Analysis Of Symptomatic Health Findings In…

Aug 1, 2023

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Image: Comparison of NIR live blood clot and deceased clot


Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Aug 1, 2023

Professor Lulu Fuzzbean

so how many of these "unvaccinated " allowed a fake PCR test to be shoved up their noses? That certainly delivered some sort of bioweapon payload as well...


Kim - Aug 1, 2023

Kim’s Substack

WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT.. no need for blame game. I never had one PCR nor the cv shot but have suffered with these symptoms for 3 years. I found Carnicom Institutes’ website very eye opening as far as showing this issue did not just start with cvd .. amplified it yes,, but it’s in everything now too, who knows how long they been adding it to all our food/water/products..
Just upsets me when people still need to place blame, it’s just like how the unvaxed were treated by vaxxed.. in 2021/22. Blame should only be focused on psychopaths actually releasing this upon us all.


Lacie moore - Aug 5, 2023

Modern Healthcare

I have been suffering sine around June of 2020 with all the long covid symptoms. . Do you know I'd she has a protocol to help people like that. I still struggle to breath, walk from room to room, extreme fatigue, brain fog etc. If she doesn't, do you mind sharing what you do to help yours? Thanks so much in advance ❤


Laura - Aug 6, 2023

Modern Healthcare

Bioweapon Induced Myocarditis Protocol;


Lisa - Aug 1, 2023

matt’s microscopy

The vaxes shed. everyone who is close to anyone vaxed has probably had some level of exposure


whatbuildsus - Aug 1, 2023

matt’s microscopy

Then everyone has it, since even the unvaxxed are shedding then.


matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 2, 2023

matt’s microscopy

correct, i am unvakd , untested and shedding, and can prove it.


Lisa - Aug 1, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

Exactly it’s from those blasted testing swabs.
my dad had a sudden onset ‘blooming tumor’ in his right sinus, 15 days after 2 pokes and 14 swabs to complete needed Cataract surgeries and follow up visits in Dec 2020- Feb 2021
started as nose bleeds
blooming tumor looked a lot like the clot-ish stuff people are sharing. 45 days of Radiation, they then concluded it’s Not Cancer. But they still pull one out now and then. He’s 83. This has really taken a toll on a formerly Rugged guy.


Lisa - Aug 1, 2023

I spat on mine. I almost hit my partner for testing out teeen kid like 8 times in a couple days to visit his covidians parents this past fall 2022.
Then they demanded that D and K were ‘fully vaxxed’. I cried, protested prayed in tears for hours and days. the day he was taking her for her first jab, against my demands, 2 flat tires. They could get poked after. too close to visit.
they went to see his mask rabid parents. never told them K wasn’t jabbed and D never went past initial j n j jab from 6/21. sigh. a message from God, the universe stepped in and


Pamela Raditsch - Aug 1, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

Sovsorry to hear this


Jane Doe - Aug 2, 2023

my kids are vaxx injured from the 80s. Id rather be blind than submit. And I have cataracts currently that heavily impact me. Im sorry about your dad.


jacquelyn sauriol - Aug 1, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

I did, sadly. Once. So, should I kill myself now or just wait and see how it turns out?


Pamela Raditsch - Aug 1, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

No, no, do the best you can for your health now and all will be well


Dee - Aug 1, 2023


Comment removed.


Dee - Aug 2, 2023


And exactly what company makes Glutathione? Is it a China owned company that care so much about your health? Sorry to say that, but goodness we need to know who is making our vitamins and supplements as well as our food and water. Lots of people buying this stuff off of Amazon. Who owns Amazon?


matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 2, 2023

matt’s microscopy

These are the right questions to be asking. you dont need to look at a product if its made by the same backers as the agenda. assume its poison.
a simple search of "who owns xxx company" or who are the shareholders will tell you.


Dee - Aug 2, 2023


I googled who are the shareholders of Amazon, the place where many of us buy our vitamins, and supplements. This is what I got. "The top individual insider shareholders of Amazon are Jeff Bezos, Andrew Jassy, and Jeffrey Blackburn, and the top institutional shareholders are Advisor Group, Vanguard Group, and BlackRock"
So you think that Vanguard and Blackrock aren't really concerned about our health. You think the people who are making us sick in the first place are not concerned with getting us better? Hmmmm... Something to think about.
Also who made this substack platform? And why are people liking my post that have no profiles? How does "someone" have an account on here without a profile? Another thought to ponder.


jacquelyn sauriol - Aug 1, 2023

Thanks RebeccaccebeR-


Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 2, 2023

Agent’s Substack

They have been dropping on us since the 90s in chemtrails. and its ALIEN technology combined with ALIEN lifeforms......observe


kaal - Aug 6, 2023


If true there is no earthly antidote.


Lacie moore - Aug 5, 2023

You are dead on! 💯🎯
So many don't want to hear/or accept this!


Lisa - Aug 1, 2023

Kim’s Substack

Comment removed.


Lisa - Aug 2, 2023

I think it was dispersed in fall of 2019. We had ‘prototype’ Concept Vehicles up and down the Vegas Strip 4 or 5 times in 3 months. The concept armored Military Things had se spring and various detection for dust and exhaust to nuclear or biological fallout and carbon emissions recording.... And misc types of aerosolize dispersal capabilities, Fogging for disinfectant or mosquitoes fogging.... So the few pairs went up and down, made Traffic updates on the AM local News. We were all sick as heck. 3 times between Oct 19 and Feb 20. Never got the cv during the pandemic, but did last year after partner traveled for work. He got it 6 times the past 4 years. Gave it to us thus last time; he’s a j n j. we are none.


Kim - Aug 1, 2023

Kim’s Substack

I’m right there with you! Symptoms started before the shot came out.. people need to realize this!! No more blame game. Will check out your channels❤️


Okisuke - Aug 1, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Those pictures of that unjabbed patient makes me look like a healthy "pure blood" that doesn't exist anymore. Despite being jabbed twice with Murderna, I haven't been sick since 2018. Even my unjabbed colleagues are getting sick quite often recently. So far I'm the only one at my company who performs frequent detoxification with IV CaNa2EDTA chelation, Vit. C infusions, supplements such as NAC, Zn, Quercetine, Nattokinase, Serrapeptase etc. I also would like to add proton and carbon NMR (at least 500 MHz spectrometer) as probably the best non-destructive analytical technique.


Cynthia - Nov 6, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

I just read about this IV CaNa2EDTA on Carnicom Institute and sounds good. Can I ask if you had any trouble with side effects when starting this treatment? I have a lot of faith in Clifford Carnicom, I have followed him for years and admire his hard work and dedication. I hadn’t been to his website for a few years, I wasn’t sure if he was involved after he was looking for someone to continue his research and I was glad to see him being interviewed and found interesting work they have been working on. Sorry, didn’t mean to get carried away, but excited about this IV treatment. I have been fighting this since June 2005, what a horrific nightmare this has been. Good luck to you! Any information would be appreciated, my email is Thank you


Okisuke - Nov 6, 2023

Okisuke’s Substack

Hi Cynthia,
first of all your practitioner checks the renal function with lab tests.
If everything is within the specification you can start your treatment.
So far I have received 5 IV CaNa2EDTA and 1 IV DMSA chelations. And no, I barely had any noticeable side effects. My cognitive ability is almost back to pre-vax status, but only the chest pain still remains.
Please keep in mind that you can't remove other metals such as As,Hg, Cd with EDTA. Hence, you need DMSA as a chelator. I explained the reason for this in detail in one of my articles.


John H. - Aug 1, 2023 - Edited

John H.

Comment removed.


John H. - Aug 2, 2023

John H.

When you say it helps everyone you have shared it with, can you provide details with respect to exactly what signs/symptoms are made better and to what extent they either improve or are totally irradicated?


Okisuke - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Thank you for the comment. I tried a lot of things even glutathione infusions. See here:
NAC (N-acetlycysteine) is a precursor of glutathione (GSH) that I'm taking in capsule form every day (800 mg).
Afaik gluathione has 2 concerning risks:
1. It binds to toxic metals such as mercury and transport it to from one organ to another where it starts to cause problems. That's what the literature and practicial experience from a lot of chelation practitioners are saying.
2. GSH forms a self-assembling polymer with GO (source: DOI: 10.1039/c2sm25938a)


Martha Carlin - Aug 1, 2023

Martha Carlin

I may have some information that might help understanding what’s going on with the water related to Aquaporins. I’ve been looking at the issue with lack of water in Parkinson’s. I have a presentation I can share with you on molecular mimicry and autoimmune antibodies to aquaporins, cardiolipin and alpha crystalline.


damon mcclure - Aug 1, 2023

damon’s Substack

I'd be interested?


Martha Carlin - Aug 2, 2023

Martha Carlin

I don't think I can upload a document here. You can email me atMartha.carlin@mac.comand I can send you my presentation. Or here is a paper you can read about Aquaporin antibodies


Laura - Aug 6, 2023

Modern Healthcare

Love it! Here's my post on treating bioweapon induced myocarditis in hundreds so far.


damon mcclure - Aug 2, 2023

damon’s Substack

Hi Martha, thank you I'm writing the email now.


Martha Carlin - Aug 2, 2023

Martha Carlin

I sent you my presentation from the Iowa Biologicals Farm conference last fall. Let me know if you would like to schedule a call to discuss the presentation. It may not be simple to follow if you don't understand molecular mimicry.


Joe - Aug 1, 2023

Joe’s Substack

How to desolve these clots is the question?


Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Aug 1, 2023

Professor Lulu Fuzzbean

so far it seems to be IV chelation in an ongoing treatment schedule


Joe - Aug 1, 2023

Joe’s Substack

i think 1 IV treatment and then just using the cream is safer adn just as effective with some vitamin C once per month


Lindy T - Aug 1, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Vitamin C 1000 mg several times a DAY...


Joe - Aug 5, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Have u looked at your blood under the black field microscope?


Joe - Aug 5, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Also I Hurd 1600mg of nac does the trick?


Moonspinner - Aug 1, 2023


Consult the FLCCC Alliance's post-vaccine treatment protocol, as it is also relevant to the unvaxxed who were "shed upon" --


matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 1, 2023

matt’s microscopy

Comment removed.


matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 2, 2023

matt’s microscopy

Have a look at Dr nixons sub for that. yes it helps.


Commoncents - Aug 1, 2023


I told my family not to get tested because I didnt trust anything they had to shove that far up your nose. I never did, but I am alone on that one.


Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 1, 2023

Agent’s Substack

Dr. Bryan Ardis claims a simple nicotine patch worn for 3 days cured all long COVID SYMPTONS.... Intel courtesy of #Agentdoctorfeelgood


kaal - Aug 1, 2023


Bioelectric medicine. That was a good reference.


Lizzy McMAGA - Aug 1, 2023


Does this mean that we folks that weren't vaxed may also have these clots forming? How does the shedding do that so easily? I would think the substance needs to be injected.


Lindy T - Aug 1, 2023

I think it's in the air...these hydrogels....sprayed upon us without our permission....


Moonspinner - Aug 1, 2023


The clinical trial protocol document linked below is evidence that Pfizer *anticipated* that people coming into contact with the study participants (the ones receiving the Pfizer "vaccines") either via “inhalation or skin contact” might exhibit SAEs (serious adverse events) or AEs (adverse events). And that is *exactly* what happened, with thousands of women around the world (who did NOT take the "vaccine") reporting adverse effects with the menstrual cycles (severe bleeding, clotting, cramps, miscarriages, starting bleeding again after many years of no periods due to menopause, etc.) from coming into contact with those who received the mRNA "vaccine".
Read section 10.4.1, (pages 132 to 133), where it states, and I quote: "Male participants are eligible to participate [in the study, where they would receive the Pfizer Covid "vaccines"] if they agree to the following requirements during the intervention period for at least 28 days after the last dose of study intervention [the "vaccines"], which corresponds to the time needed to eliminate reproductive safety risk of the study intervention(s)." Read that part and what follows, as men receiving the jabs are then told to REFRAIN from having sex with a "female of childbearing potential." Got that?!
How many men taking the Covid jab have been warned not to have sex "for at least 28 days" after their 2nd Covid jab? According to this Pfizer document, anyone not knowing about that warning has potential to cause "reproductive safety risk”.
Also be sure to read sections to (pages 67 to 69) -- Pfizer anticipated what is now being referred to as "shedding" of the vaccine contents from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. How can anyone pushing this dangerous jab claim that the public had "informed consent"? The public were not informed of this reproductive and "shedding" risk.


John H. - Aug 2, 2023

John H.

Because they lie, they are psychopaths.


Alison H. - Aug 1, 2023

Thank you Dr. Ana for sharing this important information with all of us. You are heroic in your dedication to humanity. So grateful to hear what you are doing as you are doing it, so that I can share your progress with others. I support you and have bought your book as well. Love and many blessings to you.


scout - Aug 1, 2023 - Edited

Couple things, Ana. Depletion of mythyl essentially B12 and Halogen another group of vitamins: fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. Next thought is if the bugs take the above, if we replenish suspect the bugs and us hosts may benefit, causing a cancel problem.
The plastic skin observation links into the rather new plastic surgery that many aging ladies are opting. I suspect the bugs are in fillers with huge numbers. All the women look alike, skin is smooth, but all look alien, insect like. Madonna's work is a poster child.
If above is close to truth, my point is that Pharma Nazis are using the same bugs in several experiments, at different bug rates, with one line a fake vaccine: placebo. I think Sasha hit upon the different pharma test groups early on. I'll link her work here, it's a couple of years old but priceless.
Another thought. Lakhovsky, old timer, The Secret of Life, I think you pointed out this book, thx, Laky shows that our body cells operate in extreme low level frequency. I suspect the bugs are dormant UNTIL they receive the right frequency then grow. This ties into Mercola's EMF work pointing out the dangers of 5g.
You and Carnicom probably have tested even lower frequencies than used here; it would be interesting to not the exact level of frequency for growth then, if possible, read the frequency of a clean cell or a cleaned cell.


Truth Hunter - Aug 1, 2023

Truth’s Substack

Question is the shedding from exchange of body fluids?? Like drinking after someone or eating


damon mcclure - Aug 1, 2023

damon’s Substack

No, I haven't shared anything but oxygen in a room and a handshake


Moonspinner - Aug 1, 2023


"Inhalation or skin contact" was the exact wording in Pfizer's clinical trial protocol document (linked below). Pfizer *anticipated* that people coming into contact with the study participants (the ones receiving the Pfizer "vaccines") either via “inhalation or skin contact” might exhibit SAEs (serious adverse events) or AEs (adverse events). read section 10.4.1, (pages 132 to 133), where it states, and I quote: "Male participants are eligible to participate [in the study, where they would receive the Pfizer Covid "vaccines"] if they agree to the following requirements during the intervention period for at least 28 days after the last dose of study intervention [the "vaccines"], which corresponds to the time needed to eliminate reproductive safety risk of the study intervention(s)." Read that part and what follows, as men receiving the jabs are then told to REFRAIN from having sex with a "female of childbearing potential." How many men taking the Covid jab have been warned not to have sex "for at least 28 days" after their 2nd Covid jab? According to this Pfizer document, anyone not knowing about that warning has potential to cause "reproductive safety risk”.
Also be sure to read sections to (pages 67 to 69) -- Pfizer anticipated what is now being referred to as "shedding" of the vaccine contents from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.


damon mcclure - Aug 2, 2023

damon’s Substack

Exactly, I'm unvaxxed and these are my findings
Excellent post btw, thank you. I'll be passing that on as you have done a marvellous job of putting it all in a few paragraphs.


Laura - Aug 6, 2023

Modern Healthcare

Bioweapon induced myocarditis treatment protocol;


Thomas Lewis - Aug 2, 2023

Useless Liberal

On A Positive Note:
The Establishment Is Terrified.
They Are Terrified Of You.
They Are Terrified Of Me.
They Are Terrified Of Their Own Shadows.
To A Person, They Are Insecure.
- And It Humiliates Them.
So Use It.
Use That.
That's How This Gets Done.


David - Aug 1, 2023

Can the vaccine clots be physically pulled out of a live vaccinated person ... without injuring the live vaccinated person?


Virginia O’Connor - Aug 1, 2023

Fascinating research! Thank you for sharing it.


kaal - Aug 1, 2023


Blood is becoming rubbery hydrogel without water? Skin tissue is becoming plastiky or simply plastic again without water? And the former synthesize while the bodies of the latter have morgellons and reject it?


kaal - Aug 1, 2023


Polymer hydrogels self assemble in human tissue replacing healthy HUMAN tissue. Wondering about that person that commented the amyloid something is being hijacked?


kaal - Aug 1, 2023


Maybe because the body is trying to push it out and it goes so far as the skin and forms there while also excreting other stuff. Reminds me again of lookoutfacharlie .


matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 2, 2023

matt’s microscopy

i think those of us that do assimilate it easily push it down into he legs. you can test this out by applying band aids with cds to various parts of the body , then inspect them with a $ digi scope. most people see are the same. the calf muscles and the heel have the most.
peroxide removes them and the bio film . cheap and effective. i have shown this on my stack.


John H. - Aug 2, 2023

John H.

If you did not use the CDS treated band aids, would you be able to tell that these entities are there by any other means, such as simple observation, physical palpation, or Borax baths? Have you tried the latter?


kaal - Aug 1, 2023


The electrical current does not work to synthesize synthetics in morgellons patients and they reject it?


kaal - Aug 1, 2023


After a month of silence- lookoutfacharlie is back.


kaal - Aug 1, 2023


I think lofc said those that become targeted have developed a fungal infection [synthetic bio?} BENEATH layers of skin from chemtrails and have become sensitized to electronic harrassment. To stop this his protocol involves painful process of delayering or PEELING Layers of skin. I think epsum/ borax baths with SLOUGHING skin . Takes time to get to the infection under these layers. There is more to his protocollookoutfacharlieblogspot.comi think. also his video end of electronic harassment. on yt from yrs ago.


kaal - Aug 2, 2023

kaal particle expulsion protocols for those with schizo and those others targeted/ electronically harassed.


Keith - Aug 1, 2023


Thank you for all your scientific investigations. For some (possibly many) of us, it would be nice if you could write up an executive summary, (as if we were your boss and we don't know squat about this science but must know what to do.)


Laura - Aug 6, 2023

Modern Healthcare

Bioweapon induced Myocarditis treatment protocol;


Mitchell - Sep 21, 2023

I'm dealing with an almost identical skin sore. Anything I can do to naturally treat it or prevent digression? The doc I was considering seeing uses ablation which is radiofrequency applied to veins - wouldn't that be counter-productive?



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