Unvaccinated Blood: Recurrent New Proof of (CDB) Filaments Growing Under Exposure of Extremely Low Electrical Currents: Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD in conjunction with Clifford Carnicom

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 26, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image courtesy: Unvaccinated live blood analysis Subject 1 - normal appearing prior to exposure to low level electrical current.

We have seen unprecedented changes in live blood since the roll out of the C19 injections. I have reported extensively on the findings of abnormal structures found in vaccinated blood around the world and now in unvaccinated blood due to the effects of environmental contamination and vaccine shedding. The work of Clifford Carnicom over the past three decades in quantifying changes in human blood related to the synthetic biology called cross domain bacteria (CDB) aka Morgellons is available at www.carnicominstitute.org . This appears to involve hydrogel based artificial lifeform that has been sprayed upon humanity via geoengineering projects. I have written about these findings and correlations and reported that Clifford has done chemical analysis suggesting the presence of polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel and extensive metals within these filaments.

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
Unvaccinated Blood Unrecognizable After Application Of Low Level Electrical Current And Structures Rapidly Grow - Clifford Carnicom's Findings Confirmed
Image Courtesy Carnicom Institute: Human Blood Sample Subjected to AC Voltammetry Electrochemistry CDB Presence & Filament Formation is Evident Magnification ~ 1500x. I have drawn many parallels in what we are seeing now with the synthetic biology since the C19 shots era and the historical research of Clifford Carnicom. He wrote a series of six scientifi…
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To analyze and quantify the objective changes in live blood, Clifford repeated the experiment of applying a low-level electrical current to unvaccinated blood.

Upon inspection, the blood looked normal, without Rouleaux formation and without the filament structures we have so commonly seen. Please see image above.

Clifford then applied a 10 microamp AC current to the blood sample, in highly dilute blood over a two-hour period. Circle encloses CDB string. The blood sample above changed again unrecognizably to a dense filament network, which were not visible without the application of the low-level electrical current. Please note, that the microcurrent used was 1000 times less than the current used in the original research on unvaccinated blood in 2022 , that has been documented in this 6-paper series. https://carnicominstitute.org/blood-alterations-a-six-part-series/

Image Courtesy: Unvaccinated blood under influence of 10 microamps AC current. Circled red is classic finding of CDB filament findings. Additional network of filaments seen.

Image courtesy: Unvaccinated blood, extensive filament network seen under 10 micro amp electrical current

Image courtesy: Unvaccinated blood, extensive filament network seen under 10 micro amp electrical current original mag. approx 1500x

In comparison, I am including this image, showing the parallel to the C19 injectables:

This is now additional replication of the original work by Clifford, clearly showing that even unvaccinated blood has been apparently contaminated with a synthetic biology on a sub-micron scale, which can grow under the influence of extremely low-level electrical current. The implications for the dangers of this phenomenon to human health are profound.

In the following post, I will discuss the Infrared Spectroscopy work done by us for chemical analysis on vaccinated and unvaccinated blood showing some surprising findings.

If you would like to support our research to help humanity, please donate to the Carnicom Institute to fund our need for scientific research equipment. Your generosity is much appreciated. https://carnicominstitute.org/donations-paypal/

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Fizzygurl - Mar 26, 2023

I have been forwarding your articles on shedding to my unvaxxed friends who have expressed their concern. Thank you for your research.

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Thomas - Mar 26, 2023

Dr. Ana, in a comment attached to the Michael Roth memorial, I mentioned that I had my blood recently examined under dark field microscopy by a cell biologist PhD. She lives 5 min from me (what a gift!). Although I haven't been vaccinated since 1969 and pursued a healthy dietary journey I was a bit shocked and humbled to find many of the slides resemble exactly your photos of blood with Rouleaux, clumping and bundles of fibrin. She (the biologist) follows your work and would like to know the brand of microscope from S. Africa that you have mentioned.
Also of interest: there are scalar frequency generators that entrain the biofield to mitigate potential EMF damage. Before and after dark field blood work show a complete de-clumping of Rouleaux formation most likely by depolarization of the cell wall with the consequence of freeing up oxygen.
Thank you for your continued vigilance, urgency, and insight.

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