find solutions that restore humanity literally on a multidimensional level. Psychotronic weapons more powerful then any nuclear weapon ever developed. Here is more information about the Garyaev laser:

Unconsidered Effects of mRNA Gene Technology and their Possible Reversal – Understanding Holographic DNA, Morphogenic Fields, and the Implications for the Future of Humanity

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Guy St Hilaire - Nov 25, 2023

Guy’s Substack

For what it's worth Dr.Ana Maria ,you are one of my heroes .Ever since the onset of this crime against humanity of the death jab ,I have been following many in the specialist world , such as yourself .You have educated and helped us to understand what we were up against . It is complex but we don't need to understand it all meticulously , the basics are often enough to see the big picture .You have brought us to the scene ,now we see the picture ,and for that I humbly thank you .

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Matahi - Nov 25, 2023

This is coming from a lifelong practice of meditation and mainly circumstantial but from talking about this subject with some advanced master meditators, it would seem that the western brands injections damage and destabilize the etheric base of mind (where in Buddhist metaphysical metaphor your mind moments/ citta appear and disappear constantly in your most subtle energetic body- the Hadaya) which is centered in the heart area of our material bodies.
This would explain heart issues, accelerated aging, lack of concentration/brain fog, personality changes etc. observed in many since they got the shots as they have less access to the core of their being. Since the Hadaya is now weak and shaken, trauma based aspects or some external entity (possibly A.I. even) can now easily hijack the person. The virus itself attacks the heart chakra (less subtle than mental body) and the base of senses of the mental body (loss of taste/smell etc.).
The advantage this ancient Parasites Cult has over the general population, is Occult knowledge. These people know way more truth about the universe and universal laws, consciousness, the human body, and spirituality than the general population but we are not helpless bystanders. The Human Spirit in all of us when confronted by the current chaos and carnage can polarize (spin?) into its higher aspects in a way unique to each individual, and we can collectively override the plans of these mediocre souls: this is foremost a spiritual war....

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