Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 01, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Comparison of NIR live blood clot and deceased clot
In this article, we correlate clinical symptoms with NIR spectroscopy findings. We have been discussing the correlation between the post Covid bioweapon era findings and the environmental geoengineering projects of synthetic biology spraying programs affecting people with Morgellons. We have shown in previous experiments, extensive overlap in chemical NIR functional group between the deceased, unvaccinated and vaccinated clot signatures and the current vaccinated and unvaccinated blood samples.
The Carnicom Institute Morgellons Research project was a questionnaire sent to 1000 people to describe their symptoms associated with the disease. It became clear from this survey, that people had every organ system involved. There is a huge overlap between C19 vaccine injury, shedding and long Covid symptoms with the suffering of Morgellon’s victims. In particular, chronic fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath with mucus production, anxiety, blurry vision, ringing in ears, headaches, circulatory problems and palpitations, joint stiffness, digestive problems, strange sensations under the skin and more - all have significant overlap.
It seems that those individuals with Morgellons who have had skin changes are endeavoring to expel this synthetic organism. We postulate that while these victims suffered tremendously, possibly this is favorable, rather than keeping the synthetic substance in the body to create rubbery clots.
Here we describe a case report of a C19 unvaccinated individual with several health manifestations including lower extremity circulatory problems, a presumed superficial blood clot, a nonhealing painful ulcerative lesion and an eczematous skin rash around the ears with intermittent drainage persisting for months to years. Several other chronic symptoms involving, motile nerve, motile joint, motile lung, urinary blockage (filaments present), chronic hearing, thyroid cyst, blood conditions and circulatory leg and feet issues are a part of the multi-decade symptom history.
Image: Scaly dry eczematous skin rash classically found in Morgellons victims and evidence of peripheral vascular disease with presumed blood clot and painful nonhealing skin ulcer.
These are symptoms that have been described in people affected with Morgellons/ Cross Domain Bacteria. The affected individual’s live blood analysis looked seemingly normal. However, when applying a low level electrical current, the blood was transformed via low level electrical current to a CDB filament network. You can find this work in this link.
We have shown that the CDB filaments express chemical functional groups of Hydrogel, including alkenes and polyenes, which is what polyethylene glycol is ( the component of lipid nanoparticle technology in C19 shots); polyamides, polyvinyl - all constitute signatures of inorganic hydrogels. By using Near Infrared Spectroscopy we can now analyze many different tissues and materials and look for chemical matches.
First, we analyzed the affected skin adjacent to the leg ulcer and found dominant methyl groups, polyamides and the lack of water. This is highly significant since polymer hydrogels use the substrate of the cells to create a rubbery clot devoid of cells.
This is exactly what I have been documenting via darkfield microscopy in unvaccinated live blood showing how the substrate of the blood is being used to create hydrogel clots. We have shown via NIR spectroscopy that the synthetic CDB filaments steal methyl groups from the body.
Second, we compared the region that appeared to have a superficial blood clot on the leg with the chemical signatures of the deceased rubbery clot received from Richard Hirschman. We found a significant match in the Amide- Amine protein region. You can see this plot above Image: Comparison of NIR live blood clot and deceased clot . This is significant, because amide amine cross linked hydrogel made from polyethylene glycol are described in the literature:
A new method for the rapid preparation of chemically cross-linked hydrogels based on a multi-arm polyethylene glycol (PEG) bearing potassium acyl trifluoroborate (KAT) functional groups with multi-dentate amines is described. These scaffolds – prepared in aqueous buffer – give strong, transparent hydrogels.
These findings also have been confirmed by the analysis of Dr Hildegrard Staninger of a brain chip found in a meningioma and nanotechnological devices found from nasal passages described in this article. She documented long chain polyamide polymer, confirming our findings. She also confirmed our Halogen, polyethylene glycol (polyene) and Silicone via Raman Spectroscopy, Micro Fourier Infrared Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS). These are non-destructive analytical techniques used for the study of micro-scale chemical composition. All of her analysis is a complete match to our findings as you can see blow our original NIR work on CDB isolate from C19 unvaccinated blood.
Image: NIR spectroscopy of CDB Isolate of C19 unvaccinated blood by Clifford Carnicom
We did Near Infrared Spectroscopy on healthy adjacent skin and the persistent leg ulcer and created a difference plot. This is to analyze what is chemically different between the two. The answer showed again methyl groups and the lack of absorbance at 1450nm - showing the complete absence of water in the tissue.
The skin adjacent to the leg ulcer showed dominant NIR signatures of polyamines, Vinyl ( Polyvinyl alcohol -a hydrogel plastic), Alkenes ( like Polyethylene Glycol).
The NIR spectroscopy of the skin affected around the ear again showed the complete lack of water - you can see the huge dip at 1450nm. The skin has literally become like plastic, a very painful condition as Morgellons victims can attest. There no longer is healthy skin function due to this complete lack of water.
In this study, we analyzed a C19 unvaccinated individual with seemingly normal live blood analysis upon visual inspection, however significant transformation of the blood under low level electrical current. We found a NIR signature match between superficial blood clot in a living person and the deceased rubbery clot showing hydrogel polyamine protein polymer. This again shows a consistent proof of our previous analysis of our 3 part series analyzing deceased rubbery clot with a C19 vaccinated and C19 unvaccinated clot. Reference: Part 1 Clots , Part 2 Clots and Part 3 Clots
We also analyzed skin abnormalities expressed as an eczematous rash and showed the complete lack of water as well as adjacent polyamide hydrogel signatures - which is how polymer hydrogels self assemble in human tissue replacing healthy tissue. These findings are entirely consistent with all our previous research.
If you would like to support our research Project “ What happened to Humanities Blood? “, please donate to Carnicom Institute . We are a team of scientists dedicated to saving the human species and our planet. Thank you.
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Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Aug 1, 2023
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
so how many of these "unvaccinated " allowed a fake PCR test to be shoved up their noses? That certainly delivered some sort of bioweapon payload as well...
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Okisuke - Aug 1, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
Those pictures of that unjabbed patient makes me look like a healthy "pure blood" that doesn't exist anymore. Despite being jabbed twice with Murderna, I haven't been sick since 2018. Even my unjabbed colleagues are getting sick quite often recently. So far I'm the only one at my company who performs frequent detoxification with IV CaNa2EDTA chelation, Vit. C infusions, supplements such as NAC, Zn, Quercetine, Nattokinase, Serrapeptase etc. I also would like to add proton and carbon NMR (at least 500 MHz spectrometer) as probably the best non-destructive analytical technique.
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