Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 21, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: C19 Unvaccinated Live blood analysis shows hydrogel sheets that have used red blood as a substrate and created rubbery clots. Darkfield Microscopy, 200x
I have previously shown the correlation between the amount of hydrogel seen and the formation of rubbery clots from the polymerized protein hydrogel CDB:
The unvaccinated individual is symptomatic from C19 vaccine shedding as they live with a vaccinated individual and have been suffering ever since from symptoms of fatigue, malaise, emotional stress, nausea and more. The blood shows self assembly of the polymer mesh network, many quantum dot light emitting structures coordinating self assembly. The hydrogel has become a solid sheet of material.
Here is an overview of the extent of Hydrogel polymer found in one drop of blood. This was seen withing minutes. You can see ongoing activity within the sheet of building dimensional network.
Please remember when I did the microscopic analysis on a clot from a C19 vaccinated individual and found the hydrogel rubbery material with some red blood cells embedded in them.
Here you can see how the edges of the hydrogel are being built in a coordinated effort by these artificial intelligent nanorobots. Nobody can say that the slide cover is contaminated as I am filming and active process. When taken slightly out of focus one can see the optical communication coordination between individual self assembly quantum dots.
Clifford Carnicom confirmed my findings in his analysis of deceased individuals rubbery clot, C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated clots, they are all the same:
This is another unvaccinated individual who was very careful about exposure to C19 vaccinated people, but then spent a week with C19 injected relatives. This is the worst live blood analysis this individual has had and one can see vast networks of self assembly hydrogel.
You can see microscopically that this is an earlier stage of the dense polymer network I have shown above but is clearly on the way of creating these rubbery clots and replacing the blood. This patient is asymptomatic.
Much of the blood is replaced by the network construction sites.
Here was my article about the self assembly polyacrylonitrile polymer networks which we chemically found to be present via Near Infrared Spectroscopy.
Here you can see soft polymer self assembly and the mechanism. Looks exactly like what I see in the blood: Polymers for a sustainable planet
I continue to sound the alarm of these extremely worrisome findings. People ask me all the time to be careful as I may get targeted by the corrupt FDA, Medical Boards, fake media and other government agencies who have knowingly contributed to this genocide.
My answer is the same: I am witnessing and documenting the mechanism of genocide that most people are not talking about, and that means not enough scientists are actively findings answers. We are running out of time. This is an immediate threat to the survival of all of humanity and must be addressed. I do not understand why doctors and scientists around the world will not stand up and do their own research on this - and why human beings everywhere are not revolting against their corrupt health care systems and governments asking for immediate answers. Right now the digital currency system is being rolled out. The surveillance under the skin has already happened and this self assembly polymer and the self assembly quantum dots are part of that technology, making your biometric data accessible as well as mind control remotely possible.
Mankind will not survive this if people do not address the problem. This process is rapidly accelerating and evolving. I am postulating that there has been some sort of frequency acceleration rolled out within the last few weeks for what I see now is worse then ever before. Look at the videos and see for yourself. These are C19 unvaccinated people and there is no question about the reality of shedding of nanotechnology and synthetic biology as well as environmental contamination via geoengineering.
If we are to survive, WE MUST ACT NOW.
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Marcelo Araujo - Jul 21, 2023 - Edited
Marcelo Araujo
I´m watching the videos motionless, mesmerized, numb, awestruck, in utter dismay, a billion thoughts rushing through my mind in nanoseconds, but at more than the speed of light.
The amazing thing about these microscopic pictures and videos is that they provide irrrefutable evidence that something extremely unusual, abnormal and terriblly frightening is going on.
You don´t need to be an expert to reach that conclusion - anyone with a vague idea of how "normal" blood used to look like can detect that something radically strange is going on.
Just as shocking, and maybe even more so, is that despite having whatever the hell it is existing and expanding in their body, according to the article, people feel absolutely normal.
And, yet the madness goes on and the monsters responsible for these ceations are allowed to walk in freedom and unharassed.
Dr. Mihalcea is absolutely correct - if we don´t put an end to this, it will put and end to us!
May God help us!
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Lucy - Jul 21, 2023
As a former pharmacist with 30 years of experience, I have done endless research on these jabs. I see the lab reports and the blood analysis videos and it makes me sick that NOBODY I know will listen. They just say the videos and information I give to them are fake news. They say that believing this research is rubbish and they consider me to be insane. Most are avowed atheists. They are proud of that too. I don’t know how we can convince them. They are absolutely blind and they are the majority of our population.
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