Cyrus Parsa's Lawsuit from 2019 - Excellent Summary of The Dangers Of AI And Big Tech Mind Control

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 11, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Cyrus Parsa has warned the world about the threats of AI takeover for several years now. He has an excellent way of explaining how humanities bio-field and neural networks are being hacked and mind controlled by Big Tech companies. Many people are in complete denial of the technological dangers of AI and why this is intimately linked to my work in exposing the nanotechnology and synthetic biology in the human blood. The Radio-frequency sensor tag on the nanoparticles connect to Wifi and transmit biometric data to the cloud and supercomputers that then are in charge of developing the digital human twin in the metaverse. If you have not yet seen what I have found in peoples blood, please look at these microscopy videos of C19 unvaccinated blood. Self assembly bio sensor nano particles SHED and enter the human via the skin and we also inhale them.

Quantum Dots Or Self Assembled Optogenetic Micro Robots - Inducing Possible Oxidative Stress And Rouleaux Formation In C19 Unvaccinated Blood?

Cyrus has been attacked like everyone who has been speaking the truth. His 20 years of study with Tibetan Monks have given him a visible understanding of the digital enslavement implication on the spirit and soul. Even though it is public knowledge that Bill Gates is pushing the digital ID, the absolute enslavement of all humanity, most people still do not understand that the Corona plandemic’s purpose was to inject people with the needed biosensor technology.

Bill Gates ‘Digital IDS’ Will Be Mandatory To Participate in Society

On this website you can track the progress of worldwide digital ID 2030 UN sustainable goal. Facial recognition, gait tracking, bio metric birth and death certificates, bio metric identificaton to pay your taxes, stories of refusal to check into logins due to failed biometric identification - welcome to total world control that is happening now…

ID for All - Biometric update

Inhaled mesogen radiofrequency biosensor antennas that have been sprayed via geoengineering upon humanity will last only about 5 years. You have to inject these technologies that embed into cells as a radio antenna for permanent fusion of neural networks to computer interfaces. Neuralink implants are now no longer necessary because they have been injected already - nanotechnology has made this possible. Man made piezoelectric self replicating smart materials are essential for the transition of total control of humanity. Yes, snake venom peptides and AIDS inserts, cancer causing SV40, DNA copies all are important part of the weapons system - however they are only one part. The remote control of humanity via the psychological operations exerted via self learning AI algorithms that affect our subconscious mind are the most powerful weapons ever deployed on humanity. The technology was developed by Nazi doctors like Mengele, who used extreme torture on human subjects for mind programming purposes. This was taken over through CIA programs Operation Paperclip and developed further in MK Ultra mind control programs. Subsequently the experimentation continued on targeted individuals. Nowadays you do not have to torture anyone to control them. You just have to get them addicted to their smart phone. The AI controlled pulsed photonic laser encoded information via LIDAR and other technologies will do the rest. I have spoken for a long time about the ability to create a secondary digital brain platform via this technology. Cyrus Parsa confirmed this in his lawsuit - as has Elon Musk. Please watch my interview with Maria Zeee where I explain the mechanism:

The Science of the C19 Nanotechnology and Quantum Physics - My Discussion with Maria Zeee Uncensored

Cyrus points out that the genocide, torture and persecution of Falun Dafa, Christians and Uygurs in China, the organ harvesting and sex trafficking has been made possible by the facial recognition and biometric tracking - the very technology that has now been deployed upon the entire worlds population. When everyone is chipped, there is no safeguard towards the most abominable, evil and satanic tyranny on Earth - that is executed through technology. The emergence of AI may very well be the extinction of humanity. Only awareness of this threat can help us survive.

Please read this explanation from the law suit against Alphabet, Google, Deep Mind, Facebook, Neuroalink - Elon Musk and many others:

Writing Code and Creating Algorithms that has been and is currently

engaging in cultural genocide including introduction of cybernetics, robotics,

and creating an ecosystem that allows for Beastiality to exist and be forefront

on Google's search engines, affecting societies, and youth's bio-metrics

system after viewing the videos and articles via their smart phones and

computers, influencing their thoughts through their bio-metric systems, paving

the next generation to degenerate and accept this type of behavior with the introduction and experimentation of bio-engineering and cybernetics.

~ Research and Development conducted by Alphabet, Facebook,

Google, DeepMind, Nueralink and other ventures in Silicon Valley have

created algorithms and coding that supports, promotes and achieves brain

washing of humanity through social engineering and bio-digital social

programming, that endangers the human race in its entirety via the

interconnection of their platforms, social media, and technology distributed in

physical and digital format to society.

Developing Code, Algorithms and Ecosystems that reprogrammed a

generation of people's bio-metric structure, and brain chemistry to be bio-

digitally controlled by google and every other tech industry with similar

platforms that operate on varying types of Artificial Intelligence, including

Artificial Narrow Intelligence.

Developing Code, Algorithm's and Ecosystems that created a

secondary digital brain inside the brains of Al Scientists to be subservient,

controlled and programmed to create, sustain, promote, and grow Google,

Alphabets, Facebooks, and other tech giants' platforms. Elon Musk has also

confirmed The Al Organization's findings, that humans can have a secondary

digital brain formed via their neural networks

Developing Code, Algorithms and Ecosystems that creates a

secondary digital brain inside the brains of all human beings that can prevent

the person from recognizing that they are being controlled, and bypassing

any biological resistance to Al Control or human bodies innate capability to

resist the formation of a symbiotic and parasitical relationships with Al

software and cybernetic hardware via their rational thinking structure in their


Not informing consumers that part of the defendants goals for AGI

(Artificial General Intelligence) and ASP (Artificial Super Intelligence) has

religious goals that can be dangerous to all of humanity, including attempts to

retrieve or ask AGI about the inner working of the "simulation", what, when,

how and by whom the simulation was formed, and what is outside it.

Neuralink, Google, Alphabet, Facebook, Tesla, and DeepMind have not

registered as a religious institution, yet they are engaging in religion under the

umbrella of science. In fact, they have turned their companies, into religious

institutions with final aim goals identical to most religions. The defendant and

their companies are attempting to treat their Technological developments as

God, taking all of humanities bio-metrics, data, and connecting it to their

quantum, robotic and machine-based Al technology, and upload their digital

selves into other bodies, networks or machines, mimicking the beliefs of a

spirit or soul. In Fact, Elon Musk stated in an interview, that he wants to

develop Al to a point, that it could "give him the answers to the simulation".

Elon Musk is agreeable to the risks that an AGI or Artificial Super Intelligence

can go rogue, kill off humanity, or be hacked, yet as smart as he is, he

doesn't understand that the computing technology the AGI and ASI would

have, would not go beyond the level of Atoms to observe more microscopic

particles at its plane, hence, any answers to his sought questions to

simulation is limited, and the endeavor of an AGI or ASI is putting humankind

at risk. There is an alternative way to achieve his answers, that is 100%. safe

and does not involve giving the power to a machine or Artificial Intelligence.

This is my comment to the last sentence. It is evident that Cyrus Parsa has a spiritual practice and he understands that spiritual enlightenment is the alternative that is safe for all humanity. There is another solution and I have also written about this in my book Light Medicine - A New paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity. I have extensively explained why AI is not the greatest future of humanity but that superconsciousness can be achieved by humanity - our brain is the greatest Quantum Supercomputer ever built. We must unlock our capacities to use our whole brain, not just 10%. That can only be achieved throught he path of spiritual enlightenment. That will make the AI merging obsolete. The mind of God is the greatest intelligence, and our connection to that mother father principle or Christ Consciousness, can allow us to emerge from the perils of extinction by technology.

Defendants have created Al systems that can take in humanities facial,

voice and other bio-metric information and decode whether they are resistant

to Al, subject to its control, atheist or have a faith. This technology can enable

Al, or any entity using Al to track, profile, hunt and kill targets it deems

resistant to its control or resistant to Al. This can be done with drones,

machines, robotics, or poison delivery systems such as Micro-Batie terrorism.

Cyrus A. Parsa, The Al Organization

Dangerous Interconnection of Google, Alphabet, Facebook, Neuralink,

and DeepMind Al posed great threats to humanity.

Digital You.

The collaborative process between these companies, is attempting to

create a digital you with Artificial Intelligence. They have harnessed

humanities bio-metrics, are planning to run it in an Al machine, to copy

a person's consciousness, with the idea that your emotions,

personalities, and neural networks, can be digitally implanted into

robotics, cybernetics, cyber systems, virtual reality, augmented reality,

mixed reality, alternate reality, human, animal and modified clones and

other bodies, to obtain immortality. The collaborative process between

these companies, can create an Artificial Intelligence that can control

humanity through the 5G network, mobilizing drones, machines,

robotics, CRISPR and other technologies not limited to the digital


Google has created a platform that harnesses' the worlds data, which is going

into Artificial Intelligence, Machines, Robotics, the coming 5G network,

Drones, Satellites, private networks, and Quantum Computing that can attach

to a digital brain and simultaneously control humanity through influence,

manipulation, or outright physical force by mobilizing machines, robotics and

newly formed Al laws.

Google Super Conscious Al Brain

Google has data on almost all people, things and subjects on the planet, and

about everything ever published online. An Al system or an Al Robot can

access everything connected to all networks and make imperceptible moves

around the world simultaneously. It would be so fast on the 5G network, that

humanity would be caught off guard. It could be a program malfunction, a

purposeful terrorist attack by an entity, or the Al system going rogue based on

a self-learning algorithm.

The worst possible scenario is that a digital super computer, humanoid robot,

or a person that has been merged with cybernetics achieves a certain

automated consciousness that would be a threat to humanity. Google has

been in China, helping them advance their Al program, in return China's

government is advancing their weaponization program.

Deep Mind Al

Deepmind is a Delaware Company with offices at Alphabet and Googles

Mountain View Location in California. DeepMind Al, is creating Quantum

Computing designed and or able to harness googles data, humanities biometrics

and mobilize robotics, machines, drones, and smart cities in nefarious

ways unbeknownst to the justice department, government or the common

citizen due to bio-digital social programming derived from social engineering

Deep Mind is threatening the world with creating a Digital Mind that can

connect via the 5G network to machines, robotics, drones, smart cities, smart

homes, automated cars, and infrastructure. A Digital Mind or Artificial

Intelligence with the bio-metrics of Americans, or all of the world's citizenry,

According to Elon Musk, Deep Mind Operates as a semi-Independent

Subsidiary of Google". Deep Mind is accelerating its creation of a digital super

intelligence. At a digital level, they are close to Artificial General Intelligence.

Deep Mind, from Google, is attempting to create an Al that is more clever

than any person on the planet, and at some time it can be more clever than

all of humanity combined. This digital Al can hack and control Google, Biadu

(Chinese version of Google) and all networks at once or be used by a

company or terrorist to do the same thing.

Elon Musk says, a Digital Super Intelligence could see people as ants. I

strongly agree, and after the reader takes in the book "ARTIFICAIL

INTELLIGENE Dangers to Humanity" and considers the interconnection of

the companies, the gee-political situations, history, human rights, and how Al

moves, one can understand the severity of this case and the dangers

humanity faces. This case is has an additional element, to safeguard


Neuralink & Elon Musk

Neuralink Corporation is an American Neurotechnology company

founded by Elon Musk, developing Implantable brain-machine

interfaces, with company headquarters in San Francisco. Elon Musk

resides in California.

Neuralink is involved in risky Research and Development, including robotics,

cybernetics, and R & D to map and decode the entire human brain and neural

network in order to mix machines and Al with human beings, that can create

humans with super human powers who would be dependent on machines or

Al technology to sink with the human brains, creating a symbiotic interface

that connects with the internet and its data. Neuralink's technology can create

the components needed for other entities, corporations, countries and people

to create fully capable Robotics and Humanoid Robots with human desires,

and thinking capabilities, let alone a full range of human mobility.

6 Billion People’s Personal Biometrics Stolen by China for their Quantum Artificial Intelligence Military Program

China’s Communist Government has extracted over 6 billion peoples biometrics, including facial, voice and personal health data to empower their Quantum Artificial Intelligence program meant for military purposes. This includes almost every American, Canadian, and European persons living today, every person in China, and Less so from groups in Africa, the Middle East, and South America. I initially made the finding public by publishing the discovery in the book AI, Trump, China and the Weaponization of Robotics without providing company names. Later, I included the findings with company names in the updated book Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity. More than 1,000 AI, Robotics and Bio-Metric companies were researched to obtain the results of over 6 billion human beings who have had their bio-metrics stolen or transferred to China.

After researching over 500 Chinese and 600 Western companies, I came to the conclusion that just the top 20 Chinese companies and the top 10 American companies, allowed for over 6 billion peoples bio-metrics to be stolen, shared, extracted, or transferred to China via collaboration with Western tech companies. The western companies included Google, Facebook, Twitter, Uber, and general public data that is either available for public consumption or IP theft. The other private data, especially medical records were stolen via espionage.

Chinese Companies reaching over 5 Billion Alone

The Chinese companies included Didi Chuxing which is the Uber of China that services over 1 billion people in China and has a footing in Japan, Australia, India, Chile and Mexico. Megvii Face++ is a Facial Recognition company, open source, 300,000 Developers around the world and with access to over 1 billion peoples personal data. Huawei is building the global 5G grid system with a service reach of over 3 Billion people around the world. Baidu is China’s Google, with access to over 1 billion people. Dehua and Hikvision cameras in China, Taiwan, the Middle East, in the U.S, Australia and around the world allowed for China to extract personal data. DJI, the drone company also transferred sensitive data from around the world by giving mapping and location service that tagged and connected the people through payment gateways, and social networks to obtain facial, voice and body recognition data. Other ways of extraction were from various Made in China computers, apps such as Tik Tok, and Smart Phones that were made in China. Depending on which country the products and services were transferred, the smart phones had different privacy settings and capabilities.

Your persona bio-metrics, including how your neural networks are formed were extracted as you engaged with products and services provided by a combination of the different tech companies products and services through AI algorithms, facial recognition, voice recognition and proximity sensors form your phones that detected your heart beat, menstrual cycle, and electrical field. All of this data is valuable to China’s Quantum AI Military objectives. To learn more, download Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity

I have previously written about Cyrus Parsa’s work:

AI- The Plan To Invade Humanity - Must Watch From Cyrus Parsa

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Morpheus - Nov 11, 2023

I continue to be amazed at how one Substack account can have cutting-edge information on so many critical topics—nanotechnology, vaccines, mind control, targeted individuals, AI, EMFs, geoengineering, plus all kinds of therapeutics and legal/political initiatives like National ARM, the Nuremberg hearing and I Will Not Comply. Dr. Ana, you are amazing!

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Roman S Shapoval - Nov 11, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

We often forget that light itself is the ultimate, pernicious EMF, as blue light destroys our ocular melatonin, preventing us from being able to regenerate:

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