Healing From Mind Control Through Love - Mindful Protection from Nanotechnological and Synthetic Biology Assault: Dr. Ana Mihalcea & CIA MK-ULTRA Survivor and Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 01, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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"Humanity United” Movement Starts With Absolute Truth: YOUR SPIRIT IS THE ULTIMATE ANTIDOTE.

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Healing Mind Control Through Love

In this groundbreaking interview, my dear soul sister Cathy O’Brien and I discuss Mind Control historically and today implemented through the C19 nanotechnological synthetic biology weapons, media indoctrination and frequency weapons. I first read Cathy’s books over 15 years ago, as they were required reading at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. She and Mark Phillips came to RSE in 1996 to present their evidence.

Indeed, her books are enlightening to the degree that they shatter everything you ever believed about reality in US government and politics.

We discuss the DARPA Artificial Intelligence supercomputer that is mind hacking humanity, the satanic elitist plan to control and exterminate humanity and how vaccines were always a major planned part of this. We discuss the meaning of the assault on human blood, pedophilic child sacrifice and adrenochrome and how blood has been used to exert mindful control over the people. Cathy explains how the CIA infiltrated satanic circles and started using blood sacrifice and child ritual abuse for their MK- Ultra programs - imported from the Nazi knowledge through Operation Paperclip.

Cathy also discusses how the Bushes and Clintons were planning the absolute Mind Control through low frequency vibration like HAARP - which Clifford Carnicom and I proved in our groundbreaking research on the extremely low frequency susceptibility of C19 injected blood.

Prospective Difference Between C19 Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Blood: Electromagnetic Observations, ELF Response And Potassium Metabolism - Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD and Clifford Carnicom

She confirms that everything I have been saying is not only true, but has been planned for decades.


We discuss what I have posted before, that high vibratory frequency of enlightenment, love and truth is the antidote to any nanotechnological or frequency weapon assault. In fact, it is THE MOST POWERFUL ANTIDOTE EVER CREATED ANYWHERE. OUR SPIRIT IS INDOMINABLE.

Cathy discusses how religion and churches have partnered with the CIA in the pedophilia child sex trafficking and ritual sacrifice to program humanity for submission and how the transgender movement is the mind control assault to produce sterility for humans.

She also explains that the transhumanist satanists are following the instructions of AI demiurge for world domination. Problem for them is that DIVINE MIND BEATS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE EVERY TIME. So we laugh.


Every human being on the planet needs to read Cathy’s books. Then you will understand what is going on today.

Trance formation of America

TRANCE Formation of America is the first documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O’Brien is a healed and vocal survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency’s MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation.

Tracing her path from child pornography and recruitment into the program to serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave, TRANCE Formation of America is a definitive eye-witness account of government corruption that implicates some of the most prominent figures in U.S. politics.

ACCESS DENIED For Reasons of National Security

ACCESS DENIED For Reasons Of National Security  details our journey of survival to become US Government Whistleblowers, and is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and power of love. ACCESS DENIED reveals the healing methods Mark taught me that people all over report applying to themselves to heal from varying levels of trauma, abuse, PTSD, torture and/or control.

You have, within you, the ability to heal from any level of trauma, abuse, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), torture and/or mind control.

Someone sent me a message that I made it to the top of the CIA hitlist. I laugh. They already tried and failed. They have to have balls as big as space to go up against what is protecting me.

God wins. Nothing can change that.

Please share this substack and interview everywhere. This is vital information to the survival of our species. IT WILL MOST CERTAINLY NOT BE COVERED BY MEDIA, SO YOU ARE THE WAY TO SPREAD THE WORD. EVERYONE MUST KNOW ABOUT THIS UNIVERSAL ANTIDOTE.

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Val - Jul 1, 2023

I was introduced to the despicable dark side of MKUltra through Cathy O'Brien's story and the book 'Trance-formation of America' almost 15 years ago. Another book, 'The Whistleblower'. Both books confirmed things I had been learning through some personal experiences in groups working on brokenness of the soul. It is so amazing and an incredible testimony to the power of Our Lord and Creator how Cathy was delivered from and healed from the horrific assaults she was subjected to. I thank the Father for His testimony of Love and Healing through her life, and I thank Cathy for carrying the torch of healing and restoration for others to witness the multitudinous aspects that played into the planned harm and that there is a path of deliverance and restoration, no matter the trauma experienced.

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John B. Phillips - Jul 1, 2023

APOCRA Enterprises

Thank you both, Ana and Cathy for everything you have done and are still doing to expose the extinction-level criminality of what has become a Breakaway Civilization.
Truly, the Targeted Justice $1.3 billion lawsuit against the DOJ, FBI, and DHS for putting innocent people all over the world into the Terror Screening Database in order to attack us with directed energy weapons and mind-invasive technologies (TI's-the original experimental group for the government injections) has the potential to truly expose and stop this.
Please consider helping us spread the word about this case, it has been in court for nearly 6 months and we need everyone to know about it!
Thank you for your excellent work, both of you
mail to:TJmedia2@proton.me

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